MTL - I’m Just a Pharmacist-Chapter 69 Robbery Xi Lao

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Fortunately, this time Lin Jing didn't come to spin the speeding car on a whim. It was rare to drive the hovering car smoothly and take Ming Weiwan directly to Old Man Xi's other courtyard.

The gate of Xi Taiming's courtyard is guarded by guards, and there are even many people hidden in the dark. However, Lin Jing was already familiar with this place and couldn't be more familiar with it. With just a swipe of her face, she could easily enter this other courtyard where many of the Xi family's children did not know the exact location.

There is no one else in sight.

In the residential area, when Lin Jing lived here, she only saw Xi Taiming alone.

But today seems to be a little different. As soon as Lin Jing entered the yard, she heard the crisp laughter inside. The voice was a little familiar, and when I walked in, I saw that there was an old man and a young man sitting in the room talking.

Xu Shi heard footsteps, the two turned their heads, and the old man Xi immediately sat up from the chair and rushed towards Lin Jing. "Ow, Lin Xiaoyou, you are finally willing to come! If you don't come again, I'm going to find you!"

The picture was so familiar, Lin Jing hurriedly stretched out her hand and resisted the little old man's rushing action, "Calm down, calm down."

"Grandpa Grandpa has been talking about Miss Lin, if Dad didn't stop him, Grandpa Grandpa would have gone to find you." The girl stretched out her hand and smiled at Lin Jing, "My name is Xi Changyi, Nice to meet you, Miss Lin Jing."

"In fact, we have met. I wonder if you have any impression of Miss Lin."

The impression of Lin Jing naturally still has, that is the girl who gave her the pharmacist certificate. I heard that she is the most talented person in the younger generation of the Xi family. Many people said that Xi Taiming would pass on the mantle to her.

Old man Xi still has to give face, Lin Jing extended her hand to face, "Hello."

Old man Xi smiled beside him, "Little friend Lin, I heard that you are going to study at the seminary, and it happens that girl Yi is also studying there, you can go together, what will you do in school in the future? You can also find her to help you."

Lin Jing looked at Xi Changyi with some surprise, Xi Changyi smiled at her, "I'm your senior sister, the first class of the second grade in the university department, and it's a little bit far from your school. But... I'm quite familiar with your teacher, I should give you some advice if you have anything to do with me."

Speaking, Xi Changyi winked at her, with a tacit attitude of me covering you, the originally gentle girl showed a bit of playfulness because of such a move, and suddenly It swept away the unfamiliar feeling that they had just met.

Ming Weiwan was on the side. She never dared to interrupt when Lin Jing and Xi Taiming were talking, but today Xi Changyi is touching her hands and winking at her. Does it look so wrong?

Ming Weiwan finally couldn't sit still, stepped forward to stand in front of the two of them, smilingly stretched out her hand to hold Xi Changyi, "Sister Changyi, I didn't expect that sister Changyi is still ours. Senior Sister, Jingjing and I will thank Senior Lin Jing for taking care of you~"

Who can't say witty! She's younger, cuter and more playful!


The two giants in the same place as the Xi family and the Luo family, Ming Weiwan naturally had a lot of contact with the Xi family during the six months since he returned to the Luo family. The heir to the next generation of the family is still a student. He doesn't have much time at home on weekdays, and it is not so easy to meet him.

And Ming Weiwan is just a new illegitimate daughter from the Luo family. Although the Luo family has a strong attitude to nurture her, the people who bought her debts from several old-fashioned families in Yunshui City are really not much.

If she was the former, she would probably coax those people in a good voice and avoid any conflicts. It's just that since Lin Jing changed her temper, she even brought out her temper.

It was like a plant floating everywhere finally fell to the ground and took root. No matter what happened outside, as long as she knew that the person in her heart was still there, she would have the courage to move forward without fear.

I don't know since when, she is no longer the silly girl who likes to stick her hot face to her cold butt. Might as well go back and cook for Lin Jing.

So, after finding out that the so-called famous ladies in Yunshui City were very disdainful of her, she didn't bother to have a relationship with them.

Ming Weiwan did not go out, and Xi Changyi was not at home, which led to the fact that the two met for the second time.

Well, the first time was when Lin Jing was examining her pharmacist certificate. At that time, Lin Jing and her also talked a lot, Ming Weiwan was the one who came to accompany the exam, and he didn't even say a word to her.

Xi Changyi was held by Ming Weiwan vigorously, her expression froze slightly, and then she smiled gently, "It's all my sisters, it should be." At the same time, she quietly pulled herself out hand.

Xi Changyi did not look down on the identity of the Luo family's illegitimate daughter, but Grandpa Zu repeatedly asked her to have a good relationship with Lin Jing, Lin Jing and Ming Weiwan have such a good relationship , Don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, even if it's Lin Jing's face, she will give Ming Weiwan some face.

"When are the two sisters going to leave? You haven't been to Alliance Star, do you want to leave for a few days earlier?" Xi Changyi thought that they had not yet gone to Alliance Star, and now they came to Yunshui City ahead of time, maybe they wanted to go to the Alliance to play for a few days.

I have to say that, as a family heir, Xi Changyi is very thoughtful in many aspects.

Although Xi Taiming is very dissatisfied with this, but thinking of Xi Changyi taking the two to play, it can also increase mutual feelings, it is best for Xi Changyi to learn more from Lin Jing Stuff, this is also very good.

