MTL - I’m Really a Great Director-Chapter 75 heroine

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Turning to the first page, there are four big characters: "Spicy Landlord".

The name is a bit cheesy!

Liao Yu flashed an ominous premonition: Uh, this wouldn't be a cliché story, would it?

But of course Liao Yu remained calm, because he knew that Bai Zifeng was staring at him with two big eyes, carefully observing his expression.

Continuing to open the second page, Liao Yu concentrated and began to enter the plot with the text.

As a professional cranial shadow director, when you see words, you will naturally form a very specific picture in your mind.

So even though it was the first time I saw the words in the script, the outline of the film gradually appeared in Liao Yu's mind.

The story has no male protagonist, just a female protagonist.

The heroine is a woman who is constantly having bad luck. Her work is not going well, and she is constantly hurt by men.

Finally, one day, she discovered a secret in the old house left to her by her parents, and she could gain special abilities by constantly recruiting wonderful tenants.

Relying on this secret, she worked hard and became self-reliant, and gradually embarked on the road of a strong woman.

Liao Yu nodded, closed the script, and fell into thought.

Although the name is vulgar, the plot is still very good.

And there is a very obvious bright spot: there is only a heroine, and the role of the male supporting role is greatly weakened, which is very rare in the plot category!

This is new!

And what Liao Yu needs most now is new ideas.

"At first glance, it feels very good. I will take this book back and take a closer look." Liao Yu said to Bai Zifeng with a smile, "If there is any suggestion for revision, I will discuss it with you, okay?"

Slight revisions are definitely inevitable, this Bai Zifeng naturally understands, as long as the changes are not excessive.

"This script can be sold to you, and the plot can also be modified appropriately, but I have a request." Bai Zifeng said.

"Please speak." Liao Yu raised his glass and took a sip.

Bai Zifeng said firmly: "The heroine must be decided by me!"

After hearing this, Liao Yu coughed and put down the wine glass.

Actress, you decide? Are you kidding me?

Of course, Liao Yu was still very calm, he smiled slightly: "Yes."

"Write it in the contract." Bai Zifeng said.

Liao Yu's expression changed slightly, he hesitated for a long time, and asked, "Well, tell me, who is this heroine?"

Bai Zifeng turned on his phone, called up a photo, and showed it to Liao Yu.

The woman in the photo has lavender lipstick, curly hair, trendy clothes, and bright and sharp eyes.

"This woman looks very different..." Liao Yu frowned slightly.

"Her name is Lu Meimei. You can look for her works on the Skull Shadow Star Online. I think her image and acting skills are particularly suitable for the heroine in this script."

"Hehe, is this your girlfriend?" Liao Yu smiled and handed the phone back to Bai Zifeng.

Bai Zifeng's face turned slightly red.

"It would be nice if it was a girlfriend," he shook his head. "I'm not worthy of others."

"That's too bad!" Liao Yu shook his head and said sternly: "Mr. Bai, you are so talented, I think she will like you."

"She is a very hardworking woman. I only hope that she can have a suitable role. I don't dare to think too much about other things." Bai Zifeng said in a low voice, "Anyway, she must be the heroine!"

Liao Yu nodded, drank the wine in the glass, thought for a while, and said, "Okay, I promise you.

"Really?" Bai Zifeng looked at Liao Yu suspiciously.

"Actually, this Lu Meimei has a very suitable appearance and can be the heroine."

"Then," Bai Zifeng said, "the contract..."

"Add this to the contract. If I change roles, I will pay you 50,000!" Liao Yu said.

As long as the contract is signed, everything will be fine.

Fifty thousand liquidated damages? 50,000 is a piece of shit!

But the simple Bai Zifeng was confused by Liao Yu's attitude.

"Okay!" In an instant, he was a little moved.


After Liao Yu left, Bai Zifeng opened the Penguin and entered one of the cranial shadow stars in his Penguin.

In this group, there is Lu Meimei.

The relationship between Bai Zifeng and Lu Meimei is that of ordinary friends. Lu Meimei knew that Bai Zifeng wrote the script and discussed the skull shadow with him from time to time.

Bai Zifeng held back his excitement, clicked on Lu Meimei's avatar, and sent a message: "There is good news, I have found a character for you, the protagonist."

"Really!?" Lu Meimei replied quickly.

"Do not lie to you."

"Whose film?" Lu Meimei asked.

"Liao Yu." Bai Zifeng felt taller when he said these two words.

"So powerful? Liao Yu's film? The protagonist?" Lu Meimei couldn't believe it.

"Well. Prepare yourself, he should contact you soon."

"I'm currently busy with Liu Yang's new film. I have to go to his studio every day. It may take a week before I'm not so busy."

Liao Yu is famous, and Lu Meimei knows that he is very demanding on actors. If it is the protagonist, it is definitely necessary to do facial expressions and actions for ten hours a day in the early stage.

So she was worried that the time could not be adjusted.

"A week, yes, I can make him wait!"

"It's Liao Yu! How could you make Liao Yu wait for me?"

"Of course." Bai Zifeng replied: "He asked me to sell the script to him, and he must do what I want."

"It's amazing! Really, I want to thank you very I'll treat you to a big meal."

Since they met, Bai Zifeng has helped Lu Meimei a lot, and he doesn't accept red envelopes. Lu Meimei feels that whether this is successful or not, Bai Zifeng should be invited to have a good meal.

Originally, Bai Zifeng should have refused, and when the dust settled, he would have a celebratory banquet with Lu Meimei.

But he really wanted to meet Lu Meimei quickly.

Bai Zifeng typed: "I'll invite you to dinner, we'll just have a homely meal, it's too expensive to eat a big meal."

"How can you cost me money for doing me a favor? No, no!"

"Then let's have a homely meal, not a big meal. I hope to experience the flavor of home." Bai Zifeng replied cautiously and eloquently.

"Homemade meal? Then come to my rental house and I'll cook a meal for you!"

Lu Meimei has a carefree personality, and she says it when she thinks of it.

But when it is turned into words, it is really imaginative!

What's more, Bai Zifeng is so sensitive to words.

In an instant, his heart beat faster!

"Okay." He typed a word with slightly trembling hands.

"Wait a minute, you're in that city!" Lu Meimei laughed to herself, Bai Zifeng might be far away from him, how could he invite others to eat here?

"I'll be in which city you are in." Bai Zifeng replied very romantically.

"Oh, that's it, two days later, at seven o'clock in the evening, you come over for dinner, and I'll send you the address now!" Lu Meimei sent Bai Zifeng an address neatly.

Bai Zifeng quickly saved the address.

"It's a deal? I've prepared food in the past few days." Lu Meimei asked.

"It's a deal, see you or leave!" Bai Zifeng replied.

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