MTL - If You Don’t Farm, You’ll Die-Chapter 60 (one)

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Nie Yunqing got off work earlier than usual, because she had something on her mind and didn’t drive by herself. The black car passed by the road silently. The driver has served Nie’s family for decades, so he naturally knows this place, so he is familiar with the road after driving. .

Li Guoguo was lying on the beach chair on the roof, enjoying the evening sunlight, while checking the phone information to see where Nie Yunqing was.

But she soon realized that there was no need to look at the phone. When Nie Yunqing's car drove downstairs, she noticed it from under the transparent glass. She sat up straight and squinted her eyes for a while, and then found that Nie Yunqing got out of the car and looked up. Straight into her eyes.

Li Guoguo: My boyfriend is so handsome from any angle, what should I do if I can't get angry at all?

Although Li Guoguo shook his head secretly in his heart, his movements were contrary to his will and he quickly ran downstairs. He came down from the stairs on the second floor and ran into Nie Yunqing's arms, and was caught by him.

Li Guoguo's ears were red, she really didn't throw herself into her arms! Struggling to stand up straight, she found that Nie Yunqing's arm was firmly wrapped around her waist, and she could almost feel his fast heart beating strong and powerfully.

"I'm sorry." Nie Yunqing said suddenly.

Li Guoguo relaxed his arms, hugged the man's waist, looked up at him with a smile and asked, "What did you do wrong?"

Nie Yunqing said with a normal face: "The fault is that I didn't inform you. I wanted to give you a surprise, but in the end—"

No surprises but no joy.

Seeing this meaning from Nie Yunqing's eyes, Li Guoguo blinked amusedly, with some sly gleam in her bright eyes, "I really like this surprise."

Nie Yunqing's slightly frowned eyebrows loosened a little when she heard the words, and she was thinking about how to be honest with Li Guoguo all the way, but she didn't expect that Li Guoguo would not play cards according to common sense.

"However, I still prefer you to discuss it directly with me instead of hearing about it from others. Do I look like the kind of person who doesn't know what's good?" Li Guoguo asked again.

Nie Yunqing was silent, and could only keep silent about this kind of proposition.

"However, I was also wrong. I didn't tell you that I wanted to move Taoyuan to the capital, so now we are even. If there is something to communicate in time in the future, there will be no misunderstanding." Li Guoguo smiled sarcasticly, beautiful The eyes are bent, like spring flowers blooming.

"Okay." Nie Yunqing said immediately.

Li Guoguo changed his arm and walked out and said: "Let's go, I'm hungry, take me to eat some Kyoto-style snacks, I've heard that there are many interesting dishes in Kyoto, just right Eat big, eat more."

Of course, Nie Yunqing had no objection, and took her to a private restaurant. The chef would know many special dishes of Kyoto, and they would put them up one after another. In less than half an hour, the table was almost full.

Li Guoguo took out his mobile phone, took a photo and posted it on Weibo, asking, "Is it ready? Let's waste so much if we can't finish it."

Nie Yunqing poured her a cup of tea and raised her lips and said, "If you can't finish eating and pack it, you can heat it up and cook some rice when you want to eat it, which will save you the effort of cooking."

Li Guoguo muttered: "When I was in Taoyuan, I still cooked... right?"

Li Guoguo laughed when she finished speaking. Before the inn opened, she was very active in live cooking and cooking to promote the freshness and tenderness of Taoyuan’s dishes. As a result, when the farmhouse opened and the inn was built, she went to eat every day. After eating, the content of the live broadcast changed from cooking to tasting Chef Lin's various new dishes.

The reputation of Taoyuan Inn has also been built up little by little. Now that Li Guoguo does not use live broadcasts, the inn has many people crowded there all year round to order food, and there are many people who buy tickets to come in and go to the inn to eat food , by the way, go to the hot spring to pick fruit, and live a much more enjoyable life than her.

