MTL - I’m Really a Great Director-Chapter 88 1 very curious man

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In the past few days, Bai Zifeng has always been concerned about Lu Meimei.

But Lu Meimei has rarely been online recently, and she seems to be studying the script very seriously again.

Bai Zifeng understood it very well. He tried his best to care silently and not to disturb Lu Meimei.

At six o'clock in the evening, Bai Zifeng's phone vibrated, prompting him that Lu Meimei was finally online.

"Are you tired?" Bai Zifeng quickly sent her a greeting.

"Fortunately, I'm eating and replenishing energy." Lu Meimei made a "eat and drink" expression.

Bai Zifeng asked with concern, "Have you been studying the script all day today?"

"Well, it's so difficult to keep trying to figure it out!"

"Where is the difficulty, tell me about it." Bai Zifeng is confident that he can solve the acting problem for Lu Meimei.

"No, it's just a little dizzy."

Every time Bai Zifeng talks to Lu Meimei about Li Fanxi's new works, Lu Meimei always answers with "very special", "very different" and "dizzy", and does not discuss details with Bai Zifeng.

Now the communication between the two seems to be more separated.

Of course Bai Zifeng knew that this was Lu Meimei performing the contract and keeping Li Fanxi's works secret.

But there was still an indescribable unhappiness in his heart.

Of course, from Lu Meimei's few words, Bai Zifeng still feels that Li Fanxi's new work is another film that does not take the usual path!

Judging from the trailer released by Lone Rokuro a few days ago, he is also innovating!

In this way, the two biggest opponents are both innovating. Only "The Spicy Landlord" is still a very traditional three-act drama mode, and it is still the old routine in drama films.

In this way, will "Spicy Landlord" be at a disadvantage in this fierce battle?

Bai Zifeng couldn't help but be a little worried.

"The trailer for "Spicy Landlord" is out, have you watched it?" Lu Meimei suddenly noticed that Liao Yu's Weibo had been updated.

"Ah! The trailer is out? I don't know, go and see it right away."

Bai Zifeng hurriedly logged into Weibo, clicked on Liao Yu's page, and he saw the top trailer.

In the 30-second trailer, most of the shots are of Liu Minzhi, the pictures are also very gorgeous, and the sound effects and editing are also very good.

But for some reason, Bai Zifeng felt like he was watching a shampoo commercial.

And a group of fans left a message under Liao Yu's Weibo, and they also had a feeling of vain:

[Liu Minzhi is stunned! 】

[Liu Minzhi and Liao Dao join forces! 】

【Beauty is dizzy! Miss Minzhi! 】

[Director Liao's picture skills are super good! I like to see this flawless picture]

[Although I am not a fan of Liu Minzhi, I also think she is very good-looking! 】

[Come on, Yuda, dominate the plot category! 】


Bai Zifeng closed Weibo and shook his head slightly.

pompous, very pompous!

Not praising the film, but praising the heroine, it's really speechless!

This is not what Bai Zifeng wants to see.

Moreover, this heroine is no longer the heroine in my mind!

"I think Liu Minzhi is not as good as you, really." He sent a voice to Lu Meimei: "Actually, the heroine of this script is the most suitable for you, there is no one else!"

Bai Zifeng almost confessed, "I wrote this script for you", but if he said that, it would be like a confession, which would easily lead to an embarrassing situation, and even chatting would be awkward in the future.

Bai Zifeng didn't want to take this risk.

"I think she acts very well, at least more aura than me!" Lu Meimei replied.

Bai Zifeng shook his head a few times: "But her aura is not suitable for use here. In my imagination, the protagonist is a young woman, Liu Minzhi, and the beauty is beautiful... but said Honestly, she's too mature!"

Lu Meimei was about to reply, but suddenly found that the chat software reminded a certain group of people to send red envelopes many times.

This group is Liu Minzhi's fan group. Lu Meimei has been in this group for several years, and she is also one of the administrators.

At this time, the group owner was releasing a trailer, calling on all administrators to come out and create atmosphere together, so that everyone could pay attention to Liu Minzhi's new work.

Lu Meimei felt a little bitter in her heart, but she still sent a red envelope with the expression "Come on".

After being in a trance for a while, the phone beeped, and someone sent a new message.

Lu Meimei rubbed her eyes, looked down, and found that Li Fanxi's avatar was moving in the chat bar, and was startled.

It turned out to be a message from Li Fanxi!

Lu Meimei did not dare to neglect, and quickly checked:

"I sent a manuscript to your mailbox. Please follow the instructions in it, make expressions and actions, and record your lines. Send it to me before 5 pm, and we will try to draw it as soon as possible."

"Well, okay, I'll do it according to your idea." Lu Meimei replied immediately.

In fact, working with Li Fanxi was really easy, and it was a bit unbelievable for Lu Meimei to be so relaxed.

In Liao Yu's studio, an expression and a sentence were NG more than ten times, but here in Li Fanxi, almost every expression is a one-off.

Because Li Fanxi's micro-expression computing power is very powerful, he can almost make various fine-tuning on the original expression without deformation.

As a result, the actors have a lot less work to do.

And Li Fanxi's words are very few, and the instructions are precise. Once the information is conveyed, he will not say more, and will not interfere with the actor's mentality.

The more this is the case, Lu Meimei is more and more curious about Li Fanxi, what kind of person is this?

Radar said that his thinking is jumping, but watching him do things, he seems to be orderly.

It can be seen that this person's time management ability and creative continuity are very strong.

Lu Meimei had never seen Li Fanxi's other works except "Hachiko of the Loyal Dog" before.

But in the past few days, she watched "When Happiness Comes Knock" and "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" very seriously, so she was very surprised that Li Fanxi could master so many narrative styles at the same time!

Now, Lu Meimei is very concerned about Li Fanxi's "Chainsaw" which is being updated.

On the second day after it was put on the shelves, the average subscription of "Chainsaw" has exceeded 10,000, only 2,300 average subscriptions less than that of "Old Tailor".

"It's really amazing!" Lu Meimei exclaimed in a low voice.

Li Fanxi, who was silent, was not killed in seconds in front of the big master mountain demon in the horror circle, and he also played a well-organized attack and defense routine!

Among the films listed in the horror circle in this issue, the two films "The Tailor" and "The Chainsaw" have a separate file, almost five times the number of first orders compared to the third place.

"It's really strange!" Lu Meimei secretly praised.

If "Lola Run" can also break through 10,000 subscriptions, that's great!

"Come on!"

Lu Meimei opened the manuscript sent by Li Fanxi, and began to record expressions and dialogues seriously according to the above instructions.

Read The Duke's Passion