MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 10 The tenth day of not being a man

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Unlike the dry, hot weather on an abandoned planet, Tuse Star is now in a rather cold winter.

The cold winter sky looks extraordinarily pure, it is a quiet cyan, like a polished gemstone, and the entire figure is now reflected in this huge gem.

The cold low temperature environment has no effect on the Zerg, so the higher zergs present are still only wearing black military uniforms, but in their eyes, the young people who are headed by the silver worms seem to be frozen because of the cold sensation felt from the air. Woke up.

This discovery made every Zerg in the room feel a little helpless, and even did not know how to act in a moment.

The young black-eyed youth has a very soft contour, and both the hair and the skin look very soft. At this time, the half-awake look is more delicate and smooth than the normal Zerg cub.

I want to protect.

The heart of the icy ice like a piece of ice suddenly sinks like a piece, and the strange softness in the chest makes these higher zergs difficult to understand.

This kind of emotion is hot and hot, but soft and incredible.

They look at the young people who have not fully woken up, like the people who are waiting for the precious flowers to open up, facing the young and fragile flower buds, always worrying about the lack of rain or sunlight, the flower buds are full of strong protection .

The cold made Gu Huai reflexively shrink the body, but because he was held by Yalves, he shrank his body, and the whole person was equal to the initiative to approach the latter.

Such proximity would make the approached person feel dependent on the other person. Yalves slightly tightened his body, pulled his cold tail away from the youth, and then turned his face to the right of the team. Higher Zerg: "Leo, use your power to fire."

As one of Tussel's seven core high-level executives, if he asks someone to ask for Rio, he probably thinks he is being played, and then directly swallows the other with roaring flames.

However, the person who said this was their leader, and understood that the other party's intention to let him ignite was to warm the youth, and Rioton stiffened and stepped forward.

In the six colleagues, he is now the first person to approach the king -

If you don't look at your eyes, it is very difficult to see the heart of the other person's heart from the cold face of this high-level Zerg.

Lack of feelings, and therefore lack of expression, after getting used to such an ethnic nature, these higher Zerg are now even more pleasantly surprised by seeing Gu Huai, and his face still looks chilly.

Several groups of burning golden flames appeared in the air. These protective flames formed by the flaming flames of the squadrons were burned through, but now they are carefully floating around Guhuai.

"Do you still feel cold?" Leo lowered his voice and asked, the young man's current state seems to be half-awake, and he is afraid that his voice will scare each other.

Gu Huai blinked a bit in a stunned manner, only to find that they had already come down from the battleship, that is, they had already reached the figure.

When he was completely awake, Gu Huaicai later realized that the high-ranking Zerg was still waiting for him to answer. He immediately responded: "Not so cold, thank you."

This answer made the high-level Zerg's cold face instinctively appear a smile. In fact, this corner of the mouth is really difficult to call a smile, but it is already very expressive expression to them.

It’s never been so happy that your abilities are related to the flames. This ability can drive away the cold for their king, and Rio is even proud of it.

"Put me down." After the response, Gu Huai said to the silver worms who were walking with him.

In order to prevent the other party from misunderstanding that he did not want him to approach, Gu Huai compromised on being locked up by Yalves.

Most of the time is twenty-four hours a day to sleep, Gu Huai has accepted this setting from the initial helplessness to the current habit.

For the time being, the mental strength is only the level of the young, and it is impossible to always enter the sleep instinct.

However, as time goes by, Gu Huai feels the steady growth of his mental strength, and after a while, he should be able to move normally.

Yalves said that Gu Huai was put down, and there were several groups of floating flames around. These golden flames seemed to heat up the cold air around Gu Huai, and Gu Huai was not cold enough to tremble.

"When you come back to Tussex with your majesty, why don't you tell the subordinates in advance..." The chief of staff is very anxious now, because he is too late to prevent, and he has not had time to prepare for the preparation.

"Contact code, forgot." Yalves answered.

Listen to this calm without a slight sigh of tone.

A head of the army forgot the communication code of the high-level parliament of his capital star. If it was not Gu Huai, he would stand next to him. As the chief of staff, Alice would now perform a suffocation on the spot.

But the leader of the house brought the king back to Tusser. With this in mind, the chief of staff forgave all the things the other party did.

Chief of Staff: "Where is the place where you live, can you temporarily arrange it in your house? Your family has always sent someone to take care of it, and it makes no difference before you leave."