Nie Yunqing smiled and did not continue on this topic, but instead talked about Taoyuan No. 2, "Do you plan to call this land Taoyuan No. 2? Lu Yangze said that you will continue to use the original Taoyuan No. 1 as the headquarters, and this is the branch? "

Li Guoguo used the serving chopsticks to pick up some vegetables for Nie Yunqing and some vegetables in his own bowl, and then said: "The staff from the headquarters will move here. The fields and orchards there are developed by me in the first year. It’s true that it’s the Taoyuan headquarters. It’s called Taoyuan No. 2, which is simple and clear, and it has the characteristics of our Taoyuan.”

"When do you plan to move here?" Nie Yunqing lowered her eyes and asked casually, but her ears were catching Li Guoguo's voice.

"After the rice is ripe and harvested, I will come here again. We also need to build houses, grow vegetables and so on. When we come here, the employees will also have houses to live in. It's a pity that Chef Lin can't come with us, otherwise there will be people here Let's cook."

Li Guoguo is also planning to build a restaurant here. If Chef Lin comes, he will know that the customers are like a cloud. With the popularity of Taoyuan itself, this place will soon be promoted.

Although Li Guoguo can go to farm, he also likes the lively environment around him. Even if he doesn't participate in it, he still likes this feeling.

"Then let Chef Lin come over. He has been teaching his apprentice for so long, so it's time for him to be a teacher." Nie Yunqing said directly.

Li Guoguo murmured, bit his chopsticks and looked up at Nie Yunqing and asked, "How do you know better than me? Did you invite Chef Lin?"

Before, Li Guoguo always thought that it was the descendant of the royal chef who was discovered by Lu Yangze, but now Nie Yunqing seems to be acquainted with Chef Lin?

Nie Yunqing pursed her lower lip and said with her eyes darkened, "Grandpa met me. I knew you were short of a chef, so I thought of him. He liked the environment of Taoyuan very much, so he brought his apprentice there."

"Did you spend a lot of money?" Li Guoguo asked, frowning slightly.

Nie Yunqing smiled and said: "It's not what you think. Although I said it was because of my face, if Taoyuan was not so special, he would definitely not be able to go there, let alone money. He is much richer than you think. .”

Li Guoguo was taken aback when he heard that, is that so?

"Will Chef Lin really come here? There is nothing here, not as beautiful as Taoyuan No. 1."

Although Li Guoguo can guarantee that it will be different in autumn after it is built, it is just an empty shell now, can Chef Lin come over?

Nie Yunqing scooped up a bowl of soup for Li Guoguo, then smiled and said, "Don't look at Chef Lin leading his apprentices to teach him every day. In fact, he wanted them to become teachers a long time ago. Now is an opportunity. Taoyuan No. 1 is very good, and he also It’s impossible to throw the apprentice here to practice, right? Only under high pressure can he improve rapidly, and I think he will think so.”

Li Guoguo nodded, and also scooped up a bowl of soup for Nie Yunqing, met his eyes with a slightly dimpled smile, then lowered his head to drink the soup, revealing a slender and fair neck.


Nie Yunqing yelled suddenly, and when Li Guoguo looked up, he shook his head and said nothing. Li Guoguo raised his eyebrows and put down the bowl directly, and folded his hands on the table.

"Tell me, is there something wrong, I can stand it!"

Li Guoguo almost patted her chest and said that she is a female man. What can I say directly, is she the kind of procrastination person?

Nie Yunqing also seemed to have made up her mind, took out a small box from her pocket, got up and knelt down in front of Li Guoguo and said:

"I've thought about it for a long time, Guoguo, we've known each other for a few years, and we've been in love for a long time. Do you want to consider making an appointment with me? If you think it's too urgent, we can get engaged first and get married next year... Would you like ?"

Li Guoguo was still a little confused, how did this matter get here, didn't he just want to discuss something? Are you talking about marriage?

Seeing Nie Yunqing's straight back and knees really kneeling on the ground, with black eyes staring at her without urging her, Li Guoguo's heart felt a little bit, as if he had just fallen to the ground from a weightless state.

In fact, what is there to hesitate to think about? The answer was always on her mind.

