MTL - I Wield a Sword at Hogwarts-Chapter 776

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Everything is false, only nuclear bombs are real!

Human technology has once again proved that humankind’s dominance cannot be shaken.

And the United States, the overlord of mankind, is still as great as a beacon.

They are just!

Evil cannot defeat justice, this is the law of heaven!

Senior officials are eager to dance to express their joy.

Due to the vast area where the nuclear bomb kills, even the United States cannot peek through the radiation-filled clouds to see what is going on inside.

Feedback from their system showed that in the middle of the explosion, there was no longer a living creature magnetic field.


Really not?

The cheering people didn't notice that it was in the middle.

The energy caused flows in one direction.

When the world's first firearm was born, the process of the world was pushed forward.

It is no longer the cold weapons fighting against each other as before, and bows and arrows have begun to be moved from their position as the king of soldiers.

When cannons and more sophisticated firearms were born, cold weapons were crowded out and began to leave the battlefield.

In modern times, technology has grown exponentially.

A submachine gun that is lighter than a bow and arrow, a tank that can defend in all aspects, a suppression that humans dream of flying in the sky, and a submarine that is as elusive as a ghost on the bottom of the sea.

Everything is not only changing the world, but also compressing the magic.

The greatness of magic lies in their ability to possess advanced long-range magic in the era of cold weapons.

Those mysterious and unpredictable methods were given the title of being invisible to prying eyes.

Since World War II, wizards have gradually declined on the road of magic.

In a sealed environment, even if Muggle wizards enter the school, they cannot tell them the difference.

That’s why wizards are terrified after seeing the power of Muggle weapons.

Because in their impression, those Muggles only used iron wands to barely cause a magical killing.

Now, this situation has changed.

Wizards put aside their arrogance, and their arrogance came to Muggles.

They arrogantly believe that magic is just those little tricks that take people by surprise.

Within the range of technology and missiles, the effects that wizards can have are not much different from ordinary soldiers.

These arrogances doomed some of their actions to failure.

The captured wizards in Plymouth Colony, can they really enter?

Perhaps only Gauss knows this result.

They think they dominate this war.

But the real master is coming towards them.

In the midst of a nuclear explosion.

The golden wings spread out, like a large energy storage battery panel.

Crazy and fast absorbing persecution from the outside.

The flames could not cause any damage to the body, and the terrifying explosion only caused the scales to break apart.

Time is flowing in the body, and all injuries are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The golden blood struggled to escape from the scales, but time imprisoned it in the body.

Recovering from injuries, the toxins caused by various radiations have no effect under the divine blood.

The golden dragon stands quietly in the sky, like a statue.

The energy that should have continued to spread was pulled by a strange force.

Unable to escape a thousand meters.

John exhaled a breath of golden flames.

The golden vertical pupils opened in the flames.

His body is expanding, and his original size of one hundred feet is gradually moving towards two hundred feet.

The enlargement of his body makes his absorption speed faster.

Opening his mouth, the absorbed energy gathered from his mouth into a ball of light like a small sun.

The fist-sized ball of light seemed insignificant in his mouth.

The damage caused by the nuclear explosion has also been repaired in his body.

"What a great gift."

The color of John's scales changed again, and the spine covered with spikes was filled with high temperatures that distorted the air.

"Then it's time for me to return the favor."

The wings flap.

The scorching wing wind fell from the sky, instantly evaporating the earth and turning it yellow.

He moved.

His pupils turned, and the scenery in his sight quickly zoomed in.

A bomber returning from its mission came into view.

The ball of light in his mouth shattered and aimed at that place.

White symbolizes the light of destruction breaking through supersonic speed.

The roar drowned out the sound of the engine.

The bomber had no time to react.

Together with the driver, they were evaporated into gas and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the light beam did not stop.

Fly all the way further.

Leaving a ray of light in the sky, it fell directly on the base of the fourth military region of the United States.

A mushroom cloud rises from the ground.

These people never imagined that they would suffer an unreasonable disaster here.

Death is as sudden as falling leaves.

The impact of the nuclear explosion engulfed the entire base.

There are so many unfinished plans of the United States and how many wonderful technologies there are.

All disappeared.

Satellites overhead project everything onto the display screen.

The top leaders of the United States, who were originally celebrating and encouraging, were once again silent.

They saw the World-Destroying Dragon unscathed by the nuclear bomb.

I also saw, hundreds of kilometers away from the target location, the devastating blow that suffered an unreasonable disaster.

The dead air will suffocate people to death.

At this moment, breathing has become an extremely expensive and luxurious thing.

The giant dragon has the ability to evade, but he tells everyone with his actions.

King, I don’t care.

Whether it's a tree-shaking attack or the last resort.

The countdown to the World-Destroying Dragon begins.

In the limited time of fifteen minutes.

If all means are used and cannot be prevented, death will come.

"Let's leave."

I don’t know who said something, and they stared blankly at the president who was the first to celebrate.


Yes, leaving may still be able to occupy some vitality.

They can get on a plane and leave Washington before the end comes.

Those people had no chance of escaping for fifteen minutes.

The only thing that can be done is to say goodbye to your family.

"Are you crazy?" Root couldn't understand, he yelled, "We have to be responsible for our people!"

"As long as the World-Destroying Dragon doesn't come, we still have hope!"

"Hope?" said a pessimistic official. "Even nuclear bombs can't shake him. We don't have any hope."

Humanity's most powerful weapon, the scales that cannot be broken, cannot bring hope.

Just as the witch diplomat said, they tried all means and felt powerless, collapsed and even desperate.

The magical world they know can actually bring about the ability to destroy everything.

In the dark forest, the greedy and ferocious hunter used his cautious steps and carefully used his shotgun to push through the jungle and saw the thin prey.

They should have divided it up.

But the prey named the wizard is a real hunter, and in his hands is the most powerful weapon that humans cannot shake.

Give the greedy hunter a head-on blow.

The dizziness of approaching death, the splitting headache and blood splashing.

The hunter felt the pain, fell to the ground, and crawled back hastily.

The wizard was holding a weapon and walking towards him in a leisurely manner.

The sword of Damocles hanging around his neck is ready to end this great and short life at any time.

"There will be a way!" Root encouraged everyone, "Through our means."

"In addition to weapons, there are more!"

"Planes, artillery, tanks!"

"Everything is OK!"

"We can't just give up!"

He cheered everyone up.

The fear brought by the world-destroying dragon has dissipated slightly.

The depression caused by fear disappeared, and everyone cheered up.

Yes, the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage.

From the primitive society where hair and blood were eaten to today, human beings have experienced despair and stood up again many times.

Although the United States has a short history, they also have human qualities.

They want to stop this.

No matter what the means.

Nuclear bombs are no longer feasible.