MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 36 The thirty-sixth day of not being a man

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The last time he was kissed by his forehead in the form of cubs, Arvis used the space to move away, hiding his body shape and hiding in the shadows. After Gu Huai fell asleep, he responded and kissed the other party's fingertips.

The reason why I have to do this secretly is because of the "shy" that Gu Huai thinks, but also because of Yalves' self-recognition.

Always on the verge of out of control, even in the Zerg, it is a different kind, and Yalves believes that Gu Huai will be willing to kiss him just because he has traced back to a relatively harmless form of juvenile.

If he responded to the kiss in an adult form, Arvis felt that his touch would be hated and rejected, so he did not do so when Gu Huai was awake.

And because this is not a bright kiss, Arvis only scorned the other's fingertips.

I am a stranger who will lose rationality at any time. I should have been consciously away from each other, but Yalves is always attracted by Gu Huai.

His eyes always involuntarily chase Gu Huai's figure, and even the body will act uncontrollably to follow.

At this moment, when Gu Huai kissed his tail so gently, it was difficult for Yalves to control himself and not respond immediately.

The emotion that entangled in his mind that made him unable to understand suddenly filled his heart, and the heart beat very enthusiastically. If you don’t kiss the young man’s cheek like this, Arvis would even seem to be so enthusiastic. I feel painful about the strange emotions that are about to overflow.

The cheeks were kissed, and Gu Huai was directly caught in a state of being unprepared. When he returned to God, he raised his hand and held up his hand to kiss the place where he had just been kissed.

“Will you ask me to leave?” Yalves whispered inquisitively, and the cold and low voice traits became more prominent.

Gu Huai still didn't know how to react, and then listened to the other party and said, "Can't you leave, ask me to do something else?"

Compared to being kissed on the cheek and being suppressed on the sofa, Gu Huai first was confused by the words of Yalves: "Why should I ask you to leave...?"

"Because I just did this would make you hate." Yalves answered.

Unlike hugs, kisses have a special meaning in the Zerg, and Arvis knows that this behavior cannot be done casually.

Compared to asking the other person why he felt so, Gu Huai blurted out at this moment without thinking: "But I didn't feel annoyed."

After talking about Gu Huai, I want to bite my tongue. Although he did not say anything wrong, he did not hate it, but in this context it always sounds weird, like he is willing to be Yalves. Kiss like that.

Gu Huai did not have time to patch this sentence. He saw that Yalves seemed to think about it. He looked down at him and asked for help: "Do you hate it?"

Gu Huai stunned, and after a few seconds gave up and nodded: "...not annoying."

The result of Gu Huai’s answer was that in the next moment, his cheek was kissed softly by Arvis.

I don't know why, just couldn't help but be kissed by cheeks, Gu Huai just stayed, and this time he sneaked a little red tip.

"Wait, not... not annoying does not mean that you can do this." Gu Huai seems to be somewhat cramped, the word order is messy, and the calmness of peace is different.

Gu Huai occasionally feels helpless about certain things, but that is what he can accommodate, only this time is not within the scope of calm.

When Yalves heard that Gu Huaigang was "not annoying", he unconsciously moved his tail. Now he gazed at Gu Huai with a glance, and he turned his head slightly and moved his lips to prepare for the opening.

"Can't ask why." Before the other party spoke, Gu Huai quickly interrupted the road ahead.

When Gu Huai finished, he felt that he was a bit strong, but the silver big cat in front of him was very embarrassed.

"Oh." Yalves's expression was unchanged, and he responded lightly to a single tone.

Gu Huai sighed in the unknown cramps and pushed Yalves' shoulders to try to get himself out of the suppressed state.

With the power of Gu Huai, Arvis was not promoted, but he slowly swollen in the direction of Gu Huai.

The same is to watch, Gu Huai did not feel that there was any special feeling that Yalves had been quietly watching, but now it is a bit unnatural.

Yalves's eyes are cold, but under this chilly appearance, it is still a chase.

And the pursuit was very enthusiastic, although the owner of the line of sight did not find this.

The hot point on Gu Huai’s eartips has not completely swayed. He can’t deliberately avoid the gaze of Yalves now, so he just wants to cover up his own unnaturalness: “The wings are too small to fly. So is there no time in the advanced to adulthood?"

In the process of evolution, the creature will eliminate the unnecessary parts. Gu Huai feels that the small wings of Yalves in the early years are completely unable to support the body's flight, and it is difficult to flutter and fly a little bit. Going on.

Speaking of it, in childhood, Yalves is actually a bit like... Pakistan, Bada?

For a moment of swaying, Gu Huai suddenly remembered the fantasy creature in a classic work. Apart from the different color of the fluff and eyes, and the extra silver-gray small tail, the shape is quite similar.

Yalves did not answer immediately, his eyes stayed in Gu Huai's face for a long time, and then the next second, the huge silver-gray wings extended from behind him told Gu Huai's answer.

This pair of silver wings, like the other's tail, also looks like a cold metal texture, but it doesn't have a sense of disobedience on Arvis, but it has a different sense of beauty.

If the little wings of the cub period are not eliminated, it should be like this in adulthood.

