MTL - I’m Really a Superstar-Chapter 1652 [A TV show that has not appeared in this world! 】

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A few days later.


After a few days of rest, Zhang Hao finally went back to work in the studio.

Haqiqi smiled and said: "Zhang Dao, early."

Zhang left to say hello, "Good morning."

"Are you finished your break?" Xiao Wang smiled.

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "What are you resting, staying with your wife and children for a few days at home, and cooking for a while for a while, is more tired than going to work."

Xiao Zhou said: "This dog food is sprinkled, I can't catch it!"

Xiao Wang rolled his eyes. "Do you think about the feelings of the bachelors in the office? Your niece is so obedient, your wife is so beautiful, you are too tired? You are too contented, oh yes, I forgot, You are blind, don't know if your lover is not beautiful."

Zhang Yule said: "Is it poor?"

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Wei asked: "How is the advertisement?"

“The world has been rolled out.” Haqiqi said: “The effect is not bad.”

Zhang Zuoxiao said: "We have communicated with the Coke company. They are also very satisfied. The overall situation is on the right track. Our international popularity has slowly started. The international popularity rating of the world celebrity list these days. Our popularity is also very stable. We have not gone up and have not lost. We have been in the upper position of the international third line. It is not easy to go up some things, but it is very difficult to fall down for a short time."

Haqi Qi is pleased: "This time it is completely stable in the international arena."

"That's OK, yes." Zhang Hao nodded.

Haqiqi asked: "What do you think about next?"

Zhang Wei asked: "What do you think you can do?"

Haqiqi immediately shook his hand. "We can't suggest it. The last time Hollywood invited you to film, we all suggested that you go. The result was almost a big scorpion. It almost caused us to fall down, so the work is still your own. The idea, you mean where we are going." She said with a smile: "History has proved many times that the work you choose will generally not be problematic."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Oh, I don't think about it now."

the film?




What are you doing this time?

He is really a little bit of an idea.

This filming really made him gain a lot, fame and qualifications, and he let him out, but in fact, there are quite a few ingenious elements in it. "War Wolf 2" is indeed among the top 100 in the global movie history. However, it scared the world a lot of jumps. However, the vast majority of the box office is in the country. People in other countries have never seen this movie. Therefore, the popularity caused by this result is always a bit imaginary. It has its own limitations and ceilings. This is why Zhang Wei is difficult to break through the international third line in a short time. I am afraid that even if he shoots another "War Wolf 2", even two or even three, the popularity will not be any more. How much is high, and at most it is on the international three lines.

Three lines?

Second line?

There is a fundamental difference in the middle!

Since it is an international stage, of course, it must have a bit of international influence. Not only do Chinese people like it, but foreign people also have to be interested. Zhang Wei only has to go through this line before he has the opportunity to advance toward the international second-line goal. Otherwise, now It’s nothing to talk about.


The takeaway was delivered.

"Zhang Dao, have a meal."

“Are you still pondering?”


When eating, Zhang Wei is still considering this.

He asked: "Isn't I received a job invitation?"

Haqiqi smiled bitterly: "I really don't."

Zhang Yan said: "How is it possible?"

"Because you are too popular now." Haqiqi said helplessly: "Everyone may think that you are worth a lot, please don't, so that's it."

Zhang Yan turned his eyes. "Yes, it’s sinful to be popular."

Zhang Zuodao: "The main thing is too high, five billion directors."

Zhang Wei corrected: "It is 4.8 billion."

Haqiqi smiled and said: "Don't say 4.8 billion. In China, 800 million directors and 800 million actors can go sideways in the entertainment circle. Do you think how many times have you exceeded them this time? Wait a second, it should not be without a job invitation, mainly to see if we can do it. We don’t need a job now. The main thing is lack of good work. We have to open the international market to let us go further."

Zhang Yan sighed, "I agree with this."

Suddenly, the phone rang.

It is the old classmate Yu Yingyi.

"Zhang Er."

"Ying Yi, why?"

"What about the studio?"

"What are you?"

"Well, I used to sit for a while."

