MTL - I Wield a Sword at Hogwarts-Chapter 795

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John looked at the classroom, which didn't have much space, and smiled: "It doesn't seem big enough."

Before the students could ask to change classrooms, John took out his magic wand and waved it.

The students saw the three walls of the classroom getting farther and farther away.

The whole classroom is zoomed in.

This magical scene is breathtaking.

"Space magic." John's words were automatically written on the blackboard behind him.

The students' faces were full of curiosity, but John said: "But unfortunately, that is not our course today."

"Alchemy." John glanced at the students and asked, "Who knows what the principles of alchemy are?"

A student stood up with his hands raised and said nervously: "There is no such thing as free gold, sir."

"Very good." John smiled at the student, making him less nervous.

"Exchange of equal value, there is no free gold, anything you get must be paid for."

The chalk on the blackboard was written quickly and a paragraph was written.

John was a little troubled. He stopped and thought for a while.

"Let me think about how to transform my language into words you can understand."

Sometimes when the gap is too large, it becomes even more distressing.

There is a huge difference between John's alchemy level and the alchemy level of the students.

And alchemy is an extremely complex knowledge, so after John thought hard about it.

He decided to start from the most basic place.

This lesson is definitely the most novel one for the students.

Beauxbatons is indeed a school sponsored by Nico Flamel. The alchemy level of the students here is higher than that of Hogwarts, and there are more people to choose from.

But as time goes by, those future alchemists with considerable talents gradually turn from thinking to dullness.

What is the difference between fairy alchemy and wizard alchemy?

About the subtle differences in the energy fields of ancient metals and modern metals.

Runes are an essential foundation for alchemy, as well as Elvish and the languages ​​of other ancient species.

How to imprint your own rules on alchemy objects made of materials, etc.

It's like listening to a heavenly book.

Arriving at the back, almost no one survived.

After one class, the seventh-year student council president, the best student in Beauxbatons' alchemy, squatted in the corner and murmured: "It turns out that I don't know how to do alchemy at all."

Not only him, but all the students were trapped in an endless loop where the alchemy they understood was not even basic.

John touched his chin and said doubtfully: "I feel like they are not very enthusiastic."

As the leader of the International Institute of Magical Science and Technology, John originally wanted to spread knowledge to the magical world.

But he didn’t understand. Was it because he didn’t explain clearly enough or didn’t explain it in detail enough?

Ms. Maxim looked complicated and said: "You haven't told anyone else about alchemy, have you, John?"

"I occasionally give lectures in the Alchemy Department."

John's answer left Ms. Maxim speechless.

The Alchemy Department is a group of top alchemists in the magical world.

​​Do you teach students the same way you teach them?

Ms. Maxim began to worry. Will this group of students give up alchemy in the future because of what happened today?

It may also be the other way around.

At some point in the future, this group of students was stuck in an alchemical problem and suddenly remembered this lesson.

That flash of inspiration can turn an ordinary alchemist into a top alchemist.

Well, John did a great job.

In any case, Ms. Maxim would like to thank John for fulfilling his promise.

And John’s Beauxbatons journey is coming to an end.

Ms. Maxim also enthusiastically asked the magic horse to send John away.

But John felt it was too ostentatious, so he simply used the teleportation channel.

It wasn't until Ms. Maxim went to see her precious rune horse one day later that she saw that it was missing a lot of feathers, and finally understood why John didn't use it.

Gabrielle and Adele also want to celebrate that they will never be locked up again.

When I walked to the principal's office, not only did I not get a reward.

Two people fell asleep while taking a walk at night, causing the feathers of the talisman horse to be plucked out.

The two were sentenced to solitary confinement and given a seven-inch letter of apology.

This made the two little girls burst into tears.

Returning to England from Beauxbatons.

John's days are between three and one hour.

Doing business, going out, eating, sleeping.

It takes two hours to be completely energetic, and John is often dealing with things before Tang Mi even goes to work.

After Tang Mi got off work, John was still dealing with things.

