MTL - I’m Just a Pharmacist-Chapter 77 cut short hair

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. No hesitation at all.

So a group of people who had just entered the classroom for a while, left the classroom in a mighty manner, and went to the toilet to change new clothes.

It is said that the kind used by the army can automatically change colors according to the surrounding environment, and spontaneously integrate into the surrounding environment, which has the best effect.

The school probably never thought about deliberately tossing the students. The clothes didn't look very good, but they were comfortable to wear. Of course, the effect of discoloration is currently not available.

Ming Weiwan looked at them and hesitated, "I'll buy sunscreen later."

Lin Jing also glanced at her, "No need."

She has practiced Taoism for so many years, except for very few people with special exercises, she has never seen anyone with white skin.

Where else would you need all these gooey things?

Ming Weiwan looked at Lin Jing's increasingly fair skin and nodded.

The two quickly changed their clothes. Speaking of which, Lin Jing is the kind of cold little fairy, Ming Weiwan thought it would not match with such a camouflage uniform.

Bang and jump.

However, the handsome little fairy is also a little worried now, because the instructor just said that no matter male or female, the hair should not cover the ears.

Although Lin Jing has no obsession with hair, but in the world of self-cultivation, both men and women have long hair. She has had long hair for almost 10,000 years. reluctant.

In addition to her, a group of little girls sat in front of the barber with tears in their eyes. Some even burst into tears, but the classmates next to them who were originally tearful also burst into tears, and the choking voices came from far away, and those who didn't know thought it was someone who was abusing them collectively. girl.

Lin Jing was a little melancholy at first, but when she saw this funny scene, she couldn't help crying. The sadness and so on have long been thrown aside, but when the barber's hair clipper clicked from his head a few times, he watched his long hair fall to the ground, and his heart was still a little dull.

After cutting her hair, Lin Jing shook her head subconsciously, and when she turned her head, she saw Ming Weiwan looking at her with bright eyes, Lin Jing raised her eyebrows, "What are you looking at? I've never seen short hair before. of?"

Ming Weiwan gave a thumbs up, "Handsome!"

Lin Jing laughed and patted her shoulder, "Go, it's your turn."

Lin Jing stretched out her hand at this moment, and the hair that had just fallen off her body seemed to be pulled by something, and all fell into her hands.

The people around looked at her in surprise, and they didn't know whether they were curious about how she pulled her hair back or how she did it.

Lin Jingcai didn't care about the expressions of these people. When a cultivator cultivated, even the hair strands were tempered together, and it was no different from the blood in the body. If it falls into the hands of the wicked, I don't know what kind of vicious magic will be produced.

Although it seems that there are few people in this world who can cultivate, but if it is not well maintained, there will be something she does not know?

Lin Jing has long been accustomed to being careful in everything, and the act of tidying up her hair is already instinctive.

Although Ming Weiwan was sitting there cutting her hair, she kept an eye on Lin Jing's behavior at all times, and naturally found out her behavior of collecting her hair, and she didn't say anything. Just waited until after he cut his hair, he bowed his head and picked it up.

Because there are many people who cut her hair, her hair will inevitably fall out and mix with other people's hair and she will not feel it.

Lin Jing couldn't see it anymore, "You picked up someone else's." After speaking, she moved her hands, and a dozen hairs flew out from Ming Weiwan's hand. .

Ming Weiwan froze, looked up at Lin Jing with a confused expression, "This, how is this divided?"

Don't explain Weiwan, even the uncle who just cut their hair was surprised, "You didn't just pick up feelings just now?" I looked at the dozen or so just now, um, look It doesn't seem to be the same length.

However, the behavior of pulling out a dozen different lengths of hair from a large pile of hair is also very perverted, right? Didn't you see the crying girls around you were too scared to cry?

Someone squatted down and started picking up their hair. But with so many strands of hair on the ground, it's really not easy to find your own. The thought of retrieving other people's hair, uh, feels a little disgusting.

Seeing that Ming Weiwan was still at a loss, Lin Jing reminded, "You have your own power attached to your hair, and feel that you can feel it."

Ming Weiwan was stunned for a moment, knowing what Lin Jing was teaching her, so she stopped caring about the people around her, closed her eyes and started to feel seriously.

The surroundings were very noisy, the girls were chattering, the hair clippers were cutting their hair, and even the squeaking of chairs rubbing against the ground, the footsteps of shoes on the ground…

Ming Weiwan didn't use her divine sense at first, but unconsciously, her divine sense had begun to spread out, and the surrounding sounds gradually turned into a clear picture and reflected in her mind.

But she remembers that her purpose was to feel her hair.

