MTL - If You Don’t Farm, You’ll Die-Chapter 35 (one)

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After the date of the agricultural product exhibition was set, the invitation letter was sent to Li Guoguo's home. Because Taoyuan exported a large amount of fruits and vegetables, the courier also opened a special route for them, and a special courier drove over to deliver the goods.

Without driving to transport, there are really few people who can take the boxes of fruits and vegetables. Now Taoyuan has faintly become the center point of the agricultural base of several nearby villages and towns, and everyone takes Taoyuan as the weather vane.

Especially after watching them clear out the vegetables and fruits that are usually sold in an instant, they talked more about cooperation with Taoyuan.

They have also bought those apples and oranges, but the taste is too different from the ones grown by themselves. It is no wonder that Li Guoguo is so popular, and it is not the taste made by additives. Whether they have been added or not? The most clear in my heart.

Therefore, the voice for cooperation has never been cut off. The leaders of City S also felt that this was an opportunity to establish their own brand of urban agricultural products, and secretly told Li Guoguo that if she got a good ranking this time, if she wanted to expand her For agricultural bases, they will give certain policy conveniences.

It is impossible for Li Guoguo to plant all the fields by herself. With the discounted calculation method of the system, the farm is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people are involved. It is not far from her completion. one step closer.

Even though he could make money this way, Lu Yangze still felt uncomfortable, and complained in private when he and Li Guoguo were alone.

"They just want to take advantage of us. More and more people are planting our fruits. Our fruits are not unusual. This has become their performance. What have we gained? It is purely poverty alleviation."

Lu Yangze looked displeased, even if the things were sold all over the country, their money would still be divided.

Li Guoguo blinked, could she say that in order to complete the system tasks, she would be very, very happy to let more people help her farm, but in order not to irritate Lu Yangze and cause him to strike.

Li Guoguo coughed lightly: "Actually, I still have other new varieties of fruits in my hand. These two kinds of fruits have gained popularity in the market first. When we launch new products..."

Lu Yangze nodded subconsciously when he heard it, thought for a while and felt that this idea is also very good, although the benefits still feel partly damaged, but if you think about advertising for them, you can't be too fussy about it, right?

"Then what I said, have you seen the plan to build a large-scale farm that integrates farmhouse entertainment and leisure? What do you think?" Lu Yangze looked forward to it. When he eats vegetables, he eats fruits. There is no fun in eating. It's fun to play.

Li Guoguo shook his head, "There's no rush, let's get the farm done first. If possible, I think the scope of this farmhouse can be expanded, with some special themes. There is a lot of idle land here, and the hills are barren. It can’t be felled casually, so I think this is a good opportunity to take advantage of.”

"Secretary Jin mentioned this to me. Although he said it would embarrass us, I think this idea is not bad. It seems that there is no place in the city to play simulated CS. We are so close to S city and far from the military camp. It's not far away, we can ask retired veterans to help us manage it, so we can control it."

Lu Yangze was stunned when he heard this, when did Li Guoguo think about it, it seemed that he had already seen the grand occasion.

Moreover, inviting veterans here saves a lot of money in terms of security, and it can also cooperate with the government at a deeper level. When it expands in the future, will it be able to accept more veterans to their team?

With the success of Taoyuan Farmhouse, there are more and more Xiao Xiao who want to come to touch porcelain. Lu Yangze invited the staff and hired security guards, but the effect was minimal, and now he feels a sense of relief.

If the boss is really your boss, this brain is much more flexible than his, and you can ask her for more opinions on business matters in the future.

Li Guoguo: ...No, you can continue to treat me as transparent, I just want to farm.

In May, when the weather turned hot, Li Guoguo and Lu Yangze boarded the plane to Kyoto. The board and lodging were all reimbursed by the S City officials, and the goods had already arrived in advance.

When they got off the plane, people from the organizer came to receive them. This time the organizer seemed to have a sponsor, so they directly booked a hotel with great pride, and housed orchard owners from all over the country. There were official and private ones. It's all for one purpose - to get the first place in this competition.

This number one is only once a year, and being able to defeat so many people in the same industry is not something that can be described simply as a sense of victory, and the business of the coming year is also linked to it.

There was a time when the champion was won by a small orchard, because his grapes were crystal clear, seedless, and had an excellent taste. In the second year, the fruit was almost sold out, and there was an endless stream of orchards wanting to cultivate grapes of their variety.

