MTL - Illimitable Until Death-~ 220 is really boring?

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A little silence suddenly filled the room of the entire rabbit group.

Each of the students has considered the statement of Machida Koji, and there have been many intentions between the looks.

This is also a matter of course.

All the students present were only a group of high school students.

Elites like Fang Li, Xiao Xiaolu Qinglong and Yizhifanbo will appear in this rabbit group, which is an abnormal situation.

Except for the three, the rest of the people’s ideas are not too complicated.

Therefore, the reasons for these people's intentions are also very simple.

"Is this not very good?"

Karuizawa Kazuyoshi represents an ordinary student who is present and has some irresponsible words.

"It feels very easy, don't have to do so much trouble, thank you very much."

That's it.

It is a very hard thing for these average students to deceive, conceal, disguise and even temper each other.

If there is a simple road to the end, then whoever wants to take shortcuts?

If you are changing to the elite of the Dragon Group, then it will definitely rise to the challenge, definitely not like this, how to easily pass.

It is a pity that among the people present, the elite is a minority, or because the various shady scenes will gather in this group.

In this case, under the invisible threat that Gecheng Kangping’s strategy can bring, students will be inclined to the advice of Machida Koji, which is a matter of course.

As long as you don't discuss it and don't do anything extra, you can easily pass the exam.

This is a matter for many students, is it a must?

Only Yukimura Hiroshi is still somewhat tangled.

"Even if you say that all classes can get the same reward, can those rewards be counted as belongings of the entire class, isn't that sure?"

Yukimura Yuki is taking care of this.

Is this normal?

It is true that as long as the implementation of the class a policy, the d class can also get a total of 1.5 million personal points, as a strategic fund, the effect is large.

If you don't pass the next exam, you need to use points to purchase the score. If you have this money, you don't need to fall into the debt situation.

Not to mention, there are still many uses for personal points, and there are many benefits. No one will be too much.

If you can reach the end of the peace and get the same reward together, it is undoubtedly very exciting.

However, don't forget that these are not belonging to the class.

This is a bonus for the privilege. Strictly speaking, it should be the reward of the privilege.

Let the preferential treatment recipients take out all the 500,000 personal points and contribute to the class?

Is that hard to be strong?

It is precisely because of this that at this stage, there are very few preferential treatments that will tell others about their identity.

When you think that the points you have worked hard to get need to contribute to everyone in the class, it is normal to feel unbalanced.

Everyone has something to think about.

Therefore, the preferential treatment will not reveal their identity casually, and it is very likely that they will be hidden to the end, and the reward will be silently eaten.

Who asked the school to provide an anonymous reward service this time?

As long as the privilege does not say it, the classmates will not know which person around them has become a privilege, and silently get a huge amount of points.

Therefore, whether these points can be counted as the overall funds of the class is really hard to say.

At least, as far as the situation of the d-class is concerned, there are quite a few such people. It is entirely possible for people like Kikuchi, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudo Ken to make such a thing and secretly pay for it. ?

It is no wonder that Yukihiko Yukih will be so entangled.


"That's what's going on inside their class."

Machida Koji did not give Yukimura a little face, and said such a straightforward sentence.

"Our class is a complete trust relationship. We don't worry at all, and your own internal problems are solved internally."

Speaking of this, Machida Koji also looked at Senju Saburo by the side without a trace.

Obviously, the "complete trust relationship" in its mouth contains a lot of water.

But Machida Koji said that it is also true.

These are all things in the class.

There is no reason to move your own problems within the class to the special exams of the group, so that others can find a solution.

That is the real unreasonable.

“Really, as Machida’s classmates said, the problem after the exam is over the classes, there is no reason to put them here for discussion.”

One of the sails waved and nodded, but did not take the lead to recognize, but looked around all the students present, try to slow down the tone of the mouth.

"How do you feel about it?"

One of the sails first sought the opinions of the rest.

The balance in the hearts of the people began to dump.

"I... I agree."

"I agree."

"Although there is no way to get class credits, people who are not philanthropists can't get personal points, but it is too bad if someone betrayed."

The three girls in class c began to raise their hands and agreed to the proposal of class a.

"...I agree."

After Yukimura’s careful consideration, he also raised his hand.

Before Yukihiko Yukihiko, Karuizawa has raised his hand.

As for the other two people in class b, it is even more simple.

"We will follow the practice of the students."

"If one of the students agrees, then we will agree."

The two made this speech separately.

In the end, only Fang Li, Xiao Xiaolu Qinglong and Yi Biaozhen did not raise their hands.

"I blow students, what do you think?"

I will take the initiative to make an inquiry.

In this regard, Yi Biao's response is quite simple.

"I don't agree or disagree, but the minority obeys the majority. If you think so, then you can continue."

I boasted that he did not intend to express his opinion, which was significantly different from the other three in the c class.

"Okay." One of the sails nodded and turned to look at Xiaolong Road Qinglong and asked: "So, Xiao Xiaolu, what do you think?"

Wen Yan, Xiao Xiaolu Qinglong almost did not want to.

"I wasn't very good at discussing it. It would be better to solve the problem easily, so it would be just like everyone."

The guy who plays the tiger and eats the tiger clearly understands the pros and cons of the one, but he has made this kind of practice with the public, and the low-key makes people want to punch a punch on his face.

"This way..."

One of the sails waved like a nod.

Immediately, the girl’s eyes finally turned to the side.

“Can you let me hear your thoughts? Seven nights classmates?”

One of the sails waved and said something like this.

Suddenly, the eyes of some people in the whole place were concentrated in the square.

Including Machida Koji, watching the eyes in the square is also becoming a bit uncertain, no longer as well as just the same.

Everyone wants to know if this man who won a beautiful victory in the special examination of the uninhabited island will agree with the policy of Gecheng Kangping.

In the words of the party, it will become the next key to the rabbit group.

What can you say in the square?

"Is this the way of fighting in Gecheng?"

Fang Li did not care about others, and he said the inner thoughts.

"It's really boring."

In a word, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly freezes.