MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 257

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In the rooms in the underground corridor of Sun's house, Xiao Li finally failed to find a crack nearby.

Perhaps the naked eye could not capture such a dimensional crack at all, perhaps because the source of the Sun's abnormality was not here.

Sun Qilin was tightly bound by Wang Huai's rope, unable to scream out, and unable to struggle, Wang Huai went to the side to contact other people frantically.

Xiao Li walked out of the basement. He stood at the door of the room, watching the raindrops on the eaves fall straight down, blending into the rain, no longer distinguishing each other.

Shen Mirage stood beside him: "What are you thinking about?"

"Many things." Xiao Li said a long time later. He slowly reached out to catch another drop of rain falling from the eaves. The raindrops broke apart and hit his shoes. "But everything is almost over."

Whether it is good or bad, reality will usher in its end.

Shen Mirage leaned against the door frame: "But we will not end."

There was a rush of footsteps behind him, Xiao Li turned his head, Luo Shan was walking in a hurry, Wang Huai was with them, and the two brothers Gong Mingming and Ye family stayed below to "take care" of Sun Qilin.

When facing Shen Mirzhi's eyes that looked like hunters, Luoshan shrank subconsciously, but soon she adjusted her emotions and said to Xiao Li: "The police will come soon, when they come. Let’s leave here first."

Once involved, they will inevitably face a long process of obtaining evidence, and time is what they lack most now.

"go back?"

"No, go to a funeral home here first." Wang Huai said while typing something on his mobile phone. "That is the largest and only funeral home in the neighborhood. Let's ask. Maybe there will be clues about the corpse. "

After Xiao Li said the "crack", Wang Huai seemed to understand something. He no longer wanted to go to the mountain anxiously, but chose to solve the curse of flesh on his body first.


The funeral home he said is located in the outer suburbs, at the bottom of the mountain between the sea and the sea. Standing at the door, you can directly see the sea.

In normal times, it should be a sea-view room with a good view, but now because of this continuous heavy rain, it is in danger of being buried by a landslide.

At the entrance of the funeral home, a huge sign hung: Blue Sky Funeral Home.

The door was closed.

The dark door became more and more ominous under the washing of rain.

Wang Huai knocked on the door familiarly: "Anyone? Come to consult business!"

Although his voice was loud, it could not pass into the room at all due to the obstruction of the rain and the entrance of the funeral home.

Xiao Li fumbled for the microphone. As soon as he let go, Fu Zige didn't need him to speak to understand the current situation. It cleared its throat, and hummed happily with a voice close to the high-pitched voice: "Is anyone here? Up!"

"——Anyone, here is a guest!"

"Open the door quickly, open the door, open the door."

The sound effects of the KTV ghost made its sound completely penetrate the door, shattering the raindrops around it, and the volume was amazing.

Soon, a young man opened the door from inside: "Fuck, who, come to us at this time?"

He was a young man, tall and strong, with an inch, and he was full of yang at first glance.

There was a bit of nervousness on the young man's face, but he breathed a sigh of relief after seeing such a group of living people: "What are you doing, today we are resting and not open to the public."

"What are you nervous about?" Gong Mingming noticed his look and asked.

"Can you not be nervous? Your voice, the guests are here, do you know that the guests of our funeral home are basically dead people?" The young man spoke very straight and his voice was also loud, and he blurted out these words directly. Feeling wrong, he sneered and said, "I didn't say what you meant, you know, the current rain, plus the recent reports that the whole world is haunted, I am afraid."

"Then you still stay here? Not going home?"

"Hurt, I am not a foreigner who comes here to work, do you live in a dormitory? The rain is heavy, the tickets are expensive, many transportations are stopped, and renting a house is also expensive. I have to save money to marry a wife. The boss let me live here. Now, when I work overtime, I’ll be charged three times the salary.” The young man also rarely meets alive people. After opening the chatterbox, he goes out one by one, “But what are you doing here? Make an appointment for the ashes?”

"We're here to investigate some things." Gong Mingming took out a bank card from his pocket, "It's a bit hard work, don't worry, just ask a few questions, no one knows."

Young man: "...what's the problem? I'll tell you, I won't do anything that violates discipline."