Saying this can only prove that the gold content of this exhibition is very high, just like the award ceremonies of major film festivals, but the reviews here are all domestic agricultural products.

Is Li Guoguo's apple the most popular this year?

No, it's the winners who have won three consecutive championships. They have improved their products this time. As special guests invited by the competition, they should be very confident that they can win the prize, but who is Li Guoguo? Turned out?

They have never tasted how delicious the fruit grown by Li Guoguo is. After all, you can ask the navy to comment on it, and the sales volume... Hehe, it doesn’t take much to compare an internet celebrity with those who are down-to-earth in real business. Say it?

So they raised a little opinion with the organizer of the event. Anyway, if the taste is good, then there is no fear of any challenge at all. Let's see who can have the last laugh!

When Li Guoguo put away her things, she threw herself on the bed and fell asleep until night fell. Lu Yangze was worried that Li Guoguo would be too hungry, so he knocked on her door to remind her to go downstairs for dinner.

Li Guoguo changed into a refreshing and simple pullover and jeans, put on a ponytail on her sneakers, and followed Lu Yangze down the elevator.

Different from Li Guoguo's simple, neat and tender attire, every nerve in Lu Yangze's body tensed up when he returned to the capital. This is reflected in the fact that he was still wearing a three-piece suit in the hotel. All panicked for him.

"Although the hotel has air conditioning, if we go to the venue later, you won't suffer from heat stroke, right?" Li Guoguo asked with raised eyebrows.

Lu Yangze tugged at his neckline, "I'm nervous, you're dressed so casually, I have to support Taoyuan for us!"

Li Guoguo let out a chuckle, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, okay, let's go eat first, but if you're like this, others will think we've messed up."

What Li Guoguo was talking about was the buffet that was invited by a chef to entertain them. Although the people coming and going were not dressed like Li Guoguo, they were all in relaxed casual clothes, and some even looked plain.

Lu Yangze looked at his own clothes and then at other people's, only to realize that his clothes were really out of place, after all, this was an agricultural product exhibition, so people thought he was going to attend some business meeting when he was dressed like this.

Bite the bullet, Lu Yangze walked beside Li Guoguo with a paralyzed expression, half a step behind, ignoring other people's eyes, took a tray with Li Guoguo to pick up some vegetables, took a bowl of porridge, and went to the table next to him to eat up.

As soon as the food was eaten, Lu Yangze frowned, and couldn't help saying in a low voice: "This food is too bad, isn't it? Where did this hotel get the food delivery? Our Taoyuan should sell the food here, Look at what they eat..."

Li Guoguo raised his eyes and glanced at him, pursed his lips and said, "Keep your voice down, be careful..." was overheard.

Before he finished speaking, he saw a tall man suddenly standing up from a table behind Lu Yangze, with a dissatisfied expression on his tanned face, he looked at Lu Yangze and cursed directly:

"Which **** is talking nonsense? If you know who delivered this dish, you can say it without shame. I also want to ask which farm you are from? The dishes are superior to others?!"

Lu Yangze was extremely embarrassed, and this kind of back-talking was exposed by the public. Lu Yangze had never encountered such a thing. He wanted to open his mouth to get up to explain, but Li Guoguo held down his arm and signaled him not to speak anymore to provoke others.

Li Guoguo smiled apologetically, and said, "He's talking nonsense. Maybe he just got off the plane and was a little uncomfortable with the environment, so he said this. Today's dishes are delicious and fresh."

Lu Yangze glanced at her silently, these words are nonsense, this dish has an earthy smell, it smells okay, but tastes very astringent, basically incomparable with the dishes from Taoyuan.

It's also because Lu Yangze was used to eating in Taoyuan in the past six months, and he didn't pay attention when he first came out. After eating delicacies from mountains and seas, he would be disgusted to eat these crude dishes. It's okay to eat like this, isn't it?

Obviously Li Guoguo's words couldn't appease the man in front of him. The man wanted to grab Lu Yangze by the neck and curse, but the man next to him held his hand. He gave Lu Yangze a hard look and gave up.

The old man looked at Li Guoguo and said with a smile: "My name is Bao Anping. This is my ineffective son Baocheng. He has a bad temper. Don't mind. You must be Li Guoguo, the boss of Taoyuan, right? This gentleman said That’s right, the food here is really not comparable to Taoyuan.”

