MTL - If You Don’t Farm, You’ll Die-Chapter 11

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Although the farming system had cheated Li Guoguo silently, for the sake of protecting the smart home, Li Guoguo, the responsible man, graciously forgave him.

Li Guoguo, in order to increase income and reduce expenditure, is also very miserable now. After buying 50 catties of rice with the remaining money, he cheekily gave Sun Xiuxiu 100 yuan. take.

Sun Xiuxiu directly tapped Li Guoguo's forehead and scolded with a smile: "Girl, if you want food, I can just ask Xiaoya to deliver it to you every day. Why do you need so much money? Save it and buy some meat for yourself. You are so skinny, how much more meat?" Just eat something."

Seeing that Li Guoguo still objected, Sun Xiuxiu directly raised her eyebrows and said, "No matter how polite you are, I won't dare to do any work in your field in the future. Your money is too much, and you still have to tell me This is too raw."

Li Guoguo embarrassedly scratched her cheeks, feeling her ears burning. Poverty makes it impossible for people to refuse such kindness with confidence.

"Thank you, Aunt Sun. When the things are planted, you can ask Xiaoya to come and get them, and eat whatever you want." Li Landlord Guoguo also boldly promised, regardless of whether there are enough things produced in the field at that time.

Sun Xiuxiu thought that Li Guoguo had a childish temper, so she just smiled softly and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Li Guoguo rolled his eyes, and heard Sun Xiuxiu say, "The fields will be topdressed in a few days, do you want me to come over and help?"

Li Guoguo was taken aback, then quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, I'm busy, and you are also busy with the field, I can do it myself."

Sun Xiuxiu and Mo Laosan have harvested all the wheat in the field these days and are still threshing. It is good enough to come and help every day when they are free. It would be too much for Li Guoguo to have the audacity to ask someone to help.

After watching the anchor's live farming for half a month, the people in the live broadcast room are already very Buddhist. As long as the anchor has to take care of the fields or go to the mountains to watch the fruit tree saplings, they will broadcast the live broadcast. It was time to schedule, and Taoyuan opened a live broadcast room, and they came over to turn on their phones and watch while busy with their own affairs, let alone, this is quite interesting.

Although they may not be able to farm in this life, the anchor lady has done all the work, and it seems that it is not too difficult. Occasionally, Taoyuan will talk about her previous plans when she is free. Of course, she never thought that she would run away now. Come to farm.

Li Guoguo's live broadcast room is also unique because of its unique style, and the number of daily viewers is also slowly increasing. Although it is less than a fraction of the million fans the system said, Li Guoguo feels like an old mother. .

As long as it's growing, that's fine! The system rewarded her with 1,000 points when she broke through 1,000 fans. Although she was deducted immediately, it didn't stop her from trying to find ways to add points to herself.

Every time I water and eliminate insects, I will give 100 points according to the number of acres. Li Guoguo wonders if the system deliberately withheld her points before, otherwise she would have been running up and down to water and fertilize when opening up land. Why didn't the system increase points so generously?

Now, it's all the same number anyway, from minus one million to minus ninety-ninety thousand, does it make any difference to her?

Li Guoguo didn't hear anything outside the window, and only focused on farming, and ran around with her live broadcast mobile phone. After these days of exploration, she also had some experience.

As long as the land has been irrigated with the nutrient solution provided by the system, the crops on it will be extraordinarily vigorous and grow fast. If it weren't for two good housekeepers to help manage the land, she probably would have missed something.

The male AI is called Gao Zhengping, and the female AI is called Han Jie. According to the farming system, both of them have rich theoretical knowledge and practical experience in how to take care of crops and fields. Just bask in the sun, you don’t need to eat or drink, even if you eat or drink, it will be organically decomposed by the machine, which can be called a must-have AI for home travel.

Li Guoguo: ...The current AI robots are so omnipotent, but the human Li Guoguo is under a lot of pressure.

That day, after Gao Zhengping checked the situation of the wheat seedlings in the field, he reported the situation to Li Guoguo, and Jin Liangmin walked outside her courtyard uninvited.

What is strange to Li Guoguo is that this protective home net can really distinguish people with ulterior motives. At least these days, when she sees Sun Xiuxiu and the others often come to visit, she thinks this thing is useless.

When I heard from Sun Xiuxiu, I could see Pan Rong and his wife always wanting to come to Li Guoguo these two days. I thought it wasn't that Li Guoguo was lucky, but that Pan Rong and his wife seemed to have met a ghost hitting a wall, and they couldn't reach Li Guoguo no matter how they walked.

It was only then that Li Guoguo realized that this facility for protecting her homeland was really interesting. Later, she quietly experimented a few times, and every time this protective net allowed Sun Xiuxiu and the others to come in, except for a few guys who were kind-hearted and cursed in private, the system was almost complete. All comers are welcome.

