MTL - I Wield a Sword at Hogwarts-Chapter 816

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John used the water summoning spell to cool his mouth.

Grawp's unintelligent mind couldn't figure out why he was burned while John was fine.

John noticed the stick and hair ball placed in the corner of Graup's cave.

After Zuowu left for a while, Graup also had no playmates.

Grawp also noticed the thing, and he said in a depressed mood: "Hagrid...isn't here...the cat...isn't here."

"Hagrid is just in love," John shook his head and said, "Zouwu will also come back, maybe he will come here after a while."

Zuowu accepted the Witch King's blessing, and there was nothing that could stop him.

After a while, Zuowu will come back when he remembers.

After Graup heard this, he felt better.

Taking out some food found in the Forbidden Forest, he came to entertain John.

"Hagrid...teach me..." Grawp made a **** gesture with his hand, "Plant."

"Hagrid taught you farming?"

John became interested, and he and Graup went to the cultivated fields.

A large piece of tree that fell down due to Graop and Zuowu playing ball was made into a hedge. Inside was the black soil reclaimed by Graop's strange power.

Some rare herbs and apple trees were planted inside.

​And it’s growing very well.

Hagrid made Grawp a hoe, but its appearance and practicality are hard to compliment.

Grawp will make the **** fly out once if he swings it five times.

John decided to do him a favor.

Touching the **** made of wood and stone with both hands, John clapped his hands.

A magic circle composed of lines and circles appeared covering it.

There are still some remaining metals given by Wagadu in his bag, which he uses together.

When the light dissipated, the hoe's appearance changed drastically.

The barbs on the handle disappeared, turning into a carved texture like a giant club beating an inferi.

The metal part is replaced by a mixture of silver and gold, giving it the appearance of a rune horse.

"I give you the ability to cultivate the soil in the world. No matter how hard the soil is, it will become soft under your touch. After you turn it over, the soil will be full of life and the crops will grow wildly."

John gave this **** a blessing, and with the blessing of the Witch King, this gorgeously transformed **** seemed to become extraordinary.

Grawp picked it up excitedly and smashed it down with a hoe.

The soil on the ground was dug up like water flow, and when you turned it over, you could see sprouts starting to grow where the seeds were originally scattered.

As its holder, Graup seemed to be tireless, digging up all the originally enclosed hedges one after another.

Seeing that he had no intention of stopping, John quickly stopped Graup.

"Stop, Grawp."

Grawp was still very obedient. He wiped the dirt on his face and blinked his small eyes.

He looks so naive, but not as ferocious as a giant should be.

This is probably the only giant in the world who can farm.

I have to say that this gives the Giants a new way out.

After all, the giant’s daily source of food is hunting.

If there is a group of people who are so powerful that one farming session can be worth a month's effort of ordinary people, then they will not be driven away.

John thought thoughtfully. It seemed that the giants who were driven away after the Battle of Hogwarts could be used.

Transform a warlike and murderous giant into a big farmer in the magical world?

This idea seems good.

While John and Graup were discussing plowing the fields, Tom and Tooth were already becoming lawless.

The students saw a **** dog chasing a small dog and thought it was the big dog bullying the small dog.

As a result, Tom turned his head and made Yaya run on the spot for more than a dozen times before running away.

The two dogs played wildly and even ran into the auditorium and shuttled under the four long tables, forcing the students to lift their feet.

As a result, Yaya ran too fast and hit the leg of the table, making the whole dog dizzy.

"what is that?"

Babajid thought this was the transfiguration technique of the naughty students at Hogwarts.

After Slughorn saw it, he happily introduced: "This is the Witch King's pet and Professor Hagrid's dog."

The principal of Ban Ade had already prepared his face, ready to ridicule the two people who took away the first and second places in the school.

After hearing the words that came to the Witch King's mouth, he abruptly changed to, "The Witch King's pet is indeed young and promising."

young and promising?

Ludwig looked at the principal strangely. Is this used to describe a dog?

Fang fell down, and Tom thought he was playing with him, so he ran to lie down next to it and drooped his tongue.

But Tom didn't have that much patience. He just lay down for a few seconds and then got up.