Gu Huai’s residence, of course, the chief of staff wants to arrange the most comfortable place in Tusexing, and he wants to come and think, there is no better place than their leader’s house.

They should have built at least a palace for the youth, but it’s too late to start working now...

Yalves gently decapitated and expressed his consent.

With the consent of Yalves, the chief of staff kneeled down in front of Gu Huai and bowed his head in a low-pitched manner: "What kind of requirements do you have for your living, such as the layout of the room? The planet you are waiting for is What kind of place, if you wish, can make people transform the room into something you are familiar with."

As other Zerg descended from the Eurasian warship, several senior figures from Tusestar had already seen the huge eggshell carefully carried by the two Zerg soldiers, and they immediately understood that they had adult appearance in front of them. The youth have only just been born in a broken shell for a few days.

If you are born at the time of your birth, you will still be a child.

Wang is still a cub...

As long as I thought about it, the coldness of the face of the seven figures on the top of the scene could not help but melt slightly, and the chilly outlines became softer.

"The planet I was waiting for was an abandoned planet." Gu Huai answered the question after hearing the question, then shook his head and said, "The original look of the room is OK, no need to change."

Abandoned planets -

This answer gave a glimpse of the top of the Tuse in the presence, and suddenly there was a less obvious, tingling tingling in my heart.

How can such a precious treasure for them be born on an abandoned planet...

I also remembered the spiritual link that was initially received and expressed pain. At this time, in the hearts of these higher Zerg, the strong regrets were almost full enough to make them feel breathing difficulties.

They should also look for it at the time. If they sent troops to look for it, they might be able to pick up the young people from the abandoned planet earlier.

Because of the short and distant connection of the spiritual link, they are still not aware of the importance of the owner who issued this link to them.

Now, when you see it with your own eyes, you only need one glance to understand.

So they feel pain for it.

Gu Huai soon felt these emotions, and he was at a loss for a second.

I understand that these Zerg are probably because they know that he had lived on abandoned planets before, and Gu Huai thought about it. He said to these high-ranking Zerg: "The planet you manage... Tuse star is very beautiful, I like very much."

The sky is very good. The buildings on the airport side are very cold in color, but they are still very scientific. Other places have not seen it for a while, but Gu Huai feels that the scenery outside the airport will not be bad.

Young people say that they like Tuse Star, which is equivalent to the highest affirmation of their work. The chief of staff who handles piles of affairs every day is no longer annoyed by these work.

Not only do not bother, but even feel that they can go back to work for three days and three nights.

Is there anything more worthwhile to build a planet that the other party likes?


If their king is willing to treat Tuse Star as their home, they will be happy not to be themselves.

Just as the tops of these Tussells changed their moods because of Gu Huai’s words, the silver worms who had not stood out from the side said at this time: "Then I will give you the stars."

The words of Yalves made all the high-ranking Zerg who were familiar with him in the same place. They all knew that the temper of their own leader was not good. Most Zerg would still have some emotions, and their leader would be nothing. The temperature is cold.

Because of this well-known coldness, when the other party is willing to take the initiative to send a gift, this group of higher zerg is very surprised.

Suddenly I had to receive a planet as a gift. Gu Huai was stuck by the weight of this gift. He turned back to God and wanted to immediately stop and refused to say no, but a slight head saw the silver worm behind him. Raised the silver-gray tail at the end, and he made a bad start.

I don't know why, when I saw this tail slightly tilted, Gu Huai felt that Yalves should be in a good mood now.

Because I can give him a gift, so I am in a good mood?

When Yalves looked down on him, the other side looked like a quiet and docile big cat in Gu Huai, so that when he saw the silver-gray tail moving up and down after nodding, Gu Huai did not Hold back and touch it.

While still on the abandoned planet, Gu Huai admitted that he was very embarrassed about this tail, because it was too hot, and the cold silver-gray tail was very comfortable to hold.

But because of the embarrassment, Gu Huai did not touch it at the time.

Why can't I stop touching it now, mainly because it is like a big cat like a silver worm that makes Gu Hua feel a bit... a little embarrassing.

Gu Huai does not know why he has such a subtle feeling, obviously the other side is a faceless expression of indifference, whether it is because he thinks that he does not want to let the other person close to take the initiative to disappear, or now because he said that he likes the planet Giving him, Gu Huai felt like he was being intimately approached by a big cat.

