MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 72 Seventy-second day without people

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Gu Huai put the glass ball picked up on the bed. He looked at the glass ball, and his face did not consciously sneak a slight measure of licking his mouth.

Gu Huai's mood is a bit confusing, just like there are two contrasting colors in the heart that want to drown each other, but there is no way to do it.

Genes suddenly emerged during the fusion period of power, which not only led to the indifference of the inscription on the Zerg gene, but also the nature of the nature was magnified several times because of the special circumstances.

The indifference of nature will suppress emotions, so Gu Huai’s attitude towards Zerg has changed dramatically.

However, treating the Zerg who loves them with such indifference is not the intention of Gu Huai. When the surrounding Zerg is showing a low attitude because of his attitude, the barrier that suppresses Gu Huai’s inner feelings will be struck. A little, it makes a crisp sound.

After releasing the glass ball, Gu Huai did not consciously raise his eyes to see the flower placed on the window sill of his room.

Looking at it, Gu Huai took back his gaze.

In the face of a sudden indifference to the king, the Zerg can be seen by the naked eye into a state of low pressure.

“Does the king hate us?” A Zerg soldier suddenly spoke in a silent atmosphere.

Without waiting for someone to answer, another Zerg soldier said: "Will it be that we have not done well recently, and the king is not happy, so Wang did not care about us..."

"My Majesty has been uncomfortable these days. We haven’t taken care carefully enough. It’s normal to be unhappy."

The Zerg are looking for their own reasons, whether or not, they first assumed a variety of situations.

If there is a reason, they can at least correct it. I hope that when they are all changed, Gu Huai can treat them as before.

In fact, at the beginning of the gentle treatment of Gu Huai, the Zerg feel that this feeling is very strange.

They also felt that the accident would be so gentle, not cold.

This is an incredible thing in itself.

After experiencing this gentleness, let them face the coldness of Gu Huai, they will not stand.

The Zerg suffered a big ethnic problem and suddenly became indifferent to them. The Chief of Staff and others even consulted two humans who were still connected with them.

It is hard to get caught up in the question of Shen Mu and Hamer. It is obvious that the Zerg at the other end of the communication image wants to find the answer from their answer. The two humans suddenly feel pressured.

The Zerg problem is changing on their side, it sounds like it is asking -

What is the reason why the children in the family suddenly do not get close to the parents?

For this problem, as the first reaction of human beings and Hammer, there are only three words.

Rebellion... Rebellion?

The Zerg will also have a rebellious period in the process of growing up, and two humans doubt this.

"It shouldn't last long. It's impossible to hate you first," Hammer affirmed.

To be honest, Hammer is hard to imagine that the Zerg people are now telling him that Gu Huai has become indifferent, which is completely different from the image in his impression.

It is even more impossible to hate the Zerg.

"You just have to get close, and you can't take it with you." Hammer began to give ideas to the Zerg at the other end of the newsletter. "If you don't care about you, you can still play it, it's sad, especially It’s a sad one to show a hundred percent, the more exaggerated the better.”

The Zerg people think that they don't have to play because they are really sad.

The human answer failed to give the Zerba too much comfort, but they expressed their gratitude.

During the dinner, Gu Huai also eats coldly, and ignores the eyes of the surrounding Zerg.

"Your Majesty, do you still like the food tonight?" The Chief of Staff stood by and asked carefully.

Gu Huai did not want to talk, but at this time, the eyes of the surrounding Zerg suddenly became more intense. After a long period of unspeaking, Gu Huai finally utterly unknowingly "hmm".

Gu Huai’s response to this was a great encouragement to the surrounding Zerg, and Wang still took care of them, and even if they were very cold, they made them feel happy.

When I thought about it, Gu Huai said that he would not let them see him. These Zerg quickly lowered their sights lower and lower.

But when they just looked down, these Zerg thought of two humans who told them in the newsletter that they had to work together, so the Zerg around Guhuai took the courage to look at Gu Huai.

Gu Huai: "..."

Although Gu Huai said before he said it, but now the Zerg around him stared at him, he said coldly but did not say anything.

Gu Huai's indifference has changed. It is the highest peak at the beginning, and it gradually decreases with time. This is a natural process that occurs during the integration period.

"In recent days, there have been occasional star thieves on our most remote stars. These star thieves probably look at the location of this planet is very remote, and think that we have limited jurisdiction over this stellar, so we dare to do so. Do, the subordinates have already dispatched troops to go, and this problem can be solved quickly without any accident." The chief of staff reported to the government about Gu Huai.

The most remote star.

Gu Huai heard the word, and his eyes suddenly fell three points: "On this planet, there should be only some low-level Zerg."

