MTL - If You Don’t Farm, You’ll Die-Chapter 8

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Li Guoguo nodded, and asked softly, "Should I follow along to make a statement?"

Qi Guangyao gave Li Guoguo a funny look and said, "Just make a record, and you can come to the police station tomorrow morning."

It's so late, it's not safe for the little girl to run back and forth.

Li Guoguo nodded again, looked at the two people and added, "Then do they want to see a doctor first?" in a very considerate tone.

Qi Guangyao said with emotion, the little girl is so kind. She was sneaking around at the gate of her courtyard, and she was very disturbed and kind-hearted at first glance, but the little girl was still worried about the bodies of these two little thieves.

In fact, Qi Guangyao was also a little puzzled, the courtyard door was opened in front of him, no one had come out just now, and it seemed that the little girl should be at home alone today, since just now, there has been no movement in the house.

The two who were lying on the ground and taking **** covered their eyes as if they had been sprayed with venom, but in fact there was no sign of a third person other than them, which was also strange.

Shaking his head to get rid of these thoughts, Qi Guangyao said, "Yes."

Qi Guangyao and his colleagues pushed him into the car, waved to Li Guoguo, and drove him back to the institute. After looking for a doctor to see the two people, they found that the problem was not serious. Although they were temporarily blind, their vision has improved, and it has improved after flushing through the water.

But the strange thing is that there is no trace of this drug, which cannot be detected by the instrument, and according to the two people, they also suddenly felt a tingling pain in the eyes, and it became like this. The situation described in their mouths was locked , more like the work of ghosts than human beings.

Qi Guangyao, as an atheist, of course would not believe these words, knowing that there was nothing serious, he interrogated the two separately.

At the beginning, the two of them were stubborn and refused to admit that they were walking there, but in the end they made a breakthrough under Qi Guangyao's overnight questioning, and Li Si was the first to retort.

"Uncle policeman, I really don't have evil intentions. It was the guy who dragged me and said that there are more good things in that girl's house, so I got a little delusional and wanted to steal something." Li Si said pitifully.

Everyone knows that in China, theft and burglary are not the same sentencing standards. It is wrong for him to be petty, but he should be locked up for a few days of education at most. It is not a crime of the same degree as that guy!

Qi Guangyao slapped his pen on the table impatiently, "Be honest! Don't talk nonsense, what's going on?"

Li Si covered his eyes with white gauze, lowered his head, and explained the whole story dejectedly.

On the same day, Li Si and other villagers dragged the wood back to the village cursing. The more they thought about it, the more angry they became.

Pan Rong and Li Si were also good friends, and they often saw each other at the poker table. This time they knew that their friend was not doing well, so they gave him this idea, telling him to go into the house and steal some good things. As for Li Guoguo, Pan Rong felt that such a little girl was at home alone, even if she was taken advantage of a little, she would not make a fuss about it. Everyone got what they needed, everyone was happy, and there was no loss.

Liang Fengqin, who was handling the case with Qi Guangyao, also slapped her pen on the table angrily. If it hadn't been for the rule not to beat people, she really wanted to kick these two **** out of the stove, not gaining any benefits and messing with your relationship. Want to destroy people's innocence? I never thought about what the little girl will do in the future, how much psychological shadow will it have?

Who gave you the courage to break the law and commit crimes? !

Qi Guangyao's face darkened, he thought it was just a burglary, but he didn't expect that there was such an inside story here, what made him angry was that even if they admitted it, they couldn't be sentenced. Because people just think so, and haven't implemented it yet. Apart from criticizing the fine and education, it will not help at all. The place where Li Guoguo lives will still be dangerous in the future.

Although he was angry, he still recorded all the written exams calmly. After a long day of work, the sky became slightly brighter. Li Guoguo got up at dawn and ate rice porridge. After wiping his mouth, he went outside to take a look around his own place before going to the police station.

The farming system is indeed a farming system. When she walks into the wheat field she is planting, she will automatically jump out of the moisture content of the soil, whether pests need to be removed, and which pesticides can be exchanged for use together.

Suggestions are all good suggestions, and things are not too expensive. It seems that ten points and ten points are not too many, but Li Guoguo almost used up the points in his early 100s in order to exchange anti-wolf fluid and shepherd dogs. , so now I can only watch dryly and there is no other way.

It seems that the system is urging her to complete the task in another disguised form. Although there is no time limit, Li Guoguo still feels that it cannot be delayed for too long. To speed up the pace and keep moving forward.

The seeds provided by the system also change three times a day after being sprayed with nutrient solution. Although I don’t know what kind of crop it is, it is growing well. In a few days, green shoots have been drawn out, which is faster than vegetables. Li Guoguo wanted to prevent outsiders. To visit, a fence was specially set up to surround this piece of land.

Sun Xiuxiu and the others found it strange, but they didn't ask too many questions. They probably built a fence to prevent wild cats and dogs from running around and ruining the crops, so it's not unusual.