"Don't worry, I just want to ask, do you often receive some, um, unclaimed corpses and give them to the family in the city?"

As soon as Gong Mingming mentioned the "Sun family", the young man's expression changed on the spot: "I don't know, we don't do this kind of thing, I don't know."

"We are not the enemy of the Sun family, we are his counterparts." Gong Mingming said, opening his palm to a five. "This card has this number, and the code is also this number. We also want to book some of these guests. 'To understand, you only need to answer a few questions, and we will not betray you."

The young man fell into a fierce thought struggle. The Sun family was terrible, but this figure was enough for him to work here for two years. In the end, he glanced at the turned off surveillance system and took the bank card from Gong Mingming's hand. , Gritted his teeth and said: "Come in with me."

He walked ahead, leading the reincarnations into the main hall of the funeral home.

The background color is intertwined with black and white tones, and the wooden chairs are separated by white flower beds. I don't know if it is the illusion of Xiao Li, the air seems to be floating with the smell of soot.

"Sit down," the young man said, "ask, hurry up, and leave after asking."

Wang Huai doesn't care about his attitude, he just needs to make sure that the other party is telling the truth: "What are the corpses that the Sun family bought from you recently? I want to know their origins."

"I think about it." After receiving the money, the young man didn't ask questions. For fear of getting into trouble, he lit a cigarette and held it to his mouth, recalling in the floating clouds, "There are actually a lot of dead bodies recently, but There are only two of the Sun family’s eyes. One was killed in a car accident, and the other was..."

As he was talking, he shuddered and then took a puff of smoke before he said: "One was burned to death."

"Burned to death? Then why are you so scared?"

"Can you not be afraid? Sister, let me tell you the truth. Since I started my career, there are not thousands or hundreds of burned corpses, but this corpse is rare and weird. Because it won’t burn!"

Luo Shan: "Can't burn it?"

"Yes, it can't be burned."

The young man's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly.

"It's source is also very strange. I don't know its origin. It was discovered by a nearby resident at the entrance of the vegetable market. No identity was found. There was no identity document on his body, no clothes, and his face was burnt, just like it was alive. I smashed my face into the frying pan, and my body was covered with scars.” Mentioned this, the young man smoked faster. “After investigating for a few days, nothing was found. The body was going to rot, so he sent us. Here, I plan to burn it first."

"But I still remember that day, I pushed it in, turned off the stove, and waited outside for it to burn out, but as time passed, there was a crashing sound from the stove."

"The sound is like this nameless corpse is not dead, calling for help inside, smashing the incinerator continuously."

"I was shocked, and quickly stopped the fire and pulled it out, only to find that it was lying well, and there was no trace of burning on its body, but at this moment, a kind of meaty smell came out suddenly."

"I tried several times that day, but I couldn't burn it successfully. I didn't even pour the oil. I put this sound in and the body was unscathed. Then the boss was scared and asked me to quickly dispose of it and don't stop here. When the Sun family heard about this, they demanded the corpse."

"Is it a male or a female? Where did you find it?" Gong Mingming asked.

She didn't sound scared. The young man looked at her a few more times in surprise, but found that the group of people seemed calm. He spit out a smoke ring: "Female, at the door of the Nanmen vegetable market, the first stall was set up at dawn. People found out."

When Gong Mingming asked, Ye Zeqing seemed to be fidgeting a little. He kept looking back, until finally he couldn't help poking Xiao Li.

Xiao Li: "Are you urgency?"

Ye Zeqing: "...why am I calling for you in a hurry?"

Xiao Li: "Are you afraid, go to the bathroom with me?"

"No, don't use your thinking to lead me over. I'm not a primary school student. I'm still looking for someone to go to the bathroom." Ye Zeqing defended himself dissatisfiedly. He turned his head and glanced at the door on the left. , "I feel a ghost."

"A very heavy, very powerful ghost, just appeared."

Ye Zeqing said solemnly.

Gong Mingming over there was still asking the funeral home lads for details, Xiao Li suddenly interrupted them: "I'm sorry to ask, what's the place over there?"

He pointed to the direction Ye Zeqing had just said.

"Over there, the morgue, also called the morgue, where the corpses are placed." The young man replied.

Xiao Li offered a relentless invitation: "Can I go and have a look?"