Lin Jing said that her power was attached to her hair.

Although Ming Weiwan didn't feel it for a while, she firmly believed that Lin Jing would not lie to her, so she didn't feel it was her own reason. Ming Weiwan closed her eyes tightly, trying to feel the hair on her hands.

I don't know if she stared too hard, she gradually felt that there was a faint aura flowing in those hairs.

Ming Weiwan suddenly opened her eyes to look at Lin Jing, Lin Jing smiled at her, "Not bad."

Wan immediately stretched out her hand in a good mood and collected all the hair.

At this time, she also vaguely understood that these hair should not be thrown around. After they were collected, they were carefully packed and handed to Lin Jing.

Lin Jing looked at the hair in front of her, puzzled, "What are you doing?"

Ming Weiwan: "Here you are."

Lin Jing twitched the corners of her mouth, "No need." Hair is not a mess. When mortals in her era got married, they would cut a bunch of hair from each other and tie them together, commonly known as hair-knot couples.

There are too many changes in it, and the various temptations will not be mentioned, and each other's cultivation will become a big problem.

How many lovers become enemies, how many lovers become passers-by. The long years have seen too much, but they are reluctant to make promises easily. If you see the right eye, they will hold a double-cultivation ceremony cautiously, and more will go to bed directly. Anyway, they monks are not afraid of flower willow disease or something. A lot of people see it more openly.

Therefore, monks seldom bow.

Ming Weiwan was a little dazed. Seeing that Lin Jing had collected all her hair, she thought she was useful. Now Lin Jing doesn't want it. After thinking about it, she still puts it up by herself. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with following her family quietly.

"Students, how did you do it just now?"

Lin Jing and Ming Weiwan were about to leave when a young man walked over with a smile, looking at the expressions of the two of them very interesting.

As for the question of why a boy appeared in the pile of girls... No way, he was the only boy in the class with long hair, so he was naturally driven to the group of women to cut his hair .

Hearing the boy's question, a few more people came over, "Yeah, how did you do it with your hands? It's amazing!"

The seminary is different from ordinary schools. More than 99% of the students here are supernatural beings. Although the hand they showed just now looks amazing, most of them are only related to spiritual powers, so they only think that the two are very powerful and can use their spiritual power to such a fine level.

In just a while, many people have secretly tried to absorb their hair. Of course, it all ended in failure.

This boy is one of the people who just tried. As for the girls in the back, they praised Lin Jing and Ming Weiwan on the surface, but they began to glance at the young man. It was obvious that the drunkard's intention was not drinking.

Finally, a girl asked timidly, "Are you Xu Lin's classmate? The one who lives in the Zhuangyuan Building?"

Although Xu Lin still had a smile on his face, the smile restrained a little, "You guys are quite clear."

Although his expression was like a smile but not a smile, the girls around him still screamed softly because of his words, because the boy's words just now obviously admitted his identity, "Lin classmate, you It's amazing! To be able to live in the Zhuangyuan Building, is it the first grade in the exam?"

Xu Lin is really impatient now, "I'm sorry, I didn't even get the second, only the third."

"Wow, the third is also very good! Xu Lin is handsome and he did so well in the exam, he is very good!"

Lin Jing and Ming Weiwan, looking at the teenager who just talked to them, they were surrounded by a group of girls after a few words, like a little fan girl chasing a big star , is simply breathtaking.

But this person has been around for a long time. Although some people looked over there at the beginning, they seemed more reserved, unlike now, a group of people are like little bees who saw flowers, Don't go around.

"Those are from other classes." A familiar girl suddenly heard in their ears, Lin Jing and Ming Weiwan turned their heads and saw Luo Xiaoxiao smiling at her.

"It didn't take long for our class to come out, and other classes came out one after another, and now most of the people around are from other classes. After all, our class is at the top of the grade, and everyone is cheering With all the strength, who can subdue who?"

"Where's your brother? Why didn't you come with you?" Ming Weiwan looked behind her, a little curious.

Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly felt a little embarrassed, "My brother's performance was a little unstable, and he didn't get into the first class."

Lin Jing went through thirty people in her mind, and there was really no sign of Luo Xiaotian. Ming Weiwan was embarrassed now, and quickly comforted, "It's okay, I heard that the first class will have an exam every month, as long as you can get in the top 30 in the exam, you can come in."

Luo Xiaoxiao nodded, "Yes." But the expression on her face was not relaxed but a little nervous, "I don't know if I can stay in the first class in a month."

This feeling of comforting people completely in the wrong direction made Ming Weiwan not know what to say.

Read The Duke's Passion