"Okay, it's settled, get engaged first this year, and get married next year." Li Guoguo showed a bright smile, and stretched out his hand to indicate to Nie Yunqing that she could wear a ring for her.

Nie Yunqing secretly calmed down, and firmly put the ring on Li Guoguo's ring finger. The perfectly cut diamond on the ring was exuding a charming halo. I saw some English letters in it.

After putting it on, Nie Yunqing kissed Li Guoguo lightly on her fingertips. When she got up, she gave Li Guoguo a gentle hug, and she didn't part until Li Guoguo's lips were reddish and out of breath.

"Leave the engagement to my mother. Then you can try on the clothes. If you have any requirements, you can tell her. She is very good at this." Nie Yunqing pinched Li Guoguo's earlobe before sitting back in her seat.

Li Guoguo quickly took a sip of water, suppressed the hotness on his face, and then nodded quickly, completely forgetting what it was like to see Nie Yunqing's mother.

However, "Don't we need to do something simple? Just have a meal for our family?"

Nie Yunqing took a deep look at Li Guoguo, "Of course not, Mom knows that if I think this way, I will definitely cause trouble to Nie, and I will let you down."

Both of them seemed to be able to think of this scene, and couldn't help but smile a little.

Li Guoguo blinked at Nie Yunqing and said, "You can decide on that date. I will go back to Taoyuan in two days. I can cooperate with you in these few days."

Li Guoguo nodded, this matter will be easy to deal with. After sending Li Guoguo back and leaving a few bodyguards behind, Nie Yunqing drove back. Just in time, Nie Zhihe and Song Huilin were accompanying Nie Shide for dinner, and saw his son come back. , the two looked up and asked casually:

"Have you eaten yet? Why don't you accompany your grandpa to eat some more, Mama Li, bring me another set of bowls and chopsticks."

"No, I've already eaten."

Nie Yunqing stopped at the stairs and unbuttoned her collar, glanced at Nie Shide and the others before turning her head and said, "Guoguo has already agreed to my marriage proposal. I want to get engaged first and get married next year. What should I do? Mom, you can ask Guoguo." If she wants to do something, she will be returning to City S in a few days."

Nie Yunqing dropped such a bomb, which knocked the three people on the table out of their minds. She always felt that her hearing was hallucinating. After a while, Nie Shide knocked on the ground with his crutches pretending to be angry: " What kind of marriage is engaged, just get married directly! It’s troublesome.”

Song Huilin was completely on her son's side at this time, smiling from ear to ear and said: "Dad, look at what you said, the wedding will take a while and the wedding dress must be customized in advance, Yun Qing is also anxious Let’s make a name, I think it’s okay.”

Nie Zhihe was just like a transparent person. Anyway, his son and wife didn't listen to him, so he didn't even have room to intervene, so he went upstairs to call his future daughter-in-law after hearing Song Huilin's crackling.

Nie Zhihe was just about to play chess with Nie Shide to gain some sense of presence, when he discovered that Nie Shide said he was going out for a stroll, and told other neighbors that Yunqing was also getting engaged soon, and soon Nie Zhihe was left alone in the restaurant .

Nie Zhihe: ...

Song Huilin has been waiting for her son's wedding for a long time. Now even though it's just an engagement, she still attaches great importance to it. She directly calls Li Guoguo to see if she likes Chinese or Western wedding venues. The beach and the ocean, or the green grass, or in the manor, they have all these, it's up to her to choose.

Li Guoguo: ...Is this what it feels like to marry into a wealthy family? For a while the mood is very complicated.

"Auntie, it doesn't need to be too complicated, just keep it simple, it's just engagement..." Li Guoguo tried hard to express his meaning, engagement is so troublesome, one can imagine how many layers of skin will be shed after getting married.

"Yes, it's because of the engagement that we should pay more attention to it and let them know that you are Yunqing's treasure. Guoguo, listen to your mother, it's going to be a big deal. These aristocratic families value these forms. If you do it rudimentarily, they will I thought you were not taken seriously. In the future, you will open a store in the capital or do something, and there will be no people who don’t want to make trouble, so you have to weigh it.” Song Huilin’s mother’s voice is so familiar.

