MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 34 The thirty-fourth day of not being a human being

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In the era of a general era of peace, the entertainment industry in the interstellar world has certainly developed better and better. Except for the Zerg who does not pay much attention to spiritual and material enjoyment, most races in the interstellar pursuit of entertainment.

If there is demand, there will be development. When Gu Huai understands the current overall situation of the interstellar, he also has an understanding of this aspect.

Then Gu Huai discovered that he had some kind of entertainment in the world. He was also in the highly developed interstellar world in front of him, and the form of the pattern would only be more colorful.

TV dramas and movies are all there, and they are upgraded compared to the original world, and can be shown in holographic form. Therefore, in the interstellar, actors, singers, idol stars and other races of all races will not be lacking.

Games and socializing can all be done with holographic devices. For example, the Star Network, in addition to text chat, can also enter the "face-to-face" socialization of the virtual world constructed by holography through the device, which is very convenient.

Therefore, when the idea that the Zerg may all be the poison of their king, the mood of the various interstellar people who are active on the star network has only a long ellipsis.

The poisons of other people's homes are mostly on the star network, picking up and picking up things, and the things that can be done are still relatively limited, but if the Zerg is poisonous only their king, then this feeling is not a scale.

[—(Tailan Galaxy): Oh... it’s awful, I think I just said on the star network a few days ago that the result of this selection is definitely fake, there can’t be more cute creatures than Pach in the interstellar, then I This dynamic has been forwarded millions of times... Can I still delete the dynamics now? ? ? 】

[Buto (Sochi Galaxy): You are finished, not saved, next one]

[dz310 (Palan Galaxy): Can't save, give up. 】

[—(Nortz Galaxy): At? The Yula warship warned. 】

Behind it was a row of neat "Yura warship warnings". At this time, two humans far away from Nom Star sneak a glance at the star network, and then moved their sights to see the cold-spotted Zerg around them, silently praying for these Zerg. Don't pay too much attention to the star network.

According to the observations of Shen Mu and Hamer, the two of them felt that because some people said that Gu Huai was not cute, he drove the Yula warship to the door of someone else's house. This group of Zerg was not able to do it.

Although not chasing stars, the two human generals who used to live on Earth probably know what it means to be poisonous. It is very appropriate to put this word in this group of Zerg who is completely determined by the will of the king.

The group of zergs in front of them is probably the ultimate form of poison.

As a party, Gu Huai can only deceive himself into the state of the special agreement in the Friendship Covenant when he did not see it.

To tell the truth, there is a sense of shame that is like being punished publicly, but Gu Huai is still able to maintain a normal expression.

What can he do?

If Gu Huai’s pre-existing attitude calls for the withdrawal of the last special agreement, his request can be fulfilled, but Gu Huai does not want to let his Zerg disappointed because of this kind of thing.

So in the end it can only be the result of the present.

This year's star of the world's most lovable creatures, the king of the Zerg, the star-selling people on the star network is just a face-lifting, and for the merchants who publish the surrounding with this selection as the wind, they are bald.

I used to be a bald person who didn't know what kind of biological species Gu Huai was. Now I don't know if they know it.

How are they released around this neighborhood...?

Not to mention that the Zerg has not released the images of their kings, even if they are announced, they will not dare to make money by this!

If the first place is not issued, and the second and third places are issued, they do not know whether the Zerg will be dissatisfied with them, and they are really worried about baldness.

The establishment of the Zerg and the Hurts and the conclusion of the Friendship Covenant soon spread throughout the interstellar, and the races scattered in the various galaxies are currently alarming.

The cruel and cruel image of the Zerg remains in their impressions, and the willingness to establish a relationship with a certain race is really unbelievable.

And back ten thousand steps said that even if the Zerg is willing to establish diplomatic relations with any ethnic group, how can the first object of establishing diplomatic relations be a **?

The ** lts are a weak race. The development of their ethnic planetary civilization is not in the interstellar. There is no prominent place in technology or other aspects. Even rare resources on the planet can be exported. .

For the more powerful races in the interstellar, they don't necessarily deal with such weak races.

A considerable number of people have speculated that the covenant signed by Zerg and the Helter may be of a crushing nature. For example, there may be any unequal agreement in the covenant, and the Helters have to agree to sign.

But when such a speculative remark came out, there was nothing to say on the Zerg side. Instead, the Zeltes were not happy.

Although they still have a little residual fear for the powerful neighbor of the Zerg, they must be grateful for more. The Helters are not willing to see the Zerg being unscrupulous.

[Rich (Pandora Galaxy): We have not signed an unequal agreement, the Zerg really wants to squeeze our words, there is no need for us to sign an unequal agreement, they have the ability to directly occupy our planet. 】

[edo (Pandora Galaxy): We are very grateful to the Zerg rescue, they are the benefactors of our Guardians. 】

[--(Pandora Galaxy): The Zerg is very friendly to us! ! 】

The word "friendly" is magical on the Zerg, but in the two or three months after the Zerg returned to Thursin on the planet of the Helter, the interstellar people who watched the development of the two races Looking at the normal exchanges between the Helters and the Zerg, it is almost a harmonious neighbor.

