MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 267

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The man on the opposite side didn't seem to see Xiao Li's expression at all. He maintained his stupid face and continued: "What's so good about human beings? Fragile, small, not worth mentioning."

Xiao Li finally moved, he walked a few steps forward, and also came to the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the whole city.

The rain is so heavy that only the phantom of the dim light can be seen faintly.

The window in front of Xiao Li was originally closed, but he stretched out his hand to open it.

The violent raindrops were swept in by the wind, dripped on his face and clothes, dripped down his chin, and instantly wetted his whole person.

But in this way can we see the world more clearly.

The sky is dark, and there are shining lights in residential buildings and various buildings. In the wind and rain, these dots of sparks are like pillars, supporting the sky not to fall, and supporting the reincarnations. Keep fighting, in every corner, in your own way.

The rain smashed into the city and the fields like stars, with a fierce tenderness, wanting to awaken the world.

The cracks in front of Xiao Li cut this scene into fragmented pictures.

"In fact, I thought before. For some existences, human life is extremely short. These are two completely different life forms, and neither of us can understand each other." Xiao Li said slowly, "But now I am not like that. I feel that to me, human beings are much better than your existence. They are fragile, beautiful, and full of hope."

"Of course, in this sentence, you only refer to you and your little brothers." He cocked his hands to index, "I've seen the **** of death, he looks a little better than you, like a wood, and the **** of dreams is also second in the wind. God, you are a little stranger than them."

I don’t know which word in his words angered the other person. Xiao Li speculated that it might be "much better" or "small". In short, the other party stopped talking, but reached out to brush the rain off his face. The moment the hand moved his face away, the gap in front of the window suddenly expanded, connecting into a black hole, the muffled sound of the sky turned into a substantive thunder, and the dark cloud pressed down, and the whole sky seemed to fall down, abruptly sinking half.

The barrier of reality hasn't completely collapsed, and the power that belongs to the gods can't be fully exerted, but just now, there is still a kind of coercion falling down, and Xiao Li backs down two steps.

The power of the gods came to the world, and this coercion carried a special taste, and the reincarnations were no strangers to it. It was the breath of death and corruption.

It was almost instantaneous, and within half a minute, everyone under the sky raised their heads in unison.

Including Zheng Yi, including Wang Huai, including others.

Zheng Yizheng was with his parents. They are now in contact with everyone in the Ye family. The parents didn't believe it, but when they saw a ghost tearing the body of a mature man to pieces, they finally completely believed his words. Join him with other reincarnations.

Although this power was a drop in the bucket when facing more and more ghosts, he still did not give up and was resisting.

Wang Huai had already settled the wharf issue. He robbed these people from the courts, opened their mouths with a potion of truth, and intercepted a batch of chaotic power fragments that had not been sacrificed to the Underworld. Use props to rush to the nearest mountain on the outskirts of the city, which is another place with dense cracks.

After they arrived, they did not choose to fill this gap, but chose to "cut".

This is the salvation method that Wang Huai, Gong Mingming and others have planned for a long time.

It is too unrealistic for everyone to use fragments to fill the gaps, and it has little effect. Therefore, they combined the methods and opinions of reincarnations from all over the world, and even consulted the goddess of the night and various neutral gods. The way they finally came up was to use Power shards to cut away these dense gaps, throw these gaps into the remaining dungeon worlds that have long been eroded, and what is left is the reality that has not yet invaded, and then use a special magic circle to save this part of the reality. Most of the world.

After leaving most of the world, the remaining mankind still has the opportunity to plan the next attack against the **** of the gods, and reserve vitality for mankind and at least several decades.

As Wang Huai merged into the fragments of power to cut, the sky fell as if collapsed, and the **** of darkness initially descended.

Wang Huai was not watching, and continued to move his hands. Now is not the time to sigh. Sherlock and at least one of them will succeed.

Around the world, there are people who Wang Huai has been in contact with long ago, batch after batch doing the same thing at the same time.

However, in the half of the gap that had not been cut off, a black claw stretched out and struck Wang Huai fiercely!

Gong Mingming paused his movements and assisted Wang Huai to attack the gap.


On the other side, Xiao Li, who was standing in front of the Underworld God, withstood most of the coercion from the gods, and was once pressured to be speechless.

A phantom belonging to a young girl appeared in front of him. She was dressed very thick and had very long hair. She was Tan Li. There was a little boy beside her. Zhou Ying and Tan Li walked out of the host body together, trying Sharing this coercion for Xiao Li, but the two ghosts alone are not enough.

Tan Li snorted, and then a long sleeve was placed on Tan Li's arm, and the dangling drama overwhelmed the cry of the ghost: "Langjun--"

The stickman hung from Xiuji's sleeve and refused to return to the relatively safe picture scroll.

Tan Li, Zhou Ying, and Xiuji and other helpers were able to withstand part of the pressure that belonged to the Underworld God, and withstood most of the divine power, their bodies were dimmed a lot.

