MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 255

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Sun Qilin was quite displeased, but he didn't say anything on the surface, but looked back at Sherlock dissatisfiedly, avoiding the topic.

Maybe because he was afraid that the others would see something, Sun Qilin chose to turn his back to everyone. He closed his eyes and a sad look appeared on his face, as if he was reminiscing about the scene at the time: "What did our Sun family start? Brother Wang, you should know best."

"Shoot the corpse." Wang Huai's voice was as usual.

"Yes, others ask us. We use our own methods to drive the corpse back home, or to a location designated by other guests. Our grandchildren have to practice this since they were young. Therefore, the rooms are often divided into internal and external rooms. Extreme parents will let the corpse sleep outside. In order to cultivate a sense of corpse," Sun Qilin recalled his childhood and took a deep breath. "Since stepping into modern society, corpses have been strictly controlled, and the corpse chasing line has gradually declined. Grandpa and father have been looking for new things. Some days ago, after the reincarnation dungeon was opened, the clansmen who successfully entered the world brought back a corpse refining method from it, which stated that the corpse can be refined into a creature close to ghosts and stronger than ordinary ghosts. Grandpa plunged into a dead end."

"According to the method of refining the corpse written in the book, it is necessary to feed the corpse with raw meat, so Grandpa tried a way to get the meat, and everything started from this time.

"At first it was animal meat, but the carcass refined from animal meat will retain the wild nature of the animal before it was alive, so my second uncle put forward an idea-if human meat is used, then the carcass will also be more spiritual , Even IQ?"

Sun Qilin was very straightforward, and it was a good thing from the standpoint of everyone, but at the same time it also heralded a certain change.

After all... this is the real world, not a copy.

Sun Qilin walked forward again, pressing his palm against the cold wall:

"At first, Grandpa strongly disagreed. This was a bottom line issue. But later, he didn't know where to get a corpse back." Even if the sub-zero temperature had made Sun Qilin's palm hard, he still did not take it off. In order to fight against his gluttony when he mentioned "this corpse", he even had to stop talking because his mouth was full of saliva.

Xiao Li: "What kind of corpse is that?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it. All I saw was it covered with a white cloth. I don't know how to describe it. It looks...very, terrible. I didn't lift the white cloth to see it." Sun Qilin It took a long time to answer.

"Later, Grandpa agreed to the second uncle's proposal. They dug up the flesh of the corpse and fed those corpses that had been bought at a high price."

Xiao Li heard this and asked, "Where did you buy the corpse?"

"In many places, hospitals, medical schools, crematoriums, funeral homes, there are many unclaimed corpses." Sun Qilin said, "Then...these meat, something went wrong."

"They are getting more and more fragrant, and they smell so fragrant. The craftsmanship of any five-star hotel chef can't match the smell they exude."

"Grandpa realized that there must be a problem. He immediately stopped and frozen the remaining meat with the formation handed down from his ancestors, but besides the corpses that had been fed, some people were attracted by the smell and ate the meat. Some people didn’t eat it and just hid it in a bowl, but the meat will eventually disappear."

"These living people who ate meat were all sent to the hospital for gastric lavage, but it was useless after they came back. They have undergone irreversible changes and they are shrinking."

"From an adult, slowly shrinking, and finally becoming a baby completely, even in the process of shrinking, they will make a baby cry when they can't detect it. They can't hear it with their flesh ears, only Only through some special equipment."

"After becoming babies, they will grow up again, and they will come to a heyday. In the heyday, they can have abilities comparable to ghosts."

Xiao Li tried to speculate: "But this heyday is very short, quite short, and later, they will contract strange diseases, beyond their own age, become elderly people with coughing ceaselessly, and then die?"

"...You guessed it right." Sun Qilin wasn't very pleased with Xiao Li's rush, but he did not refute, but tacitly agreed with this statement, "My father advocated destroying the corpse, but the second uncle firmly disagreed. He thought That is the hope of rising. As long as you find a way to solve the problem of excessive body function, you can control the power of ghosts."

Xiao Li understands that the second uncle of the Sun family must fail.

Dr. J said when he was seeing a sick ghost that it was parasitism, reincarnation, and essentially parasitism of the owner of the flesh in other bodies. Then unless this parasitism can be cut off, the second uncle Sun’s Meaningless.

"You have a good memory at this time." He nodded and asked an irrelevant question, "Then you are now in the heyday after eating meat?"

Sun Qilin repeated angrily: "...Tell you, I didn't eat meat!"

Xiao Li didn't bother with this question either. He walked forward, directly past Sun Qilin, and approached the door at the end of the corridor: "Then you tried your best to explode yourself. Why did you bring us here?"

A trace of triumphant triumph appeared on Sun Qilin's face. He crossed Xiao Li and did not hide himself. He took out a key from his trouser pocket, opened the lock on the door, and pushed the door heavily inside. Push--

"Because my experiment was successful, Sherlock, I hope you will be my stepping stone and be its first victim."

He said happily.

Now his face is no longer the polite and shy when he saw it for the first time, but the opposite of publicity and madness.


