MTL - I’m Really a Superstar-Chapter 9 [Tian Bin who has fallen blood mold! 】

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I am off work.

"Hey, have you heard that?"

"I just went to eat, what happened?"

"The newcomer is almost playing with Tian Bin."

"Ah? Really fake? What happened?"

Many people in the office area whispered, and everyone likes to watch the fun.

Zhang Hao did not go home, smashed the game ring to open the inventory, grabbed the piece of stuff that he had been in the inventory from the treasure chest, and opened the package, just Tianbin also came back from the outside. The two seats are on the table, and they are very close. Tian Bin wants to pass through Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei’s fingertips will not paste the bad luck on Tian Bin’s trousers. No one can see this thing except Zhang Wei!


Tian Bin felt that the other side seemed to touch him when he passed by Zhang Wei. He looked down and saw nothing, only then coldly blinked at the other side.

The game ring has a hint!

The mold sticker has been used, the action time is five minutes, the countdown starts, four minutes and fifty-nine seconds, four minutes and fifty-eight seconds...

Although Zhang Wei’s episode made Tian Bin very uncomfortable, in general, his mood today is still very good. "Soul of the Spirit" is the most popular novel in the moment. He also spent a lot of effort to get there. The publishing house has won the sound copyright and broadcast rights of the novel. There are several provincial radio stations that are spending a lot of money to grab it. Finally, Tian Bin was authorized. He actually used some means, such as him. I didn't contact the author of this book first. The author was just a new person. Tian Bin directly communicated with the senior executives of the publishing house and promised a relatively high price. As for how the publisher divides with the author or simply bullies the author, it is a newcomer. The price is at its lowest, Na Tianbin does not care, he just told the publisher that the price given here by the radio will not be disclosed to the author, and the two will make money together. Tian Bin has a good intention. He also wants to increase the program listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Story" through this novel. Dora has increased the commission and performance of some advertisements and made a name for himself.

Didi, came a text message.

Tian Bin took a look at the mobile phone. It was a message sent by a deputy director of the publishing house. I wished that the Tian Bin program was successful, and also concealed the location and did not disclose the purchase cost of the author's audio copyright. Tian Bin pays a smile, and when he walks, he has to reply, but the desk on the left is out of the situation!

A female colleague wanted to take down the lunch box and got off work. When she reached out, she didn't pay attention. The lid of the lunch box fell to the ground.

Tian Bin just stepped on it, and then slipped on the ground, smashed, and fell a porcelain!


"Ah, Teacher Tian!"

"what are you doing?"

"Sorry, are you okay?"

Tian Bin hurts. After he gets up, he shakes his hand. "Forget it!"

He picked up the phone and saw that the interface was gone. He had to create a blank text message and typed it: "Mr. Li, please rest assured, we will not ask the percentage of the authors. We will not let the author Li Gen know the price. We are not the first time to cooperate. I can rest assured that I will do things." After writing, Tian Bin turned to Mr. Li’s number and was ready to send it. However, a colleague who happened to be on the opposite side had to leave work, and passed by Tian Bin in the aisle side. It happened to be a touch of Tian Bin, and the colleague’s hand holding a silk-faced fan smashed his hand and turned it over to the ground. Tian Bin also shook his body, and the center of gravity was unstable and stepped on the fan. Once again, he fell into a big horse!

"Tian Ge! Sorry to be embarrassed!"

"You... oh my waist, what's the matter!"

A lot of people have come to pay attention to this, and fell within two seconds? Is this too much back?

Tian Bin stumbled and climbed up. He was so angry that he was so mad. When he looked at the mobile phone again, the candidate was wrong when he fell. It is the mobile phone number of the author Li Gen. Vice President Li and both of them are surnamed Li, and the name is also Kneeling. Tian Bin is very boring and plans to re-select the sender's name.

Suddenly, Li Si greeted him from behind, "Tian Ge!"

Tian Bin turned back, hehe! The fluorescent lamp on the head exploded without warning!