Taking the underworld in front of you as the base point, from the crevices around, the cry of various ghosts and monsters can be heard, and the black smoke of obscure testing diffuses out of it, covering the sky and the sun, making this place look completely unreal. But another copy world.

Xiao Li's breathing was a little difficult. He coughed and said to Mingshen, "Before you do it, can you answer me a question?"

There was no response from the other person, Xiao Li went on to say, "Among so many gods, why do you want this place, other gods?"

"Do you think they don't want it?" The Underworld hasn't spoken. He seems to be waiting for something. Just when Xiao Li thought he would not answer, he opened his mouth, with a trace of hunters in his eyes as high as prey. Contempt, "They are watching, they are waiting, and when I eat the rest, they will rush forward."

Although Pluto had answered Xiao Li's words, his actions did not stop. He just raised one hand, and the invisible pressure grew stronger and stronger. Xiao Li only felt that he had returned to the adjudication prison, as if he was carrying him on his back. A big mountain.

Tan Li blocked Xiao Li more strictly behind him, blocking this divine coercion. It was obvious that she was already very strenuous, not only was she getting weaker, her body was still shaking.

Xiao Li tried his best to finish in one breath: "Then why do you want to be here?"

"With your control of the dungeon world, there is indeed a need, but it is not so urgent. Before the barrier is completely broken, the believers have been arranged in advance to infiltrate. Unless...unless some problems have already occurred within you, If you don’t get reality, you will—"

He couldn't finish this sentence this time, the Underworld snorted coldly, and in an instant a black iron knife whizzed towards Xiao Li's neck from the side!

It was a pure black knife, and when it broke through the air, there were countless distorted faces around them, screaming and longing for blood.

It was almost instantaneous. Xiuji rolled her sleeve on the blade, but it only stopped the knife for less than half a second. It shattered the sleeves that hindered her, even including the arms inside. Ji left aside and continued to move forward without mercy.

Tan Li's hair was hung into a cover over the iron sword. He wanted to cover the blade, but was cut off by it. It pierced her shoulder and rushed towards Xiao Li endlessly, wanting to cut off his Skull.


What follows is the sound of certain objects touching each other.

It was a pen, an ordinary marker, but its nib stubbornly resisted the blade of the black knife, contending with it, making a "buzzing" sound.

Obviously, this is also very difficult for Bixian, but with the buffer of Tan Li and Xiuji, the black knife's momentum has been slightly relieved, and it finally successfully resisted the black knife.

The black knife fell back and fell into the hands of the **** of underworld.

The marker also leaped a distance in the opposite direction, hit the edge of the wall, and then flew back again.

The opposite man's face was as sinking as water, he sneered and said, "A mere evil spirit dares to fight against the gods?"

Bi Xian shook the pen body. This was her inertial movement, and then she wrote a sentence in the air, turning her pen towards Xiao Li.

Xiao Li was looking distressedly at Tan Li and Xiuji, and then he fell back to the Underworld, and translated Bixian: "No way, I owe him a favor, or you can pay it back for me, I'll quickly Reverse."

After the translation, Xiao Li said, "So ruthless?"

Bi Xian wrote: [Heh. 】

This person worked together one by one, running against the **** of darkness.

Pluto didn’t talk to each other anymore. Just after he was silent for a second, a dark black mist emerged from the body of the black knife. It penetrated into the surrounding cracks, and the cracks gradually expanded enough to penetrate a person. Xiao Li saw what was inside, and a huge antenna was thrown at him viciously.

"Wow, wow, wow!"

The cry of the baby directly resounded through the sky, and its cry had a special ability that directly blocked the tentacles for one second. The four hands of the ghoul held the tentacles and competed with the creatures in the crack.

The back ghoul has great strength, but it still can't shake this tentacle. It directly rolled up the baby carried by the back ghoul, swayed back and forth in the air, and then threw it fiercely, trying to kill it alive.

He caught the baby in the air with one hand. These hands belonged to a little girl. Xiao Tu hugged the ghost baby with one hand and made a "throw" action from the side. The invisible creature used its impact to knock the tentacles back. !

The baby cried more sternly, and a strangle mark appeared on its body after being curled up. It was so painful that it could not control itself and was crying wholeheartedly.

Before the Ghoulback had time to comfort it, it was caught by other ghosts, and a ghost that suddenly appeared from the dark roared and knocked the Ghoulback into flight.

The ghoul flew half a meter away, directly smashing the pillars of this layer, smashing the counter, and falling into a cloud of dust. The dust was flying in the sky.

Xiao Tu flexibly avoided the ghost and gradually led it to a certain table.

On the side of the table, the already solidified blood turned into a collar and tried to enclose the ghost, but in turn was punched by it. Bloody Mary, the owner of the blood, stepped back three steps in a row, her face pale.

The goblin failed with a single blow and wanted to continue. The back ghoul who kicked the wall rushed back with a roar, and the back ghoul pushed it to his back and threw it directly out of the window of the building.