Li Guoguo quickly waved his hand, "You're welcome, your name is also very popular, I want to visit you this time, Lu Yangze didn't mean to say that, Taoyuan's dishes are nothing special, you really praised it too much. "

Although Lu Yangze is very comfortable listening to Bao Anping's rainbow farts, how can anyone in the mixed workplace not know who, this person is clearly praising them, but look around, which of those people is not a planting expert sent by this city , Hearing this, he looked at Li Guoguo with something strange in his eyes.

Bao Anping chuckled, as if he didn't take it seriously, he and his son Bao Cheng turned and left the restaurant.

Lu Yangze and Li Guoguo sat down again, and the people around went to sit elsewhere, leaving them sitting here, looking lonely and left behind.

Li Guoguo glared at Lu Yangze, "Look, everyone knew us when we came here, now it's over, our Taoyuan is completely famous, you don't need to wear a suit anymore, people will know you even if you wear a coat."

Lu Yangze said in a low voice with a sad face: "I didn't do it on purpose, boss, I am, that's not this dish, alas, it's all right, it's all my fault, next time I will definitely be cautious in my words and deeds, and there will be no more said."

Although Lu Yangze really didn't do it on purpose, this alternative method of fame also worked. When they went out to the venue to see their display position the next day, the people around saw them whispering.

Especially when he saw Li Guoguo, his eyes seemed to say, tsk, an Internet celebrity who is famous for his face.

Lu Yangze looked aggrieved, wishing they could speak directly, pointing fingers, what to do? !

Li Guoguo looked calm, what's the matter, during the live broadcast, there are not only fans but also black people, those curse words are not repeated, these people like to watch and discuss, so let them go, she will not be less a piece of meat.

"Is this display space so big?" Li Guoguo looked at the small stall curiously. It looks like a street snack. There are already posted fruit names and prices on it. There is also a transparent glass box on the right for votes. .

Lu Yangze looked at it and said: "It's not too small, and it's usually cut up and placed on the table. There are only a few thousand people who come here a day, and there won't be too many in front of each booth. It's no problem to put the fruit on the bottom. Besides If it’s not enough, you can replenish it.”

This year, the way of selling has been changed, so they don't need to find someone to come to the platform to sell things, they will be specially appointed by the government, and Li Guoguo and the others will look elsewhere after looking at it.

Their booths are actually quite small, they mainly only have apples and oranges, and the display booths of other companies are much larger. Walking around the venue, Li Guoguo can be regarded as an eye-opener.

Not to mention all kinds of fruits, some fruits that are not in this season are also available, and there are also particularly beautiful vegetables on the display stand, most of which are intended to be made into salads, but Japanese fruits are natural agricultural products that have many fans In general, vegetables still suffer a bit.

Lu Yangze especially regretted it, and said to Li Guoguo: "They said earlier, if they could get vegetables, I would have brought a truckload, what else can they do?"

Taoyuan's dishes are not his bragging rights, as long as they are displayed, the other dishes present are all rubbish, and they are not rivals at all.

Li Guoguo pursed his lips and laughed, Lu Yangze had a kind of confidence in Taoyuan's dishes, as if as long as there were Taoyuan's dishes, he couldn't eat other dishes.

Although in Li Guoguo's view, the addition of the system's nutrient solution makes the vegetables and fruits taste better, it doesn't mean that the fruits and vegetables in these people's hands are completely useless.

Some people study how to increase the mass-produced fruits, and some people study how to change the original taste of fruits to achieve more novel tastes. Li Guoguo still admires these people, and has worked tirelessly for years to do one thing. Maybe it failed in the end, but this spirit has inspired generations after generations.

After transferring to the venue, Lu Yangze was about to go back to rest with Li Guoguo, when he saw Li Guoguo stop, scratched his face and said, "Well, I'll go out first, you can go back by yourself, if you want to meet with friends, you can also ,See you."

Lu Yangze waved his hand in a daze and said goodbye, he didn't recover until he got into the taxi, no, boss, are you going on a date? ! Or find someone else, ah ah ah ah.

Lu Yangze fell into a feeling of melancholy, should he tell Mr. Nie about this, let's talk, it seems bad, like making a small report.

Don't talk about it, if something happens to the boss, Mr. Nie will have to skin him?

After thinking about it again and again, Lu Yangze silently took out his phone and sent a text message, and then pretended nothing happened, went to meet up with a friend for a drink. After leaving the capital for so long, he almost didn't get used to the city's feasting and feasting.