"Good looking." Gu Huaifa praised himself from the heart.

It’s a bit curious and embarrassing about these beautiful silver wings. Gu Huai endured it and did not restrain himself. “Can you touch me?”

Yalves slammed his wings toward Gu Huai, and the cold silver wings almost surrounded the youth to create a semi-closed narrow space.

If Yalves thinks, he can actually surround Gu Huai with this pair of silver wings.

Gu Huai did not feel that he was surrounded by the silver wings. What did he mean? He received the tacit meaning that Yalves expressed to him. Now he is interested in studying the beautiful wings of the other side.

"Is it used when fighting?" Gu Huai looked at the silver wing and asked.

“Rarely.” Yalves squinted his eyes. “The opponent is too weak to use the opportunity.”

At the moment, Yalves was expressionless and did not deliberately show a careless attitude to show his strength, but a plain statement.

Said to be research, in fact, Gu Huai unilaterally touched on the cold silver wings here, touched there, only touched a few times, Gu Huai heard a low voice humming sound from the ear.

The wing is very sensitive to touch. For Yalves, the pair of silver wings that he usually does not show are more sensitive than his tail.

For combat, every part of the body is of course as sensitive as possible, but this is outside the battle, and Yalves is the first to be touched by his wings.

The movement is meticulous and gentle. When the silver wing is touched by Gu Huai, Arvis passively feels like a tiny current flowing through the body.

Ma Ma, it will be a little intolerable, but Yalves did not move his wings during the touch of Gu Huai.

“Is itchy?” Gu Huai raised his eyes and said that he was a little embarrassed to prepare to take back his own hands.

Yalves slightly tightened the jaw line and his lips were close, but he dropped his silver wing closer to Gu Huai.

With silent consent, Gu Huai continued to touch the West for a while.

When Yalves was touched by the silver wing, he did not let himself scream out because of the strange feeling. His expression was like a coldness that was completely unaffected, so Gu Huai did not have the conscious feeling of being a rogue.

Except for a very small number of fighting needs, Yalves did not show his willingness to show his wings in front of others, but Gu Huai's curiosity and requirements are different for Yalves.

It was not until Gu Huai touched it and let go of his hand, and Yalves recovered his wings without expression.

"Let me show it again in the next day, your back." Gu Huai's reddish ear tip has returned to normal skin tone, he has calmed down, and at this time under the gaze of Yalves, the ghost made a request.

Gu Huai has already understood in the subconscious that Yalves will not refuse him, so he did not use the tone of inquiry.

"Good." Yalves promised, and the low-pitched voice was a little dull.

The other party promised that it was too easy. Gu Huai did not consciously get a little more insatiable: "I will touch it next time, can this be?"

Yalves nodded: "Well."

Wearing a military uniform, the silver worms in front of Gu Huai looked tall and indifferent, and the response of Arvis obedience and the expression on his face formed a great contrast. Gu Huai felt that this contrast was very foul.

This big cat is too embarrassed, so that Gu Huai feels cute.

"You will be bullied if you are so obedient." Looking at Yalves, Gu Huai has been blinded by the docile performance of this silver big cat in front of him. At this time, he has earnestly and seriously educated, "Look at me just now. That question is almost bullying you, so you promised."

Gu Huai really feels this way, but if there are other people in the room who can hear Gu Huai's words, then there will be a strange and complicated expression.

Because whether it is "obedient" or "will be bullied" is completely impossible to get along with Arvis, probably only Gu Huai, who has never seen the cold side of Yalves, think so.

The silver worms who were educated by this education gently moved their eyes. After a moment of thought, Arvis responded with a calm and slow tone: "Well, you can bully me."

Yalves is showing that he will not repent and just agreed, and Gu Huai has been unable to stand up and pinch the other's cheek: "Are you deliberate?"

Not intentional, it can only be eaten more and more grown up.

Yalves, who was pinched by his hand on the left cheek by Gu Huai, did not move, did not struggle at all, and continued to watch Gu Huai without any sound.

Excessively straightforward sight is also very uncomfortable. Gu Huai subconsciously loosened the fingers holding Yalves' cheeks and blocked the other's eyes.

Just before being pinched on his cheeks, Arvis did not resist. At this moment, Arvis pulled down the hand that Gu Huai blocked his eyes: "I want to see you."

Gu Huai: "..."

For the first time, Gu Huai realized that he could not escape the sight of Arvis, because he did not have the heart to drive the big cat away from him.

"You didn't understand what you said." Regardless of the above, Gu Huai continued his education topic with a serious expression and tone. "I mean, you can't be so obedient, otherwise..."

Without waiting for Gu Huai to finish, Yalves swayed his tail slightly and lowered his head slightly.

"I only listen to you."

The author has something to say: Two big, unconscious, unconscious, who are pure in their emotions, play straight **** and are eaten by each other, 唏嘘

Oops, you all said that I am a big pig's hoof, the big pig's hoof decided to marry you.

Although there is no explosion, but after the plot is written to the Huaibao and the matchmaking plot, I can give you a small three rounds on Weibo (?)

This chapter drops 500 small red packets ~ 2k novel reading network