MTL - I’m Just a Pharmacist-Chapter 112 do not worry

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The battle of the star brigade is fierce, even if it is besieged by a group of new star's airships.

However, the Nova people probably reacted, and there are many starships rushing here. It's just that these nova people didn't know what scruples they had, so they didn't dare to use that kind of wide-ranging attack.


Thinking of the boss of the pharmacist with him, everyone felt nervous. It's not that they are afraid of Wujing's death. In fact, they all know clearly that even if all of them die, Wujing will definitely live well. The man's fighting strength is so powerful that he is like a **** in the hearts of several people.

So what they are afraid of is that they failed to stop these people, which affected their boss's interest in having fun, and the unlucky object will definitely become them.

So not long after they flew out, they were forced to retreat and continue to attract firepower, trying to hold back more enemies and make their boss have more fun.

The surrounding artillery fire and smoke and dust are everywhere. Lin Jing turned on her brain while dodging the artillery fire. Divine Sense is easy to use. It can sense all the turbulence around it early on. Any attack has been sensed clearly before it approaches. As long as it moves a little and doesn't stay within the attack range, it can be easily avoided.

As she dodged, she flipped her head. She remembered that many people like to spread videos on Skynet now, she chose a website where information could be hidden, and started recording videos.

As for the recorded content, of course, there are the swirling light bullets and the warring parties. She shot the star brigade's logo and the starship of the new star very clearly. After recording a long section, she imported the current address, and then selected several popular websites to post it again.

After thinking about it, she flicked around in the address book, found Feng Jiuqing's name, and sent a copy of the video.

After doing all this, she no longer hesitated, stepped on the flying sword and completely escaped the battle circle, and then plunged into the forest. After flying far away, it was confirmed that the war would not reach here for a while, and then the communication that I had been wanting to move since just now was connected.

The next moment, Feng Jiuqing's beautiful face appeared in front of her. Lin Jing waved, "Instructor, long time no see."

Feng Jiuqing looked at her, took a deep breath, looked at her for a while and saw that there was no wound on her body before saying, "Where are you now?"

Lin Jing hooked the corner of her lips and shook her light brain around, "Cai Jingxing."

Feng Jiuqing took another breath, "The video is real."

Lin Jing nodded, "Yes."

Feng Jiuqing gave her a deep look, "You find a place to hide, you must protect yourself, I'll find a way here."

Lin Jing nodded obediently, "Mmmm."

The next second, the video was cut off, and the forest suddenly returned to silence.

Lin Jing found a tree trunk and sat down, opened a random forum and started to check the messages. In such a short time, countless messages were left densely under the video.

"Fuck, what is this? Star Brigade vs Nova?? New movie promotion?"

"Fake! Who is so boring to make such a video! The landlord has been reported to deliberately create a fake video to cause panic."

"No, second brother, I tell you from a very professional perspective, this is definitely the most common recorder that comes with the optical brain!"

"Oh my god, the alliance is already so powerful, have you recruited the Star Brigade?"

"Where the **** is this? Isn't the recent battle situation fairly stable?"

"Answer upstairs, the video has a sender address."

"Caijingxing... such an unfamiliar name, isn't it the name of our alliance star field?"

"Upstairs, please read more books, you don't even know about S-class high-risk stars! However, as far as I know, Caijingxing seems to have fallen some time ago, and I haven't had time to get it back."


"Yeah, recover Caijingxing! Drive away the new star!"

"Recover the Color Crystal!"

"Recover the Color Crystal!"


Lin Jing looked at the row after row of remarks to recover Caijingxing, and twitched her lips slightly. If it can be recovered, it is not bad. In one's own territory, it will always be easier to come back again.



However, the rain did not make the three of them impatient, but because of the coldness, the original fatigue was swept away.

Of course, it may not be the rain that made them suddenly refreshed, but the woman in military uniform standing on the periphery of the wall.

When the woman saw them, she walked over with a smile, her dark green military uniform showed no sign of getting wet under the rain, she reached out to the three of them, "It took twenty-eight days, Congratulations to the three who passed the assessment and became one of the candidates of S Corps. I am your chief official Yu, and you will be led by me for a while."

The three were in a trance for a while, and the hardships along the way all turned into the fruit of happiness at this moment. After being in a trance, everyone began to put on big smiles on their faces. Xu Lin jumped up excitedly, shook hands with Fang Yu, turned around and gave the two companions a big hug.

Then jumped up and down, and almost burst into tears.