The fragments of the lamp splashed, and I was scared of Li Siyi’s jump. I took the hand forward in a conditioned condition, and the palm of my hand just fell on Tian Bin’s chin!

Tian Bin called another scorpion, swearing! The body was thrown on the ground and the hand was slammed, and the phone's send button was also clicked out!

Li Si rushed to help, "Tiange! Can't hold it! This..."

Tian Bin is crying. "What are you doing? You have no eyes!"

Li Si scratched his head: "I'm sorry, Tian Ge, I didn't pay attention, who wants the lights to be broken."

When you use your mobile phone to see the screen clearly, Tian Bin can't help but change his face. Your sister, how come out! He wants to remedy, but it is too late!

This scene happened under Zhang Yan's eyelids. He saw Tian Bin falling and being hit. The colleagues in the office were also very funny. He felt that Tian Bin was unlucky today!

Three times!

Fell three times!

Did you go to the Huangli today?

But this is not finished, just before the end of the aging of the bad luck stickers, the head of the literary broadcast rushed in!

"Tian Bin!" Zhao Guozhou loudly.

Tian Bin knows badly, "Leader."

When everyone is unclear, the clouds look at the past.

Zhao Guozhou said: "What do you do for me! Ah? Li Gen, the author of "The Soul", called the phone to the station and said that the contract was invalid, let us stop broadcasting the work of him! Also said that if we infringe his copyright, tomorrow lawyer The letter will be sent! This is not what you do? How do you do it for me?"

Tian Bin did not dare to quit his mouth and bowed his head.

The copyright of the works of "Soul of the Soul" is in the hands of the authors. The copyright is also true. The authors authorize the publishers to manage other copyright businesses for the sake of trust. However, strictly speaking, if no author authorizes the documents. Or the signature of the sale of the copyright is invalid, the "the soul of the soul" is the same, Tian Bin is only a contract signed with the publisher, normally speaking, if the author does not take the copyright fee is not true, the contract will be fixed, But if the author really counts, this contract can be completely revoked!

Zhao Guozhou took him ten minutes.

At the end, several small leaders of the literary and art frequency have also come over. Everyone, you say a word, Zhang Hao and many people finally understand what is going on. It turned out that Tian Bin had reached a deal with the Simplified Publishing House of "Soul of the Soul". Tian Bin asked the publishing house to sell the audio copyright of the novel to him. He would conceal the copyright price to deceive the author and also make the publishing house achieve more profitable purposes. This phenomenon is actually very common in the industry, even if Tian Bin does not hide, the publisher does not say that the author will not know, but the partial Tian Bin sent the inside text message to the original author's mobile phone!

Isn't this dead?

Isn't this disgusting?

There is really not much to cancel the authorization. It is estimated that the author has seen the message and it is estimated that she must have a mother!

Tian Bin explained: "Leader, this is my mistake, but I think it doesn't matter if we continue to broadcast. The contract with the publisher is, in fact..."

Wang Xiaomei, who has not yet got off work, is not happy: "Are you going to a lawsuit?"

One of the editorial groups also said: "Absolutely can't broadcast! Who is responsible for the problem?"

They are public institutions, and the most important thing is not the profit problem, but the responsibility inside.

Everyone gathered together and talked about it. In the end, Zhao Guozhou took the lead. "For the novel, all the departments who have the appropriate spiritual novel resources can help to contact, the live broadcast at night can not stop, can not stop, see if you can use the shortest Time to get the copyright of the novel!" Zhao Guozhou pointed his finger at Tian Bin's nose: "Things are bad on you! Wait for the punishment!"

In contrast, Tian Bin, the expression is the same as the death of relatives!

Zhang Hao’s deflation also saw a glimpse of it, and the bad luck sticker only worked for five minutes. In just five minutes, Tian Bin was unlucky to be like this? This item is amazing! It seems that after the buddy, in addition to Zhang Jingkong, there is a new nickname, right, it is called Detective Maori Zhang Goro!

Read The Duke's Passion