MTL - I Wield a Sword at Hogwarts-Chapter 789

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But it is very useful as a train track.

"As far as magic power technology is concerned, this is still a landmark invention."

The report brought by Riddle is very long, not only about the obelisk, but also many things they learned and borrowed from the Muggle world.

John picked up the quill and began to correct the flaws in the report and possible accidents caused by Magic Power products on the parchment.

It took John nearly an hour.

Tang Mi knocked on the door and came in. John wrote down his revision opinions on the parchment without raising his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Let me report the itinerary, sir." Tang Mi took out a piece of parchment and said, "Starting from one o'clock in the afternoon, the Silver Wolf Magic School will be completed. You need to go over and attend the completion ceremony with Councilor Chu Dai."

"At three o'clock, you have to go to the Alchemy Department for an on-site tour of the latest magic power products."

"Starting at six o'clock, the Vampire Council invites you to go to the Vampire Council to discuss relocation."

"At eight o'clock in the evening, Silver Hand Fashion Construction will send a rough map of the place where wizards gather."

"At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, we will go to the Hippogriff Ecological Area for observation."

"At noon, we will have a meal with Charles Rolland about a field trip to the French branch of the Ministry of Magic."

"Two points, we need to negotiate with Mr. Ollivander on the price of the Little Wizard's First Wand, and we will also make price changes with various wandmakers around the world."

"Five o'clock..."

John listened attentively. Tang Mi read there for half an hour, his mouth was dry as he talked.

"This is your itinerary for these few days."

"Okay, I understand." John responded very calmly.

He glanced at Tang Mi and asked, "Any more questions?"

"Sir, regarding the Silver Wolf Roaring Club..."



After driving away Tang Mi, who was determined to invite him to the club opening, John wrote furiously.

This is only a few days of John's trip. When school starts, that will be the beginning of John's nightmare.

He needs to go to Hogwarts to be a guest in the first school league.

After that, he had to go to Beauxbatons to give a lecture as a special professor of alchemy.

There are also schools such as Durmstrang and Ilvermorny.

Starting from September, there are no longer any holidays.

After finally finishing all the opinions, John stretched.

Basil stopped pulling Tom's dog ears.

Flying down from the owl stand, he landed on John's left shoulder.

Those sharp claws that can shred metal can also be turned into a perfect massager.

Riddle fell on his right shoulder, and the two owls used their talons to massage John's shoulders.

It was just the feathers that rubbed John's earlobes itchy.

He smiled cheerfully, with two owls standing on his shoulders.

"Fortunately you are here."

He took out a large piece of beef from a metal box and put it into Tom's bowl.

Tom is no longer satisfied with eating dog food. His teeth are too sharp and dog food often fails to bring him much satisfaction.

Raw beef is just right for Tom now.

Tom ate a large piece of beef, and two owls landed on the table to eat small dried fish.

As the time goes.

John's busy day officially begins.

​First go to the werewolf community.

The Silver Wolf Magic School is completed and will officially accept students on September 1st.

Temporary arrangements have also been made for teachers, and they will give priority to young teachers.

Dai and John stood in front of the huge retro magic school, and the newspaper quickly spread this photo.

Checking the facilities, the most difficult part is hiding.

Fortunately, Silver Wolf Magic School does not have this concern. It is located in a werewolf community.

Later, it will move into the Wizarding City together with the community, becoming the second school to sit in the Wizarding City in addition to the Magic University.

Seeing the statue of John Wick standing on the fountain made me feel inexplicably ashamed.

The statue is in the form of Johnny Silverhand, dressed in gorgeous clothes and wearing a silver mask on his face.

"If Gilderoy were to place a statue here, he would be very happy." John said with emotion.

Speaking of which, Lockhart’s book will be released soon.

When will it come?

It seems to be September 15th, but it’s just before the migration.

John goes to the next place.

The Alchemy Department warmly welcomed his arrival and showed him many new achievements.

Among them were a flying car and a rice cooker that was said to be able to cook rice, but actually exploded when turned on, almost destroying the entire alchemy department.

In addition to these, many things similar to Muggles but different from them appeared.

John was very satisfied.

In the evening, he went to the vampire family.

The vampire Xenni, who had met several times, expressed their opinion that they hoped to be able to lift the curse like werewolves.

