MTL - I’m Really a Great Director-Chapter 37 1 horrible consequence

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The pressure fell on Liu Yang.

Cai Qiu's eyes were serious, and he turned his head to look over.

Liu Yang's expression was solemn, not as relaxed as the other judges, and seemed to be extremely hesitant.

For Li Fanxi, Liu Yang is grateful.

As the creator of Skull Shadow, he has drawn a lot of inspiration from Li Fanxi's two works.

In fact, many of the settings of his new work are based on the work "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".

Liu Yang thought that he had benefited from Li Fanxi, and it was impossible for him to step on his foot when he needed his help the most.

In addition, the amazing minute just now, such a bold rhythm handling, Liu Yang admired from the bottom of his heart.

The cranial shadow world has always adhered to the concept of "free imagination, creativity first". It has been traditionally constrained, and it has restrained itself to suppress a genius like Li Fanxi. Isn't that self-defeating? !

At this moment, in Wei Wudi's live broadcast room, a barrage flew up.

【Looks like there is a turnaround】

[Liu Yang seems to be hesitant to consider something]

[Liu Yang, boldly express your feelings! 】

【Waiting for reversal】

【There is a play! It seems that Liu Yang is not a soft person]


At the scene, Liao Yu stared closely at Liu Yang.

If he can win this duel, it will be a very important morale return for Liao Yu's fan group.

They even thought about how to mock Li Fanxi on Weibo afterwards.

Seeing Liu Yang bowing his head in deep thought, Liao Yu couldn't help sweating on his palms.

The duck that is clearly cooked, don't fly!

"Okay, after thinking about it, Mr. Liu Yang must have a high opinion!" The host urged with a smile.

Liu Yang hesitated for a moment and turned on the microphone.

"I think Mr. Liao Yu's cranial imaging technology is really good. Even if a layman learns it for a lifetime, I'm afraid it will be beyond the reach of him."

"Well, Yu Da's technology is indeed top-notch!" The two hosts echoed.

Liu Yang said slowly: "But in my opinion, this is an embroidered pillow, an embroidered pillow that is not very useful."

As soon as these words fell, the audience was stunned.

Liao Yu dug his ears, his whole face wrinkled, wondering if he heard it wrong.

Liu Yang condensed himself and said calmly:

"Compared with the human brain and the camera, there are advantages and disadvantages."

"If you want to beat traditional movies technically, you will inevitably walk into a dead end. Why? Because it is almost impossible to win against the opponent with your own disadvantage."

"As long as the film is rendered by the human brain, there will be a certain degree of distortion."

"Camera equipment, every frame can be flawless."

"I think the biggest advantage of Cranial Shadow is creativity, freedom, and bold imagination! This is what traditional film and television technology cannot replace."

"As long as you can imagine it, you can make it. This is the biggest advantage of Cranial Shadow."

"So, I chose Li Fanxi's work, because in his creation, I see some kind of hope, perhaps, this is the spirit of skull shadow."

After Liu Yang said these words, he simply pressed the numbers on the keyboard neatly.

Liao Yu: 9

Li Fanxi: 6

This score is completely the opposite of Cai Qiu!

Li Fanxi won by one point!

Seeing this score, the audience was in an uproar.

After a while, thunderous applause broke out.

"Damn, right, this is the spirit of skull shadow!" Zhong Ming watched the live broadcast and slapped his thigh.

When a person reaches middle age, the passion of youth has long disappeared, but seeing this, Zhong Ming's blood seems to be boiling, he opened the refrigerator, took out a can of beer, raised his head and poured it down.


He put down the beer can and turned on the computer, only to feel his blood surging, his inspiration burst out, and he rushed to document and record his thoughts.


Cranial Shadow Association awards scene.

Li Fanxi walked to Liu Yang's seat and shook hands with him.

"Thank you, Brother Liu." Li Fanxi didn't expect that Liu Yang, who had never met before, would actually support him so much.

"It deserves its name, come on!" Liu Yang patted Li Fanxi on the shoulder.

When Cai Qiu saw his apprentice shaking hands with Li Fanxi, the expression on his face became even more unpleasant.

"Elder Cai," Mo Weixian gave a thumbs up, and said, "Famous teachers have produced high-level apprentices, I really admire it!"

Rong Duan put on his makeup and smiled, "That's right! Liu Yang dares to say that, it's all a spirit passed down by Cai Lao."

Cai Qiu was praised by the two, and his mood suddenly became much calmer.

Once his mind was at peace, his thoughts became clear:

On the surface, it seems that his decision is opposed by the disciple, which is really shameless, but in fact, the disciple's skull shadow spirit is precisely the greatest face for the master!


In the hospital, in front of the TV.

Father Li had a straight waist and watched the live broadcast with all his attention.

In this short twenty minutes, he received several major shocks in a row.

First of all, from Liao Yu's one-minute film, the picture feels as silky as silk, and it is very smooth. Father Li was already very surprised. Only then did he know that under the operation of the skull shadow master, the picture can reach such a high level.

In the one-minute film of Li Fanxi, the alien appeared abruptly, and the powerful visual impact made Father Li even more stunned.

Originally, in Father Li's logic, he believed that the cranial shadow must be a bunch of shapeless and weird images, which distorted the essence of the film.

But seeing these two one-minute films, he felt a shock wave from the cranial shadow technology.

And what Liu Yang said just now made him fall into deep thought.

The words "Skull Shadow Spirit" were also deeply engraved in his mind.


Li Fanxi took the bonus check and stepped down, sat back in his seat, and suddenly received a message on his mobile phone:

[Your Faith and Hope score has been refreshed, unlocked: Warm Gift (Faith and Hope will give you small gifts from time to time, I wish you a happy life)]

Li Fanxi knew that this was probably due to the cooperation between Faith Hope and the brand, giving some small gifts in the name of free, so that people with high faith and hope would develop the habit of using a certain brand.

After logging in to the world of Faith and Hope, I found that my Faith and Faith score had reached 71 points.

Today, when Li Fanxi woke up, he saw his own trust score, which was 53 points. In just a few hours, UU Reading increased by 18 points!

Cool, this speed, whirring.

After a few more awards were awarded on the spot, it was the last award in the drama category: the best newcomer award in the drama category.

On the big screen, there are five actors' performance clips.

The images of Lin Fangfang, Zhao Shu and Li Mo appeared on the big screen respectively.

At this time, in the plot section of the official forum of, more than a dozen posts were discussing the ownership of this "Best New Actor Award".

[Support Zhao Shuyibo, the best little white face in history, none of them]

[Zhao Shu's acting skills are really awesome]

[Support Li Mo, the most simple acting]

[From the old to the young, Zhao Shu's acting skills are complete]

【How is Lin Fangfang's acting? 】

[Who is Lin Fangfang, I only saw Bai Huahua's flesh]

At the scene, Liao Yu panicked.

The new game lost the first battle, and the morale of the fans plummeted.

The defeat in the Skull Shadow Showdown just now obviously made fans lose confidence in themselves.

If you miss this award again, the consequence will be a sharp drop in your prestige!

Fans can live with two losses, but three in a row...

Do not! The third confrontation must be won!

Otherwise, he will face a huge challenge in the plot category in the future!

As long as his undefeated golden body is broken, countless newcomers who have been trampled by him will target him and launch crazy attacks on him!

At this moment, Lin Fangfang was also very nervous.

Because if Li Mo wins, he will have the opportunity to give his acceptance speech.

That is to say, he has one minute to tell one thing to the whole venue.

Lin Fangfang suddenly thought of a terrible consequence.

Read The Duke's Passion