MTL - I Wield a Sword at Hogwarts-Chapter 4

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In my memory, Weasley should meet the savior for the first time today.

But it's a pity that he didn't wait for the famous scene.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?"

A somewhat unsure voice sounded, it was a boy.

There were freckles on his round face, and his expression was timid and uneasy, as if he was afraid that John would not be willing.

It can be seen that this is a child who is not confident.

This little fat guy still looks much slimmer compared to the big fat guy Dudley.

John showed a smile and said: "Please sit down."

Neville was relieved when he heard this sentence. After entering the carriage, he realized that the boy in front of him didn't look like someone to be trifled with.

He has an exquisite appearance and is wearing a brown woolen sweater. The wand is turning flexibly between his fingers, like an obedient little snake.

This feeling is like sitting across from a cowboy, holding a revolver in his hand and playing with it arrogantly.

The timid Neville was so frightened that he shrank into a ball and pressed against the car window, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible.



Neville's pet toad jumped out, and he hurriedly grabbed Leif.

Afraid that he might annoy the other person, he secretly glanced at John in fear.

And John was also looking at him, which made him quickly lower his head, thinking that he had made the other person angry.

Little did he know that John was staring at the toad at this time, and the toad brought back his memories.

"Toad? I remember there seemed to be a person in Harry Potter who had such a pet."

Among the few plots that John remembered, except for the three little ones, there were few that were impressive.

Among the few people who remember it, the name of the Hogwarts Sword Master is definitely one.

So he stretched out his hand, introduced himself with a smile: "Hello, my name is John Wick."

"My, my name is Neville Longbottom." Neville also stuttered in response.

When John heard the name, he secretly thought to himself.

The future Juggernaut of Hogwarts, a true Gryffindor.

Some people say that Neville is the son of prophecy. This sentence brainwashed many people on the Internet platform in the previous life.

John is more inclined to the double savior, because without Neville killing the Horcrux, Harry Potter would not be able to win.

Without Harry's electric welding, no... it was against the wave. Neville could only gain anger by killing the big snake.

The two are indispensable. Neville's kindness destined him to be unable to kill Harry, the seventh Horcrux, even if he knew the truth.

Therefore, the double savior is more reliable.

When Neville saw that John didn't speak after hearing his name, Neville wondered if he should change cars.

Longbottom's reputation is not good among pure-blood families, and he is on the same level as Weasley.

After the atmosphere calmed down, another domineering voice came from outside.

"Can I sit here?"

With curly hair and oversized front teeth, here comes the know-it-all Hermione Granger.

Neville thought that one more person might be able to alleviate the pressure, so he couldn't wait to speak: "There is no one here."

As he spoke, he secretly looked at John.

Hermione raised her little head slightly, this was her habit.

As the top student in the school, she has always been the favorite of the teachers.

But after sitting down, she discovered the black-haired boy opposite. The two had met once in the morning.

Just thinking about what the other person said about her big front teeth today, she couldn't help but darken her face.

Neville was originally happy that someone was sharing the pressure, but when he saw Hermione's face darken, he thought he had done something rude and offensive again.

The atmosphere fell silent again.

Finally, Hermione broke the silence, stretched out her hand towards Neville, raised her head slightly and said in a much lower pitched voice: "Hermione Granger."

"Neville Longbottom." Neville breathed a sigh of relief. The silent atmosphere made him doubt whether he could make it to school.

John also reacted and said: "John Wick."

Only then did he realize that the girl he said had big front teeth was actually Hermione, one of the three protagonists.

Hermione didn't hold grudges for too long. She was a kind-hearted girl.

After hearing that Neville's parents were wizards, she immediately became interested.

"So do you know magic?"

"Children from magical families should be exposed to magic very early. Can you show me?"

Neville stammered and couldn't speak, while Hermione's mouth was like stepping on a sewing machine.

John smiled knowingly when he saw this scene. Miss Know-It-All really broke the cauldron and asked the question.

Putting down the wand in his hand, he rescued Neville and said: "Talents vary from person to person, just like my family is full of Muggles, but I am a wizard."

Hearing that John also came from a Muggle family, Hermione became less upset and more intimate with him.

The two chatted about new things in the magical world, and from time to time they could ask Neville, a local resident.

The atmosphere in the carriage became better, but after chatting, Neville found that his toad had gone somewhere.

Hermione was helpful and volunteered to take Neville to look for toads. Before leaving, she asked John if he was going.

