MTL - I’m Just a Pharmacist-Chapter 73 vengeance

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It wasn't until she felt that the man in the tavern had paid the money and started walking out, she walked into a street corner that the man must pass.

come over.

Rarely, Lin Jing did not wait impatiently, as if she was enjoying some beautiful scenery.

Wang Man finally came to the intersection slowly, burping while walking, today is his ex-wife's birthday, but unfortunately his ex-wife doesn't even want to answer him on the phone, and his son doesn't let him at all He knows any news.

Wang Man was very dissatisfied. He accidentally drank too much and saw everything swaying on the road, which made him even more dissatisfied, and everything seemed to be on fire.

The car has an emergency system, which will automatically activate the intelligent mode in the event of an emergency, and fly directly into the sky to avoid disasters. So now, except for a problem with the car itself, or if the driver has a problem with the brain and has turned off the emergency system, it is generally rare to have a car accident.

Do you have eyes?"

He drank too much now, because his ex-wife was in a bad mood, he was already in the stage of anger, and he stared at him with dissatisfaction, "Close, it's none of your business! Open! So hurry up, you rush to reincarnate!"

Suddenly, the driver who just wanted to come forward and scolded his anger because of dissatisfaction suddenly quit, the car parked on the side, opened the door and jumped out, "Bastard, you are so scolding. Who!"

He punched him without thinking, and Wang Man was immediately punched to the ground. If Wang Man succumbed at this time, maybe things would have passed like this, but he was severely stimulated by the alcohol, and the dull pain on his face gradually came, and immediately made him red eyes, and he didn't know where the strength came from. , actually broke free of the driver, turned over and punched him.

This time, things got completely out of control, and the two suddenly scuffled together.

The driver who got in and out of the other car was stunned, and he had no longer wanted to make trouble, so he coldly persuaded him from the side.

Of course, when Wang Man beat the driver, he persuaded him, but when the driver beat Wang Man, he couldn't persuade him... He was only one person, how could he be able to hold two people? ?

There was soon a commotion on the side of the road. A group of people tried to persuade the fight, and watched the fun. It was not until the police came over that the farce was calmed down. With it, the others can only leave in a hurry.

Lin Jing was a little dumbfounded, everyone was taken away by the police, does she have to chase her to the police station?

After thinking about it, she didn't go to the police station, but sneaked into Wang Man's house. Fortunately, Wang Man's family was not very rich, and there was no robot to monitor the police at all times, so Lin Jing easily slipped in.

This is the third time I use the classmate record, and Lin Jing has used it very accurately. A dozen drops of potion dripped, and soon a layer of white mist filled the house. The life of a single man appeared in front of Lin Jing.

Then, Lin Jing's face darkened.

A single middle-aged man, or a single man who likes to drink too much, let alone the hygiene condition, this man only likes to wear pants when he is at home, and often does not even wear pants, Occasionally, I watched the video and slapped myself in a wretched manner...

Lin Jing's face was already blackened, so she might as well go to the police station and kill her.

He took a deep breath, resisted the nausea and continued to watch, she couldn't do it for nothing!

Finally, as time passed, Wang Man's mood gradually became wrong, and he was confused all day long, as if he was afraid of something.

Finally, time passed to the day when the original owner died. When Wang Man returned home in a trance, he rushed into the bathroom and washed for a long time. He burned his blood-stained clothes, and then covered himself on the bed and shivered.

Lin Jing looked at his movements, her eyes cold as if she was about to drop ice slag.

Familiar face, exactly the same clothes, now it is 100% sure that this person killed the person.

The time limit for the memoirs has expired, and Lin Jing sat in the chair and fell into contemplation. If Wang Man was in front of her now, she would have killed him directly.

But now that people are not in front of her, she can't rush to the police station to kill them, right?

Then let him live and die.

Lin Jing began to make medicine. Since the foundation was successfully established and she had a space ring, it was much more convenient for her to refine medicine.

He took out the cauldron from the space ring, and took out the desired ingredients, and then at Wang Man's house, he started refining the potion without any hassle.

Her movements are very beautiful, and it seems that every movement contains a peculiar charm. If you ignore the fact that she is refining medicine in someone else's home, watching her refining medicine is definitely a very pleasant thing .

Lin Jing doesn't like refining poison, but that doesn't mean she doesn't know how to do it. Just as many medicines can be turned into life-saving medicines, many medicines that others think are good can also be extracted as poisons and medicines.

Disgustingly poisonous.

Lin Jing looked at the transparent potion in front of her, and curled her lips slightly.

Wang Man was just fighting with people. Lin Jing felt that in that case, it shouldn't last long. It doesn't matter if this medicine is used at this time.

So she walked around the house, spilling everything from Wang Man's bedroom to the kitchen and toilet, and even added some detergents, shampoos, etc.

However, as long as it can enter the human body within three days, it will penetrate into the human body like a gangrene attached to the bone, making it hard to prevent.

Lin Jing has checked the memory of Wang Man's room. For more than a year, there has been no other information in this house except Wang Man, so she is not afraid of accidentally hurting others.

However, just in case, when Lin Jing went out, she also marked the door of Wang Man's room with a trace of divine sense. The appearance entered her mind.

After doing all this, Lin Jing secretly left the room that made her feel stuffy.

A gust of wind blew, bringing a chill.

Cozy family.

Lin Jing looked at the table and chairs in the room, and looked at the whole room carefully, and there was a trace of nostalgia in her eyes. It wasn't until a long time later that she lay down on the bed and silently closed her eyes.

When Lin Jing opened her eyes the next day, her eyes became clear. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, yawned and went to the toilet to wash up.

I accidentally raised my head while washing, and was slightly stunned when I saw the person in the mirror.


And now, I don't know if it's an illusion, she always feels that the face between the current and the previous life is one or two similar, and it is this two-point similarity, let this face look A lot brighter.

Lin Jing was just stunned for a moment, then turned her face, thinking that maybe she felt wrong, so she didn't care anymore, anyway, she is not a person who likes to pay attention to faces.

Before leaving, she turned around and took a last look at the house, and a thought suddenly popped into her heart. She probably won't come here much in the future.

This thought flashed by, but it didn't trigger any special emotions, Lin Jing turned and left without looking back.

Because I drove a hover car when I came over, I naturally drove away when I left. When Lin Jing was about to start, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind. A middle-aged man with a lot of beards appeared on his face. He walked into the house with a tired face and collapsed on the sofa. Happy night, even the clothes on my body are the same as yesterday, they look wrinkled and dirty...

Lin Jing raised the corner of her mouth slightly, her bait had already been hooked. The next step is to slowly wait for the effect of the drug to kick in.

After some time, Wang Man will gradually find that the food entering his throat brings him not satisfaction, but endless pain, like the blood in his whole body is burning, burning and unbearable. No matter how painful he was, the hospital couldn't find out the reason.

The feeling that he can't even eat nutritional medicines will definitely let him know that life is not that easy.

The suspension car started, but the small body had a staggering speed, and it flew far away in the blink of an eye.

Now that the matter here has been resolved, it is time for her to go to the seminary.

Hope the pharmacy knowledge there won't let her down.

Read The Duke's Passion