"Besides, although Yun Qing is quite cold-tempered, the little girls like him now. We need to arrange the score of our main room so that all the little girls who want to get involved can see it, so that they can't do it again. It’s better if you can’t come up with any other ideas. Not only do you have to make it beautiful, but you must also not dress too plainly, and you must be known as the boss of Taoyuan!” Song Huilin decided to do so.

Li Guoguo couldn't laugh or cry. Nie Yunqing's mother seemed to be more worried about Nie Yunqing's mistakes than herself. She also criticized her son mercilessly. She completely took her side and made her heart warm up. .

Talking about this matter with Nie Yunqing at night, Nie Yunqing didn't seem surprised, nodded and said: "Mom is indeed like this, don't worry about it, just listen to what you want, leave her alone, now that Dad has stepped back, she will I watch those soap operas when I have nothing to do, and I don’t know what I’m thinking.”

Nie Yunqing rubbed her forehead with some headaches. Although Song Huilin was old, she was well protected by Nie Zhihe. Her thoughts tended to be young people, and her personality was pure and enthusiastic. That's why Nie Yunqing felt that Li Guoguo and her mother should get along well.

When two simple-minded people meet together, isn't it too late to meet each other?

Although Li Guoguo listened conservatively to Nie Yunqing's words, she couldn't stand the true enthusiasm of her future mother-in-law. The next day, after she discussed with the designer how to plan Taoyuan No. 2, she took people to try on clothes to see the venue.

According to Li Guoguo's simple engagement banquet, Song Huilin understood it by herself, and took her directly to Nie's manor. There is a lawn, a swimming pool, and a place to put tables and chairs. At that time, singers can be invited to sing The performance is Li Guoguo's official appearance in front of people, so naturally every aspect must be well planned.

"When you saw it, we used flowers to set up a heart-shaped arch at the gate until we came here. Balloons are not good. If they burst, it will be too noisy. Look at what flowers you like. Nowadays, little girls like pink flowers. Roses, those of the blue enchantress, if you like them, our dad will buy all the flowers from the flower shop and arrange them."

Li Guoguo dripped sweat after hearing this, and immediately waved his hands and said, "Pink roses are fine, and just one arch is fine, you don't need so many."

Song Huilin looked at her bitterly and said, "Don't save Yunqing's money. Engagement and marriage are only once in a lifetime. If you don't spend money at this time, his money will go moldy. Let's spend it."

After the two entered the manor, a designer was waiting, and he took out a thick album and handed it to Li Guoguo.

Song Huilin and Li Guoguo sat on the sofa, looked at the album and said: "You see which one you like, just make that one, make a few more and change them."

Li Guoguo finished today's itinerary almost in a daze. After returning home, she was almost tired and paralyzed on the bed and couldn't get up. However, Song Huilin was full of energy all day, and took her to run around with great interest. Looking at the venue design, and later looking at the clothes design, I don't know why Song Huilin is more energetic at this age than a young man like her.

Li Guoguo had only one final thought, fortunately, he would only get married once in his life, otherwise he would really have to toss half his life.

When Nie Shide asked someone to see it, the master said that the recent days until the seventh day of July are good days, and after that it will be the end of the year.

Li Guoguo breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Nie Yunqing told him. Fortunately, there was still time. That day was almost the day when Taoyuan would harvest rice, and the headquarters would also be moved here.

Li Guoguo shook her head to shake off these miscellaneous thoughts, and ran back from Kyoto almost as if her feet were oiled. No one in Taoyuan knew that there was a surprise waiting for her when she moved to the headquarters in August.

Lu Yangze saw that Li Guoguo looked so absent-minded after returning, and thought she was missing Mr. Nie, so he couldn't help but comfort him: "Boss, we will go to the capital in a few months, and then you will be able to see Mr. Nie every day."

Li Guoguo blinked, said ah, and then replied: "No, I'm not thinking about him..."

