MTL - I’m Really a Superstar-Chapter 12 [Audience received rave reviews! 】

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The next day.

Zhang Hao squeezed the subway to work, only to hear that two men who had just got on the bus were talking in the carriage. The conversation made Zhang Hao erect his ears.

"Old Zhao, did you listen to "The Night Ghost Story" at night?"

"Of course I listened, I must listen to the program every day before going to bed, hey, don't you not listen to the radio?"

"I don't listen to that, but my wife listens. Yesterday, I was a hard-working student. She was pulled up to accompany her to listen to the program. My wife, you still don't know? The courage is great, and I walked through the night to see the rogue, she The scorpion can scare away the rogue, listen to the ghost story is also to sleep, she never felt scared, but also strange, yesterday, a new broadcast of "Ghost Blowing Light", scared her to wake me up I said, if you are scared, don’t listen, sleep off, but she still doesn’t agree, and I will continue to listen.

"Haha, yesterday, the "Ghost Blowing Light" is absolutely perfect. Although I was not scared, I also didn't sleep well in my heart. It was so nice."

"I also heard a bit of time with my wife, it is good."

"Today I have to continue listening, I want to know how the tombs are going on."

"The host is new here? What is Zhang Wei? I think he is good at it, and the speed of speech is right. The former hosts have said it is too slow."

The two of them were idle, but they did not know that Zhang Wei was talking about the door at a few meters away.

Zhang Wei is a comfortable, this feeling is too good, and then open the game screen to sweep the eyes and become 10677.

I hope that after the second "draw" is bought that day, the reputation has been cleared. This is only one night, and the reputation value is more than 10,000. You know, Zhang Wei has only had a reputation of less than 200,000 since he was born, and now he has been on the top of the past for more than a year. This rate is too high, it seems that he It is really not wrong to choose a radio station at the start. And this reputation is still slowly increasing, adding one for a while, plus two for a while. After the broadcast of the "Deep Night Ghost Story" routine, there are dedicated staff to organize the recordings and hang them on the radio frequency homepage. Obviously, the slow-growing reputation is the resources that people who did not listen to the live broadcasts heard from the Internet last night. Very good, then slowly added the reputation to Zhang Wei.

Get off the bus, exit the station.

Zhang Wei first went to a small shop on the side of the road to buy cigarettes. He was not addicted to cigarettes. He only took two when he met a good thing.

"What kind of smoke?" asked the boss.

Still the Red River? This is the smoke that Zhang Hao often smokes, but when he thinks that he is now a celebrity, the smoke of six dollars seems to be somewhat incompatible with his identity. Successful broadcast host, future world celebrities, six The money of the money is more than the face, celebrities must have the appearance of a celebrity, and always show their economic strength and social image.

Ever since, Zhang Hao’s big hand waved, “Give me a double happiness!”

- Well, this smoke is six and five.


The unit is here.

Many colleagues in the office area are wearing dark circles. It is too late to work overtime yesterday.

Zhang Hao went in. This week, he used to be neglected by everyone, and he was ready to return to his seat to start work. With his own program, he was promoted, and of course there were more things.

"Xiao Zhang, come?"

"Mr. Zhang, early."

"I listened to the show, really cow."

"Yeah, something happened back in advance yesterday. I also listened to it at home. I heard that you are original. You haven’t used the manuscript yet? Now I want to say it now? Great!"

"From the manuscript, the average person can't."

"Mr. Zhang is a graduate of the class, this little meaning."

Three or five colleagues laughed and greeted Zhang Hao, and the attitude was friendly.

Zhang Wei did not respond, Teacher Zhang? What teacher? This is... call me? After returning to the taste of Zhang Wei, he quickly said modestly: "Mr. Qian, Wu teacher, Angkor, don't call me a teacher. I have come to school as a student. I have to learn more from my predecessors and call me Xiao Zhang." As a The media worker is still a pre-screen worker. The teacher is an "official name". However, Zhang Wei knows the size. With his current qualifications, others can call his teacher, but he can't do this.

A few words from each other, this is the first time Zhang Wei has had such in-depth exchanges with colleagues.

The reason is very clear. In the past, everyone ignored Zhang Wei because he was just a DJ with a class. The appearance was not good. He felt that he couldn’t get out of the way. Naturally, he didn’t care much about his interpersonal relationship, but now The same, Tian Bin made a mistake, Zhang Hao was able to save the madness in a thousand years, magically saved a major broadcast accident, the story is still very good, and finally was temporarily asked to host this program, from the bench into a starting Of course, the attitudes of colleagues have also undergone subtle changes.


This is so warm and warm, Zhang Wei is not too true.

Of course, there are still many people in the office area who still turn a blind eye to Zhang Wei. Some people are by character. Some people do not work with Zhang Wei. Although they are in an office area, the work division is very different, and there are still some. People are a good relationship with Tian Tian.

Later, a female clerk walked up, holding a paper box in her hand, which was full of letters tied by rubber bands. She gave a few broadcasts to the host, and finally gave it to the corner, the female clerk. Habitually want to put the letter on Tian Bin's desk, but suddenly he pondered over. When Tian Bin was not there, she slammed Zhang Zhang and gave him a hand. "Mr. Zhang, this is "The Night Ghost Story" The audience sent a letter, some of the post was given to Teacher Tian, ​​and the post was sent slowly today. Some of them are yours, and the audience just sent it this morning."

Zhang Weidao: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The female clerk folded away.

Zhang Yi exhaled and began to unpack the letter. The girl went back to the car.

The first letter was written by a child. The writing was awkward and very childlike: Hello, Teacher Zhang, the story you told was so good. My mother asked me to go to bed early and gave me a meal, but I still didn't turn off the radio. Secretly listening to the bed, I will listen to "Ghost Blowing Light" every day!

Zhang Xiao smiled, thought about it, picked up the pen and paper and wrote: I am Zhang Wei, thank you for your letter, I will go to bed early, listen to my mother’s words, don’t stay up late, “The Late Night Ghost Story” on the art broadcast website. Have resources, you can listen to the online broadcast. After writing, he found the female clerk just now, let her help to reply to the small audience according to the address. After sitting back, I continued to see the letter.

The second one: Today's story is ten thousand times stronger than the junk ghost stories of the past. This is the strange novel in my heart!

The third one: I am a taxi driver who started the night shift. The story of "Ghost Blowing Light" is very good, I will always support it!

The fourth one: This is the best spiritual novel I have ever heard! Thank you program! Thank you, Teacher Zhang! Finally, let me not be bored at night!

A total of more than a dozen letters, Zhang Yi one by one, and picked out three letters to send back.

Then he turned on the computer and went to the mailbox to read the mailbox. Since taking over the "Deep Night Ghost Story", someone has just given him the password of the email account of the program. After logging in, he found that there were more than 80 unread emails, and these letters were not delivered. The letter of the paper letter was officially published, and the spoken language was more spoken.

Liuliu59: "Ghost Blowing Light" is so handsome!

Edhska115: Good to hear, nice and nice!

Qqqry: Teacher Zhang, you have to say more every day. I strongly urge you to increase the program time. I have introduced the ghost blowing lights to many classmates and friends. I called them at night to listen to them. Hey, I like them, I will It’s your fan!

So rave reviews?

Zhang Yi looked at it, and the beauty was bubbling!

Hey, hey, this is the voice of the people!