Who knew Lin Jing shook her head and looked at Xi Taiming, "I heard that you bought a batch of materials here a few days ago."

Xi Taiming froze and subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but in the end he said sadly, "How do you know?"

Lin Jing slightly curved the corners of her mouth, "You said it on the Pharmacist's Union website."

Xi Taiming suddenly thought that because she had acquired a batch of good materials two days ago, she couldn't help showing off with those old guys on the pharmacist's website. To miss on.

Looking at Lin Jing and smiling at herself, Xi Taiming knew that she might not be able to keep the pile of materials, so Xi Taiming turned around and led the way, saying pitifully as she walked. , "Don't take it all, leave some for me!"

Lin Jing nodded in a perfunctory manner, and Xi Taiming's expression suddenly became even more sad and angry.

Xi Taiming's expression is too rich, the first time she saw her grandfather showing this expression, Xi Changyi was stunned, looked at this, looked at that, avoided The mouth is no longer indiscriminately opening.

I don't know if it's because Lin Jing hasn't been here for a long time, and Xi Taiming's warehouse was put in the original room again. As soon as Lin Jing entered, he saw the raw materials of most of the room.

Not to mention that Lin Jing had some small surprises, even Xi Changyi and Ming Weiwan's eyes lit up.

Xi Taiming said angrily, "Take it yourself if you like it. Remember to mail back the medicine during school!"

Lin Jing glanced at the pile of materials. She didn't plan to pick up a few. Now, after listening to Xi Taiming's words, she simply began to scratch and pull in the space ring in piles, waiting to choose. After choosing and choosing to fill up the space ring, I closed my hand with satisfaction.

Xi Taiming saw that the warehouse was almost empty, and suddenly felt blood dripping from his heart.

Lin Jing said contentedly, "Okay, I'm going to stay in the pharmacy for the next two days, you can go by yourself if you have arrangements."

After saying this, Lin Jing waved her hand and didn't care about the three.

Xi Taiming: "..." Whose house is this? ! However, when he thought that all the potions that Lin Jing refined were for him, he was immediately excited, "Little friend Lin, make more potions for stabilizing powers and restoring powers!"

Lin Jing heard a hum from inside, indicating that she knew. Only then was Xi Taiming satisfied, he waved at the two juniors, "You two, go play by yourself!"

The movement and expression were exactly the same as Lin Jing just now.

Xi Changyi and Ming Weiwan fell silent.

A big man, a grandfather, are some people who can't be bothered. Xi Changyi didn't dare to provoke them, so she could only smile helplessly at Ming Weiwan, "Sister Weiwan, do you want me to take you around in the garden?"

Ming Weiwan also smiled, "No need, I'm very familiar here, just go by yourself."

Xi Changyi, who is not familiar with this place: "…"

Slightly heartbroken.

Although she scolded Xi Changyi, Ming Weiwan knew that since Lin Jing had spoken, she should not be leaving today. Can be cleaned up well. He could only reluctantly glanced into the room, and then walked out reluctantly.

Xi Changyi sent Ming Weiwan away with the courtesy of the host. Although the bigger reason is that her grandfather also drove her out.

But she would never admit it.

"I heard that you won the first place in the Luojiajia competition?" Probably because the road was too long, Xi Changyi was bored, so she took the initiative to raise the topic.

Ming Weiwan smiled slightly, "It's just a fluke."

Of course, this is a polite word.

After Lin Jing agreed to the conditions of the game NPC named Tie Sanniang half a year ago, she also tried to make an exchange with another NPC named Tiejia.

So the two of them were not teleported outside the gate, but were left in the treasure city and started a business of repairing mechas. When the gate closed, Ming Weiwan finally saw the peace in the world of mechas.

She always thought that the mecha world was a game full of passion, blood, and constant war. Before she met Lin Jing in the game, she always played that way.

However, when the gate was closed, and there were no players who only thought about plundering and fighting, she did not know that the world of npc was so peaceful.

Ming Weiwan sometimes thinks that the npc who has been living in this place will probably regret leaving this world after seeing the **** storm outside.

The days were too peaceful, she thought she had become loose, but unexpectedly, Lin Jing arranged a lot of work for her to repair the mecha, and she didn't give her any thought at all think time.

When one day she reacted and a mecha appeared in front of her, she could subconsciously think of the structure and weaknesses of this mecha. He has also learned to attack the opponent's weak points, and it is almost invincible.

With the knowledge Lin Jing taught her and the experience in the game, Ming Weiwan won the first place without any suspense in the playful competition at the Luo family. .

Originally, she just wanted to take a set of mecha rewards and leave, but unfortunately she didn't make it, she was fooled by Luo Heng and returned to Luo's house.

In addition to her unwillingness to change her surname, which made Luo Heng very dissatisfied, Luo Heng was still very satisfied with her learning progress. Even after she was admitted to the seminary, she was very generous and gave a large bonus.

Ming Weiwan didn't care about his praise, but the large sum of money Luo Heng gave her made her very happy. With money, she can take her family Jingjing to the alliance to buy and buy.

If you want to come and go to the alliance, Jingjing will definitely be interested in the food and materials there. I heard that the consumption level in the alliance is very high, she must save a little more, a little more!

Read The Duke's Passion