Lu Yangze looked like he understood and didn't need to say more, Li Guoguo didn't know how to explain it, and finally sighed and said: "Okay, in order to prevent you from thinking wildly, it's like this, when I go back this time, brother Nie told me I proposed, and I agreed, but this year has a lot of things, so I want to get engaged first and get married next year, you understand?"

Lu Yangze: ...He doesn't understand, this is a piece of fresh dog food, why does he have to go over to eat it if he has nothing to do?

Lu Yangze said with a half-smile: "Boss, can I get your big red envelope then? You can see how many happy events there will be at that time. The first generation of Taoyuan rice will also have a bumper harvest by then, and it will be sold all over the world. Taoyuan Up and down you have to give out a red envelope, which means it."

Li Guoguo said grandly: "No problem, each person gets a red envelope, big red envelope, everyone has worked hard this year, organize team building at the end of the year, and go abroad for vacation!"

Lu Yangze smiled, "That's not necessary, let's take turns, everyone is on vacation, who will come to Taoyuan to work? If we rest for ten days and a half months, those tourists will be so disappointed."

What Lu Yangze said is true. Taoyuan Town has already gained a good reputation among young people. Even though they stipulated the number of people who will sell tickets at the beginning, everyone was worried that if no one came, the tickets would be sold out. It's not just in my hand, but now the weekly ticket has just opened for sale. It is no exaggeration to say that it is almost empty!

If it was because Li Guoguo was going to get married and take half a month's leave, these people probably couldn't stand it and left messages on the official website to complain.

Li Guoguo flew to Kyoto again later, to see how the Taoyuan No. 2 garden was being built, and then to see the condition of those forests, replenishing trees in time, and the transplanted fruit trees grew up safely under the irrigation of nutrient solution. Those fruit growers were amazed when they saw it.

When summer came and approached August, the headquarters of Taoyuan moved there collectively. Li Guoguo and Mo Laosan's family said goodbye, and the other houses were still there for regular cleaning.

Mo Laosan's family was very reluctant to part with Li Guoguo, but they also knew that this place was small after all. The capital was prosperous and the place was big, so it was the place where Li Guoguo could do his best. Although he was a little disappointed, he still told her to stay here Kyoto develops, they will guard here.

Li Guoguo looked back at Taoyuan Village. It was completely different from when he first came here. Now it is full of tourists. It used to be a small town of Taoyuan. The villagers of Taoyuan Village also rush to the vegetable greenhouses and the village homestay every day. , There is always satisfaction with life on his face.

Lu Yangze felt a little sad standing next to Li Guoguo, but he also had a lot of expectations for Kyoto. When he came here, Taoyuan could not be said to have nothing, but it was indeed built bit by bit under the hands of the two of them. Reluctant.

Jin Liangmin also knew that they were leaving, but the other villagers didn't know. After all, Taoyuan Shanshui and Taoyuan Town needed people to take care of them, and they didn't evacuate all the people. It's normal if they didn't find out.

"Guoguo, we know you're leaving, and we don't have anything to give you, so I'll give you some new rice grown at home. It's also Taoyuan rice. No matter where you go, Taoyuan is your backing. It's really impossible. Let's come back." Jin Liangmin said earnestly.

Kyoto is such a bustling and bustling city, no one wants to break out of the world, but Jin Liangmin dare not guarantee whether Li Guoguo can gain a foothold in it, but at least he has the confidence to say that if he doesn't do well, he will go back. Taoyuan, the people here will always respect her, she also has the villagers of Taoyuan Village to support her.

Li Guoguo took the rice from Jin Liangmin's hands, smiled, put the rice away and said, "Then I'm leaving, you guys go back, don't send me off."

Although Li Guoguo said so, Jin Liangmin and Mo Laosan's family still stood at the entrance of the village and watched their car go away, shaking their hands in the distance. Li Guoguo's eyes were a little red, and he turned around and took a breath. Take a look at the scenery outside the window.

Lu Yangze handed her a few pieces of paper, Li Guoguo said thank you in a low voice, and wiped the wet corners of his eyes clean.