John was too lazy to move. He held the chocolate frog he just bought and hesitated where to eat. He waved his hand and said, "I'm going to stay in the carriage, lest others think that no one is there and take the seat."

When Hermione heard that it made sense, she took Neville and set out to find the toad.

Chapter 5 The three little ones meet and Hogwarts

After the two of them left, they waited for a while before returning after the train started.

"Oh my god, John, you have no idea who I saw."

Neville was a little incoherent when he came back, which made John confused for a while.

Still next to her, Hermione raised her voice and told John clearly: "Harry Potter, the savior in that story, is also on the train."

Recalling that the savior she saw was ordinary, Hermione raised her little head proudly and said, "The savior is not that great either."

Neville retorted: "But my grandma said that Harry Potter defeated You-Know-Who and saved the wizarding world."

The two began to argue.

When John heard this, he realized what he had missed.

The epic meeting of the three little ones was on the carriage.

John regretted a little, how could he forget this matter.

The train traveled for several hours and arrived at Hogwarts after dark.

John also changed into the school uniform robe at Hermione's prompt. With his good looks, he had an even more mysterious aura after putting on the robe.

Before getting out of the car, John saw Hagrid's huge body through the glass.

Hagrid held a night light in his hand, which was very obvious in the dark night.

After getting off the bus, the young wizards marveled at Hagrid's size. The old students left in an orderly manner under the leadership of their prefects.

John noticed that there was a little boy with red hair next to Harry. With this iconic red hair, it was difficult not to know that it was Weasley.

A group of freshmen headed to Hogwarts under the leadership of Hagrid.

After getting on the boat at Black Lake, John did not forget to remind Neville.

"Neville, have you found your toad?"

Neville's round face was stunned. After seeing Harry, he was so excited that he forgot about it.

But now that they are all on board, Leif has not been found yet, and Neville is so anxious that he almost bursts into tears.

As the initiator of all this, John was not anxious at all.

He remembered that Neville's toad would eventually appear at the door of Hogwarts.

In fact, when he watched the movie before, he was very curious about where Neville's toad was hidden.

Although he obviously disappeared on the train, he appeared at Hogwarts.

Is it possible that he has the blood of magical animals?

Fantastic animals are creatures in the magical world, and they are also one of the important factors that make this world colorful.

"Lower your head."

Hagrid's loud voice made Hermione and Neville lower their heads in fright, but John did not.

After the boat passed by, they discovered that they didn’t need to lower their heads at all, or that only Hagrid’s body type needed to lower their heads.

After crossing the Black Lake, the little wizards officially entered Hogwarts.

This thousand-year-old school in the magical world looks like a castle at first glance, full of mystery in the dark night.

The little wizards stepped on the steps with rich history.

At the door, Professor McGonagall with a serious face was already waiting there.

Unlike the last time she went to Wick's house, this time Professor McGonagall wore a black pointed wizard hat, which made her even more majestic.

Nodding slightly to Hagrid, the unsmiling Professor McGonagall said: "Welcome to Hogwarts."

[Ding, start the Hogwarts phase mission one, spend the first year of the magic apprenticeship, mission reward, magic blood +1, any point +2]

(Note: Triggering the corresponding task can obtain the task reward blessing)

As Professor McGonagall spoke, John received a system prompt.

John let himself go, his eyes wandering as if he had been distracted in class.

In front of him, a transparent panel that looked like writing on glass appeared.

This panel is very monotonous, with only four in total.

[Magic: Level 1 (0/100)]

[Magic: Alajo Cave Opens (Level 3)]

[Skills: Short Weapon Mastery (Level 7), Polearm Weapon Mastery (Level 6), Heavy Weapon Mastery (Level 3), Thermal Weapon Mastery (Level 1)]

【Blessings: Physical fitness, quick attack, precision】

John blinked his dry eyes.

After returning home from Diagon Alley, he learned some magic. It took him a month to learn the magic unlocking spell to level 3, and he also had an additional magic attribute.

Level 1 Alajo Cave can only open simple door bolt locks, level 2 can open door locks, and level 3 can already open the safe that my father secretly hid behind my mother's back.

Thanks to this, he also touched the pistol in the safe and found an additional thermal weapon level 1.

Professor McGonagall is still introducing the four major colleges.

John knew all this and didn’t listen carefully.

Neville saw Leif on the steps, shouted in surprise and rushed out.

Read The Duke's Passion