Thinking that the three of them joined the assessment with great enthusiasm, they were trapped in the desert for several days, until they met the triplets and grabbed their map, and then gradually began to encounter other competitions It was only at this time that they realized that if they wanted to find the base, they had to have enough maps.

Since then, he has to resist the fighting of alien beasts and fight with the same kind. The life is unbearable and thrilling and exciting. Xu Lin does not know how he survived. Every time I was thinking about who would be cheaper in the end if I died.

Fortunately, they finally got through.

When Fang Yu saw that they finally recovered, he led the three of them into the base with a smile, intending to take them to the accommodation first, "There are still two days before the end of the assessment, these two God, you can familiarize yourself with the environment at the base first."

Ming Weiwan thought of something, and suddenly asked, "Sir, since we have passed the assessment, can we contact the family first?"

It's been so long, although I think the chance is slim, but what if, what if Lin Jing sends her a message during this period and can't receive it? Or Xi Lao has the latest news that needs her to make a decision, but she has been unable to contact her...

Thinking this way, Ming Weiwan couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Fortunately, Fang Yu is more reasonable, "Well, yes. But since you entered here, the automatic positioning function has been completely disabled, and you can't disclose any news about the base."

Ming Weiwan nodded hurriedly, "Okay!" Then she couldn't wait to open her brain.

At this moment, Xu Lin exclaimed, "Sir, ... is this?"

He couldn't help but be surprised when he saw a group of people in black military uniforms marching in a neat and uniform manner, assembling and lining up in the square, and then stepping into the airships. In that scene, it was said that Unbelievable shock.

Looking at the familiar logo on the airship, Xu Lin almost exclaimed, "That's... S Corps? Are they going on a mission?"

This mission is not a secret, Fang Yu snorted and said casually, "They will go to Caijingxing for the mission."

Mu Tang looked at the flying ships, his eyes couldn't help but glow.

Only Ming Weiwan's expression was a little careless, and his eyes stared at the light brain that was turned on.

The next moment, the ding ding dong dong sound of receiving the message rang, Ming Weiwan looked at the familiar name and couldn't help shaking her hand. At that moment, she forgot to even breathe, and her hands were shaking when she opened the message.

Although she has been reassuring herself that Lin Jing will not have an accident, only she knows how much panic and fear have accumulated in her heart. Only by comforting herself over and over that Lin Jing is still alive, that Lin Jing is still waiting for herself to save her, can she find the goal of living for herself and give herself the courage to live.

Although her hands were shaking, Ming Weiwan clicked on the message left by Lin Jing.

"I'm safe, don't worry."

In just a few words, Ming Weiwan, who had always had a hard expression, burst into tears in an instant.

Xu Lin is looking at the airship excitedly, "Look at Weiwan, they are so majestic, we will, why are you crying?"

Xu Lin turned his head and wanted to share his excitement with Ming Weiwan, but when he saw Ming Weiwan crying silently, he felt like he had seen a ghost. How to comfort.

Who is Ming Weiwan, the most powerful person among the three! Several people experienced life-and-death crises several times, and she was the one who rescued them by pulling the tide. In their eyes, Ming Weiwan was a woman who would not cry even if she bleeds.

I just learned that the assessment was successful and I didn't show any expression, why are you crying now?

Xu Lin looked at the sky, and then at Ming Weiwan, with a thoughtful look on his face. Is it because you finally saw your idol and cried with joy?

Ming Weiwan just ignored the thoughts in his mind, wiped his tears, and subconsciously sorted out his appearance, only to realize that he is now in a mess.

I want to find a place to take care of myself, but I can't wait any longer, so I can't wait to call Lin Jing's communication.

Hearing the sound of waiting in her brain, she only felt that she was in a hovering car that was unstable in operation, and her whole heart was up and down.

It was only a few seconds, but she felt that time had become so long at this moment.

In the sky, the S Corps have all boarded the airship, and the huge airship flew into the sky, and soon disappeared.

Ming Weiwan didn't even raise her head, her eyes fixed on the screen.

I don't know if she stared too hard, the screen in the light curtain finally connected, and the figure who was haunted by her dreams appeared in front of her.

Ming Weiwan stared blankly at the figure, unable to return to her senses for a long time.

Until Lin Jing greeted her in the video, "Hey, silly girl~"

Ming Weiwan seemed to have finally reacted, and burst into tears, "Wow! Jingjing, do you want me!!"

Read The Duke's Passion