MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 8

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"See her in the classroom." Xiao Liyun recalled lightly, as if the "her" in his words met a school flower, not a female ghost in the horror campus.

Qian Yiwei frowned and asked: "Classroom?"

He also met ghosts in the teaching building. The attack caused Qian Yiwei and Zheng Yi to flee in two ways. Finally, the ghost chose to chase in the direction of Zhengyi, and the young people were fortunate.

Xiao Li: "In the classroom where the lights are shining, the people who bully her are also inside."

Qian Yiwei: ".........lights, classroom?"

Zheng Yi: "......... bullying her, man?"

Both of them feel like a repeater, only knowing to repeat the words of the other party, but – what more can you do in the classrooms that are lit up now, except for the haunted classrooms? Can you bully this female ghost, isn't it a group of ghosts? ! Faced with a group of ghosts, why can this person be so calm? !

Xiao Li has stunned Zheng Yiyi behind him. It seems that he is wondering why Zheng Yi has joined the ranks of repeaters: "Yeah, I also tested them with a test before I got a match."

Qian Yiwei: ".........Exam?"

Zheng Yi: "...............Exam?!"

Are they in the same Nandu female height? ! Can I still take the exam here? ! What exam, college entrance examination? How are they all kinds of dodging, dancing on the edge of death?

Suddenly, Qian Yiwei has a feeling that is not a taste. It feels like he has been studying hard for ten years. As a result, others have to surpass themselves without having to work hard; just as they have passed by ghosts and countless times, they have finally reached At the end of the game, the other turned around and another European emperor greeted you with ease - until many years later, he gave a definition of this feeling, called "grief."

However, he is the first to arrive! What about Sherlock’s reciprocal fork, not the second one, and one step behind him!

The young man slowed down and used his **** to push his frame: "It seems that Mr. Xia’s experience is also very rich. If you have time, we can share it in detail, but now the most urgent task is to crack the truth here."

"Can that show me?" Xiao Li pointed to the diary in the hands of the money.

"Yes." Qian Yiwei handed the boy to him generously. Anyway, he was also prepared to tell the truth, just waiting to see the expression of Sherlock being overtaken by himself.

Xiao Li opened the diary. In this diary, the girl’s handwriting was recorded. It was obvious that she wrote very seriously, but the handwriting could not bear to look straight into the ugly.

Zheng Yi saw the dog's head and looked at the moonlight outside the window.

Qian Yiwei was watching the diary of their work. They turned their backs to the window sill and let the wind blow his hair. Shen Sheng said: "Ban Li is a poor girl, admitted to the Nandu Girls School. She is very happy, but one day..."

[September 1st, sunny. 】

[Today's school, I am so happy. The dormitory here is a six-person room. I came to such a good school for the first time. It is so beautiful, the students are very beautiful, I like it very much. 】

At the beginning, most of the content on the diary was a girl's heart. Xiao Li flew quickly, until it turned over a dozen pages, only to notice the clues that really needed.

[December 14, rain. 】

[There was a big rainstorm today, the weather was overcast. The weather forecast said that there will be rain in the next few days. I don’t like rain, but the rain is getting bigger and bigger. Our physical education classes are stopped. Others seem to be very like. 】

[December 15, rain. 】

[I saw it, Scorpio, I seem to have seen a shadow at the end of our dormitory! The shadow was very dirty and dirty, as if there was no entity... I told Xu Min that she comforted me because I had to review the exam, but it was too real... well, it might be my eyes. How can there be ghosts in the world? I have to go to bed early, and it has been raining for a long time. I can't get a quilt. The whole room is wet and I can't sleep well. 】

[December 20, rain. 】

[That is not an illusion! I know that it is not an illusion. This is the third time I have seen ‘it’. I am so scared, I see that ‘it’ has been following a girl, getting closer and closer, I feel ‘it’ is going to start! I have to remind the girl to do it tomorrow. 】

[December 25, Yin. 】

[I succeeded, ‘it’ disappeared! I haven't seen ‘it’ for a long time, maybe it wasn't necessarily what I saw at the beginning. 】

[January 4, sunny. 】

【no no! I am wrong, ‘it’ is still there, ‘it’ is mixed into us! The number of people in our class is one more! I don't know who it is, I can match the number on every face, but one more...]