This silver big cat is very proud and indifferent. I don't know the way to be close to people. At first, I only know how to circle around people who want to be close. After turning for a while, I know that I will stretch my claws to touch.

Sending the planet is probably about the same as stretching the claws. So thinking, Gu Huai can't refuse.

Seeing that their own king was touching the tail of their leader, and their leader did not resist at all, even the frowning did not move the tail away, and the high-ranking Zerg in the field immediately became a collective stagnation.

The silver worms that had been touched by the young man were like some kind of comfort, and they couldn’t move for a while. When the youth removed the hand that touched the tail, Arvis said in a cold voice: "There is still a planet possessed by the Legion. A lot, if you want, the other ones can be given to you."

After saying this, Arvis seems to think of something, adding: "If not enough, other ethnic planets can also occupy."

"No... no, as long as the map star is fine." Gu Huai quickly dispelled the other's ideas, he did not want to have a war at all, if possible, Gu Huai actually hopes to change the situation of the Zerg in the interstellar without allies. .

Now there is no race in the entire Star World to play with the Zerg, mainly because the Zerg itself does not have the willingness to establish diplomatic relations with other races, and has always maintained absolute independence.

However, according to the thought of Gu Huai, who used to be a human being, and comparing ethnicity to the state, a country that does not establish diplomacy with other countries will certainly suffer.

If something happens in the future, even an ally who can help can't find it, and there is no effective communication between commerce, technology, and so on.

Gu Huai has a clear understanding of his current identity. He is standing on the position of the Zerg, hoping to make his own race change, because he wants these unconditional Zerg to live better.

As a king, he has the ability to lead the race to make changes, but this requires a step by step, and now it is better to settle in Tuse Star.

"The house of Mr. Yalves is a bit far from here, but it takes only half an hour to take the suspension car. The subordinate now takes you in the past." I can’t wait for the youth to settle in Tuse, and the chief of staff is a bit unstoppable. A calm expression on the face.

"Good." Gu Huai nodded.

Before leaving, Gu Huai approached the battleship. He said to the Yula warship, which was warm and bright because of his proximity. "Next time, let me go out and play."

Originally because of the youth's departure, I was very reluctant. I heard Gu Huai say this sentence. This Yula warship suddenly vibrated and made a clear voice.


"Hey, hey -!"

Take the suspension car to a large-scale residence, Gu Huai was led by the chief of staff to the first floor of this private territory.

This quantifier is not wrong. The seventh floor of this white house is counted as a room.

"The clothes you need will be sent to you immediately. If you have any needs, please be sure to inform your subordinates. No matter what, the subordinates will definitely do it for you." The Chief of Staff is finishing this. After the paragraph, I tried to control myself out of the room. Although I really wanted to continue to see it, he couldn’t bother the king.

Clothing, food and the like are only the most basic. The chief of staff has thought about it. He thinks that he should search the collections of their legions to see if there is anything worthy of giving to the king, or something that can be given to them as a toy.

Whether the palace can start designing and starting work, but what kind of palace to build is worthy of their king...

If you think about it, there will be a lot of things to do. The staff will facelessly go to the conference room of the military building. For such an important thing, they must have a meeting.

When the door closed, Gu Huai lay down on the soft bed, and then in this lying position, and immediately confronted a group of Tucker worms who came close to the bed to look at him.

"We have a new home." Gu Huai's pair of scarlet eyes around him bent over the Tak worms.

Then Gu Huai sat up again and raised his head to ask the tallest Tak zerg: "Karu, do you like it here?"

On the abandoned planet, Gu Huai gave the Tak Zerg who looked after him a name, and then he remembered the differences between each Tak worm and put the names on them.

I heard the young man say the two syllables of "Karu". The Tak zerg, who is headed, already understands that this is the name of the youth who is calling it. It lowers its head and screams at the black-haired youth who are looking at it. .

For these Tuckers, the place of life is not important and they can continue to care for the youth. They are already very happy.

Although they are not as powerful as the same family that can advance the humanoid form, they also want to take care of the young, and they will not hesitate to protect them with life as long as they are needed.

"Then we will live here later." Hearing the response, Gu Huai smiled and bent.

One of the Zerg regiments greeted their king. For this matter, the other three Legions of the Zerg are still unknown, and all other races in the Stars are unaware of it.

Like the sky that quietly accumulates clouds, the rain that is about to land is destined to keep them off guard. 2k novel reading network

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