"What are you doing over there? Now there are no dead bodies there, either burned or taken away." The young man asked suspiciously.

"This is better. I'm just curious and want to see it." Xiao Li said calmly.

The young man didn't want to agree, but Gong Mingming saw it and added money very well. The young man stuffed a few hundred cash into his pocket and stood up: "Okay, come with me."


The morgue in the funeral home is a bit like the underground corridor of Sun's house.

But it is a bit rougher than that. Here is a human-shaped trolley arranged in order. Each one is separated by white gauze. When the door is opened, the gauze is flying. This scene is extraordinarily permeating, as if it has strayed into the underworld. .

There were no people on the first few rows of carts, only empty partitions. The background of the partitions was snow white, but now they are more or less stained with some stains, which are the marks left on the back of the corpse.

Xiao Li walked in front, and Ye Zeqing stood on his left, feeling vigorously: "Still still inside, a little more inside."

When he reached the fourth row, Xiao Li stopped because a person appeared in front of the wheelbarrow.

Or, a corpse.

It covered its head with a white cloth, and once covered it to the bottom, the body had obvious depressions, the yellow-black liquid stuck to the white cloth on the face, and the whole person was motionless.


This is Roshan who saw the corpse and took a breath.

But the funeral parlour boy who followed up with mumbled mumbles was not so calm anymore. When he saw it, he took a big step back. The whole person ran into the cart behind him, but he had no time to care: "It, how does it get back? Here?! This isn’t it, isn’t this for the Sun family?! I’m grass!

"Also, this, this smells so good...Ah!"

He was shocked, but he didn't notice that a strand of hair wound around the back of his neck. The next blow knocked him out.

The hair that belonged to the doll easily entangled the young man, so that he would not fall to the ground, but sat on the edge of a small cart.

Facing the gaze of people around him, Xiao Li said, "Avoid trouble."

After thinking about it, he added: "He won't have an accident until we solve this."

"This is also very good, clean and neat." Wang Huai first agreed. He really likes Sherlock's style of behavior. He is never procrastinated. He is absolutely at ease with such a person as a teammate. "But according to what he said, this The corpse has been given to the Sun family, why is it here again?"

Xiao Li didn't answer him, he looked back and forth along the edge of the corpse.

There was a wind blowing through the hall, as if to blow the white cloth covering the corpse, Xiao Li's fingers were eager to try, but out of a certain mentality, he did not directly lift it, but continued to observe, and finally he half squatted down: "Maybe it is it. Take the initiative to come back here."

Ye Lingshi: "What do you do when you come back?"

"...Delivering a letter." Xiao Li reached out and took out a note from the clenched corpse of the nameless corpse, and said in a funny way, "it looks like it's eyeing us."

He unfolded and saw that there was only one sentence on this slip of paper stained with oil and water:

[Hurry up and eat my meat, why don't you eat my meat? You will die, you will die, you will die to death——]

Xiao Li read it out in a choppy tone. Before he could see other people's responses, he suddenly felt that the sky was spinning around his head. When he resumed his normal feelings again, he found that he had arrived in a residential building.

He stood outside a house, staring at a green security door.

This is... the domain shift belonging to the nameless corpse? Just like at Sintian’s house at that time, Sintian sealed off that floor, so what about the other people, would they be here?

The boy stood at the door for a while, a hand stretched out in front of him, holding a key in his hand, and opened the door for him.

Xiao Li turned his head abruptly and found that Shen Mirage was behind him.

Shen Mirage bent his eyes at him, like a husband who had just returned to see his wife without the key: "Why don't you go in?"

At this moment, a man walked up from the stairs. He lived next to Xiao Li's house and was about to take out the key. He suddenly looked back at Xiao Li, "I said, who are you two? Isn't it another family that lived here? ?"

As soon as Xiao Li's casually made up excuses came to his lips, he heard Shen Mirchi above his head say in a happy and gentle tone: "We are a newly moved couple, and I am his husband."

Shen Mirage was originally the one who didn't like to talk to others the least, but now he is very active at this time, and can't wait to tell the world about their relationship.

Xiao Li: "..."

Has this been upgraded from boyfriend to husband without authorization?

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.

Read The Duke's Passion