The two of them took the plane to Kyoto with the rest of the company. Taoyuan No. 2 in Kyoto has been completed, and there are not many places to break ground. Once the building is built, everything is done.

When I arrived in Kyoto, it was midsummer who came to pick me up. She was wearing a thin shirt and slacks, with a shorter hairstyle, making her face look much smaller and more beautiful.

Li Guoguo smiled directly at Lu Yangze and said, "To be honest, where did you find the person, Sheng Xia has good abilities, and I think they are very agile in handling things these days."

Lu Yangze murmured in his heart, could he be unfavorable? He 'digged' it from the Nie family, so the ability is naturally worth mentioning.

"Why, you also brought it from the Nie family?" Li Guoguo asked with raised eyebrows seeing Lu Yangze's indescribable expression.

Lu Yangze chose to confess the situation honestly and strive for leniency, so he nodded slightly.

Li Guoguo glanced at him and didn't say much. He took the others into the passenger car, and Sheng Xia sat next to Li Guoguo without avoiding suspicion. By the way, he talked about the situation of Taoyuan No.

"Have you been to the store in Kyoto?" Li Guoguo asked directly after hearing what she said.

"I've read it, but Mrs. Nie said that they also have a lot of shops in the commercial street. If you need them, they can also rent them out to you." Sheng Xia hesitated for a moment and said.

Li Guoguo pursed her lips and smiled. Ever since Nie Yunqing revealed herself in front of her, she seemed to have given up on herself. As long as Li Guoguo needed her, she asked her subordinates to explain the situation to her, and she couldn't tell whether Nie had sold it before. There are still shops in those lands, and she bought these shops because she needed them.

"Go and have a look. If the location is suitable, I will rent it." She was already engaged to Nie Yunqing, so it would be too far away to separate her relationship now.

And Nie Yunqing is smart because he is smart and has a sense of proportion. He only said that Li Guoguo would rent it to her if he needed it, and he didn't say it was free or waited for her to rent it. It was fair in a sense.

Li Guoguo shook his head, seeing that Shengxia was still looking at him, and asked, "What, is there anything else? My face is dirty?"

Sheng Xia turned her head in embarrassment, then turned back after a while and said, "Boss, are you really going to get engaged?"

The person in the car in front also heard this, and immediately turned to look at Li Guoguo, the excitement in his eyes was undisguised.

"Yes, it will be held on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, during the Qixi Festival, and I will send out wedding candies to you." Li Guoguo stretched his brows and said with a smile.

The whole car was excited, ahhhhhh, I didn't expect to know the news when I came to Kyoto, although every time I saw Mr. Nie and the boss together, they were a beautiful couple, but I was still very excited to know that they got married!

"Boss, boss, where are you going to do it? Why is it an engagement, we want to drink wedding wine!"

"Stupid, don't we have a lot of things to do this year, where does the boss find the time to get married?"

"Hey, you don't understand. Taoyuan rice is now in the harvest season. When this wave of sales is sold out, our Taoyuan rice will definitely become popular all over the world!"

The topic was misleading after a while, and everyone was generally very satisfied with this marriage. If it wasn't that they were not unworthy of Mr. Nie's wealth, they really wanted to do it themselves!

Lu Yangze has never been to Taoyuan No. 2 before, and this is the first time for everyone to visit. When we got off the bus, we were shocked by the scenery in front of us. The fields stretch as far as the eye can see, and the emerald green color is winding like a carpet. More than Taoyuan No. 1, the dots of color make them fascinated.

Especially this time, Li Guoguo also paid attention to the staff's house. There is only a small house for a few people, and there is a house at a distance. There are not many employees in Taoyuan, and these far meet the needs.

Knowing that Chef Lin is back, the construction of the inn is also underway, and now it is completed. The restaurant is next to the inn. If it hadn’t been for a different location and scenery, everyone would have thought it was still a small town of Taoyuan, and the red lanterns are really dazzling No way.

Lu Yangze took a deep breath, felt the smell of soil in the field, and his mind was swayed, as if he knew this place again.