Li Guoguo got in a taxi and reported the name of the TV station, then took out her mobile phone to send a text message. Originally, she wanted to tell Nie Yunqing that she had arrived in the capital and see if she could come out to make an appointment, but thinking of Song Lexue, she still sent a text message tentatively Information, see if the person is free.

Unexpectedly, Song Lexue didn't sleep either, so she responded to the message in seconds, and asked her to have dinner later. She had classes during the day and had to cooperate with the program group to record, so she was only free in the evening.

Li Guoguo went to the coffee shop next to the TV station, took out her mobile phone and checked the news while waiting for someone. Unexpectedly, when she opened it, she saw the WeChat message sent to her by Nie Yunqing.

Seeing that it was a voice message, Li Guoguo took out the earphones and put them on. When she clicked on them, she heard Nie Yunqing's deep and magnetic voice asking her if she was busy recently.

After thinking about it, she typed honestly and said, "The capital is holding an agricultural product exhibition these days, and I'm here today too, and I want to ask you out tomorrow."

Nie Yunqing replied quickly, the phone rang immediately, Li Guoguo answered with reddened ears, "Hi, I'm in the coffee shop."

Nie Yunqing paused for a moment and asked, "With Lu Yangze?"

"No, I have a friend. I asked her out for dinner today. She can't go too far for the competition. I'll wait for her here at the TV station."

Nie Yunqing thought for a while, it seemed that Li Guoguo had mentioned that this friend was participating in some kind of talent contest, and she had mentioned a few words in the old house last time. Thinking of this, he also leaned on the back of the chair, and said casually: "Then I have to wait for my girlfriend to come to see me?"

Li Guoguo's cheeks were flushed, and she couldn't quite get used to the feeling of having another boyfriend: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm going to ask you out tomorrow, when? I'm going to the venue in the morning to check it out, maybe it will be later."

Nie Yunqing flipped through the itinerary and said, "Then I'll meet you for dinner at noon, and take a look at your exhibition by the way, and you can introduce it to me."

Li Guoguo hummed twice, saw Song Lexue appearing at the door, immediately shook his hand, said goodbye to Nie Yunqing and hung up the phone.

"Here." After Li Guoguo finished speaking, she saw Song Lexue who was wearing a mask walking towards her quickly.

Song Lexue took off her mask and took a big sip of water, the tip of her nose was covered with beads of sweat, it was really hot to wear a mask in this weather.

"I almost ran into fans when I came out. Fortunately, I was fully armed, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to meet you. This time I took two hours off, and I have to go back later, and I will make up the game session later." Song Lexue A small face with natural baby fat, eyes like crescent moons, and a sweet smile.

Song Lexue, who has made it to the last few rounds of the draft and is about to make her debut, looks completely different from the carefree one she just graduated from. Her demeanor and behavior seem to be shining. Li Guoguo has not seen her for a long time, and she feels that Song Lexue is a little more beautiful, of course. This is definitely not related to plastic surgery, but a spirit, is that what they call idols? ,

"You look completely different now." Li Guoguo said with emotion: "Then can you still eat cake? Or order something else."

Song Lexue looked at her pitifully, and gritted her teeth: "Then I definitely want to eat it! You don't know what I ate in the past few days, all the meals prepared by the nutritionist, there is no extra fat, It's so unpalatable, I feel like I'm almost skinny, and I need something delicious to comfort me!"

Li Guoguo suppressed a smile, ordered a dessert and a light meal for her, and did not stimulate her with anything else, the two chatted about the recent situation while eating.

Song Lexue has been locked inside for so long, and all she has been in contact with are teachers or team members. She can’t look at her mobile phone, and she’s out of touch with the outside world. Only recently can she get her mobile phone to chat with her family. It’s only for a limited time, and she just received Li Guoguo The news made an appointment to meet today.

"You are really different now. I really didn't expect you to stay in that valley for so long, but I did a search yesterday. It's ok. You've become famous now. Next time, please treat me well." Have a meal." Song Lexue's cheeks puffed up, her mouth was oily from eating, and she looked like a silly elder sister.

Li Guoguo smiled and handed her a tissue, reminding her: "How can idols eat meat? They still eat a lot of oil. Be careful if your fans know about it!"

