MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 23 Twenty-third day without people

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The black Euler battleship cluster is outside the Tuse star, and the number is so large that it can block the planet. From a distance, it will make people who think it think it is a movable giant black hole.

The entire Norad galaxy where Tusestar is located is the site of the Zerg. It is said that the forces in the entire interstellar area are most concerned about the movement of the Zerg, which is undoubtedly the race of neighboring galaxies.

Having a dangerous neighbor is like living in an earthquake zone. Although it is known to be potentially dangerous, most people are reluctant to leave this home. Then they can only pay more attention to the neighbors, and in case anything happens, they can be prevented in advance.

And it was this day that was supposed to be a beautiful day. The three races that lived next door to the Zerg neighbors at the Noord Galaxy were shocked. Their neighbors might have to give them a magnitude 10 earthquake.

Countless Eurasian warships have gathered, and the number of these horrible black warships is even rising further, and the number has long exceeded the size of a legion.

When this was discovered, the top leaders of these ethnic groups were nervous and almost immediately convened a meeting, ready to open the highest level of alert mode on the planet.

The fleet of the four sects of the Zerg has different logos. It is easy to know that several groups of galaxies in the next squad can know that the battleships clustered over the Tuse star are a collection of four Zerg regiments.

The scouts dispatched to the borders of the galaxies returned the above message, which made the top leaders of these ethnic groups scalp tight, and the throat began to dry under tension.

Are the four corps of the Zerg being in a state of opposition? How could they suddenly gather together in their next door? !

This incident is enough to shock any race in the Stars, and as the nearest neighbor to this terrorist army, the people of these three races have already raised their hearts.

What do these Zerg want to do?

Not only did the four legions have exchanges, but now they have also assembled the army directly.

Several races as neighbors are not optimistic that the Zerg’s army of such a size in the Tuse Stars is simply looking at it. The size of this army is in line with the standard of full-scale war.

Zerg light is only a military force of the legion has been considerable. If the four legions are united, they can hardly imagine any ethnicity in the interstellar daring to confront such an army.

It’s not just the issue of military power, but also because of the execution of the Zerg soldiers’ orders against superiors, and the ethical nature of absolute obedience to the superiors, which makes the Zerg’s army have superior superiority in any other race, which has risen invisibly. The terrible extent of the army.

The problem is that they haven't heard of any race in the interstellar to provoke the zerg, and they have also provoked the ability to unite the four Zerg regiments.

Still, these Zerg decided to carry out aggression in the new era regardless of the situation -

This speculation makes the neighbors living in the next galaxies numb and anxious. They are closest to the Tuse star. If the Zerg wants to carry out aggression, they must be the first to be unlucky.

They are just a few weak races, and they have no place in the interstellar. If there are no other planets to live in, they don't want to live next to the core of the Zerg!

Confrontation is impossible. The top leaders of the three races have begun to arrange for the evacuation of the people, trying to get more people to sit on the escape ship and ready to escape the planet.

In a short while, the Euras battleships on the Tuse star have been assembled. At this time, the lights on these Eurasian warships are all red, which is the expression of the mood of these Euler warships.

Neighbors in the next galaxies were nervous on unilateral, but it was not long before they were nervous. They found that the Zerg army had no interest in their planet.

A large number of horrific black warships rushed past their galaxy with successive movements, seemingly aiming to go in a certain direction.

Every planet that has passed by this black-pressed battleship has been equally scared, and related matters have become the hottest discussion on the current star network.

Their core questions can basically be classified as the same one - the trouble of the Zerg's joint army is going to find someone?

And one day later, the Zerg told them the answer.

The Eurasian warships, which are large enough to cover the sky, came to the front of a blue planet. This is like a huge black cloud-like battleship that even separates the sun of the planet. The battleship appears on the planet. Outside the defensive circle, although it has not yet made an intrusion, this is no doubt a scene of the pressure of the army.

To tell the truth, in the face of the sudden situation of the Zerg’s sudden army pressure, the first reaction on the Earth’s side is to enter an emergency preparation state. Needless to say, but at the same time preparing for the war, it does not prevent the Earth Federation from being inexplicably confused.

The relationship between the Zerg and their human beings is unfriendly, but now it is not the era of frequent wars in the Old Age.

The new era as a whole is a peaceful era. Although they still have friction with the Zerg, they are basically small and small, and their two races have basically not experienced a large-scale war in the new era.

The Zerg is not a race that will blindly invade. Weigh the pros and cons. Even if the Zerg really wants to invade in the new era, the first target to be found should not be their human beings. How can we start with the neighboring weak races? .

