MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 19 The nineteenth day of not being a man

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The situation in which Gu Huai did not see Yalves continued for a day. After he woke up, the other party appeared next to him as usual.

After two days of observation, Gu Huai felt that the two legions of the Zerg on the Tuse Star were peaceful and friendly, and there was no rejection between them. They accepted each other faster than he thought.

Thinking about this matter, Gu Huai decided to go to the military building.

"Hold." Out of the gate of the mansion, Gu Huai turned back and opened his hand to the Tucker who followed him.

It’s not that Gu Huai is too lazy to walk, but he finds that these Tuckers especially like to let him sit on his shoulders and carry him to see the world, so he did it.

These Tucker zergs now understand that when Gu Huai sang the syllables of their hands, they wanted them to be on their shoulders.

So the head of the Tak zerg slightly lowered its body, and the sharp forearm extended the young man standing close to him and put it on his left shoulder.

Carrying Gu Huai, this tall, horrible shape of the Tucker screams from the throat, the cold scarlet eyes seem to have a little light, which is obviously happy.

The military building and the house of Yalves are not far away, and Gu Huai was carried by the Tucker.

On the road, Gu Huai looked at the sky and said to the Tak Zerg who carried him: "When it snows, let's go out and see the snow."

The snow has not fallen, and the sky has been brewing for several days.

The Tuckers who lived on the abandoned planet did not experience snowing days, but they did not know that it was "snow."

The winter of the abandoned planet is much colder than the Tuse star. When the guardian cubs are still not broken, every Tak worm will go outside to find some huge and soft leaves in the winter.

Then bring the leaves back into the cave and gently cover the big white egg that is lying quietly.

They don't feel cold, but they instinctively worry that the cubs that are still bred in the eggshell will be frozen.

Although I don’t know what snow is, I’m listening to Huai’s saying that these Tuckers are still responding.

"The time to pile up a snowman like Karoo." Gu Huai said that he patted the shoulder of the Tektronix who was carrying him, and his face was slightly smiling.

The Tak zerg, who heard his name, shrank slightly and thought it was the call of the cub, so it continued to make a clearer squeak from the throat, avoiding Gu Huai thinking that it did not hear.

The military building has a total of 17 floors, the conference room is on the 16th floor, and the top floor is the private office of Yalves, but most of the work is thrown to the chief of staff, Yalves basically does not get in and out of this office. That's it.

The second time I walked into this towering white giant building, Gu Huai’s entry into the military building was noticed by a group of higher Zerg.

All the Zerg stopped their work on hand, and some even left the post and followed him, the more they followed.

When he was in the elevator, he looked helplessly at a group of high-ranking Zerg who wanted to squeeze into the elevator and looked at him outside the elevator door.

Despite the large space of this direct elevator, the Tak Zerg around Gu Huai still occupied the position, so this scene was given.

Gu Huailai’s military department is to talk to Yalves and other senior officials that he wants to contact the other two legions now. Because of the highest authority, Gu Huai has unimpededly went to the conference room.

As soon as he entered the conference room, Gu Huai first saw the expression of the chief of staff and other high-rises, and then he was stunned by the contents of the virtual screen suspended at the conference table.

[The 10th StarCraft's Cutest Bio-Selection]

This seems to be a voting page, and Gu Huai has seen his name in the current second position, followed by a long string of votes.

Gu Huai: "..."

The arrival of Gu Huai was immediately noticed by the Zerg in the conference room. Not only the high-levels of Yalves and Tuse, but also Kapaliya and several of her confidants were here. They looked at them for the first time. Put it on Gu Huai.

"Your Majesty, how come you came?" the Chief of Staff asked, and quickly placed a seat next to the main seat of Yalves alone, so that Gu Huai had a seat to sit.

Although Gu Huai is the new owner of Tussex, the troubles of the planet affairs, the chief of staff will not let Gu Huai worry.

"Come to tell you, I am going to contact the other two legions..." Gu Huai said, his eyes still couldn’t stop moving to the virtual screen on the conference table, especially watching his votes continue to grow, Gu Huai’s The expression is getting more and more subtle.

