MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 51 The fifty-first day of not being a man

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Hammer’s expression changed a lot, and he didn’t know how he could hold back three laughs.

"It's not very suitable, you know, mental strength is the strength of your Fields people..." Hamer said with a false expression, the face that struggled to stretch his face looked a bit strange.

Lost in the strengths that are inherently superior, how much is it?

Seeing that the two are a year-long classmate, Hamer thinks that he has given a good hint to the foot. If the other party doesn't understand, then don't blame him.

Because Hammer is doing this, Derek asks: "What do you mean by this is that you dare not let your students compare with my students? But you have to know that your federal college will be very popular in our school. Concerned, the test results after enrollment will definitely be compared."

"If the gap is too big, this exchange student will be very stressed. I think it is better not to send the students over, lest your students have problems with their psychology."

This sentence is true.

Hamer heard the words and turned to look at Gu Huai. After seeing Gu Huai nod to him, he only promised the other party: "Well, since you said so."

Hamer pretends to be awkward, and he is really happy.

After Hammer agreed, Derek led the three of them to the test hall where the students were able to test their abilities.

The school gates have been so magnificently exaggerated. The test hall of the Imperial First Military Academy will of course only be more luxurious. The dome is a finely decorated painting, and the overall space is designed with great artistic sense.

Ordinary people coming in to the college may not feel that they are walking into a school, but they will mistakenly think that they are in a palace.

There are a lot of students gathered in the test hall at this time, because today is just the day when the students do the annual physical test.

Derek is now one of the instructors at the Imperial College, and he is still very popular among the students, so when he led three people into the test hall, the students in the hall turned their eyes.

Seeing three strangers, all human beings, the students could not help but be a little curious, and some have already whispered.

"Who are these three people brought by Derrick, the exchange students sent by the Earth Federation this year?"

"The exchange student should have only one year, I have not heard that this year has changed."

"I feel that the two people inside are a bit familiar. I always feel that I have seen it at school, but I can’t remember..."

This is a tall and tall Fields student who suddenly said, "I know! The two people on the left and the right are the predecessors who used to be exchange students in our school. They have photos of them in the school honor room. They both I am a person who has won the Honorary Student Award. It is very powerful, but I don’t know the middle one."

"Finan?" Derek looked around the students in the hall and didn't find his proud student.

A young Fields man with glasses came out of the crowd and stood in front of Derek: "I am here, teacher."

Seeing his most proud student, Derek’s attitude was mild and gentle. Feinan was not only talented, but also a good student who respected the teacher and respected the teacher.

For such students, it is hard to dislike the teacher.

Derek looked at Gu Huai in the middle of the trio and said, "This is the exchange student of the Earth Federation this year. You will go with him to test the mental strength."

Really an exchange student.

The students who were attracted to the attention in the hall were erecting their ears to hear what Derek had said. Now they hear the words "exchange students" and they suddenly feel up.

Their relationship between the First Military Academy of the Phils and the Federal Military Academy of Humanity is not one or two days. They send each other an exchange student each year. The exchange students are not necessarily the best in the school. The student, but must be one of the outstanding students in the school.

The achievements of the exchange students in the other school are related to the face of their own school.

The students in the hall heard Derek say that Feinan and the exchange students should go to the mental test. They have their minds to do their own physical tests, and soon one or two are close to their usual spiritual test. Next to the venue, wait to see how this will develop.

Watching the excitement is the nature of the majority of people in the interstellar race, and the Fields are no exception.

"Finnan, you don't have to be modest and play your true level." Before the test began, Derekett sighed.

The students around are also full of confidence in their own, so it is this way to see the lively mentality.

Finan is the best among their students. What's more, their race has an advantage in terms of mental strength. It is harder to say than others, but they are better than the spirit!

Gu Huai did not hesitate to follow the name of the Fields student to the test area, mainly curious to observe the inside of this test hall.

Gu Huai was just curious. He was interested in the school in the Star Age era, and Derek regarded him as an exchange student. Gu Huai was on the rise and wanted to follow the other side’s argument. The feeling of the student.

He doesn't necessarily have to try anything else, but if he simply tests his mental strength, Gu Huai thinks he should be fine.

"Don't wear this." Derek gave Gu Huai a metal texture ring, indicating that the other party was wearing it.

Gu Huai took the ring and quickly followed the instructions.

After watching Gu Huai put the metal ring on the index finger, Derek said in a proud tone: "Our school's testing equipment is the most advanced in the interstellar, and now all three devices are here. Last month, the latest products developed and manufactured have just been completed. The most intuitive figures can be used to display the mental power values ​​tested by students. It is more objective than other schools that can only test the old equipment with fuzzy power. A little bit."

