MTL - Illimitable Until Death-~ What is the reason for 264 being hidden?

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The happy dinner time ended in almost half an hour.

After that, Yubei Xueji stood up from the seat under the reminder of Tangerine.

"If I still have a job, I will leave first. You can contact me at any time."

After saying this, the North School learned to put a paper with a telephone number in front of the party, and then left the restaurant with the orange tanger in the side.

Only Fang Li, Yubei Ringtone and Putian Campanulaceae were left, still sitting there.


It was not until after the study of Yubei left, its back disappeared, and the north bell sounded like a sigh of relief, and it was very lost.

This girl who has always been pretentious, facing her own brother, has fallen to the point where she can’t breathe in this atmosphere. It is really eye-popping.

However, this is not difficult to understand.

The reason why the Beibei ringtone came to this school is to pursue the footsteps of the brother who is highly admired.

Now, I can sit down with my brother and eat in front of me. Is this a happy thing for the Beibei ringtone?

However, the North Bell sound is not happy.

After all, from the beginning to the end, Yubei Xuedu did not see the Beibei ringtone, but did not say a word to her, indifference is like facing a stranger, not like facing his own sister.

This is the character of Yubei.

In the square, I was aware that although I didn’t say a word to the Beibei ringtone, I didn’t even look at her, but my attention was faintly locked in the body of the Beibei ringtone.

Obviously, it is not really a ignorance of the Beibei ringtone, but it is just a matter of character, or does not want to be known by others to do this.

As the president of the High School of High School Students, there is definitely a lot of enemies that have competed with them. It is not a good thing for these people to know the existence of the Beibei ringtone.

Of course, the reason for the character is also inside.

With the cold personality of Yubei, how can you think that it is impossible to show a very warm and caring look because the other party is your own sister?

Unfortunately, the North Bell sound does not know all this.

In the view of Yubei Ringtone, this should be that his brother has not yet identified himself and does not want to admit his own blood relationship with his unusable sister.

Therefore, the Beibei ringtone will be lost and complicated.

Instead, it was the Putian platycodon, and after looking at the abnormal northing bell, it looked at Fangli.

"Why didn't the seven-night classmates join the student union?" Putian platycodon asked with great doubts: "I heard that students who join the student union will be highly praised and have a lot of rights. So far, they are basically a class. Students are eligible to join the school. If the seven-night classmates can join the student union, they will definitely get high evaluation and attention from the school. Why should they refuse?"

Putian platycodon is very sorry about this.

When I heard the Putian platycodon, the North Bell sound was also packed up and looked at Fang Li.

"When are you with me... The relationship with the president of the student has become so good?"

The sound of the Beibei ringtone recovered a little, and it became unwelcome again.

This question, Qibei ring tone should have been asked long ago?

Even in the words, it is still faintly revealing a hint of envy.

It seems that this young girl is in the other side and can be equal to the education of the North, and even the treatment that she values ​​is longing for.

But the party just sneered at it without thinking.

"I don't know where you see the "good relationship", but I don't know if you will believe it, but I still want to say that I am not as familiar with the president of the student as you think. Fang Fang reached out and picked up the paper on the table. While playing, he said: "And I don't join the student union for two reasons." ”

"Two?" The north bell sound and the Putian platycodon have a glimpse.

"Yes." Fang did not look at the Beibei ringtone and the Putian platycodon, as if talking to himself, while playing with the paper, he said: "For example, I don't want to be shot by others."

serve as hatchet man?

what does this mean?

The northeast bell sound and the Putian platycodon frowned at the same time.

In this regard, Fang Li only took a look at the North Bell sound.

"Others don't know, don't you still understand?" Fang Li asked: "You think that the president of the student is the kind of person who loves, and will be downgraded for a good younger generation. Do you have an invitation?"

"This..." The North Bell sounded suddenly and could not speak.

However, this cannot be refuted.

With the indifferent personality of Yubei, the other party may love, but it is unlikely that for this reason, it will be a big expense to invite a first-year freshman to join the student union.

"But the other party did this. Except for reasons other than love, I can't think of the second possibility." Fang Li said faintly: "And, the situation he just mentioned is still very problematic."

"Status?" Putian platycodon licked his head, not very understanding, asked: "What is the situation?"

"It is the recruitment situation of the student union." Fang did not hide his inner doubts and said directly: "To tell the truth, when I heard that a class of Tamarix and Gecheng were brushed down and could not join the student union, I was quite surprised."

Let's not say that the willows have a habitat, that is, Gecheng Kangping, the level of its ability is top-notch.

In the class A where the elite gathered, Gecheng Kangping was able to be one of the leaders of the faction, and there is no doubt about his ability.

But such a character, but still can not join the student union.

The party is suspicious of this.

"If even Gecheng did not meet the conditions for joining the student union, then who else can join in the first grade? Not to mention the mysterious willow." Fang Li calmly said: "If the members of the student union require If it is the grade above Yuliu and Gecheng, then the student will be afraid to fall to the point where there are only two or three people, and maybe even one person is gone."

Can such a student union still work?

Nature is impossible.

and so…

"There is definitely another reason for this. Let the two faction leaders of class a be eliminated. Let the lonely student president come to contact me twice and invite me to join the student union."

The party made such an assertion.

"Although I still don't know what it is, but the student president obviously wants to use what I do, I am not going to ask people to accept it."

In view of this, Fang Li refused to join the student union.

This is the first reason.

"What about the second reason?"

The Beibei ring tone seems to be dissatisfied with the casual discussion of his brother's affairs, and some bluntly throw this topic.

In exchange for this is the answer.

"The second reason?"

Fang Brow a pick, smiled.

“It’s very simple, I’m not interested.”

After that, the paper in the hand was smashed.


The northerly ringing tone could not help but make an exclamation. After the reaction, he quickly slammed his mouth.

"It's really complicated..."

Putian platycodon is a little emotional, helpless smile.

Fang Fang immediately threw away the paper with the contact information of the president of the student. Under the bitter smile of the bells and the stalks of the stalks of the stalks of the scorpion, the singer continued to drink tea.

Summer vacation is still going on.