And people of the interstellar family have found that the Zerg really does not give others their neighbors.

After this time the diplomatic relations were completed, when the star-studded group of such weak races, who were unable to wait for the assistance of the Star Alliance, tried to rush to the other two neighbors of the Zerg, these star-studded groups were all sent by the Zerg. The Yula battleship group was solved.

So for the neighbors of the Zerg, they were originally because of the weak ethnicity, no other planet to live in, they had to live in the dangerous "seismic zone" with the Zerg as a neighbor.

But now, this "seismic zone" has suddenly become a place where the safety factor in the interstellar can be ranked at the top of the list -

The Zerg not only does not do anything to them, but also protects them from the threat of star thieves. Now the galaxies adjacent to the Zerg site have no star thieves to dare to come to the door.

This situation makes some of the same forces in the Stars weaker, and the races that worry about the Stars stealing and looting are a bit sour.

[--(Nortz Galaxy): Is the Zerg so friendly to the neighbors... We also want a neighbor who is such an overbearing, envious. 】

[Otto (Ricchi Galaxy): Our planet will be harassed by Star Thief every three and five times. It really can't stand it. Is there a livable planet in the Pandora Galaxy? I really want our race to move over. Although it is expensive to buy a planet, it will be better to stay here than in the long run... I don’t know if the Zerg is moving. What is the attitude of the neighbors in the past. 】

[--(Saffin Galaxy): I also hope that our race will move in the past. The Helters and Kewei and Horne all say that the Zerg is friendly to them. Then I feel that the Zerg should not be so terrible. 】

After a series of recent events, unconsciously, the image of the Zerg in the hearts of interstellar people began to have some subtle hidden changes.

The three races as Zerg neighbors really did not expect that they would have a day that was envied by other races.

People of these races didn't say that before. These races used to sympathize with them, but now they all admire them.

With the precedent of the Guardian, Gu Huai quickly completed the establishment of diplomatic relations between the other two neighbors and the Zerg during this time.

This time it was not Gu Huai’s initiative, but the two neighbors raised their courage and tried to make a good move on the Zerg side.

Therefore, the number of diplomats owned by the Zerg changed from 1 to 3. It was said that there was no problem with doubling growth, and Gu Huai nodded with satisfaction.

Keep up the good work!

People of certain ethnic groups in the interstellar network expressed on the star network that they want to move to the neighboring galaxies of the Zerg. This is really not just to talk about it. There are several ethnic high-level decision makers who really hold meetings to discuss this matter.

However, before they negotiated a result, Tusestar received a private communication.

The newsletter comes from a goblin businessman called Chiata, who is the largest brand of merchants around the StarCrafts around the year, and the newsletter is connected by the Chief of Staff.

"Honor, Chief of Staff, I want to ask you something." The goblin businessman who holds a large consortium looks very cautious, with a warm smile on his face when facing the guests and collaborators.

In exchange for the previous, Chiata is not going to heat up to contact the Zerg, but the recent performance of the Zerg gives him the courage to test.

When the chief of staff responded to his look, the green-skinned goblin merchant quickly piled up with a smile: "This is the case. Regarding the most cute creature selection in the interstellar, my company will publish the first place every year with the first object of the selection. The first place this year is the Zerg distinguished king. I wonder if the Majesty is willing to let us issue related products related to him?"

Before Chiaita negotiated with the top officials in the company, they were afraid of offending the Zerg regardless of whether they were issued or not. The best way was to ask the Lord for willingness.

"The surrounding goods are, for example, making a small villain like this." Chiata said, taking out a mini version of the villain with their own image of the ordinary Zerg, which is probably only the size of a palm.

When the chief of staff who was cold-faced to face the communication image saw the small villain, the line of sight paused.

If it is made by the king of the family, such a villain...

Little, with black hair and black eyes, smiling king.

Slightly imagined, all the Zerg in the Tuse Star conference room looked at it.

At the moment, the chief of staff pushed the glasses without changing the color: "This thing, I need to ask your majesty to reply to you."

Chiata expressed understanding and said that he was very much looking forward to replying before ending the newsletter.

When the communication image was over, the Zerg Star conference room was all the Zerg all brushed their eyes on the chief of staff and silently expressed their thoughts.

"I will try my best, but I suggest that you go with me to see you." Although this should not be, the Chief of Staff found out how to better convince Gu Huai.

The attitude of the king to them is not cold, but rather gentle. This gentleness is very strange and rare in the Zerg, but it makes them very happy and happy.

So that they can't imagine how sad they would be if they faced an indifferent king one day.

