MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 259

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The old TV in the room was playing outdated idol dramas, and the male protagonist held the female lead and refused to let it go, expressing affectionately about his thoughts.

Xiao Li sat cross-legged on the sofa, Shen Mirchi hugged him from behind.

The doll is hung on the withered spider plant in the room. The remote control is in Tan Li's hand. She changes channels from time to time, but they are all variety shows and TVs from five years ago. There is no latest hot product. drama.

Outside the window, there will be changes in light and shade of the sky, but the window cannot be opened, and the whole building is fixed at a point in time.

The dust flies in the light, like a group of moths that do not know the life or death.

Xiao Li was actually a little sleepy, and the collision speed of his upper and lower eyelids increased significantly. Shen Mirchi lowered his head and pulled his hair away, and kissed his eyelids: "Go to bed?"

Xiao Li shook his head. He grabbed the last trace of clarity in his mind, holding his arm and changed his posture, leaving the embrace of the young man behind him, and gradually waking up.

The neighbor next door has been quiet for a long time, but Xiao Li always feels that something is about to happen. This is an intuition that has been exercised during the copy time all year round.

At about twelve o'clock in the clock hand, a sudden change occurred.

There was a drag of heavy objects from next door.

The sound was still in my ears, as if the wall blocking them was not made of cement, but just a piece of thin paper, which could not provide any sound insulation.

Xiao Li was even able to make up for the person next door. It could be a man or a woman who was dragging something forward, the location was close to the door, and later...

Later, the dragging sound stopped abruptly, replaced by the sound of chopping things.

Dull, time after time.

Occasionally, the sharp weapon used to chop something will get stuck, but the next second, the sound will be louder, as if the person who chopped the thing increased his strength.

The people next door chopped it for a long time.

If it is a piece of meat, it should have been chopped into minced meat.

It stands to reason that the sound of this chop is so loud that the baby next door should be awakened, but at this time Wan Lai is completely silent, there is only this sound of chopping, no baby crying.

Is it dead or fainted?

If this is the memory of an unnamed female corpse, then she was the one who was killed, and her husband was the one who chopped things?

So what kind of role did their "neighbors" play, listening to such voices coming from the next door every night...

Xiao Li listened quietly for two minutes, then suddenly turned his head to look at the door, he opened the door, and Wang Huai and others stood at the door.

Due to the poor sound insulation, they all made no sound tacitly. Wang Huai followed Xiao Li's eyes and looked at it, picked up his mobile phone and typed, and handed it to the other person: [The sound insulation is too bad, all of us live upstairs, listening Be clear. 】

Xiao Li looked at the words on Wang Huai's phone and did not respond. After a three-second pause, he walked directly to the door next door and knocked on it: "Is anyone there?"

His movements were too sudden, especially in this quiet, magnifying night, Gong Mingming didn't have many partners and was taken aback.

At the same time the knock on the door sounded, the chopping sound in the next room stopped.

It brings an intangible sense of deterrence, and people can't help but think of the pictures inside:

A person holding a kitchen knife, heard the knock on the door, raised the kitchen knife in the air, and turned his head slowly...

"Is there anyone?" Xiao Li knocked again when no one answered at the door.

This time there was finally movement inside.

The door was opened, and a long-haired woman hid timidly behind the door. Straw-like hair covered most of her face, leaving only a pair of dim eyes: "What, what?"

The door was not wide open, and it was covered by the woman, and everyone could not see the specific situation in the room.

"It's no big deal, the soundproofing here is too bad, I just heard your house chop things?" Xiao Li asked directly.

The woman looked back at the room, then turned her head and admitted with a grin: "Yes, I'm chopping things, I'm a little hungry, and I'm going to make fried crispy pork."

"Fried." Xiao Li said while observing her expression, and found that the woman's eyebrows were cheerful. When she was talking, there were indeed a few red scalds splashed on by hot oil in the place covered by her hair when she was moving. She didn't feel the slightest pain, "Where is your husband? I like to eat this too?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, and then the joyful color under her eyes became stronger, and she said meaningfully, "Yes, he likes it, he likes it the most."

"I'm also a little hungry, go in and eat together? It's also good to have a chat."

"It's not very convenient. I'll ask you to eat tomorrow." The woman said, "Even if you don't tell me, I will come and invite you tomorrow night. This kind of meat must be marinated to get rid of the bones. It smells, um, it's delicious."

She repeated "It's delicious" several times, and a kind of madness spread in her cloudy eyes, and she ignored Xiao Li in front of her, and turned around to close the door.

When the woman turned around, Xiao Li stopped her: "What is your name?"