Moreover, Li Guoguo has a lot of planting methods, Sun Xiuxiu and Mo Laosan don't quite understand it, and they don't pay much attention after planting. They walk around the field every day, and when they need watering, they pull a hose and start watering. I just put it there all the time, I don't even spray pesticides, and I don't worry about the grass growing in the ground.

Or to put it even more bizarrely, there is really no grass growing in the field!

Sun Xiuxiu, Mo Laosan: ...Suddenly I feel very complicated in my heart, and I feel that I have planted the land for so many years.

After inspecting the fields and fruit trees, Li Guoguo went to find a car to take her to the police station. After running back and forth these days, she deeply felt that she should really buy a car when she had extra savings, otherwise it would be inconvenient to get in and out.

Unlike hailing a taxi in the city with a single software, in Taoyuan Village, there is no problem finding a car. A wealthy family in the village bought a tractor to deliver goods and pull people. It is convenient and charges a little toll, but the road is Those who don't eat and bask in the sun are not within the consideration of the car owner.

After Li Guoguo entered, he ran into Qi Guangyao who had dark circles under his eyes and was pouring coffee. Even though he was working overtime in the early morning, he still had to come on duty in the morning, so he could only drink black coffee to refresh himself.

Seeing the victim came, Qi Guangyao couldn't explain what he was feeling, so he invited the person to a chair, sat her down and took the notes to go through the process.

Li Guoguo didn't come out that night, so the transcript actually didn't have any actual content. After the process was over, Qi Guangyao hesitated and asked, "Are you going to sue them? But because they didn't break into the house, so..."

Li Guoguo looked at Qi Guangyao, who was wearing a police uniform and frowning deeply, in surprise, and said with a smile, "I know, this time, I think they can only live in peace for a few days. Don't worry, Uncle Policeman, I already have a solution."

Qi Guangyao was amused by Li Guoguo's tone, "Uncle policeman, you can call me by my name, and I will give you the number of our police station. If there is any situation, you can call the police, and we will rush there as soon as possible."

Li Guoguo had a smile on his lips, and nodded with his eyes bent. He has a cute appearance and a clean temperament, like a clear lake, which makes people want to smile when they see it.

"Thank you Officer Qi, then I will go back first." Li Guoguo said goodbye to Qi Guangyao with a smile.

When I got back home by car, I found a group of people gathered around the gate of the courtyard, chattering and not knowing what they were doing.

Before Li Guoguo frowned, she heard a sharp girl shouting: "Fox! Come out! Ah! You made Pan Rong like that and put him in jail, you black-hearted whore! I'm xxx. "

Although Li Guoguo didn't know Pan Rong's wife, just by hearing the woman's angry yelling and cursing, he knew what it means that the whole family does not enter the same door. This woman put a black pot on her head when she didn't figure out what was going on, and Buddhists would be angry.

Or maybe this woman knows what kind of virtue her husband is, but she doesn't care how the dirty water is splashed, so she just wants to breathe out?

Li Guoguo was about to speak in a deep voice, when she heard Sun Xiuxiu bawled and said, "Cuihua! What I say is so unreasonable. Why don't you talk about your Pan Rong? Don't say he likes it all day long." Even the idlers in our village have heard of it. Just talking about his virtues, do you really think that others look up to him? Do you have any brains?!"

Wang Cuihua put her hips on her hips and scolded back, "Otherwise? If they didn't have a leg, Pan Rong would be at her door in the middle of the night? Why didn't he go to someone else's house, but to her house? If it wasn't for the fact that she was a coquettish bastard, now she's going to beat her up." Can Pan Rong go in?!"

Wang Cuihua didn't understand the law and didn't want to understand it. She knew that Pan Rong was the pillar of the family. As a man, it was inevitable that he would mess with women. Now that the trouble has reached the police station, that's not acceptable!

"Anyway, I don't care. If Pan Rong doesn't come back for a day, I'll come here to make trouble for a day! Don't be easy, everyone!" Wang Cuihua said confidently, standing at the door with a strong body, tightly blocking all exits.

A lot of people from Taoyuan Village also came out. Of course, it wasn't Wang Cuihua who helped, but they were on the same front as Sun Xiuxiu, accusing Wang Cuihua of talking nonsense.

"Everyone in the ten miles and eight villages knows what your Pan Rong is like, so don't say it to dirty people's ears!"

"Can this little girl fall in love with your Pan Rong? I'm so ridiculous. Look at his house. This place, this hill. If you want to find someone young, your Pan Rong is fat and ugly. He is old enough to be a father. No one wants to repost!"

Wang Cuihua blushed from embarrassment and anger, and clasped the door frame with both hands, making up her mind not to leave, not to make this woman's reputation in the village bad, how could she be willing!

Although Pan Rong had some stealthy behavior before, but she didn't make a fuss in front of her eyes, so she just turned a blind eye, and now she has made a fuss to the police station, and the matter has become serious. If this woman is not allowed to withdraw the case, in case What if one person really squats in? !

