MTL - I’m a Straight Man in BL Love-Chapter 42 wife is angry

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Cheng Yichi thought this seemed outrageous. He took a deep breath and asked Li Yi, "Didn't I let you go?"

Just saw Cheng Yichi's Li Yi was obviously happy. Cheng Yichi put on a red wedding dress and took off his mask. He has delicate facial features. ?Added? Read. But after the coffin door was opened, the anger on Cheng Yichi's face made Li Yi go silent:

"No? Brother, this? They also put it on for me. I was going to go out from the living gate on the second floor, but the result? They tied me directly here, put on my clothes, and I groped for it? I just found out that it was you lying in the coffin."

"I didn't lie to you, brother."

"But you're still here, running with a 50% chance? Find me, right?" Cheng Yichi asked.

Li Yi didn't? Tell a lie, he came? It's a whim in itself, there's no such thing? Why did he deliberately design Gu Zechen and Cheng Yichi to separate and come by himself? Can't help thinking about coming? Find Cheng Yichi.

Brother is going to date eight people and live with his rival in love. He is a little afraid that Cheng Yichi will forget him.

In a sense, Duan Qingsi was right—Li Yi panicked.

Cheng Yichi looked good even if he was angry. His cheeks were flushed, and he stared at him. Li Yi couldn't help but look at him and tried to coax him to stop being angry. However, as long as he speaks out, I am afraid that Cheng Yichi will be even more angry.

Cheng Yichi didn't hold his hand, he tore off his clothes and took it with him, afraid that it would be useful later, Li Yi stood beside him and looked at him without saying a word.

Cheng Yichi packed up and asked him, "Do you know that this is my date with Gu Zechen?"

Li Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Do you know the meaning of a date?" Cheng Yichi snorted, "It's a date between two people?"

"Yeah." Li Yi replied in a low voice. He is very tall, but at this moment there is some grievances.

Cheng Yichi thought: What is he wronged?

In that small room just now, Cheng Yichi's heart was full of anger, and now he was venting it all out, he asked Li Yi, "You said that you were directly forced to come here, right? But you obviously don't. Should I go into this haunted house and come with us secretly? To interrupt our date."

"If you weren't inside, it should be Zechen who rescued me from the coffin now, not you, have you? Have you ever thought about it, if Zechen was in the coffin, he saw you here, deliberately What would he think about disrupting his well-planned date."

"Li Yi, hello? Selfish."

"Or are you enjoying that kind of "cheating" pleasure, thinking that I can date both you and Ze Chen, right? Am I a courtesan?"

Li Yi hurriedly shook his head: "No? Brother, I just..." The more he spoke, the weaker his voice became, "I just want to meet by chance."

Cheng Yichi sneered: "Li Yi, I think you are mentally ill, don't say? We are not together yet, we are not in love, even if we are really together, do you dare to meet with others? Come with me when it’s time? I can break up immediately. In your heart, I can date two people at the same time, such a spontaneous person? Isn’t it?”

"Really not!" Li Yi looked like a puppy who did something wrong at this time. He knew that he was wrong, and only said, "I'm sorry." I was afraid that other Cheng Yichi would be even more angry. But every time Cheng Yichi belittled himself, Li Yi felt very uncomfortable.

He didn't think so, he really didn't think so.

Cheng Yichi was so angry that he took a few breaths after saying a few words to him. Although he could breathe in the coffin, it was a mostly sealed space, not so smooth and uncomfortable. After saying so many words in one breath, he was out of breath, and he didn't let Li Yi get close to him, he just leaned against the wall and took a big breath, looking very weak and beautiful.

He asked for the last time: "I just let you out, why didn't you just leave? Why did you come? Find me?"

Li Yi resolutely admitted his mistake: "Brother, I was wrong. I'm sorry."

Cheng Yichi asked again, "Then can I take Zechen with me on the day I date you?"

Li Yi's pupils shrank abruptly, but he didn't say anything, he acquiesced.

Cheng Yichi smiled: "What you did today was too much, Li Yi."

"Encounter by chance, hehe, do you know what this is? You are so stalker, illegitimate. It's terrifying." Li Yi noticed that Cheng Yichi said that when he was eating, there was fear and hatred in his eyes. He had never seen a person so conflicted with Chi Chi.

