MTL - I Wield a Sword at Hogwarts-Chapter 806

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The lady's face saw the black card, "Please wait a moment, I will connect you, Mr. Taran."

"Mr. Taran?" The Squibs didn't recognize this man.

But soon the lady's face turned into a man's, and the man was the maker of the imitation metal wand that John invited at the Future Wizards Exhibition.

"That's great, you're here." Taran was still eating, but when he saw the Squib coming, he was immediately overjoyed.

"Please let them come to my laboratory."

As the national alchemist of the Wizarding City, Taran has his own research laboratory.

The ten squibs accepted the guidance and saw many different things in this great magic technology center.

Like a wizard using a pager, the alchemist here uses a rectangle to hold conversations.

Not only that, they also saw a laboratory simulating the ocean inside.

Inside was a huge warship that had never been seen before.

It's just that the middle of the warship seems to have been melted by something. A dozen alchemists are working on repairs, and they are not amazed by the various Muggle technologies inside.

After passing here, they arrived at Taran's research room.

The inside was different from the outside. Many purple magic crystals were piled on the table, and Taran put seven of them into what was renamed a magic power pistol.

"Magic pistol, a weapon powered by magic crystal."

After assembling it, Taran handed it over to the gatekeeper.

The gate guard hesitated for a moment, and when he reached out to take it, Taran pulled the gun back and asked, "I'm sorry, what's your name?"

"Patrick." The gatekeeper said the name.

Taran smiled, handed over the weapon, and motioned for Padrick to aim at the metal target opposite.

Padrick picked up the weapon and pulled the trigger. The gun equipped with the core of the Fire Dragon Neural Staff burst into flames, leaving a burned hole in the bullseye.

All the Squibs were stunned.

Taran cheered, patted Padrick's chest and said, "I was worried that the Squib wouldn't be effective."

"Although the latest weapons cannot use advanced magic, some simple elements can still be used."

Taran stretched out his hand and smiled: "Welcome to the magical world, Padric."

"You will be members of the team directly under the Witch King, the Whisperers."

"From now on, you are no longer dumb, you only obey the orders of the Witch King."

The Squibs couldn't believe that they had become the Witch King's people like this?

What’s even more surprising is that these squibs can also use magic.

At this moment, the Squibs saw their hope.

Although it is not my own magic, it is under my control.

That would be enough.

The silent one.

The Witch King is the enforcer of the magical world.

The light of the Witch King falls on everyone in the magical world, whether they are wizards or squibs.

Chapter 814 The king said: There must be a castle in the sky

John recruited Squibs for their loyalty and helplessness.

The werewolf back then, the Squib now.

No matter who comes into contact with the Witch King's kindness, they can't help but fall in love with it.

The newly established world needs law enforcers, and it is also necessary to protect this fragile world from harm from the outside world.

John’s creation is far from over.

He opened the passage and came to the sky.

He raised his wand, commanding the approach of the building in the sky with rhythmic rules.

"The power of our sky is too weak," John glanced over and waved his wand, "Sky Castle."

The Wizarding World will have two sky castles.

One is Edgar's old house, moving in the sky somewhere in Germany.

And the other one is on the foggy ocean in the wizard city.

The fire dragons roared and flew in the sky.

The stones gathered together to form a huge castle.

Fire dragons fly into it to rest. Sometimes they stay here, and sometimes they go down to find something to do.

There is a huge fort in the shape of a dragon's head on the huge castle, and inside, five super-destructive weapons intercepted by John in the Muggle world are stored, which are not affected by magic.

The castle is shrouded in a field formed by multiple obelisks. As long as John is willing, this sky castle that can destroy five cities can become the most elusive bomber in the world.

Guarded by a fire dragon, this castle called the Sword of Damocles cannot be entered by reckless wizards or Muggles.

This is a sharp sword forged by the Witch King for the magical world. There are too few people who know the existence of this thing.

"If possible, I hope you will never need it."

John gently stroked the black dragon model in the center of the castle.

Inside this castle, sometimes there are frightening wailing sounds.

John's expression was indifferent, his gaze swept over, and those voices gradually faded out of fear of the Witch King.

