MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 242

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Once you have the beginning, everything that follows becomes logical.

Xiao Li crouched on the edge of the cat climbing frame, reaching out to tease the little white milk cat.

The white milk cat raised her chin high, purring of joy from her throat, her eyes narrowed.

Near it, the little black cat lay quietly on the sofa, with his eyes open, watching the scene in front of him, his tail flicking incessantly behind his back, both ears turned back, and parked as an airport.

Xiao Li turned his head to think about a bowl of water and drew a handful of the little black cat. Although the little black cat didn't jump away, he kept an unhappy look in the process of being touched.

Ever since that night, Shen Mirage coaxed Xiao Li to move to his home and couldn't live with him. He simply moved with people and cats on the grounds that "little white cats like Xiao Li".

The little black cat exploded its fur at that time. Its domain awareness is extremely strong. Even a few weeks have passed, it still ignores the white milk cat, and occasionally is a little hostile.

Xiao Li tried to appease him, and opened another canned cat.

The little black cat originally wanted to hold on to the cold war for a while, but the canned food was too fragrant. Its pink nose was sniffed twice, but he still couldn't help it, licked his mouth, and started eating canned food when he got up.

Xiao Li simply sat on the carpet, stretched out his hand to touch its black satin-like fluff, and suddenly remembered the cat when he was in the ghost ship.

Think about it carefully, Xiao Huangben, or Shen Mirage, really looks like a big cat like this, but it's more clingy.

He was reminiscing about the Shen Mirage version of the cat when the key turning "click" sounded from the door.

Apart from Xiao Li himself, the only person who could open this door was Shen Mirage.

He didn't lift his head. In the third second after the door was closed, a slightly cool hand grabbed his wrist, and put Xiao Li in his arms from behind, and a kiss fell on the boy's side cheek. .

Too clingy.

Xiao Li thought so in his heart, and didn't try to break away, but the roots of his ears were red because of such an overly intimate behavior.

He moved his nose, smelled the wind and rain on the opponent's body, and changed the subject: "It's raining outside?"

Shen Mirchi nodded: "Xiao Yu."

From an angle that Xiao Li couldn't see, the young man was watching him intently.

Although it has been several weeks, Shen Mizhi still couldn't believe it. He was finally with Xiao Li. Now he can hold him upright, kiss him, and even hug him to sleep in bed.

Xiao Li wore a black sweater today. The neckline was not too big. The collarbone was completely wrapped, but he could still see a few more red marks on the original flawless neck. This is a masterpiece of Shen Mirage.

But Shen Mirzhi still felt that it was not enough.

People are always greedy, and when they get a little bit, they want more.

In fact, Shen Mirchi wanted to imprint this trace on the other's skin even more carefully. When he kissed Xiao Li, he even wanted to swallow him in and never let it out, but he never showed it.

He had never felt this way before, thinking about treating someone well, so that he didn't want to separate from him.

Xiao Li looked out the window. Since he came back from the last instance, he hasn't encountered a sunny day in so many days. It has always been in such a cloudy state. Rain is the norm. This kind of weather is in this season. It is really rare. The weather station has already conducted an exclusive interview on this phenomenon, but the reincarnations all understand why this is.

The supernatural power has dispersed, indirectly affecting the weather.

As stated in the post on the reincarnation forum, there is no time for reality.

The young man holding him noticed his absent-mindedness. Following his sight, Shen Mirage held the young man's delicate jaw, turned his head, and asked lowly: "What do you want to eat at night?"

Xiao Li glanced at the table at the entrance. There were a lot of vegetables bought by Shen Mirage on it. It seemed that he didn't plan to go out in the next few days except for necessary classes.

"Mapo tofu." Xiao Li ordered a few dishes casually, lowered his gaze and reached out to touch the small yellow book on the table, "there is also the meat and eggplant."

Shen Mirage responded, holding his hand without relaxing.

This time he used a bit of strength, Xiao Li was uncomfortable being hugged, he pushed one of Shen Mirage: "Go, boyfriend, I have something to ask you when I come back."

Xiao Li put it on the young man's arm with no effort at all, but Shen Mirzhi stood up according to his strength.

He was almost embarrassed by this title. His expressionless eyes were always shining with small smiles, and he was ready to enter the kitchen with the vegetables. At the end of the day, he paused and asked tentatively: "A question. a bit?"


Xiao Li threw a small milk cat toy ball at him.

One of Shen Mirage caught it and threw it toward the cat climbing frame.


Shen Mirage entered the kitchen, Xiao Li had nothing to do for a while, he let go of the little black cat, and rarely flipped through the forum.

During this period of time, Wang Huai and the Ye Family's progress team formed a group, and they shared their progress in the group every day.

In addition, the frequency of ordinary humans encountering supernatural events is also increasing, and the flow of people in temples and churches has surged.