Besides, on the human side, they haven’t provoked the Zerg family at all. It’s totally unreasonable for the group of Zerg to suddenly join forces with the four legions to run against them.

The Zerg is going to fight humans -

The news spread quickly on the Internet in just a few seconds. The eyes of all races in the Stars are now on the Earth. The atmosphere is too tight and the other races just watching can’t help but carry the heart. .

Although the Zerg army was in the doldrums, it did not immediately launch an attack, but stopped outside the Earth's defense circle, which made the Earth Federation in preparation for the war aware of communication opportunities.

But before they communicated, the Zerg side made a unilateral statement -

"If you don't return the king to us in a day, this will be regarded as a full declaration of humanity against the Zerg." The Chief of Staff said this in the newsletter.

The two captives who escaped from Tuse Star were humans, and from the clothing of the other, they were two human generals.

For these two people, what kind of threat means is the most direct and effective, and Yalves believes that it is the safety of the entire Earth Federation.

The Zerg’s army was divided into two parts. The main force came to the Earth, and the fleet of the Third Corps and the Fourth Corps dispersed to find the galaxies.

Earth Federation:? ? ?

It’s too late to be shocked that the Zerg was born, and the top of the Earth Federation now has a bit of a hit.

The king of your Zerg is gone, let's go find it, what do the warships come to our planet? !

This is not a matter of their humanity!

At this time, the two human generals who were staying on a small planet did not know that they were expelled from the human race without a word.

The Zerg side is of course in control of the prisoner's image, but Gu Huai woke up a few seconds before the Zerg would release the image to the Earth Federation.

Gu Huai slept for a long time. When he fell asleep, the two human generals who stayed in the same room with him were in a state of surprise.

Because in the young people who are asleep, they feel the unconsciously released abilities of the other party, which even caused some fluctuations in the surrounding space.

The development of abilities by the Zerg is generally the time to complete the initial growth in the early childhood, but Gu Huai is special. His birth is already an adult, and he has an abilities at birth.

He only has spiritual strength and is still in the early stages of the baby. Therefore, the “complete initial growth” for the general zerg cubs has become an advanced level of mental power.

At the advanced stage, he will passively enter sleep.

This initial growth for Gu Huai needs to undergo two mental advances to complete, Gu Huai is carrying out his first advancement.

The Zerg's cub is not proficient in the mastery of the ability, there is a certain probability that the riot will occur, and Gu Huai is advanced in the sleep state, his abilities are in a state of chaos, which is a very A thorough riot.

So the two humans in the house passively suffered some indiscriminate attacks. For example, the tables and chairs that floated in the room were coming to them, and the ceiling showed clear cracks. The chandeliers shook a few times and fell. Come.

Gu Huai, who is on the advanced mental level, frowned slightly in his sleep, and this kind of riot was uncomfortable for him.

Finally, after waking up after completing the advanced stage, Gu Huai perceives the anger of his own Zerg in a moment of waking, even if it is not perceived on the same planet, which is enough to show how intense this emotion is, and the mood of all Zerg It is exactly the same.

Gu Huai did not think about anything, his first reaction was to immediately establish a spiritual link.

I am here.

This is no longer a spiritual link that is conveyed alone or only to a few Zerg, and Gu Huai, who completed the first mental advancement, is now able to establish a spiritual link to communicate the entire race.

Although the link time can't be too long, it has grown a lot compared to the case where Gu Huai used to sleep only after using a separate link.

It is not necessary for Gu Huai to describe the specific location. The Zerg who receives this spiritual link will automatically know where he is.

So the next second, I was in a very tight confrontation, and the Earth Federation, which was ready for a comprehensive preparation, looked at it. The black pressure was suddenly turned around and surrounded by a large battleship group outside their planet’s defense circle. It disappeared again and again.

Earth Federation: ...? ? ?

What kind of ghost is this group of zerg? ?

"You have been sleeping for more than a day, nothing. Now, do you want to eat some..." Looking at the young man who finally woke up, Shen Mu wanted to ask the other person if he wanted to eat, but he didn't have time to finish it. The two in the house. The human generals heard the sound of the alarm that was quite familiar to them. They had just heard it two days ago.

The planet turns on the highest level of alert mode -

Shen Mu and Hamer are holding together. Is the highest level of alert mode on the planet now the cabbage on the street?

I have never heard of it in my life for the past two decades, and in the recent few days, they have heard both times.