"You can wait," John's calm voice sounded, "wait until this country is destroyed and let this castle in the sky that imprisons you fall to the earth."

"At that time, the whole world will become your amusement park."

John spoke to the voice that existed deep in the castle. It was an existence he had captured, feeding on happiness and using souls as triggers.


Those existences that Muggles cannot see are imprisoned here by the Witch King.

Maybe many years later, some wizard will enter here as an adventure.

John took a deep look into the darkness and slowly walked out of the castle.

The fire dragon lowered its head for John, and he saw the black dragon.

Amohan lowered his head and said dullly: "I still like the way you look like a dragon."

The fireball dragon stayed by Amohan's side.

Amohan has gradually moved towards the position of Elder Long.

As a powerful black dragon, it has terrifying potential.

The death of the Thunder Implementing Spear left the position of Elder Long vacant.

John patted Amohan's scales and whispered to the female dragon: "Protect them, you are my most trusted dragon."

Amohan exhaled hot breath from his nose and nodded vigorously to John.

As the king of dragons, John is also the king of wizards.

There has been a dilemma since ancient times.

Wizards need fire dragons as materials, and fire dragons also need food.

As the king of both, John had to find a balance between them.

The fire dragon will gradually change its status, and at the same time, the wizard cannot lose the fire dragon material.

Dead fire dragons can be used as materials, and they can also be removed during surgery without harming lives.

Anyone who kills the fire dragon without authorization will be punished.

This is the greatest protection that John can give the fire dragon.

Amohan didn't understand that much, but she felt that the king of the fire dragon had become less of a fire dragon.

She said gloomily: "Okay."

"I didn't tell you anything," Amohan leaned close to John's ear, but her voice was not very quiet, "Actually, many female dragons want to lay dragon eggs with you."

"Ahem." John pushed Amohan's big head away and said awkwardly, "Let them find another dragon."

"I also want to lay dragon eggs with you." The cuteness on Amohan's dragon's face is unmistakable.

John said speechlessly: "Don't you have a dragon egg?"

Several naughty little dragons went around Amohan's tail and kicked and bit him, which made Amohan furious, "These are not my dragon eggs!"

The tail swung to sweep the little dragon away, and Amohan walked away angrily.

John shrugged, not expecting that the female dragon would also lose her temper.

Several little dragons regarded John as their father, and came over to rub their heads against their father, who was younger than them.

John patted Xiaolong on the head. In the eyes of all the dragons, this seemed to indicate that he was the heir of the Dragon King.

Their eyes changed.

After saying goodbye to the dragon, John still had to prepare to go to the next place.

He took out the Elder Wand, pointed it at the ground of the Sky Castle, and used a magic spell.

"This is the realm of dragons. If non-dragon beings break into it, they will be cursed by the dragon."

There is no light on the wand, but secretly, a strange change in the rules of this place is spreading.

The city in the sky in the fog.

After solving the dragon's survival problem, John returned to the magic tower.

Zuowu and Tom lay together on the empty attic.

This big dog was rescued by John before.

John approached Zou Wu and gently stroked his mane.

He whispered in Zou Wu's ear, "I give you freedom."

"There are no chains in this world that can trap you, no cages that can restrain you, and no barriers that can hinder you."

There was a certain power in John's voice, and this power entered Zuowu's body.

Some changes occurred in Zuowu's body, and its mane turned golden, like the golden color of flames.

After a while, it changed back again. Zuowu's tail swung and his body shook, allowing Tom to fall from his belly.

Zuowu turned over and John looked at it with a smile on his face.

"You shouldn't be like me and stay in this tower without going out."

The hand stroking Zuowu's fur paused, and John said: "You are the freest Zuowu, you can see anywhere in the world."

Zuowu opened his eyes. There was some confusion in his big eyes, but when he saw John coming back, he was replaced by joy.

Tom also got up and circled around John.

Zuowu felt something, and he lowered his head sadly.

There was some mist in the round eyes.

It rubbed its face against John's palm, and its peony-like tail wrapped around John's body like a thin quilt.

It was saying goodbye to John, the Witch King, who was about to send Zou Wu away.

Zuowu does not belong here. Although this place is very wide, this tower is very narrow.

"Go towards freedom. In the magical world, you can run and play freely."