It seems like my brother has memories of something very bad.

But he didn't dare to ask now, Cheng Yichi didn't say anything, just waved his hand and asked him, "Next? How do I get out?"

Li Yi didn't dare to hide it, and said: "After saving you, I will go to a church and someone will come and lead us out."

Cheng Yichi beckoned and said to him, "Come and worship."

Li Yi said: "In the hall outside."

The two of them went out, and the gloomy red light illuminated the lobby. Two paper figurines were sitting on the upper seat, smiling wildly. The paper figurines seemed to be under control, staring at the two of them, their eyes following They swayed back and forth with their movements, terrifying. Cheng Yichi stood on the left, put Xifu on, Li Yi stood on the right, and the two people began to worship with a single-mindedness—

"One bow—heaven and earth—" A sharp and harsh female voice sounded, and the two bowed to heaven and earth;

"Second worship - Gaotang -" The two of them turned around and bowed to the scary paper figurine;

"Husband and wife—yes, bye—" The two bowed to each other;

Li Yi's heart was bitter, he was looking forward to it, but he seemed to have smashed it all. The brother opposite had no expression on his face. He smiled wryly and bowed down.

The paper figurine suddenly got down from the high hall, Cheng Yichi was startled, and dragged Li Yi back.

Unexpectedly, the paper figurines did not move after they got down. There was a secret door behind them that opened directly, revealing a little light from the outside, and the sharp female voice sounded again: "Licheng—sent into the bridal chamber."

Sure enough, the outside is outside the haunted house.

After going out, Cheng Yichi put on a mask and had no time to take care of Li Yi. He asked the staff, "Has the man who just came in with me came out?"

The staff adjusted the surveillance and found that it was still inside. Cheng Yichi asked anxiously, "He is my companion and is a little afraid of ghosts. Can I go in and find him?"

After getting permission, Cheng Yichi walked inside without hesitation, no? He looked back at Li Yi.

"Brother," Li Yi asked, "do you want to go to church with him too? There is?..." Is there another way? Come out from the second floor?

Cheng Yichi's footsteps did not stop: "I should have worshipped him."

Li Yi saw that Cheng Yichi entered the haunted house, without any scruples, and felt a little uncomfortable. His face returned to a cold expression, his narrow and cool eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised his feet to leave. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a small trace in the surveillance camera, wearing a mask and hat, and he couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman, and his whereabouts were a bit strange. He asked the staff: "Is this also a guest? Well? Like my friend, he seems to be lost, can I go in and find him?"

Feeling uneasy in his heart for no reason, Li Yi frowned. The staff only thought he was worried about his friend's safety and said, "Go in and find him quickly."

They are also afraid that some guests are too afraid of ghosts fainting inside. The monitoring shows that this guest is timid. Maybe he is frightened. If he faints inside, they will be held responsible. .

Cheng Yichi went in and found Gu Zechen directly. Seeing him coming, Gu Zechen smiled slightly: "You're here."

He hadn't been frightened by ghosts before, and his anxiety about finding someone had completely overwhelmed his fear of ghosts, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find Cheng Yichi. How did he know that he was looking for Cheng Yichi's secret door? First to open?

When he saw Cheng Yichi, he let go of his heart and blamed himself: "I should have gone to find you, which surprised you."

Cheng Yichi comforted him and said, "It's okay, I'm brave enough to not be scared."

"I already know how to go, you come with me?" Gu Zechen followed behind him with confidence.

The two people walked to the flower hall again, and the paper figurines sat on the seat in the high hall again, smiling strangely at them, keeping their eyes on them, turning with their movements.

Gu Zechen was so frightened that he took a step back. Cheng Yichi picked up the clothes that they had just thrown away and handed them to Gu Zechen: "Nuo, put them on."

What he handed to Gu Zechen was still men's clothes. He was wearing women's clothes, and took off his mask. He was about to worship. Gu Zechen was stunned when he saw the bright red wedding robe.

Cheng Yichi said: "We can go out directly after worshipping the church."

"Ah?" Gu Zechen's neck turned red, "Are you married?"

His face was so red that he didn't seem to care about his fear. He was just thinking: I'm going to get married, with the person I like?

Gu Zechen lowered his eyes and put on his wedding dress silently, sorry? I'm sorry to see Cheng Yichi. He thought: ok? grand.