Zerg has a lot of planets, not all planets can be highly developed, as in the development of remote stars.

"Yes." The chief of staff bowed his head.

Gu Huai no expression, he stopped eating, easily locked in the spiritual field of the low-level Zerg on the most remote star.

In this way, the position of the leader is confirmed, and then through the spiritual consciousness of a lower-ranking Zerg on the planet, Gu Huai "sees" the Star Wars that happened to be on the planet.

This star thief is not a powerful gang. The reason why it dares to touch the Zerg planet is because the planet is far enough.

"Boss, I think we are still changing the planet, don't provoke the Zerg... We have come to the planet several times, and it really should be changed." A small body thief said.

"Afraid of anything." As the head of the star thief glanced at him, "There are only a few low-level zerg on this planet. We have warships that don't need to be afraid. Besides, the planet is so remote. Before the troops of other Zerg rushed over, we ran. It’s not over."

"Why, the Zerg troops can be so fast..." The star thief had not been able to finish the sentence, and the communication screen that was suddenly forced to connect in front of his eyes caused his voice to come to a halt in his throat.

What appeared in the communication video was a young black-haired man who looked at their golden erects and was cold.

"Now immediately withdraw from the planet, or accept the Zerg’s liquidation for you." Gu Huai’s eyes looked at the heads of the stars, "Is the Lofin Star Theft?"

The young black-haired youth in the image did not use any threatening tone, but the star thief felt a sense of oppression as if it were from the cold eyes of the golden sterling.

Watched by these eyes, the body of the star thief did not consciously froze, and the back gradually developed cold sweat.

Gu Huai continued: "You have a minute of evacuation."

Even the conversation through the communication image made people completely afraid to fight against it. The star thief swallowed his throat and ordered the evacuation of his subordinates in the strong fear that shrouded him.

After confirming the results, Gu Huai terminated the communication.

Gu Huai’s move caused the Zerg around him to suddenly light his eyes.

The king did this to protect the low-ranking Zerg in the remote star...

Wang’s really cold attitude is like the one that was just for those star thieves. By contrast, it’s not cold to them.

The king is still gentle to them.

Rounding up to get this conclusion, the Zerg around Guhuai suddenly got better.

But if you can be as gentle as before and smile at them from time to time, then it is better...

For the Zerg, no matter what kind of changes in Gu Huai, they will still like Gu Huai as before.

But because Gu Huai once gave them more, they cherish it very much, so they don't want to lose.

During the integration period, Gu Huai didn't feel like it at first, but he had a fever that night.

"Your Majesty...!" The Zerg are almost anxious to start spinning around in the room. The body of their own kings has not been better these days, which makes all the Zerg full of anxiety.

Fever has not appeared in the Zerg, and the general disease can not invade the Zerg's body, but Gu Huai is an exception.

Gu Huai burned no strength, and Yalves now uses his tail to circle his body and feed him to take medicine. Gu Huai can only accept it in a dizzy state.

It turns out that the real illness, the indifferent nature is also no match for the disease.

Gu Huai's body is very hot, and the Zerg's body temperature is low, so when Yalves embraced him, he took the initiative to rely on the Arvis to snuggle in a state of not sober.

After taking the medicine, Gu Huai did not take long to fall asleep, the effect of the drug played during his sleep, his body temperature gradually decreased, and he returned to normal before he woke up.

Gu Hua opened his eyes when he woke up, his eyes are now black, and the ceiling is reflected.

At the moment of waking up, Gu Huai’s expression was awkward, and then he couldn’t help but reach out and grab his own eyes.

The eye returned to the normal state of black, because the end of the fusion period, Gu Huai is no longer subject to excessively strong racial nature.

Fever is the body abnormality caused by the fusion period. After passing through, it is the integration of strength, but these are not the focus now.

The point is that Gu Huai remembers what he said to the surrounding Zerg during the period of his influence on the nature of the race, and then he remembered the low and sad expressions that the Zerg showed to him.

What to do? What to do? What to do……? ! !

In the heart of the screen to cycle this problem, at this time Gu Huai also gently put a silver-gray tail, Gu Huai side over the head to the eyes of Arvis coveted his eyes, could not help but also a card on the spot.

He seems to have said too much to this big cat...

Cold and cool, after the crematorium.

Gu Huai suddenly realized the true meaning of this sentence.

The author has something to say: Cool (cool): You can't look at me.

Bugs (wronged): ...

After the event, Huaibao pays the bill.

Huaibao (stay): I am not I am not...

For Poor Baba to face the Huaibao of the crematorium, ask for a nutrient solution, otherwise Huaibao will fall to the third place today.

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