The Samsara forum is also extremely lively. Xiao Li flipped through a few posts sharing supernatural events around him, and suddenly came up with a title:

[God is secret, must see reincarnation! The **** of deception actually felt that the **** of beauty was very beautiful, and tried to make a spring breeze with him, but it was a pity that he was dismissed by the **** of being unreliable, and ended sadly. From then on, holding a broken heart, he began to tease humans everywhere. 】

Xiao Li clicked on the post and found that although the title was so shocking, there were few replies. Although the poster was Sherlock's famous fan Zheng Yi, few people would dare to believe this kind of revelation that had already come into contact with the gods.

The replies were mostly perfunctory "hahahaha" and questions about the authenticity of the post.

After Wang Huai and others came back, they were busy dealing with reality, but they had no time to come up and help verify them.

Xiao Li clicked to reply and wrote:

[@夏洛克: It's true. 】

[Capture my Sherlock boss! This is the first time, right? The first time his reply? Take a photo quickly. 】

[Sherlock said it was true, it should be... true, after all, we all know that Pu Se is not ordinary to Sherlock. 】

[Sherlock is big, I heard that you have a new title, and the court decides that you are wanted. What do you think of this new title? 】

[I will respond for him, basic exercises, not 6. 】

[Actually, after watching Yan Luo's review of the prison sentence, I really want to see the barrage in that variety show, and wonder how the Kangkang ghosts boasted Moriarty. 】

[Maybe all: Run, the seventh strange story is here! ! 】

[It is said that the Guaitan Group is still ruling the establishment of the prison group, and my youth is back. I love Guaitan Group! 】

[Laughing to death, blame the meat. 】

[As the first victim of the ghost story team building, I would like to ask the Four Corners Game Ghost as the ghost to be played, and talk about my thoughts about the game. 】

[Thanks for the invitation, it must be quite an honor. 】

[And Miss Mary 2333, Bloody Mary was shocked when she heard the tiger: "My old lady thought they were going to call me!"]

[Bloody Mary: "Think about it, I don’t seem to have a phone..."]

[Wait, did Sherlock still build a group in KTV? Now there is another strange talk about team building, Bi Xian: Don’t I deserve to have a team building with you! 】

[Bloody Mary: And me, favor one or the other? Think of me when you have difficulties, are you okay? Will you take me if you play games? 】

[Captain Stewart: Fuck, and Lao Tzu, because of physical limitations, we can only build a team on the boat. Are you coming Sherlock? 】

[Tan Li: You are not as good as me. The main palace is here. Every day I spend with him is a team building. 】

[As you say, my little black cat is not convinced. You have to know that I not only stay with Sherlock every day, but also often rubbed by him and sleep on his pillow. This is the power of furry. 】

[Furry is great? We ghosts are not mixed by appearance! 】

[Moss these two dog coins, every time I come in to build a building, I will spit at them, bounce around their graves. 】

[But Sherlock male god, Xia Shen, can you reply to me, is the man who killed Moss and the others really your boyfriend? 】

[Yan Luo said he was chasing Sherlock, but he didn't catch it. The name Shen Mirage seems to have not been heard very much, but the one who can chase the big guy is definitely another big guy. 】


Counting the time, the dishes should be almost done.

Xiao Li was already preparing to put down his little yellow book and go to the kitchen to explore the kitchen. At this moment, seeing the last few replies, he stopped, wrote a line on the page, clapped his hands and entered the kitchen.

[@夏洛克: Well, it's a boyfriend. 】

With this reply, the forum exploded.

Xiao Li gently opened the door of the kitchen, standing behind Shen Mirage, watching the other side cooking.

The young man really didn't look like he could cook, his cuffs were loosely pulled to his elbows, he was focusing on the dish in front of him, and he didn't notice the arrival of Xiao Li behind him.

The Mapo tofu is ready and set aside, Shen Mirchi is holding a bag of salt in his hand and putting it into the eggplant in the pot.

As the movement was too great, the rolled up sleeve of Shen Mirzhi's elbow was about to fall down, and Xiao Li quickly reached out to stop it and re-roll it for him.

The boy's fingers touched his naked arm without hindrance, bringing a trembling touch.

Shen Mirage's hand shook, and the salt was poured in an instant.

The young man put the salt aside, turned off the fire, and his shoulders sank.

...You won't be angry anymore?

Xiao Li thought to himself, if it were for him to be so disturbed, he would probably be angry.

After all, it’s not easy to cook. The other party can almost do it all alone, and he is completely a hand-off shopkeeper. As the other half who has the responsibility, he still has to score a little...

He hesitated: "Shen—"

Shen Mirage interrupted him at this moment, and the young man said coldly: "This dish is ruined."

"One dish is enough."

Xiao Li blinked and reached out to grab his hand.

"Not enough," Shen Mirage let him put his hand on, and when he spoke again, there was already a slight smile in his eyes, and then he said, "You have to be the second course."

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.