The woman did not answer, she closed the door heavily.

The sound of chopping meat sounded again, and it lasted for a long time.

When everyone returned to Xiao Li's room, Ye Zeqing was the first to speak. He deliberately lowered his voice and said as gently as possible: "She is a ghost, very strong, and resentful."

Gong Mingming analyzed according to his words: "If she was the unnamed female corpse of the Sun family, what kind of form did she look like during the day? I thought we had entered the memory of her before she was killed, but it was obvious just now. She is dividing the corpse to build a forest."

"Fu Jianlin domestically abused her during the day, but at night, she killed Fu Jianlin, just like her meat can turn an adult into a baby, and then into old age. These are two states." Wang Huai took out a piece of paper and drew a picture. Building, cut them into two sections with a line, "But what is the connection between day and night? This is the focus we need to solve."

Xiao Li looked at the wall and tapped her knuckles suddenly: "The people in the funeral home described the female body as having burns on her face. I just noticed that she had a few oil scars on her face, but not many."

"According to her statement, tomorrow night she will hold the fried meat to invite neighbors to taste, then starting tomorrow night, she will start the killing."

"From this perspective, will the oil scars on her face gradually increase tomorrow night, until one night, the oil scars completely cover her face, which means that she has completely returned to a corpse state."

"If this is the case, then the world here must also have corresponding rules. As long as this rule is solved, you can get out of here."

Wang Huai murmured: "Domestic violence, if this is a real case, the neighbors we played should be bystanders at the time."

"Could the nameless corpse not be a female corpse at all, but a male corpse? It's just that we were misled by the funeral parlor's words?" Ye Zeqing suddenly raised an opinion.

"This possibility is not ruled out. After all, we have not seen the sexual characteristics of the corpse with our own eyes." Xiao Li put this possibility into speculation, "If this is the case..."

"We need to make a test—"

When he said this, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Everyone's discussion suddenly stopped, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Ye Zeqing was ready to take out the props at any time.

Xiao Li opened the door and found that it was the woman who knocked on the door. She held her head up, smiled strangely at Xiao Li, and asked shyly, "Is there any oil? I ran out of oil at home, lend me some Right?"

Xiao Li didn't speak, he motioned to Ye Zeqing with his eyes. He went to the kitchen to take a look and brought out a bucket of oil: "There is a bottle of Arowana blended oil."

"Just lend me this." The woman took the bottle of oil and squeezed it in her hand. "Thank you. Tomorrow night, I will invite you to eat meat."

She walked briskly back to her room and continued to chop the meat.


During the day the next day.

The meat chopping sound continued until four o'clock in the morning before it stopped.

In the early morning, everyone was awake, and took a piece of bread from the refrigerator to fill their stomachs. It was almost the time they had just finished eating. It was just getting dark, and there was movement in the neighbor's house next door.

This night, during the day, there was no time to stop for a while.

This time it was no longer the sound of chopping meat, but the man yelled angrily: "What's the matter, I don't get Lao Tzu to get up. At night, I touch you like a dead body, pitted, and I think you are a big man!"

"Stop breakfast, I'll go to work!"

He slammed the door cursingly and left the house.

Ye Lingshi followed him, looking from a distance across the stairs, and found that when he was about to walk out of the door under the building, his whole person suddenly disappeared.

It's not the kind of leaving by pushing the door out, but disappearing like melting.


When Fu Jianlin came back again, it was noon.

Just like when he went, he suddenly appeared at the bottom of the building and walked upstairs. When he reached his own floor, he kicked the door with his foot before he opened the door: "Will you open the door for me? !"

There was a baby crying through the door, perhaps to coax the child. This time the woman opened the door a little bit late. Fu Jianlin grabbed her hair and clawed at the door Panshan and cursed: "What is it? Wife, look at you again. You are so ugly and not virtuous. I am really blind to marry you!"

The baby in the house was still crying. Fu Jianlin shouted in angrily: "Why cry? You cheap son, too. Lao Tzu really suspects that he is not Lao Tzu's seed!"

"No, that's not the case, don't talk nonsense..." The woman was caught by her hair and wept sadly.

Suddenly, all kinds of sounds mixed together, as if amplified by the microphone, wrapped around everyone's ears.

In a room separated by a door.

"Will you go?" Ye Zeqing asked cautiously.

According to common sense, the first reaction of a normal person is to stop the man's domestic violence when encountering such a thing, but because of the existence of the female body last night, everyone hesitated and did not dare to intervene without authorization.

Xiao Li: "Go and try him."

With Xiao Li's words, Ye Zeqing was relieved.