[January 6, Yin. 】

[I tried to tell my classmates that there was one more person among us, but everyone felt that I was pretending to be a ghost. They were jealous of me, laughing at me, even throwing things at me... but I didn't! 】

[January 8, Yin. 】

[‘It’’ came, just in our dorm room, we have one more person in the dormitory, I have to call them out... But who is the extra one? I dare not say it straight, I am afraid to disturb ‘it’, oh right, I can tell her invisibly! 】

[At that time, Xu Min’s face was very strange. I knew she might not believe it, but I grabbed her wrist and dragged her out... I saved her! Although it was already curfewed at the time, we were discovered by the smugglers and were criticized by the notice, but I think it is worthwhile, and ‘it’ did not follow. 】

[January 12, sunny. 】

[Xu Min talked to me. She said that I got her first punishment and said that I always said something that made her afraid. She also began to hate me. But I don't, I am protecting her...]

The next diary spans a lot, and it seems that the owner who wrote it is written in an intermittent manner, and there is no fixed format and date.

[I heard ‘it’ talking, after Deng Fei hit me again. ‘It’ floated behind Deng Fei’s voice. The voice of ‘It’ was very low and dumb. It’s hard to hear. ‘It’ asked me, I want to retaliate. 】

[I certainly don't want to! I am scared, ‘it’ is wrapped around me. 】

The voice of Qian Yiwei echoed in this dormitory: "...Sanli saw a ghost. She kindly reminded her classmates, but she was entangled. Like us, she found that she had more classes. One person, but can't tell who is more, she is more and more stunned, so the classmates in the class hate her more and more, crowd out her and bully her."

Zheng Yi whispered: "It’s so bad..."

Xiao Litou continued to turn pages without lifting.

[January 20, Yin. 】

[I am so cold, why is it so cold? Since that day, I feel so cold, how many clothes do not work - ‘it’ wants to occupy my body, I know this! I am so scared, I don't want to listen to ‘it’, I can feel that every time Deng Fei came to me, ‘it’ was shrouded over me, ‘it’ was getting closer and closer to me. ‘It’ is tempting me to say that I will retaliate for me. 】

[I don't want to be close to my classmates, including Xu Min, my proximity will only harm them, yes, I want to stay away from them, the farther the better. I am going to take the final exam soon. I haven’t reviewed it recently. The results should be backed up a lot. After the final exam, it is winter vacation. I probably shouldn’t go home. I texted my parents and told me to stay near the school. 】

[I am going to trace it, ‘it’ should not appear for no reason. I went to the data room. Fortunately, because I have not communicated with other people for many years, others have been afraid to avoid me. I have easily found some information. 】

[I don't want to eat more and more, I feel more and more cold, I wear a lot, I still feel cold, I know because 'it', Xu Min, Deng Fei, and others, teachers, are far away from me. Let's go to Tan Li, you have to work hard, you have to defeat that ghost! Beat it! 】

From this paragraph, the writing on the diary has become very sloppy, and sometimes Xiao Li needs to even guess to understand the meaning of the whole sentence -

[‘It’’ is getting more and more awkward. 】

[The students are talking about killing me... how can they do this! 】

[I am desperate, I want to protect, they all want to kill me, they want me to die. 】

[Abandon, should it be better? Then fall into **** with me, so even if there is there, you will not be alone...]

[I give myself to ‘it’, I want revenge! I want them, come down with me! 】

The diary came to an abrupt end.

Qian Yiwei shook his head against the moonlight, his eyes were dark and unclear. The young man took his own lens and wiped it with his sleeves: "The ghost has a deeper influence on Tan Li, and sometimes even attach her. She wants to protect her classmates. However, her classmates think she is the ghost and even want to kill her. As a result, she gives up resistance and gives herself to the ghosts. From then on, she is a ghost. This is the truth of Nandu Girls' School. ""

He slowly wiped the sidewalk, and after the wipe was finished, Qian Yiwei re-applied the glasses and finished the last sentence. Then he took out his own task book and looked at the eyes covered by the lens. His mission page - however, no changes, no changes, no hot, no tick.

The reasoning of Qian Yiwei is wrong.

The atmosphere in the bedroom was so embarrassing.

At the moment when Qian Yiwei made a mistake inference, the dark clouds outside the window rolled up, and the entire Nandu girls’ school seemed to wake up at this moment. If they were just walking around the sleeping lion, then there is no doubt that the beast has now woke up, threatening to devour the prey that came in!

At the same time, the dormitory door made a bang, and a hoarse voice sounded: "It’s really good."

Read The Duke's Passion