MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 264

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It has been a long time since Captain Stern seems to have refurbished the entire ship, the carpet has been replaced with a fluffy bright red, and there are a few more ornaments on the inside of the cabin, even his face carved on the steering wheel is extra. Crown painted on top.

Captain Sturt seemed to be in a good mood today, and greeted him with vigor: "The weather today is really good, I like this kind of weather."

Xiao Li: "..."

He raised the wine bottle next to him and responded perfunctorily, trying to plug the other side's mouth with the drink, but Sturt pouted and motioned to the other side: "I don't like to drink anymore. Give me the drink next to me. I want Drink orange juice."

Xiao Li followed his gaze and saw that there were many wine barrels on the floor on the other side. They were not wine, but various juices.

He picked a bucket of yellow juice and dripped it into Sturt’s mouth. Sturt slammed his mouth with satisfaction: “I heard someone say something happened in reality when I was traveling on the sea, and it happened to be boring, so I wanted to come. Look at you, where are you going? I will send you there as a reward for propagating fraud and beauty to you."

Even after so long, Captain Stewart still gritted his teeth when he mentioned Puse Udurogoy.

Xiao Li reported the coordinates of City S and by the way showed Captain Star with the mobile phone the route shown on the map of Gaode.

Captain Sturt let out a long whistling sound from his mouth: "Understand, hurry up, go ahead at full speed!"

As soon as his voice fell, the whole ship screamed and accelerated. There was no seat in the captain's room, and everyone stumbling into the wall.

Xiao Li just leaned forward. He wanted to grab the railing of the steering wheel, but he didn't grab it, and he almost hit the window for an intimate contact.

But Shen Mirage caught him in time to stabilize the opponent.

Shen Mirage: "Be careful."

The young man leaned against the wall, just stuck in a corner.

Xiao Li turned around in his arms, with a warm human body cushion behind him. No matter how the ghost ship moves, the mirage will not let him fall out. After a while, he suddenly said to the site: "You are invisible. The function?"

Captain Sturt proudly said: "Of course, you kid don’t know? Captain Sturt is omnipotent."

The ghost ship originally appeared in the sea. At this time, the hull changed color like a chameleon, as if it was in the ocean and could not be detected.

The big waves hit the window, and the ghost ship moved at high speed as the hull swayed up and down.

In a flash of time, Tang Huaqing’s ship appeared in the window, Biezhiste’s ghost ship, his ship was relatively stable, but the speed was not fast. After so long, he was actually driven by the ghost ship. on.

"The route is the same, he wants to go to S city?"

Wang Huai's face was not very good, and the bumps made him feel nauseous, but he lay on the window and kept looking forward.

"Is it an ally or an enemy?" Captain Stout asked loudly.

"Enemies, they are human traitors. I don't know how many people have been killed," Ye Zeqing said without hesitation. "What do you want to do?"

Captain Sturt: "There is no boat to drive ahead of me. It is an friendly army. I passed it. It is an enemy army. I will sink it!"

Before Xiao Li asked him how he was going to sink, the ghost ship had jumped out of the water like an off-string arrow, biting the ship's tail firmly!


The bow of the ghost ship slammed into the stern of Tang Huaqing.

Tang Huaqing in the cabin:? ? ?

He didn't understand what the situation was. The ship's monitoring equipment also showed that there was nothing behind it, but the impact was a real existence.

The ghost ship was still dissatisfied after hitting it once, and it slowed down again with an impulse of not hitting the south wall and not turning back, and fell behind, and then slammed Tang Huaqing's ship from the side and rear.

Tang Huaqing pressed a button on the console, and the side of the stern splint moved up to reveal a turret inside, but it could not monitor the ghost ship, so this shell was not launched for a long time.

After the ghost ship tried to topple it, the fort fired a cannonball fiercely, but Sturt itself merged with the ghost ship. It dodges the cannonball quite flexibly, and the cannonball hit the water. It took the opportunity to fiercely again. Hit.

"Damn, what's this stuff?!" Tang Huaqing couldn't stand still, and his whole person was thrown to the side of the ship. He grabbed his task book and was ready to abandon the ship and escape.

Captain Stewart once again withstood the stern of the ship, this time it overturned the ship halfway, the hull tilted, and a large amount of seawater poured into the deck.

Ye Zeqing exasperatedly yelled: "The captain is awesome!"

"Of course." Captain Sturt said.

Seeing that the ship was submerged into the sea, Captain Sturt re-controlled the ghost ship back into the course and sailed smoothly towards the destination.


S City Pier.

This is an ordinary port for import and export. It is the best route from Yun Province to S City. It is also full of people on weekdays, and it has been closed at this time.

The ghost ship disappeared, unable to be tracked, and arrived safely in the port.

It’s just that Xiao Li looked through the window of the ghost ship, but saw that the pier was full of people. Almost two steps away, one person was patrolling the sea. Everyone was wearing a black poncho, and then wearing a hood of the same color, just looking at the clothes. Knowing that they are not ordinary people in reality.

"The court, or the dementor?" Xiao Li asked Wang Huai.

Wang Huai: "..."

"Whether it is a court or not, I am sure I am not a dementor."

The ghost ship stopped sailing, it stayed far away on the sea.

Wang Huai and Gong Mingming and the others carefully observed the group of people. In the end, Gong Mingming said to the man with the national character face in the middle: "I am a bit familiar with that person. I have fought each other. He wanted to sacrifice a copy of the Samsara. Stopped by me, I am a believer in the Underworld."