Even if the king is cold to them, they will still obey as they are now, but there will be no more happiness.

They will treat their king gently, let them have more and more love under the instinctive surrender, so they also hope that Gu Huai can get the best of everything.

At this time, Gu Huai was staying in the house of Yalves to learn about the changes in the Zerg's recent perceptions of people of other races through the Star Network. Although the changes are limited, it is still progressing.

The most obvious change in perception is undoubtedly their three neighbors. These three races are now stable ally of the Zerg, and their speech has an impact on other interstellar races.

Before living in the palace on the planet of the Heltes, Gu Huai felt that he had refused the decision of his zerg to build a palace for him. It was too time-consuming and labor-intensive to build a palace, and Gu Huai felt that he would live. It is very comfortable in this mansion.

Just as Gu Huai thought so, the Zerg who came from the military conference room came to him.

"?" How do you feel that you want to say something to him? Gu Huai cast a doubtful question on the chief of staff.

The Chief of Staff is very officially standing in front of Gu Huai in front of this matter. The attitude is very solemn: "It is about a business wanting to issue your surrounding goods, and the subordinates will ask for your opinion. The merchant is ready to issue similar information. Such a small villain, do you agree?"

The image of the pocket villain was intercepted by the chief of staff in the newsletter, and is now placed in front of Gu Huai.

It was a q version of the villain puppet, Gu Huai looked into a few seconds of silence.

This is the name of the most cute creature in the interstellar, to be issued to the entire interstellar, what is the degree of public punishment? ?

Gu Huai looked at the chief of staff in front of him, and the other Zerg who looked at him together and he actually understood: "You want me to agree..."

From the eyes of these Zerg, Gu Huai can almost accurately read the word "want". Gu Huai persisted for a few seconds, and finally gave up and blinked his eyes: "...I can agree, but I want to talk to them about profit sharing."

Since there is no way to refuse, Gu Huai can only consider how to maximize the benefits.

It is necessary to use his image to produce the surrounding goods. Now that the other party has taken the initiative to seek consent, it is reasonable and reasonable for them to ask for the division.

Gu Huai gave this matter to the chief of staff to deal with it, and it didn't take long for the q version of the villain based on his image to be released.

The circulation of this periphery was not very much at first, because the merchants considered the sales problem, they felt that the sales of the dolls of this q version of the villain must not be comparable to the past years of Paige.

After all, Gu Huai’s votes are cast by the Zerg, and the Zerg will not necessarily buy their surroundings, while other races have limited purchases of passersby...

But when the surrounding real release, the merchants found out how wrong they were, and the first batch of hangouts were sold in less than a second!

The purchasing power of the Zerg is not to be said. Some people in other races in the Stars have bought it because of the curious Zerg king.

Then when they received a black-haired little man puppet, they couldn’t help but think...

The king of the Zerg, seems to be a little cute?

The reaction of the Zerg side is even greater.

Because the number of peripherals sold in the first wholesale market is small, the Zerg can be snapped up. At this moment, in the conference room of the Tuse Star Military Department, a group of Tuse high-rises sit around the black stone long table, one by one. Looking at the face, I was seriously watching the center of the table with an indescribable expression.

The item placed on the conference table was a dark-skinned q version of the villain, and the higher Zerg sitting around the table had been staring at the villale for half an hour.

The reduced version of the king, so cute -

Looking at it, the Zerg sitting around the table showed a little breathing difficulty. They turned their backs and tried to breathe a few mouthfuls, then went back and stared at the little man.

I haven't seen Gu Huai's real cub form, which has always made these Zerg feel very regrettable. Although this villain is not a cub, but a miniature version of the adult shape, it is already very cute.

Gu Huai looked at it, and the small villain with his q version of the image was not held by many Zerg at the beginning, but it was not long before it was fast.

Fortunately, these Zerg people did not want to let the small villain dust, most of the Zerg did not carry the little man with him, Gu Huai still had some comfort.

Seeing some Zerg feel and hug the Gu version of the q version of the villain, Yalves slightly dangled his eyes, a look on the face that is difficult to see through, a little subtle low pressure around.

He didn't quite know what emotion he was now, but under the guidance of emotions, Arvis went to Gu Huai.

Gu Huaigang only had time to look up and did not say anything. He was suddenly surrounded by a cold silver-gray tail in his eyes, and then hugged into his arms.

This is possessiveness, and there is an exclusive desire, which is the emotion that will be produced for those who love it.

Yalves did not understand, but the instinct still allowed him to react.

The author has something to say: Yesterday's update, you will be my pigeon! It’s really a card + there are too many words in this chapter, I can’t write it...

Then the 5k words of this chapter of Kangkang, the number of words is so much, can it be regarded as my double more 噫呜呜噫qwq

Let you wait a long time, this chapter drops 150 small red envelopes

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