When the two went out to observe the situation, the two of them just went out, did not have time to see what happened to the planet, and the fierce roar of the nearby space was torn apart by powerful forces, so that the two men could stand together.

Then from the twisted space that was torn apart, the two human generals saw a figure that made them feel cold inside.

Silver hair, blindfolded eyes, and a cold silver-gray tail behind it.

This iconic feature, if Shen Mu and Hamer still can't recognize who the silver worms are in front of them, then they don't have to be military.

Yalves, the head of the First Army of the Zerg.

The faces of the two human generals showed an incredible expression. Why did the silver worms appear in front of them, and Shen Mu and Hamer could not understand.

The same is the space abilities, from the sensation fluctuations that I have just felt, Shen Mu has been deeply aware of the gap in his ability with the silver worm.

This zerg is probably transferred directly from other planets. This space manipulation ability has reached the point of being described by terror.

Space abilities are rare and rare, and even if the ability limit can only be transmitted by one person, the opponent's ability is still daunting.

Have you made a mistake?

Just ran three insignificant prisoners. Is this group of Zerg so tightly chasing them, even the head of the army personally arrested them? ?

The two human generals are very skeptical about life.

And then, Shen Mu and Hammer also understand why the planet also has to open the highest level of alert mode, because the Zerg army is over.

The Ula battleship appeared in the sky, and countless black Yula warships quickly obscured the city...and even the sky of the planet.

More and more Zerg soldiers landed on the planet and surrounded them in this place, like a raging infinite stream of insects, so that the horrible scene made Shen Mu and Hamer completely speechless. .

Such a terrible scene is actually only in the history of the old epoch in history textbooks. What is the feeling of the picture described in the text as a reality in front of the book, Shen Mu and Hamer at this time Almost stiff, the heartbeat is as fast as the onset.

But they did not know that this part of the military is still only the search force of the Zerg Third Army and the Fourth Army. The real main army of the Zerg is still coming.

They don't even have the chance to escape.

The body was directly nailed to the place by the absolute suppression of the power of the power, and Shen Mu and Hamer could not move now.

The power of this power is increasing, and the two people who are unable to move can even begin to have a little breathing difficulty. Their bodies seem to be squeezed by some kind of invisible force.

Time has passed from the appearance of the silver worms in the present to the present, only a few seconds have passed, but the two feel as if they have been a century long.

At this time, Gu Huai has also come out of the house, his figure was almost immediately captured by the cold-haired silver worms not far away, and waited for the other party to come, Gu Huai quickly approached the past.

"Are you crazy, don't go over!" Finally, I could recover my breath a little. Hamer looked at her compatriots and took the initiative to approach the silver-haired worm. He was scalp numb.

When you approached the attacking range of the other's tail, Hammer didn't have to imagine that the young man who walked past him would be pierced by the head of the Zerg army, or he would smash his head directly.

Gu Huai continued to approach, but did not let him take a few more steps, Yalves moved.

In the eyes of two human generals, this action is that Yalves wants to take the initiative to attack, and it is not true that when the attack reaches the scope of the attack, the two humans see the tail of the silver worms move -

Shen Mu and Harmerton lived in breathing, and couldn't bear to want to look away. They didn't want to see pictures of their compatriots being brutally killed in front of their eyes.

However, the images that appear next are completely different from their imagination.

The cold silver-gray tail did not do anything to hurt the youth. This tail encircled the youth in an almost cautious way, and then the owner of the tail hugged the youth.

Yalves never made such a move when Gu Huai was awake, but he only wants to do this now. Only in this way can he not control the destruction of his heart.

Then Shen Mu and Hamer saw that the silver worms in front of them had taken the initiative to uncover the occlusions on their eyes, revealing a pair of light golden erects with indifference, and then put this black bandage on him. In the hands of the young people, the meaning of handing over to the other party.

Two people watching the whole process: "???"


Wait a minute -

Even if the mind is hard to turn, how unbelievable things are, and the two human generals who have watched this scene cannot now realize the problem.

Looking at the silver worms in front of them, the young people in the arms showed a clear protective posture. Shen Mu and Hammer now almost want to take a breath.

An incredible horrible guess is gradually forming in their hearts...

Are they mistaken for something very terrible? ?

The author has something to say: Yesterday night and night did not stop, too sleepy to sleep (lower head)

then! Ask the little cute people to feed the nutrient liquid duck qwq!

Let Huaibao go to the nutrient solution list to see the scenery, thank you to the audience.jpg

This chapter also randomly dropped 100 red packets ~ 2k novel reading network

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