Go forward and use the dog's paws to pull Yaya away from him to stop pretending.

But things started to go wrong. Tom circled Fang twice but there was no response.

It shook the backpack and let the dog food fall out.

But Ya Ya, who likes to eat dog food the most, can’t move either.

Gradually, the students discovered something was wrong.

Astoria walked over quickly to test, "Ya Ya seems to have fainted."

Her expression changed, and she used a floating spell to make the big dog fly.

Tom was spinning with anxiety, and Astoria took Tooth to the school hospital.

This made Madam Pomfrey anxious. As a doctor, how could she treat dogs?

And Hagrid, who can help dogs see doctors, now doesn’t know where he went to have a tryst with Ms. Maxim.

Just when Astoria was anxious, she thought of John.

Looking for John from the Stars Badge, Astoria said anxiously: "John, Yaya hit his head."

John, who was originally discussing farmland, directly opened the space channel after hearing this.

Seeing Yaya, John frowned.

He said to the anxious Astoria: "It's okay, I just fainted."

He walked up to Yaya and reached out to stroke Yaya's dog head.

"wake up."

Yaya, who was still unconscious, suddenly became alert.

This made Astoria breathe a sigh of relief.

Tom also circled anxiously around Tooth.

Yaya jumped off the bed and showed her kindness to Tom.

John looked at this scene with concern in his eyes.

After Astoria went to prepare for the afternoon game, John took Tom and Fang back to Hagrid's hut.

"Tom, you are different from Yaya."

John touched Tom's head and said, "It doesn't have the strength of your body."

For Tom, hitting the wall or even falling from the magic tower would only break a few bones at most, and he would be back to full strength in a few days.

This is the super strong physique obtained by John's many transformations.

But Yaya cannot do that. Even though it has a huge body under Hagrid's care, it is still an ordinary dog ​​after all.

The hit to the head and the dog’s age are all its faults.

When two creatures of different levels come together, the result is usually tragic.

When John saw Yaya approaching, he put his hand on Yaya's head.

"It's not easy for you to be like Tom, but I can make you live a little longer."

When John looked at the disappointed Tom, he probably understood the difference between himself and ordinary dogs.

"But just be careful when playing. You should consider your own body and Yaya's body when it comes to height."

After letting the two dogs out, John heard footsteps and exclamations outside the cabin.

The door of the cabin was opened, and the two tall figures at the entrance saw John.


Hagrid, who had a circle of grass on his head, was extremely surprised.

John's eyes fell on Ms. Maxim, a tall and dignified woman who was now in a mess, covered in mud and weeds.

Chapter 825 The riot in the Forbidden Forest caused by Xiaolong

"This is what you are doing?"

John looked at the two hybrid giants strangely. They looked embarrassed as if they had just fought with a giant monster.

Hagrid's face fell, and he felt a little resentful.

"John, you'd better go and have a look with me."

After saying that, Hagrid took John out of the hut.

John smiled and bowed to Ms. Maxim, who didn't want to go there again, "Long time no see, Ms. Maxim."

"John, oh, no, the Witch King." Ms. Maxim smiled, "I will go to the Wizard City during the holidays, hoping to have a good visit to the Wizard City."

"welcome any time."

"John, this way."

Hagrid's loud voice came from outside.

John and Ms. Maxim showed helpless expressions at the same time.

After saying hello, John stepped on Hagrid's footsteps and walked into the Forbidden Forest together.

"You should really take a look at that guy, it's going to drive the entire Forbidden Forest crazy." Hagrid muttered to himself as he walked.

It seems that the thing in the Forbidden Forest gave him a headache.

Before he arrived, John heard the sound of centaurs drawing their bows and arrows, cursing and making something pay.

"Oh my gosh, it seems like it went to the unicorn colony. I hope the unicorns won't suffer."

Hagrid exclaimed and quickened his pace.

John followed him calmly.

Almost near the unicorn colony, they saw centaurs running and shooting arrows.

And where the centaur aimed, the arrow reflected back.

The centaurs who rushed forward were picked up one by one and thrown out.

Even the centaurs of the Forbidden Forest were no match, so they were forced to outwit them.

Read The Duke's Passion