Before that, the Chief of Staff definitely hoped that Gu Huai would contact him later. On the other hand, he did not want the Zerg of other legions to take care of Gu Huai. On the other hand, they did not know that the Zerg of other legions would do after knowing the existence of Wang. What is going on?

However, after reading the attitude of the Second Army to Gu Huai, and the ongoing vote, the Chief of Staff said very decisively at this time: "Subordinates will follow your wishes."

From the very beginning, Yalves had let Gu Huai do whatever he wanted to do. At this time, he did not speak. At the same time, Kapaliya, who was the head of the Second Army, said to Gu Huai at the moment: "The subordinate is putting The Elite Forces transferred to Thur Star and will arrive in about a day. You don't have to worry about anything."

In the beginning, to express sincerity, Kapalia only brought the lowest-level fleet. Now the top figures of Tusestar have already trusted her attitude towards Gu Huai, naturally they don’t mind that Kapaliya will adjust the elite troops. Come to Tusser.

The more defensive forces used to protect the king, the better they will protect Gu Huai in the safest place.

What Kapalia said in this sentence is that even if there are rebels in the other two legions, they can suppress it, so what Gu Hua wants to do.

To establish a spiritual link to two different distant planets at the same time, Gu Huai is now able to do this, but before establishing the link, Gu Huai really wants to understand one thing first.

“What is this?” Gu Huai pointed to the virtual screen on the conference table.

The chief of staff pushed his glasses and replied: "It is a selection of an association affiliated to the Star Alliance on the Star Online. I heard that the results of the selection are highly recognized in the interstellar."

For the first place to be voted out in this selection, the merchants of all races in the Stars will be happy to introduce various types of peripherals related to it. It turns out that the sales volume is indeed very good.

Due to the biodiversity in the interstellar space, this voting option is set to be self-addable. Other options are available for others to add. The option of “Gu Huai” is added by a Zerg.

"..." Gu Huai was silent for two seconds. He seriously read the title of the selection again, and took a look at his name hanging high in the second place. He didn't even know what to say.

"Every star network account can vote once a day. Now the first place is always when we push you to the first place. After a while, we will go back and go back. It’s just about discussing this with other people. When it came to this, the chief of the staff, Leng Su, frowned slightly, and he was obviously not satisfied with the result.

The most lovely creature in the interstellar, of course, is their king.

When Gu Huai didn't come in the conference room, the tops of the Tusser sitting around the conference table almost didn't stare the virtual screen through a hole.

What creature is "Pach"?

Why can you overtake the votes of their king so many times?

The Zerg of the two legions voted these days, but the number of votes was repeatedly overtaken, which made the Zerg soldiers of the two legions even start to think about it - whether they would call this creature called "Pachi" in the interstellar They are extinct, and their king is not the most lovely.

With such thoughts, these Zerg soldiers did not feel that there was anything wrong with the robber logic of their own, and even seriously considered the feasibility.

The soldiers of the First Army and the Second Army of the Zerg are not happy, but at this time, the number of Pach fans and the melons in the interstellar are also very aggressive.

What kind of biological species is “Gu Huai”, and they have never heard of it? ?

As the most popular domestic pet in the interstellar family, Pach has won three consecutive championships, and he has won several overwhelming votes.

As a result, this time I suddenly encountered such a difficult situation, a first-place unprotected, forced the fans to vote every day, which made the position stable.

For Gu Huai as a party, he was aphasia after listening to the chief of staff's answer.

No... Why do you have to seriously discuss this kind of thing in the conference room of the military? ?

"In fact, you don't have to care about this vote, I..." Gu Huaigang wanted to euphemistically express his interest in the first place in the selection, but he did not finish it. He saw the chief of staff suddenly lifted his head.

"No." The chief of staff's expression was even more ruthless. For the first time, he showed a firm attitude in front of Gu Huai.

Not only the chief of staff, Gu Huai looked at the other serious sects of the same high-level Zerg, he silently, and finally reluctantly decided to let the Zerg of his two legions to do this.

"I am contacting the other two legions." Gu Huai reluctantly let his eyes move away from the selection page. He closed his eyes and let himself immerse himself in the spiritual realm. He quickly found out the other two in the field. Conspicuous bright spots.

Select, confirm - establish a link.