When Li Guoguo was in Taoyuan, he still used his busy work as an excuse not to go to Kyoto to try on clothes. Now that he is back in Kyoto, he has to go around for human feelings, and even Song Huilin.

Especially when Mr. Luo came here with her, and Mr. Deng, she should go for a walk. There are so many things. Li Guoguo found that there is no end to the week, and some invitations have to be delivered by her personally. Very busy.

Seeing that Li Guoguo was really busy, Nie Yunqing took over all the things she was doing. Apart from being busy with Taoyuan and trying on dresses, he took care of other things.

Song Huilin could only secretly nod her son's enlightenment when she knew it, and she had no complaints about Li Guoguo. It's okay for a woman to want Qin Se and Ming to accompany her husband to work, but it's not bad to start her own career. In her body, she wants to break out of a world, and she is also looking forward to it.

Especially now that Li Guoguo is not without fame. With the harvest of Taoyuan rice in various places, the time for unified sales is very close, and the publicity has not stopped.

As long as you click on the hot search on Weibo, you can see Taoyuan’s name on the tail of the hot search in two or three days. On the one hand, this is purchased by Nie’s, and some netizens post it by themselves. After all, the Taoyuan rice that I bought before was made. There are still a lot of iron fans.

Taoyuan has long been synonymous with quality and quality. They are willing to give Taoyuan a new job and wait for the sale of Taoyuan rice.

But just when everyone was beaming and found a store ready to sell Taoyuan Rice and Taoyuan Vegetables online and offline together, Sun Country directly parachuted into the trending search on Weibo.

This trending search has something to do with Li Guoguo. The reason is that an agronomist in the Sun Country accused Li Guoguo of stealing the finished product from his laboratory to grow Taoyuan rice, which took away the limelight that belonged to him. He went to find Li Guoguo Confrontation, but she kicked him out. Although he is not well-known, Taoyuan rice is the result of his years of research. Like Li Guoguo, who has not taken professional courses, he planted Taoyuan rice in the first year of planting. Humans make their own judgments about what is right and what is wrong.

The comments under the hot search are also very interesting, and they don't believe in Li Guoguo one-sidedly.

—"Look, I've said it a long time ago. Every time I left a message, I was sprayed by the trolls, which made me unable to say it. This person said what I wanted to say. Li Guoguo won the honor? Li Guoguo is a genius, but she is amazing? Even Mr. Deng is not as good as her? I think there is indeed a problem here."

"I believe in Li Guoguo! This man is talking nonsense without any evidence. I can tell as many lies as I can in a day. Who would believe him?!"

"Upstairs won my heart. Li Guoguo is really pretending too much. Don't say this is true or not. I can't understand this kind of flourishing white lotus."

"I think Li Guoguo and the Sun Kingdom are the same breed. Before, I thought this person was a good character, but Cang Tianzhi didn't dare to speak. Who knew the truth was like this, tsk tsk."

"I have always believed in Taoyuan and Li Guoguo. Comrades, can you not follow others' advice? He said that Taoyuan rice is his, so you believe it. Before Taoyuan rice was planted, Li Guoguo was selling Taoyuan vegetables. There is Taoyuan fruit, everyone knows what it tastes like? Is it necessary for her to cheat? How much is this rice per catty?"

"That's not the case. Don't talk about how much a catty of rice is. Taoyuan rice is very valuable. Besides, stealing other people's achievements can save a lot of money compared to doing your own research. Too young who go astray too much."

"I really wonder if this is the end of the navy here? Why are people conspiring one-sidedly about Li Guoguo? Let me ask, if this is really his achievement, then why didn't he explode it earlier? Didn't he choose now because he wants to Can't Taoyuan rice enter the market?"

"Just from Sun Country and Hua Country, I'm standing here with Li Guoguo!"

The Internet is in chaos, and the phone calls here in Taoyuan are also one after another. Everyone has no experience of being forced to touch porcelain before, and they are a little at a loss for a while. For those farmers who grow Taoyuan rice, they can only explain it over and over again.