"Stop it, are you a man just thinking about beating your wife?"

He grew tall and broke straight out of the room. As soon as he grasped the man's hand, he wanted to stop him--

But what he didn't expect was that the next second, the man threw him to the ground with a wave of his hand, frowning in pain.

"What are you doing?" Fu Jianlin asked inexplicably. He turned to face the woman, pushed her down on the door harder and asked, "Will you have a leg with him? Look at your face, this whole body scar, this leg , There are men who want you?!"

Ye Lingshi helped Ye Zeqing up from the ground. Wang Huai had to be a head taller than Fu Jianlin. He also exercised regularly. He took the man's arm and wanted him to stop, but it was useless.

Even if a gleam of golden light appeared on Wang Huai's body, the golden light was about to approach Fu Jianlin, but disappeared when he touched him.

Wang Huai staggered when he was pushed and grabbed the stair pole to avoid falling.

"A bunch of crazy! I taught my wife to take care of you?!" Fu Jianlin cursed and spat aside, grabbed the woman and walked into the room, closing the door suddenly.

Wang Huai frowned and turned back: "Fu Jianlin may not be an ordinary person. When I came into contact with him, he was extremely powerful, far beyond an ordinary man, and my props were useless to him."

"Damn, he is like a boxer, he slapped me away with a slap." Ye Zeqing kept stroking his arm, "Is this a person? With such brute force, he won't go out to win glory for the country?"

Luo Shan said: "Fu Jianlin is a ghost?"

Ye Zeqing: "He has a ghostly look on him, but he is not as strong as the female corpse of last night, very light."

"Then... Is the body of the Sun family Fu Jianlin or his wife? How could he be so strong?"

"In addition to Fu Jianlin being a ghost, there is another possibility. Because we are in the memory of the female corpse, he is invincible." Xiao Li threw a bottle of red potion to him, "It's not that he is strong, but here, he is strong, yes. The female corpse thinks he is strong."

"But if this is the case, I have a bold idea..."


Fu Jianlin ate at home, picking his teeth with a toothpick, watching the woman in front of him bustling around.

He was quite satisfied with the food today, so he didn't abuse his wife too much.

The baby in his ear was still crying. Fu Jianlin took a moment to take a look and found that the child was so suffocated that his face was purple. He said impatiently: "Look at your son quickly, crying and crying, I'm so annoyed."

The woman had to stop tidying up the table and went into the house to coax the child.

The baby was comforted, and the crying gradually weakened.

It's really annoying.

Fu Jianlin scolded in his heart. He didn't want to enter the house for a short time, so he simply sat in the living room, knocked on Erlang's leg, hummed a song, and hit the edge of the table with his chopsticks.

At this moment, a voice came from the door.

It belongs to a woman, delicate and sweet like honey: "Hello, I have something rolled into your door, can you help me pick it up?"

Fu Jianlin immediately walked to the door wearing big slippers and found a small folded note in the crack of the door.

It's just that this piece of paper is not a ball, how could it roll in? I'm afraid it was stuffed in specially?

Fu Jianlin was very interested in the women outside. He opened the door with interest, bent down to pick up the small piece of paper in the crack of the door, and in his own posture, he looked outside the door——

The lights in the corridor were not on, and it was cloudy outside, but it was obviously dark in the afternoon, but it was as dim as the night.

The first thing that caught Fu Jianlin's eyes was a pair of beautiful legs.

The owner of the beautiful legs wore a pair of blood-red high heels, with delicate skin, moderate fat and thin.

Fu Jianlin swallowed. He clenched the note in his hand and looked up along the beautiful legs. When he reached his knees, he found that the owner of the beautiful legs had an excellent thigh proportion without any fat. He had begun to imagine how the owner of these legs should be. beautiful.

For example, if you can touch it, it will be fine.

He continued up, up again, and then...


When Fu Jianlin straightened up, he didn't see any upper body that a human should have, but only these legs.

Is... Is it a model? ! Prank, revenge?

Fu Jianlin stepped back firmly, a sense of fear arose in his heart, but he still found excuses for everything he saw before him.

However, what happened next broke his mind--

The legs moved.

It stepped straight on Fu Jianlin's foot, then made a high leg, kicked hard between the man's crotch with its high heels, and then ran down the stairs like a happy kick.

Fu Jianlin:? ? ! !

It hurts...

Damn, haunted, haunted!


Legs: Make you want to touch me (I kick)

Turned around and started to contribute: @说给莫里蒂Bot, Moriarty is not a human being, he asked me to betray my hue, don’t take my skin!

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.

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