MTL - I Wield a Sword at Hogwarts-Chapter 784

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Marry young and become a father young.

But this is actually John's problem.

He has retained his previous thoughts.

For example, if a classmate who is twenty years old and still in college shows up with a son, how would you feel?

"No matter what, I still wish you blessings."

John sighed, still puzzled by the idea of ​​these people getting married early and having children.

After passing Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, John headed to Knockturn Alley.

After entering the Knocked Over Garden, his pace quickened.

I don’t know when it started, but this place became a dating mecca.

Everywhere you can see young wizards pouring out their hearts to each other.

John even saw Neville and Malfoy...wait, what are these two people doing here?

John silently approached the two of them.

Hear Malfoy say vividly: "You don't know, when I took the Golden Snitch off that Seeker's nose, he was still looking around like a stupid troll."

Basically, Malfoy was saying that Neville's mind had already drifted to other places.

John listened to Malfoy showing off his skills, and he said quietly, "So you don't need to train today?"

"Training? What kind of training!" Malfoy felt something was wrong as soon as he finished speaking.

Turning his head to look, John looked at him speechlessly.

"Daphne told me that Astoria plans to join the Quidditch team after graduation."

John continued to say quietly: "The Wizarding League has sent people to Hogwarts to start investigating this scorer."

The devil's whisper sounded in Malfoy's ears.

"You said Astoria defeated you on the court with her own hands..."

Cold sweat ran down Malfoy's temples as he thought about that scene.

My dear Atuo held up the championship trophy and looked at me with contempt.

"No! You can't!" Malfoy said with a ferocious expression, "I want to defend my position!"


Why relax!

Training is real!

Malfoy was stimulated and ran towards the club without stopping.

Neville was speechless after witnessing everything.

"I remember that there were people from Hopemere in the inspection team," Neville said.

"Oh, it's true," John grinned, "but don't you think it would be fun to make him scared?"

Neville: "..." You have changed. You were not like this before.

When I met Malfoy, I just wanted to tease him temporarily.

After teasing Malfoy, John felt much better.

But Neville's next words made him feel depressed again.

"By the way, John, I'm getting married on July 30th."

Okay, another one who married young.

John had a complicated look on his face, and finally his words turned into a pat on Neville's shoulder.

"I wish you happiness."

Neville: "?" I almost thought I was going to die.

I originally thought that the first wedding I would attend would be Percy's wedding, but unexpectedly it was Neville's.

If I remember correctly, this person of my own age is only eighteen years old now.

Eighteen years old.

In the Muggle world, they are all still in school.

After saying goodbye to Neville, John finally arrived at the Johnny Silverhand store.

Speaking of which, John’s original intention was to make money, but later on the scale became larger and larger.

Today, the Johnny Silverhand store is the most profitable store in the world.

It has also successfully cultivated batches of talents. There are many people from Silver Hand Alchemy Workshop in the Alchemy Department.

The werewolf security guard at the door was wearing a suit.

John stopped and reached out to straighten the collar of the werewolf security guard.

"Sir." The werewolf security guard was flattered.

John looked at the dress, with memories in his eyes, and said with a smile, "I gave this to you."

"It's my honor that you still remember." The werewolf was very excited.

As the first werewolves to follow John, they have always maintained their original aspirations.

This dress was also the first time they put on clean clothes, allowing themselves to come out of their desolate posture.

More importantly, this is given to them by their king.

"No, that's my honor."

John shook his head and said seriously: "I feel honored that you are willing to follow me."

The werewolf shed tears and said movedly: "Sir, what you have done for the werewolves will never be forgotten by the werewolves."

John walked in.

After looking at the store for a few years, it seems that something has changed.

Those faces become mature and old.

Not everyone has a long life.

John asked a clerk, "What do you think you will do in the future?"

The clerk was stunned, "I will always be here, sir."

"You should have your own life," John said, shaking his head, "after you retire."

John felt that he should do something.

Let the wizards have enough time to do what they like.

Chapter 791 Capitalist Tang Mi, Neville’s wedding

Just like adapting to the development of the times.

No one likes to work all the time, even if you are a wizard with abnormal brain circuits.

John decided to give back to his employees.


Tang Mi was the first to hear these words, and he was very frightened.

"Sir, I swear I will never touch fish again, and I will pay back the money I owe to the candy store."

Tang Mi thought it was John who couldn't stand it because of his shedding of wool over the years. He said miserably: "I still have the house I just bought and haven't renovated yet."

John: "..." Where did this guy go?

"I said retirement, not dismissal." John shook his head helplessly, wondering, "When did you buy the house and where did you get the money?"

"Don't worry about where I got the money, sir. Retirement is just like being fired." Tang Mi said with a bitter look on his face, "Finally, I have a job to support my family. Who wants to leave?"

"Oh?" John asked strangely, "It's not like you have no money after retirement, but you still have to work?"

"Where will the money come from for retirement?" Tang Mi was stunned.

After John explained to this old employee, Tang Mi finally understood.

"Sir, are you saying that after working until the age of seventy, you can enjoy retirement services, and you will still have a salary even if you leave your job?"

This was the first time Tang Mi heard about it, his brain was running fast.

In the world of wizards, there is no such thing as retirement.

Because they generally don’t have much awareness of working age.

Like Hogwarts, basically centenarians have to continue to work.

The ghost of Professor Binns has been on standby for a thousand years.

Even capitalists shed tears when they see it.

Wizards have no concept of retirement because they basically lose their source of income after retirement.

Even Slughorn, the potion master, basically relied on his own potions and collecting students' wool to keep himself nourished during the period after he retired from Hogwarts.

Retirement is a fool's errand if you don't have enough savings.

And these savings will only become less, and there will be no interest or anything like that.

This means that it is completely impossible for Muggles to spend only interest.

"The wizarding world is simply a paradise for capital." John expressed concern about the dire straits of his compatriots.

He said that Ollivander was almost eighty years old and was still selling wands. It turned out that he was about to go bankrupt when he retired.

I have to say that the wizards are really simple people.

In the Muggle world, those in power should not be on the ground, but under the street lights.

So when Tang Mi heard John say that he would continue to pay wages even after retirement, he knelt down.

He really knelt down.

This is the second time Tang Mi has knelt down. The last time was when John emptied his salary for the next twenty years.

The people from the bottom of the magical world welcome their great master Qingtian.

"Sir, I think this time needs to be raised a little bit."

Tang Mi transformed into the capital of all evil, and said furtively in John's ear: "I think retirement at seventy is a bit early, how about pushing it to one hundred?"

"Are you the devil?" John took two steps to the side, away from the devil.

Could it be that the club has now corrupted the good young people into capitalists?

Of course, Tang Mi is not a devil. He has a reason for doing this.

Because wizards live longer.

There are many wizards like Machibane and Bathilda who are still very active at almost two hundred years old.

Dumbledore, who is over a hundred years old, can still lift a Harry with his bare hands.

In the magical world, centenarians have no mobility issues at all.

If it weren't for some accidents, these people could easily live to be 200 years old.

Even Hagrid is sixty-nine years old, and there is no way he looks like a Muggle in his sixties or seventies.

If you really want to retire at the age of seventy, it will really be a waste of a lot of labor.

John thought about it carefully and patted Tang Mi on the shoulder happily, "You are really a people's entrepreneur."

Tang Mi: "..." I seem to have been scolded. I'm not sure. Please listen again.

Because of the interference of Tang Mi, the great filial son of the people, the retirement law that was supposed to retire at seventy was successfully postponed ten years to eighty.