"I think I should change chairs."

On this day, John stared at his chair with some thoughts in his mind.

After John got up, Tom jumped up and lay down.

Tang Mi came to report on his work. When he saw John looking at the chair, he asked strangely: "What's wrong, sir?"

"Nothing, I just want to change a chair."

John turned his head slightly to look at Tang Mi and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Today is the release of Gilderoy Lockhart's new book." Tang Mi took out a piece of parchment and said, "He sent the new book over with a letter attached."

Today is September 15th?

John raised his eyebrows and asked, "What book did you write this time?"

"I heard it's a book about a powerful wizard who takes a vacation and travels to the Muggle world for adventure," Tang Mi also wondered, "Does he still have such an experience?"

"Probably because the wizarding world has recently come into contact with the Muggle world."

John is not surprised. As the best-selling author of books in the wizarding world, Lockhart has a keen sense of hot spots.

He can quickly know what kind of books wizards like to read.

Now there is no doubt that books that can popularize some common sense about the Muggle world attract the most attention.

You must know that even the less important Muggle Studies has become more popular due to recent changes.

There is a reason why Lockhart can become the top figure in the wizarding world.

While John was lamenting, Watson, who was in a hospital in the UK, was not so lucky.

His fellow sufferer Olof had already fled here and gone to a private hospital.

Watson regretted that he should not have mistakenly believed the slander.

Chapter 803 Watson’s tragic journey

As the head of a family with a noble family brotherhood, Watson is a man who is loyal to his family.

When arms chief Yuri Orlov invited him, he swore that he had absolutely no dirty intentions.

This is just a business relationship.

Yuri Orlov hopes to bring the arms business to Watson. The huge underground alliance consumes a lot of arms.

But Watson rejected him, to be precise, he rejected Orlov's batch of weapons obtained from the army.

Those weapons are very good, but it's a pity that they are only on the battlefield.

The AK47 is a popular item known as the gun king, but it is not suitable for use in cities.

What Watson really needs is a more convenient weapon.

He needs body armor, not the kind of jacket and vest, but something that can fit well and even look the same as an ordinary suit.

He needed a pistol that could hide at night and make a tiny sound, as subtle as a cat jumping out of a trash can.

Instead of arming yourself and holding a gleaming gold revolver, making a loud noise like an explosion.

After hearing his request, Olof also understood that this was because the needs of the two were different.

However, I still hope that Watson will give him a way to trade his arms in various places through the hotel as a channel.

In return, he was willing to provide his services in firearms for the hotel.

​And it’s not the battlefield kind.

The offer was tempting, especially when Orlov asked Watson if he wanted to kiss his ring.

Watson didn't want his wedding ring to be stained with a man's saliva, so he readily agreed to this win-win condition.

During this period, Olof suggested that they go celebrate.

It was this sentence that sent Watson to the hospital.

Strip club.

Although Watson repeatedly stated that he was a gentleman, Yuri Orlov used the most vicious provocation method.

"No, you're not afraid of your wife, are you?"

Watson said, how could his cousin be so angry?

So he went.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the door to a new world.

The strippers were doing a hot striptease, and the men were going crazy in the audience. They were waving all kinds of currencies in their hands and making crazy and harsh screams.

Orlov stuffed a few green banknotes into the bumper cups, clapped his hands and laughed.

And calling Watson to be happy together.

Watson refused in his heart, but that hot **** passed in front of him again and again.

Finally he couldn't bear it anymore, so I just wanted to stay quietly.

Can't you stay away from me?

I don’t know which **** bumped into Watson.

It was this moment that made him accidentally 'touch' that swaying butt.

Immediately afterwards, Watson could not remember clearly.

His memory was intermittent, and in a hazy state, he seemed to see his wife pushing the door open and coming in.

When a blind soldier saw a beauty, he blew his customary rogue whistle.

The memory ends here.

Watson opened his eyes in the hospital in Sokovia.

The white ceiling.

Read The Duke's Passion