Song Lexue's fans are also very interesting. They gave her the nickname Optimist, because she will never be depressed no matter what her grades are, and she is a sweet girl. There are unexpectedly many girlfriend fans and boyfriend fans. The picture is completely different from the other members who are fighting each other.

"It's a pity that you will go back in a few days, otherwise I can give you a ticket. In a few days, it will be our last match before the finals. You can take a look at our team members, they are so beautiful!" Song Lexue said stupidly Smiling, it was a coincidence that we came here, and we didn’t care too much about whether we could form a group or not. If we can’t, we can still work as translators, and we won’t starve to death.

"Next time, I'll come to see you next time I come to Kyoto." Li Guoguo pursed her lips and smiled.

Taoyuan has been inseparable from people for a long time, and this year is also in the development period, so they can't leave their stalls to Lu Yangze, otherwise he will make trouble.

The two chattered about the recent situation, and suddenly returned to the time when they were in the university dormitory. The two were friends because of their very similar temperaments, but now one is not doing business and running to be an idol, and the other is running to farm. Don't say who.

In less than two hours, Song Lexue began to check the time frequently. Li Guoguo shook her head, paid the bill and accompanied her down. Seeing her put on the mask again, she had no other thoughts. When she arrived at the side door of the TV station, she saw a sign outside. The fans were immediately surprised.

"Don't they go back to rest? Standing like this, you can't come out?" Li Guoguo asked strangely.

Song Lexue shook her head, "Yes, we can see them upstairs, and the program team won't allow us to contact them. They should leave in a while. They should come to give gifts to some contestant, right?"

Li Guoguo was a little tongue-tied, as if she couldn't understand the passionate and crazy love of these fans. Even if she liked someone, there was probably no way to do it to this extent.

"Then I'll go up first, and next time I call, you can take me to your farmhouse when you arrive in City S. I've watched your video, and it made me cry." Song Lexue still didn't forget the rainbow fart before leaving One shot.

Li Guoguo watched her in amusedly, and when the car went back to the hotel, it was already dark, and then he opened the door of the room, and seemed to hear the sound of the door closing in the next room, thinking that Lu Yangze might have closed the door to sleep, so he didn't go into it.

Lu Yangze squatted by the door like a spy, saw Li Guoguo went in, and then secretly sent a message to President Nie saying that he had returned safely.

The next day, Lu Yangze and Li Guoguo rushed to the exhibition after breakfast. Today was the first day. There didn't seem to be many people outside the gate, only the staff were maintaining order. The official leaders looked thin and He was also energetic, holding a microphone and chatting a long series outside.

Li Guoguo and Lu Yangze mingled in a particularly inconspicuous corner of the crowd, and fell asleep after listening to it for a while, no wonder no one came over.

Half an hour later, the leader finally finished speaking, and the time slipped to nine o'clock unconsciously. The gate opened, and a row of young people in standard uniforms stood behind each display stand. They were cleanly dressed and smiling. Just well trained.

Lu Yangze's dissatisfaction with the organizer has dissipated a bit. It seems that people still pay more attention to it. Although they are not allowed to participate in person, the people at each booth are not that bad. Lu Yangze regrets that he can't let Li Guoguo directly brush his face Climb to the top, but not bad.

He believes that anyone with a mouth and a tongue can easily tell whose food is delicious! That's right, they are talking about Taoyuan!

People from other orchard farms also came to the meeting place, intending to stay for a day to see how the sales are. The first floor is divided into rooms and arranged in vertical columns. There are stairs next to the second floor. At the railing, there is a special small room for everyone to put fruits and vegetables, and you can also rest in it and observe the situation downstairs.

Li Guoguo and Lu Yangze didn't bring anyone else with them, so they didn't sit much after entering the room, they went directly to the railing outside and looked downstairs, only saw a few people walking in and starting to wander.

Lu Yangze frowned and said, "That's all? How many people voted at the end?"

Li Guoguo looked at the time and said, "It's only nine o'clock, and it's still a working day. It's normal that there are few people."

Besides, this is a farm products exhibition, but not many people noticed it, and some advertisements were placed around the venue. Passers-by or those who have been here, naturally come in and take a look if they are interested, and mainly the elderly. .

Li Guoguo's booth is not near the front, and they can only see their booth when these people finished shopping in the front to the middle section. Those who tried the food were a little full already, so Lu Yangze looked anxiously.

