MTL - I’m Really a Great Director-Chapter 3 Drawing on Quentin's Pulp Fiction

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Li Fanxi walked out of the door with the skull mask and wandered blankly on the street. He found a small store called "Phase Video". Looking in through the glass window, he could see some skull masks with clearly marked prices in the store.

Walking into the store, Li Fanxi asked the fat store owner if he could repair the skull mask in his hand.

"This... can't be repaired," the chubby shopkeeper shook his head and said, "Your skull mask is too old, and the parts have long been discontinued, so I have to buy a new one."

"Buy one..." Li Fanxi was at a loss as she pinched her empty wallet.

"If you don't have money, rent one." The fat boss shrugged.

"This..." Li Fan hoped to look around the store and asked, "Do you need any staff here?"

"Do you want to work part-time?" the fat boss asked.

"Yeah!" Li Fanxi handed over his ID card and high school graduation certificate with both hands.

The fat boss smiled: "No one is looking at the diploma now, I just ask you, what do you know?"

"I can make movies." Li Fanxi pointed to his head and said that he would image his brain.

"Oh, so...then make one and have a look." The fat boss pointed to a cubicle.

In this compartment, three hoods are visited side by side, connected to three computers, apparently designed for customers to experience new products.

"What style is the video going to be made into?" Li Fanxi walked into the booth and asked.

"Well... the style is a little bit special. I don't like ordinary things. I'm tired of watching it." The fat boss thought for a while and said, "Just use the scene of 'coffee shop' and play the plot."

After the fat boss said this, he took out a small photo from his trouser pocket and showed it to Li Fanxi.

In the photo, it is a cafe with a dark tone and a very ordinary decoration.

"Do you want to design the scene according to the cafe in the photo?" Li Fanxi remembered the details in the photo deeply in his mind.

"By the way, try to match the decoration." The fat boss smiled.

Obviously, the fat boss's focus is to test Li Fanxi's ability to image.

Li Fanxi knew that the ability value of his image was only 5, so this interview... was very hanging.

However, using the cafe as the scene, combined with the owner's preference for "a little more style", Li Fanxi quickly thought of the opening of a movie -

Quentin's Pulp Fiction.

In this burst of talent, a deranged Quentin Tarantino rejects the traditional Hollywood-style approach and dissociates the entire narrative into a "circle" that echoes from end to end. "Structure", which subverts the linear concept of time and space in traditional films.

At the beginning of the film, a dialogue between the two cannon fodder characters "Little Rabbit" and "Little Pumpkin" was already full of anger.

Li Fanxi decided to try this scene.

"How long?" Li Fanxi asked the fat boss.

"30 seconds is enough." The fat boss said that it doesn't have to be long, thirty seconds is enough to see clearly.

At the beginning of the Pulp Fiction, the dialogue between the two living treasures, the little rabbit and the little pumpkin, exceeds four minutes. If it is to be compressed to thirty seconds, appropriate editing must be made.

Li Fanxi put on the skull mask, screened the pictures in his mind, strung them together frame by frame, re-edited them, colored them carefully, turned on the lights, made sound effects, dubbed, and subtitled, and finished!

"It's done!" Li Fanxi took off the hood and nodded to the fat boss.

"Yo, the speed is not bad, it only took 17 minutes in 30 seconds, let's see how the quality is."

The shop owner sat down with a smile, clicked on the player, and checked the thirty-second video.

At the beginning of the movie, things were not going well.

"The color cast is serious, the image is unstable, and there is a lot of noise..." The fat boss shook his head: "Oh, especially this dubbing, how embarrassing and embarrassing it is!"

In cranial imaging, the dubbing part is very complicated. It is not that you remember a certain sound and you can completely copy it, but you need to deeply understand the sound before you can completely imitate it.

For example, Tim Roth, the actor of "Little Pumpkin" in this film, has a strong British pronunciation, and Li Fanxi can reproduce in the cranial imaging, only grumbling strange pronunciation , can't even hear it in English.

Fortunately, there are subtitles, otherwise I would have no idea what the characters are saying.

This is the sadness of the [Sound Effect] ability value of 2.

Of course, the ability Li Fanxi showed in this minute was not bad for a novice, but it was still far from the level required by the fat boss.

But it's very strange, even with so many poisonous spots, the fat boss can still see it.

"But...the conversation is kind of interesting...these two mentally retarded..."

"Coffee shop robbery, haha! How did you come up with that?!"

"Yo, did you really draw a gun? How do you connect the plot behind this..."

After watching the 30-second video, the fat boss felt very happy. After turning off the player, he lit a cigarette and fell into thought.

The young man in front of him has really unsatisfactory technology, but after all, technology can be cultivated.

The field of intracranial imaging requires not only technology, but also talent.

This young man seems to have a lot of talent.

"It's not bad, the skills are very amateur, but these two characters are very lovable." The fat boss puffed out a cigarette, nodded and said, "Your character creation ability is good, the scenes are condensed, and it is quite stylish."

"Well, did you pass the interview?" Li Fanxi asked.

The fat boss nodded: "You are still a little talented. You can do part-time jobs here and learn something."

"Oh, UU Reading How much is the monthly salary?"

"Two thousand two, including food or not, work from Monday to Saturday, and rest on Sunday." The fat boss said: "You have to make sure to go to work at ten o'clock every day, and leave work at six o'clock every day, and be in the store for eight hours."

"Okay, no problem." With a job with a monthly salary of 2000+, Li Fanxi knew that his task was completed.

"No problem, just go! Today, Lao Liu asked for leave and didn't come. You take his seat first."

Lao Liu is one of the shop's, responsible for helping customers modify the video. He didn't come today. The fat boss hopes that Li Fanxi can replace Lao Liu and fill the scene.

Li Fanxi sat on Lao Liu's stool and took a deep breath.

The task is completed, and 5 free attribute points have been added.

Where do you want to add attribute points this time?

Li Fanxi had no idea and did not assign these attribute points immediately.

On the first day of his job today, he has to make good use of these attribute points to save face at a critical moment.

There is a brand new cranial cover lying on hand, the shape is light and stylish, and the metal retainer on the edge is flashing black luster.

Li Fanxi glanced at it and felt itchy, so she wanted to pick it up and put it on her head immediately.

"This is the latest version of U786," ​​the owner said with a smile. "Try it on, it's much better than your old antique."

"Okay!" Li Fanxi immediately put on the U786, closed his eyes in his head, and continued to do the third minute of "Knock on the Door when Happiness".

After a minute, the U786 was as hot as usual, without the slightest heat or humming sound.

Really good stuff!

Li Fanxi took off the hood and uploaded the one-minute video to At this time, he found that there were actually six comments under the work page.