It was also a bad thing that Li Guoguo had asked people from the Ministry of Agriculture to handle this matter, otherwise she might have been given some kind of label.

But the Ministry of Agriculture can't get around this matter. Zhao Mingzhi doesn't believe that Li Guoguo is so stupid, let alone that Li Guoguo can steal the finished products of the laboratory so easily, and he hasn't come to discuss it for more than a year. This statement is unreasonable.

Although he believes that Li Guoguo is innocent, but this matter is so disgusting, they just want to ruin your reputation, and they may fabricate some evidence to block you later, so he called Li Guoguo hoping to go to agriculture Let's go to the Ministry and discuss how to deal with this matter.

The Ministry of Agriculture has been busy so that most of the farmers planted Taoyuan rice. If this matter cannot be resolved as soon as possible, I am afraid that the Ministry of Agriculture will be ridiculed by netizens and international friends.

Li Guoguo remained silent, Lu Yangze drove her to the Ministry of Agriculture, and didn't know what to say to comfort her on the way.

After driving for a while, Li Guoguo's phone rang. When Li Guoguo saw it was Nie Yunqing, he hung up subconsciously. Unexpectedly, the phone rang again after a while. Li Guoguo took a deep breath and answered. .

"Sad?" Nie Yunqing's deep voice rang in his ears, and Li Guoguo's grievances hidden in his heart suddenly felt like Hong, and he hummed nasally.

"I'm already looking for someone to investigate this person. He is not well-known in the Sun Country. This time, he is probably being used as a gun. Don't worry, I will solve it." Nie Yunqing comforted.

Li Guoguo shook his head and said, "No, I just could these people be like this?"

Li Guoguo is not sad to be slandered by others, but just feels that people's hearts are changeable. At the beginning, she hoped that Taoyuan rice could be planted all over China, but in fact, these people began to accuse her of not allowing Taoyuan rice to grow. They grow…

She had mixed feelings in her heart, and she always felt that her blood was getting colder. She didn't know what she was thinking at the time. Maybe they would apologize and sell Taoyuan rice happily after this incident, but she thought , these are still different.

"I will solve it by myself. I will win the public opinion this time." Li Guoguo said firmly.

Nie Yunqing seemed to sigh in a low voice, and finally said: "Listen to you, if you need my help, just tell me directly. The documents will be sent to your mailbox in a while, remember to read."

Li Guoguo hummed before hanging up the phone, and when he looked up again, his eyes had calmed down a lot. When he arrived at the Ministry of Agriculture, he couldn't see the gaffe in the car at all.

Lu Yangze saw Li Guoguo's appearance before and after, but didn't say much, just followed her silently, and tried his best to shield her from the wind and rain through these dangerous hurdles.

Zhao Mingzhi didn't remember the small stumbling blocks that Li Guoguo gave him for a long time. Now this matter is very serious and must be clarified as soon as possible. He is a kind of person, so he issued an announcement to explain the situation first, and believed that Li Guoguo had never gone to Sun Country to steal.

In fact, Li Guoguo has never been abroad. Except for the last exchange meeting, she has been in Huaguo. As for that man, she doesn't know him at all.

Zhao Mingzhi sighed and said: "This matter is easy to handle, Lao Luo took all the data you studied on Taoyuan rice before, and the nutrient solution, but since they dare to say that, they probably got it too With the data from your lab, it’s hard to say who is ahead and who is behind.”

Li Guoguo frowned, and said, "But we brought it out at the exchange meeting first. Taoyuan rice was also sold before, and all Chinese people can prove when our Taoyuan rice was planted and when it matured."

Li Guoguo has been broadcasting live from the time of sowing until the harvest. Isn't this considered evidence?

Zhao Mingzhi took a look at Li Guoguo and said, "What should I say about this matter? What if they come up with evidence? They have studied for a long time, but haven't planted it on a large scale. If you get the results, plant it first and then win the prize. There is no need to clarify it." So easy."

In fact, if a new variety of rice is to be produced, it must go through various experiments and data records.

Read The Duke's Passion