Even the gloomy bgm sounded like a wedding to him at the moment.

His face turned red, facing Cheng Yichi, seriously preparing to worship.

As soon as the two of them got dressed, a female voice rang out:

"One Worship—Heaven and Earth—"

Gu Zechen looked at Cheng Yichi, who was dressed in bright red, gentle, and seemed to have affection on his face, and couldn't help thinking: If it is possible, even if he is willing to marry him.

After coming out, Cheng Yichi secretly took a few deep breaths of fresh air before putting on the mask again. He looked around, but did not see Li Yi's figure, thinking to himself: This child has finally returned.

Gu Zechen put on his hat with a smile, and said, "It's not too early, let's have something to eat, next one? How about taking a ride on the Ferris wheel?"

After staying in the haunted house for at least an hour and a half, plus the queue before, Cheng Yichi checked the time, it was almost three o'clock, he nodded and smiled: "Listen to you."

The food in the amusement park is good to look at, but not good to eat. To prevent someone from following them and discovering Cheng Yichi's identity, they also specially chose a private room. In the private room, Cheng Yichi took off his mask and complained, "It suffocated me in the haunted house."

"Right? You weren't frightened, were you?"

Gu Zechen could go to the haunted house for Cheng Yichi, naturally he couldn't say he was frightened at this time, he said: "No, I haven't seen it at first, I thought it was a little scary, but then you disappeared, so I just More? Worrying about you, I don't care about terror."

Cheng Yichi lowered his head and used a fork to fork the ham meat. Gu Zechen's words were ambiguous. He was afraid that Cheng Yichi would feel uncomfortable, and just about to make amends, Cheng Yichi raised his head and smiled: "Me too, I was scared to death at first, but later when I was looking for you. Going very fast, I feel like the one who was timid before is not me anymore."

"Me too? I'm worried about you." Cheng Yichi stuffed a small piece of bread into his mouth and swallowed it in small bites, like a little squirrel hoarding food.

Gu Zechen felt that his whole body was exuding heat: He is really nice? Cute.

Gu Zechen himself didn't eat much, but Cheng Yichi was fed by the people in the hut, and he couldn't eat the food here. When he left, he still had half to eat.

"Good? Wasteful." Cheng Yichi touched his stomach, showing an embarrassed expression. This? It's really too unpalatable to make. The bread is very soft and has no fragrance. He looked at Gu Zechen for help.

Gu Zechen thought about it, found a plastic bag to pack the bread, and said, "It looks good outside? There seem to be pigeons that can feed the bread. I don't know if this one can feed the bread, I'll ask."

Cheng Yichi was happy when he got the answer that he could feed the pigeons. He smiled sweetly. Although there were no dimples, there were two small brackets on the corners of his mouth, and they were hooked up when he smiled, like a layer of honey, Gu Zechen said. Seeing it, he couldn't help but sip a little smile and handed him the bread in his hand.

Once out of the restaurant, there is a large square, where pigeons stop in twos and threes, there are white pigeons and gray pigeons, Cheng Yichi tilted his head to face them.

Cheng Yichi's eyes lit up, and he said to Gu Zechen, who was holding the camera, "Look at them! So cute!"

Gu Zechen smiled and nodded, but he was actually shooting Cheng Yichi all the time.

Cheng Yichi didn't dare to feed the bread directly in his hands at first, he only dared to crush it and put it in a corner, where the pigeons gathered.

Cheng Yichi turned his head and said, "No wonder it's not good. It turns out that it's all for pigeons."

Later? He got bolder and put the crumbs directly in the palm of his hand, waiting for the pigeon to come over and rub its little head.


Cheng Yichi excitedly asked Gu Zechen, "Did you photograph him eating bread in my palm?"

Gu Zechen looked at the camera with only half of the pigeons left and Cheng Yichi occupying most of the screen, and nodded without any guilt.

"Okay?" Cheng Yichi continued to squat on the ground to feed the pigeons, "Can you send me a copy of the photo when you go back?"

Gu Zechen moved his hand for a while, then immediately grabbed the camera and snapped it.

The author has something to say: 啾啾 ~ Xiao Li knows that he is wrong and will pay the price! Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-02-0123:40:15~2022-02-0220:23:39~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Gu Yuan. 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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