At this time, in the two planets with huge environmental differences, the masters of the two planets almost simultaneously reacted to shrink the pupil.

In this one-way spiritual link, Gu Huai used the opening remarks that were similar to the last one. It also expressed the meaning of wanting to meet, and asked if the other party would like to come to Tusser.

The reaction between the two is exactly the same as that of the previous Kapaliya. It is the next second to send a communication request directly to Tusser.

In the communication that was connected, Gu Huai saw two higher Zerg with a large image gap.

One is almost as big as the Tak Zerg around Gu Huai, and his body is covered with hard outer armor, looks a bit ferocious.

The other figure was normal, and his appearance was cold and beautiful. The other person wore a white robes with a complicated style. At this time, his eyes were cold and his expression was quiet.

"Would you like to come over to see me?" Gu Huai asked.

The large zerg in the communication image showed his loyalty to Gu Huai almost immediately. The leader of the army did not hesitate to hang his head down on Gu Huai, saying in a sinking voice: "Sindo, obey your orders." ""

The Zerg group of Zerg is more average than other Zerg, but Simodo believes that they are not loyal to the king, they will not lose to any other group.

Their ethnic group has the ability to consume vitality in exchange for terrorist outbreaks, and is the only group that can use self-destruction as a means of killing the enemy, and if it is to protect the king, they will not blame their own lives.

It can be said that the Zerg of the Kazakh group usually looks unremarkable, but once someone threatens Gu Huai, they will be as crazy as the Tak Zerg who entered the violent state.

"Follow your will." In another communication video, a calm and cold voice was subsequently conveyed.

The master of the voice also has a golden erect representing the class, but the golden eyes of these eyes are extraordinarily pale, and the things reflected in the eyes of the other seem to be illusory.

And at least when watching Gu Huai, the illusory things in these eyes become close to reality.

The four corps of the Zerg belong to different ethnic groups. Ai, who is the head of the Third Army, was born in the Isadoro community.

The Zerg, born in the Isadoro community, is so powerful that soldiers of this ethnic group are better at using their abilities to destroy enemies than melee attacks, and Ay's special talents are foreseen.

This predictive ability allowed Ai to always see the future after a second or two, so his eyes did not look at reality.

But in the face of Gu Huai, he hopes to see the reality.

Also at the moment of seeing, Ai understood what the premonition dream that once made him incomprehensible represented.

In addition to the very short-term predictions, Ai sometimes sees a distant future through dreams, and he once dreamed of a scene related to Gu Huai.

At that time, he could not see Gu Huai's face in his dreams. Now, Ai has supplemented the image of the youth in his dreams.

As long as it is a Zerg, no matter which ethnic group or which legion it belongs to, it will definitely love the king. Looking at the four legions that are about to be unified because of the emergence of Gu Huai, the chief of staff and several other tops of Tuse Realize and recognize this.

In this case--

The chief of staff pushed the glasses and sent the voting page to the two heads of the army.

The two legions voted not to vote, and the four legions could not vote together?

Gu Huai, who is watching this scene: "..."

It is clearly such a serious picture of ethnic unity, why the painting style is abrupt.

Gu Huai once again fell silent, and about ten minutes later, the StarCraft people who watched this annual selection event were stunned and watched the number of votes in the second place suddenly began to skyrocket. After a while, they surpassed the first place, directly to almost Doubled the number of votes to the top.

Eat melons: "?"

Pach fans: "???"

How does this make them fight?

Looking at the competitors suddenly doubled the number of votes, the Archie fans in the Stars are speechless.

Then the result was settled.

[The 10th StarCraft's Cutest Bio-Selection]

First place: Gu Huai

Second place: Pach

Third place: Ellisron



So who will tell them, what kind of creature is "Gu Huai"? ? ?

At this time when the Zerg was born, the various ethnic groups in the Stars had already remembered the name of Gu Huai.

The author has something to say: Pach: I don't want to be extinct (screaming.jpg)

Thanks to all the little angels who are willing to support the genuine, love you duck owo

The handicapped wine and wine code is not updated with 4 million words, only 4,000 words (repenting down

This chapter randomly drops 200 red packets, 啵啵啵2k

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