"OK, come on."

Ten minutes later, Yu Yingyi arrived.

As soon as she entered the door, she was amazed: "Do you still have a takeaway?"

Zhang Wei laughed while eating. "What do I eat?"

"You are two billion people, and still eat this?" Yu Yingyi said: "I thought you have abalone lobster every day, I also said that I have a meal."

Zhang Yidao: "The money has not yet arrived, I am poor now."

Haqiqi gave up a position, "I finished eating, sit here Yu teacher."

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "Xie Hajie."

Zhang Hao looked up and asked: "How do you think about it today?"

Sit down, Yu Yingyi said: "Nothing is not going to the Sanbao Temple."

"What is it?" Zhang Yan eyes.

Yu Yingyi just looked at him like this. "You made a movie this time, you can give us Chinese people a face, let us make a name for the film, but you are the host, we are all from TV shows. Isn't it a bit of a shame to make a movie? We don't want to pull a hand in China's TV industry? Let's get a TV show that can go abroad, right?"

Zhang Yihan said: "You thought it was so easy."

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "It is not easy, so I am looking for you."

"Get it, I am not that big." Zhang Hao quickly waved his hand.

Yu Yingyi did not give up: "What do you think of our CCTV international channel?"

Zhang Yan said: "Not very good."

Yu Yingyi vomits blood. "The only international channel in China, isn't that good?"

"Do you have ratings?" Zhang asked.

Yu Yingyi said, "We have coverage!"

Zhang Wei said strangely: "How do you mean? Do you want to do entertainment programs on your international channel? Isn't it always a political-governance-military-like program?"

Yu Yingyi said: "We also have to keep up with the times."

Zhang Wei said: "The current program can be difficult to do."

Yu Yingyi said: "And you can't do it?"

Zhang Wei laughed and said: "Sisters, I am not a god. You think it is so easy to be a show, and you have to cover foreign audiences? Do you know what programs foreigners like? Talk show? Although this is what I initiated. The form, but developed to foreign countries early, foreign countries also have their own talk show, are very hot, who sees us? Or as a documentary? Foreign production level is higher than ours, the investment is bigger than us, the host is playing How do we compare airplanes around the world? Or how do we live in the wild? This has been badly done abroad. We don’t have the opportunity to preemptively. We have to pay for this. So now there are no Chinese shares in the world’s TV programs. It’s almost impossible to hit foreign countries on our own TV shows. No one is watching.”

He didn't want to make a TV show and let Chinese programs go abroad. This is his wish, but TV shows and movies are not the same. Chinese programs are much lower than Chinese movies in the world. Ah, after thinking for a long time, Zhang Wei did not have the ability to take the shot.

So he said: "Forget it."

Yu Yingyi squatted, "You wait."

Zhang Wei asked: "What?"

Yu Yingyi looked puzzled: "You said that the talk show is very hot in foreign countries. I know, you said that the documentary I also know, you just said to survive in the wild?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yili said of course.

Yu Yingyi asked: "Is that what?"

Zhang Yiyi said, "You haven't seen it in the wild?"

Yu Yingyi grabbed her hair and "had not seen it."

Zhang Weidao: "Foreign programs, exploring classes."

Yu Yingyi lost her voice: "I really don't know, what do you say?"

Zhang Yan rolled his eyes. "How do you like the old hat?" Then look at the side of Haqiqi and Zhang Zuo and others. "You explain to her."

However, everyone's reaction was the same as Yu Yingyi.

Haqi Qi said: "I didn't seem to have heard it."

Zhang Zuo strangled his brain, "Do you have this show?"

Xiao Wangdao: "Explore? Explore what? Dig oil?"

Everyone shook their heads and no one heard them.

Zhang Wei is dumbfounded, "Ah? No?"

He hurriedly opened the computer to inquire.

After a short time, Zhang Hao suddenly looked surprised, and the **** shouted: "I rely, I really don't have a mother!"

Yu Yingyi said: "What strange program are you looking at?"

Strange show?

That show is not surprising!

That is his first-class program on the earth that once fired all over the world!