MTL - I’m Really a Great Director-Chapter 39 Circle of friends

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After the first half of the awards ceremony, Li Fanxi left.

Wei Wudi was already waiting outside the arena, looked at Li Fanxi, and followed directly.

"Hello, Director Li Fanxi."

It was the first time that Li Fanxi was officially called a director, and Li Fanxi was a little surprised.

"Hello." He looked at Wei Wudi.

"My name is Wei Wudi, an anchor who specializes in movies and cranial shadows. That's it, can I take ten minutes for you and give you a small interview?"

"Ah?" Li Fanxi hesitated.

Now it's a little famous, and the thickness of the work is seriously insufficient. What interviews are you doing?

"Don't worry, don't worry, just say a few words to the fans, it's my live broadcast room, you see!" Wei Wudi showed Li Fanxi his mobile phone.

There are pop-ups on the phone:

【Close up contact with the best emerging director】

【Wow is so handsome! 】

【Hello Li Fanxi】

[Li Fanxi, say a few words]

[Like "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"]

"Okay, just ask, I'll try my best to cooperate with you." Li Fanxi felt warm after watching the barrage.

"Okay okay."

Wei Wudi cleared his throat, fixed the live broadcast equipment, and took out a microphone with his channel name printed on it from his backpack.

"Very professional." Li Fanxi praised.

"Haha, laugh at you!"

After Wei Wudi prepared all the equipment, he stood beside Li Fanxi and threw the first question to him.

"Hello Director Li Fanxi, what type of work will your next work be?"

"It's probably a horror movie." Li Fanxi told the truth.

"Ah, a horror movie?!"

Wei Wudi was a little stunned. If Li Fanxi made a horror movie, it would be just right for his channel!

In this way, you can analyze his works well during the live broadcast.

The anchor is most afraid of lack of material, so Li Fanxi is willing to make a horror film, which is excellent news for Wei Wudi.

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard that Li Fanxi was going to make a horror movie, they also played [666].

"What kind of horror movie is it?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I have to carefully study the audience of's horror category to see what everyone likes."

"Well, that's right!" Wei Wudi nodded deeply and praised Li Fanxi's thoughtfulness.

The good or bad of a work is inseparable from the public's aesthetics.

Nowadays, there are more and more creators of Skull Shadow, and the styles of major websites are different. Li Fanxi really needs to study the taste of's audience.

It is not uncommon for a movie that is very popular on a certain website to become a dog on after the channel is opened.

"I want to ask, what's the name of the little monster that appeared in the Cranial Shadow Showdown before?" Wei Wudi asked.


"Oh, Alien." Wei Wudi then asked, "This movie is also in your plans, right?"

"Yes, but now I can't finish the film very well. It may be released later, maybe."

Li Fanxi is telling the truth. With his current strength, the shape and movements of the small alien can still be barely completed, but when the opposite **** becomes larger, it is difficult to render some more detailed things and its unique movements. .

As the interview progressed, the barrage of Wei Wudi's live broadcast room flew past:

【Sound is nice】

[Speaking down to earth, praised]

[Well, I like to hear him speak]

[Voice control indicates that I can't stand it]


[Just listening to the sound is already very satisfying.]

Since Li Fanxi appeared in the live broadcast, in just ten minutes, more than 2,000 viewers have poured in, 80% of whom are women.

"Wow, you see, many of our new viewers are female friends, which proves that you are very close to the opposite sex."

Li Fanxi smiled.

After the interview, they left their contact information with each other. Li Fanxi said goodbye to Wei Wudi, went to the bathroom, messed up his hair, took off his suit like a backpack, and put on a gray dress.

He has long been prepared, as long as he restores his otaku appearance, he can save a lot of things.

If the appearance is regarded as a superpower, he is now from a superman to an ordinary person.

After walking out of the bathroom, everyone hurried past him, and the rate of turning back was zero.

However, there was another person waiting for him at the door.

little blue.

"Ah? You washed your hair?" Xiao Lan said with a smile.


"Come on, I'll give you a small gift." Xiaolan handed out a delicate bag with both hands.

"Baseball cap?" Li Fanxi opened the bag.

Xiao Lan smiled and said, "You will need this hat soon."

"Thank you." Li Fanxi put the baseball cap on his head.

"I heard the anchor interview you just now, and he said it well."

Xiaolan saw Wei Wudi interviewing Li Fanxi just now. She listened attentively and found that Li Fanxi answered appropriately.

He is good-looking and talented, and is completely a star embryo; he seems to be arrogant and withdrawn, and his emotional intelligence is extremely low, but when he really sits down and communicates, he knows how to grasp each other and respect each other. Xiaolan knows that Li Fanxi's future is really limitless.

But there is a problem, he has no noble help.

No matter how good it is, if you fight alone, you will inevitably encounter a bloodbath.

Xiaolan wanted to talk to Li Fanxiu about these words, but because the two of them were not close enough to discuss private matters, they were very hesitant.

"Well, this is my number. If you need to do styling in the future, I can design it for you." Xiao Lan handed out the business card.

"Okay." Li Fanxi put the business card into his backpack.

Xiaolan watched Li Fanxi do this with a smile.

Conversing in a few words, like a spring breeze, this is how Xiao Lan feels now.

"Then...Thank you." Li Fanxi pointed to the baseball cap on his head, nodded and left.

Xiaolan had a few words to talk to Li Fanxi, but in the end she didn't say anything, she just said goodbye to him with a smile.


Li Fanxi went out, and Radar was waiting for him on a Harley.

"Brother Lei." Li Fanxi greeted.

"Well, let's meet tonight and talk about the works." Radar said, smoking a cigarette.

"Tonight?" Li Fanxi originally planned to take the car home at night, and then take a good look at the next movie.

Radar smiled and patted Li Fanxi on the shoulder: "Don't push it! Tonight's topic is very good for your future!"

Li Fan hoped that Radar's eyes were full of confidence, knowing that tonight's conversation was carefully prepared by him.

"OK then."

"Fugui Fishing Do you know? It's not far from here." Radar asked.

"It's okay, I can fight over it."

"Okay, see you at seven o'clock tonight."


It was half past five in the evening, and Li Fanxi came to a quiet bookstore, sat down and closed his eyes to think.

He opened the draft on his mobile phone and wrote down the people who would help him one by one.

The first is two best friends, Hou Zhiyuan and Zhu Meng.

The two grew up together, and they were also loyal. At the critical moment, it was possible that Li Fanxi's two big arms helped.

This kind of hair is small, it must be taken seriously.

Then there is the noble, Zhong Ming.

Li Fanxi and Zhong Ming have no relatives or reasons, and their status is also different by 108,000 miles. However, he has repeatedly helped each other. This kind of love for talent is very precious.

This is nothing to say. If Zhongming has anything in the future, Li Fanxi will definitely stand up first.

Fourth, Liu Yang.

This person has vision, and he has a sense of righteousness. In ancient times, he was a sturdy celebrity, worthy of friendship.

Fifth, little blue.

Xiaolan seems to be very attentive to her work, and is very enthusiastic about image design. She can rest assured that her image will be handed over to her in the future.

But because she is of the opposite sex, Li Fanxi is not prepared to approach her too actively.

The last two are the fat boss and Lao Liu of the video store.

After all, these two people are not in the same circle with themselves, so they have not formed too many connections, so apart from going to work, there should not be much intersection in life.

Li Fanxi arranged them in order of importance, and wrote down the names of these people one by one in the notebook. As long as he found an opportunity, he was ready to repay his kindness.

At seven o'clock, Li Fanxi stopped a taxi and rushed to the rich fishing village to make an appointment.