"You pull me again, and I'll bite you!...Let go, let go!" Wang Cuihua stood firmly on the ground, not to mention her thick body, no matter what the people next to her couldn't pull her away.

Sun Xiuxiu's face turned black with anger. How many days has Li Guoguo moved here, and how many troubles have happened? Is it true that if someone lives alone, there is no backer? I don't even look at who owned this land before. Anyone who is somewhat related to the Mo family doesn't know the identity of this young lady?

Mo Laosan strictly forbade his daughter-in-law to gossip after hearing it from others, so as not to be picked up by others, but he didn't expect that he didn't show the banner of the Mo family, and some people who didn't want to open his eyes bumped into him.

Li Guoguo couldn't bear to see this woman's clumsy acting skills anymore. She frowned and walked over from behind the crowd. She squeezed her hands, and Wang Cuihua's wrists hurt, and she felt that she couldn't use any more force. open position.

"Sorry, you blocked my door." Li Guoguo said bluntly, looking straight at Wang Cuihua without timidity.

Wang Cuihua looked at Li Guoguo's exquisite and beautiful face and wanted to grab flowers! This little **** who seduces men dares to beat her? It's the other way around!

"I advise you to think carefully before you do anything. If you break into a private house, I can call the police and arrest you. Do you want to go behind the bars with your husband?" Li Guoguo crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.

Wang Cuihua wanted to hit someone, but was blocked by other people, and said angrily, "How can I intrude? Is this land yours? I can stand wherever I like? Now you're out of control, you seduced my husband!" Why is the time running out? Tell me Pan Rong and call the police to release me, or I will make you restless!"

Sun Xiuxiu smiled and added: "Cuihua, I'm sorry, the place where you are standing belongs to them. Did you forget that this land, including those two mountains, belong to Li Guoguo? Hehe, they want to sue you, but it is a Let me know!"

Others also said in a hurry: "That's right, didn't you know just now? This place belongs to Li Guoguo, you like to stand in trouble and go home and stand."

"You still have the face to talk about seduction, you're a fool, you only have a lot of flesh on your body, tsk..."

Wang Cuihua's face turned red and green, but before she could continue tearing it up, the phone on her body rang, and she picked it up. She didn't know what was said on the other end of the phone, and her face turned black. , hung up the phone and gave them a hard look.

"The people of Taoyuan Village, I will remember them all! Next time I will come to bring you bad luck!" Wang Cuihua left these words, twisted her strong waist and left.

The people in Taoyuan Village saw that it was all right, so they comforted Li Guoguo not to be as knowledgeable as this shrew, and went back to busy with their own affairs. Sun Xiuxiu and Li Guoguo got closer, so they stayed.

Li Guoguo opened the door, and the shepherd dog rushed over. Sun Xiuxiu saw a dog jump directly on Li Guoguo, and screamed in fright.

Li Guoguo pressed the shepherd dog's head, turned to Sun Xiuxiu and apologized, "I'm sorry, Aunt Sun, I surprised you, this is the shepherd dog I bought, called Apple. It's very obedient and doesn't bite. "

Sun Xiuxiu was just taken aback by surprise. In fact, she was not afraid of dogs. After hearing this, she looked at the beautiful golden shepherd dog in front of her and praised: "It's okay, I'm not afraid. This dog is so beautiful. Right, I have a dog at home." Only, it’s much safer.”

"Don't take what Wang Cuihua said just now. I don't know what she means. She doesn't do anything other than spray dung all day long. Everyone knows that you definitely look down on Pan Rong. Don't worry. , everyone in Taoyuan Village believes in you." Sun Xiuxiu explained softly, fearing that the little girl would be frightened.

Li Guoguo has met many people, and Wang Cuihua, a shrew, is not enough for her to order. What she is most afraid of is the kind of person who is gentle and kind on the face, but merciless in stabbing the knife in the back. This kind of talent is really scary.

"Aunt Sun, don't worry, I didn't take it to heart. Pan Rong ran to my door by himself, and the people from the police station checked it out carefully. White is white, and black is black. This thing can't fool anyone." Li Guoguo lightly He said with a smile, rubbing Apple's head again with his hands.

Sun Xiuxiu's gaze also shifted to Apple. Looking at the cute dog, her mood improved a lot, and she didn't want to be entangled with these unlucky things anymore.

"That's good, come to us if you have something to do. Although we don't have much skills, it's okay to help you stand up and scold others." Sun Xiuxiu said with a smile.

"This dog is so beautiful. From now on, you will always take it with you when you go out. If those people want to attack you, you can let the dog go. They run faster than anyone else!" Sun Xiuxiu said.

"Well, Apple will follow me in the future. It is very capable and can help me herd sheep in the future." Although there is no money, it does not hinder Li Guoguo's current plan.

Sun Xiuxiu had heard of it, but she didn't expect this shepherd dog to be beautiful and capable, and it looked very docile. She couldn't help being moved and wanted to buy one.

"Where did you buy it? I want to buy one too, if it's too expensive."

The author has something to say: One update!

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