Xiao Li glanced at him more, and when Sun Qilin thought he would yell at him, he suddenly said: "Then you don't need to tell such a lie next time, tell the truth, I will come."

Sun Qilin:? ? ?

Is there something wrong with this reaction? !


Inside this door is like another world.

Its layout is more like a delivery room for newborn babies in a hospital. Inside the small glass incubator are the corpses of babies, densely arranged, and the bulbs above their heads are shining palely.

The only difference is that the ordinary incubator keeps the temperature of the human body, but the incubator here keeps the temperature below zero. Every baby is frozen and has no breathing.

Xiao Li frowned: "...These are babies in reversal?"

Sun Qilin has recovered from the pain of being choked just now. He walked slowly to these babies, opened one of the incubators closest to him, picked up one of them, and stared deeply at him tightly closed. Eyes: "Yeah, do you know? I remember him, he is my good friend."

"I still remember that day, I actually brought him to my home to do online homework together, but when I was called out by my father, he smelled the smell of meat I was hiding in the refrigerator and couldn't help but be seduced. Stole my meat."

"I found out, so I made an excuse to leave him at my house overnight, and the next day, he became like this. In the process of change, he asked me to save him, so I had an idea—Second Uncle thought The road is too long and too difficult, and my idea is simpler and easier to implement!"

"Baby's grievances are the deepest and purest. Of course, it is also the easiest to be guided. Ye Zeqing and Ye Lingshi, you two know this very well, right?" Sun Qilin teased her arms like a child because of the low temperature. The dead baby.

Ye Ling looked calmly and said nothing.

"No, the Ye family is so famous, don't you know?" Sun Qilin deliberately ran on, he held up the baby in his hand and turned around in a circle, "So, if you want to get the power in these people , I just need to freeze their time in their infancy, at how old they are, unable to resist, and this power is sealed in the body."

"I stole some babies, and even deliberately brought in a few homeless people, coaxed them to eat that piece of meat, and put them here together. I want to fuse them into a ghost baby that has never existed before!"

"In order to achieve this goal, I even have to contact the people in the court to obtain a formation from them that can increase the success rate."

"As long as seven days, seven days have passed, let them cultivate a tacit understanding, and today is the seventh day."

Sun Qilin laughed wildly, saying that it was too late and that time, he had already drawn a small knife from his sleeve as if he was ready, cut his wrist, and then the blood dripped on the ground behind the incubator!

Just the next second after the blood was dripped, something seemed to be waking up in the whole room, the overhead lights began to flicker, the temperature of the ground became uncontrollable, and an invisible wind blew in.

The babies who were kept in the incubator opened their eyes.

They didn't cry or laugh. They climbed up like they were controlled by some force, and quickly climbed out of the incubator.

They climbed down from the table and merged together.

Ye Lingshi screamed: "Go!"

Without looking back, he threw a talisman paper behind him. It was the preparation he made immediately after he noticed something was wrong. These yellow talisman papers were flying in the air, and the young man murmured to himself: "Set!"

Suddenly, a violent wind raged, and the storm blew behind him, blowing the incubators to the ground.

The props in Gong Mingming's hand disappeared in a flash, and there was a harp behind him.

Xiao Li glanced sideways, Gong Mingming waved his hand, plucking the strings, and the harp's special melody rippled with sleepy power.

"Go out first!" Wang Huai said.

They ran to the door quickly, but there was a loud noise behind them, and the loud baby crying overwhelmed the harp's requiem: "Wow-wow!!"

The sound was like a magic sound, like a thousand children crying hoarse in their ears, almost piercing everyone's eardrums alive.

A huge monster stood up beside Sun Qilin.

It was an enlarged version of a baby, about the same height as Sun Qilin. Unlike ordinary people, he had dozens of legs like a centipede, a huge head and a bloated body. He was crying at this time.

Sun Qilin pointed forward happily: "Kill them!"

The baby instinctively looked down where he was pointing, he grinned, kicked with both legs on the ground, the whole body rose in the air and flew forward!

Just as Wang Huai was doing something, he was stopped by Xiao Li in front of him.

He wrote a word in a small yellow book.

When the ghost infant who flew towards them just jumped to the door, suddenly his whole body was lifted up by something, preventing him from continuing to move forward——

Gui Ying bowed his head quite blankly, and between his legs, there were two more heads.

And he was sitting on a wide back, which was sticky and covered with strange patterns, and under his back were four hands.

Gui Ying tilted his head: "Wow-ah?"

Even more perplexed than the ghost infant is the ghoul who was called.

Ghoul:? ? ?

The Ghoulback looked at the ghost baby on his back with one head, while the other looked at the Hercules in front of him, and barked his teeth angrily.

The first time Hercules called it, let it hang the ghost on its back, the second time Hercules called it, let it carry the baby.

Does it look like a coolie or is it awkward?

What's more, the Hercules on the opposite side didn't feel ashamed of it. He even signaled the ghoul to play with the baby up and down, and then pointed to the four hands of the ghoul and said: "Look, this is Your father."

Ghoul: "..."

Why are you still slandering ghosts, you are his father! ! !

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