These three devices are still hot, the manufacturing cost of the machine is several times higher than the old equipment, and the market has not yet sold, only in their schools.

Can I use the number to display the mental value?

Gu Huai heard his eyes, and he was very curious about what his mental strength could test. He has now completed his first mental advancement for a while, and his mental strength is richer than just breaking the shell. a lot of.

However, Gu Huai is still very self-aware, and he knows that he certainly can't really let go of the test.

Gu Huai's original intention is not to cause turmoil in the school, so this mental test, he put the water to just take a look at it.

"Finnan, you will start the test first, and give the future students a demonstration of equipment use," Derek said.

The young Fields, who was named by the teacher, listened to the ground and stood within three meters of the equipment, then pressed the embedded round stone on the ring.

When the ring receives the mental power, it makes a "beep" sound, automatically shrinks the size close to the finger, and then a faint beam of light is emitted from the round stone inlaid on the ring, and connected to the device.

After confirming the connection, you can start to output the maximum mental power directly to the device.

In just one second, the numbers on the display of the device changed dramatically, and finally settled on the "15179" number.

This figure directly aroused the surprise of the students at the Fields.

For the students present, most of their mental strength is only about 5,000 to 7,000. Finan is the genius of their students, and the other party is fully capable of taking the name.

The lively Fields students around are convinced at this time. This is the value of 15,000. The number of tutors in the school should be between 30,000 and 40,000, but there is still a lot of feinan. growing space.

"Very good, it has improved over last month." Derek looked at the test results very satisfied, his face was full of approval.

This student has not disappointed him in all aspects since he entered the school. Derek believes that the other party will be able to make a difference after graduation.

The color of the face did not recover. Derek turned to the black-haired youth standing next to him and said, "You should understand how to operate it? You can start testing."

After that, I added: "There is no need to be too stressed. As your teacher said, mental strength is the strength of our race. You are more normal than that."

Derek’s statement is not ironic. He just wants to drop Hamer’s face. He is actually more tolerant to students, even the students of the Earth Federation.

"Yeah." Gu Huai nodded and responded very politely.

Before the test value of Finan came out, Derek and the surrounding students had already confirmed the results. After the value came out, they did not think that Gu Huai had any possibility of winning.

Under the eyes of everyone, Gu Huai learned the way a person gave him a demonstration. First click on the round stone inlaid on the ring, and then the ring automatically tightens and connects the equipment, and then prepares to output mental power.

It should be just a matter of putting in a little bit of mental energy, and it is not important to win or lose.

With this in mind, Gu Huai Kai controls his mental strength and outputs what he thinks is "a little bit".

But Gu Huai has been so careful to control himself. In the next second when he tried to output only a little bit of mental strength, the metal ring he wore on his hand slammed into two halves and then dropped. Falling to the ground and making a few crisp and sweet sounds.

This is not finished yet. At the same time that the broken ring just landed, the machine equipment also followed the noise of nuzzling, and then a loud noise -


The equipment is declared dead.

Gu Huai stayed with this result, and the other people on the scene looked at the last displayed number on the screen of the device that was scrapped, and now they are all replaced with an incredible and stunned expression.


Ten or 100,000? ?

Carefully counted the number of digits displayed on the screen of the device several times to confirm that there was really no mistake. Many students were able to put an egg in their mouths.

Uh... his level of self-awareness may not be enough.

Gu Huai suddenly realized this.

Gu Huai really only output a little bit of mental power, even the one that does not have one tenth. The result is not in his expectation.

"This equipment is faulty, you change to another test." Responding from the shock, Derek told Gu Huai.

Just under a step, Gu Huai tried to express his face naturally. He went to another device and changed his mental power from "a little bit" to "a little bit"...

This is definitely no problem.

However, this idea has just emerged in less than a second, Gu Huai ushered in the same ending.


The number displayed on the device is still 100,000, which makes Gu Huai stay.

Gu Huai hastily thought that maybe the value he just output is more than 100,000, and the device can only display 100,000 at most, so...

Both devices were blown up, and the already unbelievable Fields students were now more exaggerated, only to show their eyes.

And Derek couldn't convince himself that this was a machine failure. His expression was not much different from that of the students around him. It was as wonderful as a palette.

In the face of the extremely quiet scene that the scene was estimated to be heard on the ground with a needle, Gu Huai rarely had a dim sum and bowed his head.

This won't require him to pay for it...?

The author has something to say: Huaibao (Blink): I only use a little.

Test equipment: pong -!

Huaibao (stay): Then I only use a little bit...

Test equipment: pong!

So Huaibao cried and ran to find the cockroach, and was kissed by a sip, and smashed with the tail (bushi

Thank you for the little angel who thundered, the fee is broken, the list is too long, so it is still not listed, but I have a look at the list of mines. Thank you everyone =3=

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