What is the basis for the system to judge? Li Guoguo has no way of guessing, but the more complete the facilities for protecting her home, the better, so she can develop her own farm with confidence.

The fast-growing water spinach has already taken out its fresh and tender green color. The audience squatting in the live broadcast room almost counted the days with their eyes open. Seeing that the vegetables are almost grown, I encourage the host to quickly pick a handful and fry it to see how it tastes. Sample.

Although you have eaten all kinds of vegetables in the city, the taste is just like that. You don’t think there will be anything particularly sweet and unnatural, but there is a kind of vegetable that you have watched grow up. Have a taste to see if it is particularly fragrant.

Li Guoguo hung the mobile phone around her neck skillfully in obedience to public opinion, squatted down and cut a small basket with a machete, and went back with the basket. At home, there were ginger, garlic and other seasoning vegetables sent by Sun Xiuxiu, so she was in the yard. After washing the vegetables, I went into the house and took them from the kitchen and started to prepare them for frying.

The people in the live broadcast room once again called friends and began to ask people to come and watch together, and the words they said were also very funny.

—Come and see! The vegetables grown by my father are edible, and weep with joy!

—The water spinach grown in the vegetable garden at home is edible, come and have a look together, it looks so green and delicious!

— Taoyuan’s dishes are ready to eat! Everyone, come and see!

I really didn't know the truth, thought that my friend's vegetables were harvested, and I came over to have a look, and found that it was not the case at all, but the vegetables grown by the lady anchor herself, ready to stir-fry!

Although a little dumbfounded, everyone stayed quietly in the live broadcast room, and exchanged barrages from time to time.

Li Guoguo rolled up his sleeves and tied his hair back on his head. After washing his hands, he took out a kitchen knife and a chopping board. After rinsing, he patted the garlic neatly. Cut the spinach by hand and put it on one side, sauté the garlic in hot oil and add the spinach. After a few simple stir-fries, the emerald green vegetables will become soft. When the Li Guoguo is seasoned with salt, everyone is still a little bit unsatisfied.

What everyone didn't expect was that the test was still to come. After the fried dishes were placed on porcelain white plates, the water spinach exuded steaming heat, and the aroma could almost be smelled through the screen.

—Only I think, are you hungry...

—I have opened the takeaway software, and I want to order stir-fried water spinach for lunch today!

— I am different, I want to eat meat! And big white rice!

—Since I became a fan of the host, I feel that my weight has been rising in a straight line, and I can't lose weight at all!

Li Guoguo is actually very curious about the taste of this dish. If the people in the live broadcast room can smell the aroma through the screen, Li Guoguo who is closest to the dish is the one who is most affected. The aroma cannot be experienced personally. It's hard to describe.

"Then I'll start! Let's eat too." Li Guoguo took a bite out of the pancakes, looked at the dishes, and carefully put some in his mouth.

The vegetable aroma of the water spinach almost swept over her, and the delicious taste brought by her taste buds made her forget to talk to the audience in the live broadcast room for a moment, she just took a few bites in a hurry and continued to chopsticks.

People in the live broadcast room:? ? ? ?

Miss Taoyuan, are you hungry? Why did you suddenly eat so fast?

There is still a small group of people who guessed the truth. Could it be that the food is too delicious, and the anchor was busy eating and cleaning up the dishes, so he forgot to explain to them?

The guess is almost the same, but Li Guoguo tried his best to describe it in a calm tone, "The dish, uh, is very delicious. The stir-fry is also good, neither raw nor overcooked, stir-fried with hot oil, especially for rice .”

Li Guoguo told them what a special meal was with her strength, and she went directly to the vegetable garden to cut another basket and fry it up.

People in the live broadcast room:? ? ? ?

I've never seen such a fresh and unpretentious anchor, won't I get fat if I eat so much? !

Li Guoguo didn't care about these people's mentality of saying grapes were sour because they couldn't eat grapes, and she felt better after eating happily, because her idea of ​​farmhouse music became more firm.

Vegetables irrigated by the system are already so delicious, what kind of delicacy should the seeds produced by the system be? Such a self-service farmhouse, if it were her, she would definitely come to play!

With such thoughts in mind, Li Guoguo had a good night's sleep, and planned to go the next day to see if her small fruit saplings had grown a bit, and to catch a few fish to cook.

When the courtyard door was knocked, Li Guoguo saw Gao Zhengping quietly approaching the door and slamming it open. The people outside were startled, and there was a smile on their face when they saw them.

"Hey! I'll call you for Aunt Sun. She has something to call you, and she can't get by in the field." The woman smiled almost flatteringly, and Li Guoguo was very uncomfortable.

Based on his trust in the villagers of Taoyuan Village and his familiarity with women, Li Guoguo also believed this, handed over the house to Gao Zhengping and the others, and walked to Sun Xiuxiu's house with the woman.

The author has something to say: Good night!