"Is it the news from Tang Huaqing?" Wang Huai followed her thoughts and speculated, "Moriarty's ghost ship was exposed by the forum in the silent copy. He might have guessed this..."

"Can you go around?"

Esther replied: "According to the coordinates you gave to the destination, this port is the closest to the building. It takes a long detour from other ports. Even if I am fast enough, can you not go ashore?"

At this time, the sky has been cracked with cracks. Originally, humans could directly pass through the cracks, but now they can’t do it anymore. The cracks that have not been filled by chaotic fragments have gradually overlapped with reality, and it is sharp enough to cut and stretch. Its hands.

One after another, together with the gloomy sky and the inverted rain, everything is like the end of the day.

Time is the most precious thing.

Xiao Li didn't reply for a while.

He glanced back at Wang Huai's cell phone, and there was a message on it:

[I resolved two incidents, but someone still sacrificed, got a fragment, healed a crack, and was rushing to the next street. 】

[Someone is fleeing on the road. 】

[Is there anyone in Province L? We are short of manpower here. There is a big ghost in the east community. 】

[Did the crack mutate? 】

[Is it too late? 】

[Continue on, I can't do it to death, even if I die, I have to stand and die. 】


Xiao Li saw the bottom of the message, he withdrew his gaze and cut the line: "Go up first."

"How to get up?"

Xiao Li turned his head to face Steward and said, "Get to the shore."

Looking closer, they could clearly see the movements of the people on the shore. The head was a bald head. He was holding a telescope in his hand. Behind him was a bunch of people. They held flashlights and walked back and forth, leaving no container behind.

And above these people, there is also a black shadow hanging, with slender limbs and a 360-degree rotation of the head, as if they are also detecting.

Ye Zeqing kept his head down and pressed text messages on his mobile phone. After Xiao Li checked the approximate distribution of people on the shore, he first took out the Sintian manuscript and said to Sintian: "Your ability is to create the world of words. , If you write these people on the shore into your novel, can you influence them? It doesn’t need to be big, just a little bit."

Sintian: [I do not guarantee the effect, but I can try. 】

Xiao Li nodded, spread out the little yellow book again, wrote the soul of Atlantis, and borrowed a creature from it.

Xiao Huang's body light fluctuated, but nothing appeared in front of Xiao Li.

The invisible creature that was summoned cheered, and no matter what strategy or strategy, it rushed towards the black shadow in the air at first sight!

Sintian has already begun to write: [The current city of S is windy and rainy, just like the end of the world. Our story is being staged. At this time, the Southern Pier is full of people in black, their clothes being blown up by the wind and flying in the rain. 】

[But they did not expect one thing, one thing that is likely to happen in a heavy rain, that is, the soles of their feet are too slippery, they are likely to step on the hem of their poncho, slipping and falling to the ground. 】

At the moment when Sin Tian wrote this passage as a novel, the man in black closest to the shore stepped on the slippery poncho as he wrote, and fell into a horse. lie.

When other companions looked over with alert, the man who fell down pressed his hands on the ground: "It's okay, I fell."

Sintian tried his best to continue to write: [One slip and a second time. The rain was too heavy. When he got up, he fell again. This time someone helped him, and the result was that two people fell together. inverted. 】

As he said, the person who fell down could not get up, and the companions around him reached out to help, but they didn't expect to be taken down together.


"Damn! What's the matter?"

The fall here affected some people in black, but it was not widespread. This was the limit that Sin Tian could do.

After writing this passage, Sin Tian fell back into Xiao Li's hands without strength.

And among the men in black, the collision of this invisible creature also caused some trouble. The black shadow ghost raised by the judge screamed, and the invisible creature staggered, shaking its head indiscriminately, and angry. Caught everywhere, but always failed.

The head of the bald screamed, and immediately realized that someone was coming. There was an extra cross in his hand, and a circle of people surrounded him, trying to help the dark shadow ghost suppress the invisible creature.

Still not enough--

Xiao Li was about to find another helper, but there was a commotion on the other side of the dock leading to the mainland.

This time, a wave of people came in. Some people were holding umbrellas, and some people rushed into the rain and into the black-clothed crowd without any protective rain gear.

Many of these people are familiar faces. They are reincarnations who have partnered with Xiao Li. Xiao Li has recognized some faces at a glance, including Zhu Yiting, Yongchun, Guan Yu, Luo Dian...

"Brothers, go! Kill one is enough! A bunch of junk junk, I've long wanted to beat them!"

"Yes! Even if we go into the dungeon and become the plot characters in the future, we are worth it!"

There were a few impatient people who grabbed the black-clothed man and went up to the output. Some first took out the props they had accumulated and used it to trap the black-clothed man.

The entire pier was filled with various sounds for a time.

Ye Zeqing gave Xiao Li a push: "Hurry up."

Before Xiao Li went up, he couldn't help but smiled triumphantly at the other party with his mobile phone: "I called, I can help you a little bit."

On the phone screen, Ye Zeqing’s WeChat group showed a paragraph:

[Is anyone in S city who can come to the Southern Pier to help? Moriarty was caught by the **** of the referee, and he didn't have time to answer one by one. What he has to do will surely save us, so he can come quickly! 】

[Moriarty? No, I only know Sherlock. 】

[Grass, Moriarty = Sherlock, anyone else does not know? 】

[Come here, I bring a few brothers I know, I can't stop it without Chaos Shards, let's see if there is a way for Sherlock. 】

[This is coming. 】

[Ahhhhh, those who are not in S city will cheer you on from a long distance. Someone is calling for help in the building next to me. I will go there! 】

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.