What if these people are full and their tongues are not working well and are affected? Tsk, let them sell it by themselves. The one downstairs is like a robot, so quiet. If you don't say a word, will someone buy it? Will anyone vote?

Ye Kangsheng has been to the exhibition a few times, and he knew it would be held at this time of the year, so he would pay special attention to the news on the Internet when the time comes. Anyway, after he retires, he doesn't have much else, but he has a lot of time.

When I entered the venue today, I felt that it was very different from the excitement of previous years. All of them were uniformed with service-oriented smiles from the staff, and there was less lively feeling, so it felt quite fresh to walk down from the first shop.

On the display stand, there are small pieces of fruit specially for people to try, placed in a transparent cover, and a toothpick is placed next to it. When eating, poke a piece and throw it into the trash can next to it, which is very convenient.

Ye Kangsheng paid attention to several orchards. Hearing that there were new products this year, he planned to take the opportunity to come and try them. If the taste was good, he would buy some and go back to eat later.

Don't look at today's votes, but you still have to spend money to buy them, and there are few for sale. If necessary, you can only contact the people in the orchard to buy them, or check online to see if they are sold.

When Ye Kangsheng walked around and ate halfway through eating, his stomach felt a little full. When he planned to visit the rest of the store tomorrow, he saw Taoyuan's display booth. Compared with the dazzling colorful products of other booths, the things in this booth It is simply too little.

The young Ye Kangsheng couldn't help but go over and look, apples, oranges? It seems nothing unusual.

Ye Kangsheng pondered for a while, and felt that those who could be recommended by the city should still have their own unique features. He picked up the toothpick next to him and poked a small piece of apple into his mouth. His gray eyebrows were raised, and he chewed quickly. , took a quick bite of the orange next to it, and was immediately overwhelmed by the sweetness of the orange, which was full of the fragrance and sweetness of the orange juice.

The well-trained staff quickly stopped Ye Kangsheng's hand that was about to reach out, and politely refused: "One person can only try one bite. If you want to buy one, you can buy one with a ticket."

Ye Kangsheng looked at the price. It was slightly more expensive than ordinary fruits, but the fruits were delicious. Without hesitation, he took out his ticket and bought an apple and orange to take home, and voted for it directly.

After returning home, Ye Kangsheng wanted to give his wife a taste, but he could smell the fragrance of the fruit several steps away, so he couldn't help looking at it, an apple and an orange, or eat one and keep One?

Ye Kangsheng was still struggling, Xu Xinmei pushed open the door and saw Ye Kangsheng was holding an apple in his hand and was about to take a bite, saw her come back and immediately walked over, before she could recover, she went to the kitchen and took out a knife to cut the apple in two, handed it Give her half.

"No, I said you bought just two of these fruits today? Is this enough to eat? My son won't be able to eat it when he comes back." Xu Xinmei asked with a frown.

Ye Kangsheng said: "What do you know? I bought this when I went to the exhibition. They only sell one, one for each ticket. You can buy one in the afternoon, and you can buy another one when my son comes back. This fruit is delicious. It's delicious, I ate it in the morning, it's absolutely delicious."

Xu Xinmei saw Ye Kangsheng bragging about everything, so she ate the apple dubiously. It was similar to Ye Kangsheng's reaction. After she paused, she ate the apple quickly, and within a short while she ate the apple with only one core left.

Ye Kangsheng looked at it reluctantly and said, "Otherwise, let's plant it, and we will be able to eat it in two years."

Although Xu Xinmei felt that the taste was really good, seeing her wife like this, she laughed and scolded, "Virtue. Since they are displayed, they must be for sale. After the exhibition, let's see which one it is."

I have to say that this year, the names of all the orchards are only hidden by numbers. This has both advantages and disadvantages. Although it eliminates the possibility of cheating, it also makes people who really want to buy it particularly tormented.

Like Ye Kangsheng, there were quite a few who bought it by accident. On the first day, Li Guoguo's booth got dozens of tickets, but Lu Yangze was in a hurry.

What are you doing, why are there so few people here? What kind of agricultural product exhibition is this? Can't you advertise more?

Li Guoguo didn't pay much attention to how many votes he got on the first day, because Nie Yunqing came over at noon, and the two of them simply changed the venue. On the first day, there were few people, and all the fruits and vegetables were placed. Nie Yunqing was only interested in the fruits and vegetables of Taoyuan. Interest, naturally there is nothing to go shopping, so I went out to have lunch with Li Guoguo after watching it for a while.