To this end, they are willing to let some vampires serve as test subjects.

In fact, there are not only vampires in the magical world, but also some vampires hiding in the Muggle world.

Xue Ni's status is not low. He is a count among the vampires.

He survived for so long that he became numb to the world.

Chapter 796 Future Wizard Exhibition

As an immortal species, vampires have a long lifespan.

Most vampires in the wizarding world feel numb to this kind of life.

They were wizards once.

"The vampires outside are very emotionally unstable." Xue Ni said with a sullen face. "They are often discovered and killed by Muggles because of blood problems."

"We are not a branch of them. We are different in our origins, but we all thirst for blood."

Muggle vampires are even more bloodthirsty, and up to now, that group of vampires has established a strong force.

On the other hand, wizards basically do not develop their power and like to work alone.

They are a family in name, but in fact they have not seen each other for decades.

This kind of life without being able to bathe in sunlight or get rid of blood makes vampires numb.

"Every few years, vampires will choose to commit suicide by walking into the sunshine." Xue Ni said, "They have no hope for the future."

"Well, that's a sad thing." John asked, "The condition of your joining the Wizard City is that you hope to solve this curse?"

"Yes, if it cannot be solved, I hope there is a way to suppress our bloodthirsty desire."

There were waves on Xue Ni's face, and a look of nostalgia appeared on his face, "Vampires can't eat anything other than blood. Those sweet and delicious apples and soft and juicy meat steaks in the past can't be eaten."

As he spoke, John could see Xueni's throat rolling as he savored the taste.

Being a vampire is a good way to live forever, but few people would choose it.

Because vampires' immortality is a curse, they cannot live like normal people and can only drink blood.

Even when they go out, they need to take the soil of their hometown with them.

This is a curse that turns people into beasts and accepts strange looks from the world.

So when the vampires knew that the werewolves suppressed the **** curse, they all longed for the benevolent king to shine some light on the dark vampires.

"I will let Damo Alex discuss with the Vampire Council," John nodded and said, "It would be better if you could provide some blood samples from outside vampires."

Xue Ni was a little confused, "Those guys are a combination of greed and cruelty. What do you want to do with them?"

"I need to determine the difference in the vampire curse."

John glanced at Xueni, "You really don't worry about your compatriots at all."

"We don't want those guys to be our compatriots," Xue Ni said with a gloomy look. "Because of those guys, sometimes when we go to the Muggle world, we will encounter some attacks."

"Last time, my head was almost chopped off by a black man wearing sunglasses."

In the eyes of vampires in the magical world, the group of vampires outside are troublemakers.

Originally, vampires were destined not to see the sun, but they still wanted to rule the world.


Others rule the whole, but you rule half?

If it weren't for the desire to **** blood, most vampires in the wizarding world would be super nerds who wouldn't go out for decades.

Being inexplicably put in a big pot, this group of vampires had nowhere to redress their grievances.

John was thoughtful: "It seems that Muggles also have their own methods of dealing with vampires."

As expected, Muggles should not be underestimated. A vampire count like Xueni was almost beheaded in the Muggle world.

Get rid of the Vampire Council.

John wants to continue his journey.

And days like this last for a week.

During this period, the International Federation of Wizards was also convened to discuss plans for the future of wizards.

"Mainly to develop magical technology." John put the cross on the bridge of his nose at the Ministry of Magic, revealing his eyes and scanning the people present.

"Magic potions and alchemy are our key development targets in the next ten years."

"After years of edification, magic education has already formed some specific characteristics."

"We can modify it, but generally we just set a lower limit for each magic school."

Magic is like mathematics.

Some people are really powerful when they are powerful, but if they are not enlightened, it is just like reading a book from heaven.

For example, the Weasley twins are not very good at magical talents, but business and creation are their strengths.

Under the education of the wizarding system, the upper limit is so high that Dumbledore and his like will appear, while the lower limit is so low that people like Goyle and Crabbe slip through the net.

Until now, the two dwarf giant monsters have not been able to use qualified phantom transformation.

This has made their grandfather, the old man who raised useless numbers twice, start to think about whether to train a new generation.

What John has to do is to ensure that every wizard who graduates from a magic school can at least have the ability to survive.

Develop a lower limit guarantee based on the uneven level of wizards in the past.

End this meeting.

John holds two tickets in his hand.