Time and time again, he failed to directly affect the humans in front of him, which made Pluto a little anxious. Although he didn't think he would be defeated by such a few evil spirits, the countless ants were also very annoying.

After another unsuccessful attack, Pluto asked irritably, "Sherlock, how many helpers do you have?!"

Xiao Li: "Guess what?"

Of course, Pluto would not guess. He realized that he was inferior to the other party compared to the power of madness. He stopped asking himself for being boring, but continued to attack.

"Or beg me, I'll tell you." Xiao Li didn't let him go, and continued to mock.

While they were talking, a cold and biting chain ran silently on the ground like a snake, and it kept approaching the human in front of it, ten meters, five meters, one meter...

With a "click", it successfully locked a slender ankle.

Immediately, the chain pulled out, violently tore down the human being trapped in it, but the weight from the chain was not as good as it thought.

The chain was trembling, and when I looked up, it did trap one leg, but that leg really only had one leg.

Where Xiao Li had stood, his legs fell to the ground, struggling to kick the chains on his ankles.

Xiao Li looked around at this moment, not only the chain, but more monsters came out of the gap, plus the sickle, fought fiercely with the ghosts he had invited.

The harsh phone ringing and the baby's crying, coupled with the yelling and screaming of ghosts from time to time, make this layer look like **** instead of hell.

Xiao Li looked around, trying to find a weapon that suits him. In the end, he chose to wield the coffin board of the coffin ghost and knock on other monsters one by one.

This coffin board is not an ordinary coffin board. It is the coffin board of Uropoulos, the **** of prophecy, with some supernatural powers. Now it is used to shoot ghosts and monsters.

Underworld God’s voice was frightened, and he recognized the breath on the coffin board: “Ulopoulos, you also want to participate?!”

"No, it's not about Master Wuluoboros!" The coffin ghost chased after Xiao Li, and clarified quickly, "Yes, it was the artifact itself that had contact with him, it was Sherlock who forcibly produced it, not Wuluo. The will of Lord Boros!"

"Can it be moved without Uropoulos' signal?" Pluto said angrily, "I've written it down, and I will definitely visit Uropoulos next day."

"no no……"

The coffin ghost uttered a desperate cry.

And Xiao Li over there was approaching the **** of underworld purposefully. He supported the coffin board and said to the man standing at the window: "In the library of the ruling prison, I saw a sentence saying that God is not invincible. Yes, because gods are just powerful ghosts."

Underworld’s pupils tightened for a moment. He didn’t expect Xiao Li to know such a secret. This look on his face was fleeting, and he recovered his calm: "Yes, but not, I am more powerful than you. Imagination."

Xiao Li: "Really?"

"What do you want to do?" Pluto asked.

Xiao Li was too close to the Underworld God, and when he was speaking, a ghost hand attacked him from behind. Although he was intercepted by Bloody Mary in the middle, the aftermath still left him with more wounds.

"...Killing the gods?" Xiao Li slowly wiped away the blood that overflowed from the corners of his lips. The bright red lining the corners of his lips, like red plums in the snow, was shocking. His words were very light, but they were transmitted to the gods clearly. In his ears, he first gave a guess, and then denied his words, "No, I want more."

"More?" Underworld, chewing the meaning of the human words in front of him, the next second, he laughed strangely, and more totems appeared on his face, exactly like the kind Fu Zige wrote on the mirror, with life. The ground rolled back and forth, and he said, "I'm afraid you won't have this chance."

As soon as the sound of the Netherworld fell, the tail of the sickle hit the ground and opened his mouth from the ground.

The picture is like countless bones buried at the bottom of this layer, now they are resurrecting, opening their mouths, swallowing the prey standing on them.

The most horrible thing is that there is a mouth inside these mouths. The fangs in this mouth are extremely long, carrying an invincible force, one by one, they bit the helpers standing on Xiao Li's side.

Tan Li was bitten on the back of her instep, and she was stabbed in the shoulder. She wanted to break free. Blood leaked from her shoulder, but she couldn't break free.

The ghoul was bitten by a hand, and it tried to break the hand directly, but more thorns grew from between the teeth, trapping it firmly, making it unable to move.

The same goes for Bloody Mary, Legs and other ghosts, even the pen fairy was bitten by the pen body and firmly nailed in place.

"Your helpers are here, do you want more?" Underworld looked at the scene in front of him in a cheerful mood, looked at Xiao Li, wanted to appreciate the other's helpless expression, "You underestimated the power of God, Sherlock."

But Xiao Li was not as flustered as he thought.

"It seems like this, but you missed one."

Xiao Li had a loose tone, and even turned his head towards the man's back with a bit of coquetry.

"What do you mean, boyfriend?"

Shen Mirage stood behind the Underworld God. His appearance was only seen by Xiao Li who was facing him. Even the Underworld God hadn't noticed. The young man held the Underworld God's black iron knife with one hand and prevented his movement.


Xiao Huang Ben: Didn’t you upgrade to a husband?

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