Lu Yangze, the single dog that was left behind: ...Hehe, let him fend for himself, in this desperate world, a single dog can't survive.

Because it was a private trip, Nie Yunqing didn't ask the driver to drive. He drove a low-key car and took Li Guoguo to eat private dishes. In the afternoon, he directly took her around the scenic spots in Kyoto. .

"I don't know what you like to see, but this is the highest-rated tourist attraction on the Internet." Nie Yunqing said with a smile on his lips.

Li Guoguo blinked and looked at the temple behind him, with many question marks on his head.

Nie Yunqing really doesn't understand what young people like these days. Most of his attention is on financial matters, so when he saw Li Guoguo, he instinctively searched on Baidu to see where everyone likes to go, especially where his girlfriend should go on a date.

The answers were even more varied, some said to take it directly to the hotel, this pass, some said to go to the playground, this note. Some said to watch a horror movie, but Nie Yunqing shook her head and vetoed it.

Then there are many tourist attractions. This temple is a particularly famous Yuelao Temple for marriage.

Li Guoguo walked in with him in a daze, and came out in a daze, touched his nose and said silently, "Otherwise, let's go to the amusement park."

Nie Yunqing hesitated for a moment, but nodded in agreement, and when the two of them stood in front of the Ferris wheel with ice cream, both of them looked calm, except for this, other feelings are not suitable for each other, let alone your haunted house within range.

Li Guoguo and Nie Yunqing sat opposite each other in the Ferris wheel, watching the ground getting farther and farther away, Li Guoguo took a sip of the sweet ice cream, and saw that the ice cream in Nie Yunqing's hand was about to melt, the man still didn't eat, couldn't help saying :

"It's going to run down your hands, don't you like to eat it? Otherwise, I'll help you eat it all?"

Nie Yunqing shook her head lightly, "No need, don't eat too much ice in this weather, it will hurt your stomach." After speaking, he took a big mouthful, and Li Guoguo pursed his lips with joy.

When the Ferris wheel reached its highest point, Li Guoguo whispered, "Have you ever heard of a legend?"

"What?" Nie Yunqing raised her eyebrows and subconsciously looked at Li Guoguo's eyebrows, and saw her lower her eyes, her ears were reddish and said: "The legend of the Ferris wheel says that if you kiss when it reaches the highest point, lovers will always be together. "

Before Nie Yunqing could figure out the meaning of this sentence, Li Guoguo got up and kissed him quickly on the lips, then rolled his eyes and smiled like a happy little hamster who just stole food.

Nie Yunqing reached out to hold Li Guoguo's waist, quickly grabbed her lips amidst her exclamation, and then let her go after a while, ending the ice cream-flavored kiss.

When Nie Yunqing sent Li Guoguo back, Lu Yangze was still conscientiously taking out his computer to record, planning to think of some way to increase the number of visitors to the exhibition. With such a small number, how can we fight for the first place? Not competitive at all.

Li Guoguo saw that he was busy telling him to go to bed early, but the next morning he still appeared in front of her with two dark circles under his eyes, holding a few pieces of paper in his hand, it was obvious that he had planned overnight.

"Honey, I've already thought about it. Although we can't say that we are the only ones participating, we can quietly persuade fans to pay more attention to this exhibition. I think these people will crowd the venue tomorrow! You will go to Weibo in a while Post like this..." Lu Yangze muttered.

Li Guoguo patted his paper, and said directly, "Lu Yangze, would you like to take a stake in Taoyuan and be the real helmsman? Although the shares in my hand are not worth much now, it will definitely make you more valuable in the future." worth it."

Lu Yangze was stunned for a moment, in fact, he is quite satisfied with double salary now, although he has no shares, but Taoyuan's affairs are basically controlled by him, so he doesn't mind about money, he is satisfied enough in his career.

He didn't expect Li Guoguo to suddenly mention this at this time and place, so he was stunned for a while, and then smiled after a while: "Boss, are you kidding? I will take it seriously."

Li Guoguo squinted at him, and said with a smile, "You are really the best, because I think you are very suitable for Taoyuan. If you are not good enough, who else is suitable?"

When Lu Yangze heard that his eyebrows were going to fly to the sky, the sleepiness caused by staying up late and working overtime disappeared immediately, and he felt the blood circulating in his body with excitement, but he didn't

Read The Duke's Passion