MTL - I’m Just a Pharmacist-Chapter 5 vengeance

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Although the practice of cultivation has been put on the agenda, but because of the unknown substance attached to the aura in the air, Lin Jing was a little concerned, and she was still a little hesitant, but it turned out that someone else took her place made a decision.

Seeing that Lin Jing was about to refuse the lunch invitation, Ming Weiwan didn't know where the courage came from, so she pulled her sleeves and walked out.

The fried meat you like is gone."

Lin Jing's expression was a little helpless, but she was still moved by the fried meat in Ming Weiwan's mouth, so she let Ming Weiwan drag her sleeves and stride forward.

Seeing that they were about to walk around the corner, two people suddenly walked out from the corner of the corridor, blocking their footsteps. At this time, there were many footsteps behind him.

Ming Weiwan stopped abruptly, because of inertia, Lin Jing almost bumped into her, but fortunately, her reaction was still sensitive, she stopped in time, and even turned Ming Weiwan towards After pulling it back, he subconsciously protected the person behind him.

Ming Weiwan also reacted at this time, her face was instantly pale, and Rao was like this, she still took a trembling step forward, wanting to stand in front of Lin Jing.

Although she felt that her movements were redundant, Lin Jing was still delighted by the little girl's movements, she slightly hooked the corner of her mouth, and finally looked at the person standing in front of them, "Good dog Out of the way."

Lin Jing's words made the faces of the two teenagers change instantly, and they suddenly became angry, "You are courting death!"

As he spoke, he took a step forward and wanted to tug at Lin Jing's collar. The so-called difference between men and women, the movements of the two are completely subconscious, but it seems that there is something wrong with the place to start.

How could Lin Jing obediently let them tug at her like this, her face turned cold, her body leaned slightly to the side, she raised her hands, and accurately grasped the two claws that were attacking her , lifted it up, only to hear a "click", and suddenly remembered a pig-killing howl in the corridor, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

"Liu Hai, Qi Nan!" Immediately, people gathered around, picking up a wooden stick and hitting Lin Jing at the same time as they answered the two companions.

Ming did not turn around and ran.

Can't keep up. In the case of facing so many people, she still has 36 strategies as the best strategy.

It was probably the incident in the morning that made the people behind them take precautions. There were about ten people besieging them this time. Lin Jing escaped in order to protect Ming Weiwan. Several sticks.

Shame, it's an absolute shame!

Being chased by more than a dozen ordinary children and chasing her head is definitely the biggest shame in her life!

Lin Jing's face was sinking like water, she pushed Ming Weiwan to the corner, picked up a stick of unknown material on the ground, and said to Ming Weiwan, "You wait here. ."

Ming Weiwan hurriedly wanted to tug at her sleeve, "Quiet, don't go, it's too dangerous, you can't beat them alone!"

Lin Jing raised her eyebrows and threw the stick in her hand.

Ming Weiwan's face turned pale, and she couldn't say anything if she refuted. If it wasn't for her running too slow just now, Lin Jing wouldn't have suffered so many times. She lowered her head and looked at her toes, "I, I want to help you..."

Lin Jing refused before she could finish her sentence, "No! Just wait here, don't drag me down."

Ming Weiwan's face turned pale again, she didn't dare to say that she wanted to follow her, she still wanted to dispel her thoughts of revenge alone, "Quiet, calm down, let's go back first Think about it again, there will be a way.”

Where is Lin Jing willing to listen to her nonsense, she has turned away with a stick, and turned back halfway, looking down at Ming Weiwan, "Be obedient, I will When you go out and cause a commotion, you take the opportunity to run to the school gate and wait for me."

Today was so frightened that Ming Weiwan didn't know what kind of expression to put on, even if she usually followed Lin Jing's words, this time she was really reluctant to nod her head .

Lin Jing saw her expression, her expression softened slightly, and patted her head lightly, "Be good, be obedient, or I won't be friends with you in the future." She Speaking of the back, he bared his teeth, deliberately showing a hideous expression.

I have to say that Lin Jing's threat is more effective than anything else. As soon as he heard that Lin Jing was going to be her friend, Ming Weiwan panicked immediately, and subconsciously dragged Lin Jing, tears were already rolling in his eyes, "Don't, Jingjing, don't, I'm obedient, I'll go obediently. school gate."

Lin Jing was a little surprised by the silly girl's expression, she just frightened the little girl a little, but she didn't expect her casual threats to be so effective. Feeling that she was playing off, she was a little uncomfortable, patted Ming Weiwan again, and comforted, "Be obedient, I won't want you."

Ming Weiwan nodded again and again, and no longer dared to express any opinion.

Stand on the spot anxiously, watching Lin Jing disappear from sight. Ming Weiwan gritted her teeth, her mood at this moment was too complicated, especially when she clearly knew that it was all because of her, and the guilt and fear in her heart were about to drown her whole being. At that moment, she was really afraid that Lin Jing would dislike her and make her lose her only friend.

Ming Weiwan desperately wanted to rush out to do something, she was even willing to rush out to resist all attacks for Lin Jing, so that she wouldn't have to wait here to be frightened.

Finally, the noise outside was getting louder and louder, and the noise was obviously getting further and further away, Ming Weiwan knew very well that Lin Jing was creating opportunities for her. With full of worry and complexity, Ming Weiwan rushed to the school gate with the fastest speed.

It is lunch break now, and many students will go back to rest at noon, so it is no problem to go to and from the school. Of course, that was when there was no accident at the school. Now that Lin Jing has made such a commotion, the school may close the school gate at any time and prohibit students from entering and leaving.

So Ming Weiwan was standing not far from the school, looking at the school gate, she was upset, worried that Lin Jing would be injured, and worried that she would not be able to escape in time. She couldn't be distracted by the series of consequences after coming out, she just bit her handkerchief in the corner and waited anxiously.

It wasn't until the familiar figure appeared at the gate that Lin Jing's heart completely fell.