MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 239

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Xiao Li used his arms to support the weight of his shoulders: "How many days can you hold on?"

"Not long," Wang Huai swallowed the ball of paper in his throat with difficulty, "you should tell me first, what results did the experiment you have done?"

"It's hard to say, there are many uncontrollable factors, but now it's just my guess." Xiao Li clutched his fingers and said, "It was 9:03 in front of me, and it was 9:05 when I was thrown into the thinking room. And through it patrol to my room, and found me after I was missing, no more than two seconds, almost teleported, there is a five-minute time difference between me and you."

"During these five minutes, have you heard footsteps?"

Wang Huai shook his head decisively: "No."



Xiao Li jumped from the bed and opened the door.

After returning to the corridor where the others were, Xiao Li found that apart from Wang Huai's hungry eating paper, everyone else was choking.

The most serious Ye Zeqing has woken up and is running back and forth around the tunnel. He is almost crying. It is obvious that his leg muscles are twitching and blisters are formed on the soles of his feet, but he can't control his urge to run. There was a clear smell of blood in his throat.

Pu Xishun followed him, and his running speed was much slower than Ye Zeqing.

And Setamon had torn open the sheets, made a simple blindfold, and blindfolded his right eye that had been sewn.

This sister is also stiff, the dark red liquid mixed with the secretion of tears, has wetted the blindfold, she gritted her teeth, but she did not scream like Lian Susu's pain.

Shen Mirchi watched from the side, he did not ask to follow Xiao Li, even if he watched the other person leave the room last night.

Ye Zeqing had never exercised so vigorously in his life. He saw Xiao Li from a distance and ran towards him: "I'm going to die."

Xiao Li stepped back and avoided his saliva attack.

"A strong man will always say'I'm going to die'."

"..." Ye Zeqing jumped on the spot, sweat soaked his hair and back, dripping down his chin to the ground, "but I really feel dying. If this continues, I am not dying of asthma. , I died of overexertion, and the soles of my feet hurt like a mermaid!"

Xiao Li: "Do you need a red potion? I have a little more here."

"Red potion, call, it can't be solved--" Ye Zeqing was panting and talking intermittently. However, at this moment, the whole prison seemed to be shaken, like an ordinary earthquake. The ground was trembling. The room began to shake, and he almost fell, leaning on the wall to squat down to barely stand firm.

"what happened?!"

Ye Zeqing saw the solemn faces of Wang Huai and others, and he pointed at the end of the passage: "It seems that the source is over there..."


The jail kept shaking, and the incandescent lamp above the head sizzled, and it was half extinguished in an instant, and the whole passage fell into the half-bright dimness.

Setamon: "It's over there!"

Xiao Li walked there. Due to the cracks in the ground, it would take three or four minutes to complete the road, and now it would take twice as long. This was still under the condition of Shen Mirage supporting him.

The railings that originally surrounded the end of the passage have fallen, some hit the edge of the platform, and some fell under the platform.

The position of the platform has also changed, and it has risen even more, close to the top, everyone has to look up from looking down on the platform.

Moss and the magic flute were standing on the platform.

Moss held the same gold balance in his hand, which was small and exquisite, like a mural on the wall. The difference was that two symbols resembling ancient Egypt were painted with blood on the balance scale, and the feet were stained with blood. .

"In the name of Lord Stellbach, apply to activate the additional ruling."

The Magic Flute held a black flute in his hand. He placed the flute on the balance, let it float, and eventually annihilated.

The ashes formed by the annihilation of this precious special item floated towards the sky, wriggling like alive, like tiny tentacles.

The next moment, a phantom like a mirage suddenly appeared in the air, and Xiao Li felt the coming of a force, just like the death of the **** of death in the future paradise.

With the overwhelming dark clouds as the background, a courtroom appeared on the dome of the ruling prison. The judges and jurors were empty, and there was a gavel in the middle of the judge’s seat, lying quietly in the red. Above the cloth.

This court is not reality, but a phantom transmission in a sense.

Moss was pale, and he raised the balance in his hand: "Master Stallbach conducts notarization. I apply for a ruling court to rule on my source world. My species has committed seven crimes and must be corrected. Stallbach The adults are willing to take over the source world and make them reform."

As soon as Moss’s voice fell, a white light shone from the court of judgement, like a searchlight. It scanned the balance in Moss' hands, and finally transformed into a planet on the dome. The blue sea occupied most of the sphere. The area is exactly the earth.

The white light film expands and covers the entire platform.

A cold, solemn voice sounded directly in everyone's mind.

"In accordance with the procedure, an additional court is opened. This situation is subject to the judgment of guilt against the world, and the authenticity is being verified."

"According to Rule 17005 of the Court of Judgment, the exhibit is solidified. No one may break into, influence or interrupt the scene of the judgment, and offenders will enter the **** of severe punishment."

"If the situation is true, you two will serve as taint witnesses and can be sentenced to probation."

"Scan the structure of the comer..."

"Use the tainted witness as a medium to scan the channel..."


Standing on the edge of the broken passage, Wang Huai carefully avoided the broken stones that might fall. He looked up at the mid-air ruling court: "Additional rulings, Moss joined them."

Zheng Yi asked: "What will happen if the ruling is successful?"

"If the conviction is successful, everyone in reality will be like us and be arrested and locked up in different adjudication prisons until they have served their sentences." Wang Huai's face was green.

"Isn't this good?" Zheng Yi didn't quite understand, "The guilty people are all put in jail and released on the spot without guilt—"

Xiao Li interrupted him: "People have original sin."

"Yes, not only that," Wang Huai took a deep breath, reached out his hand and grabbed his pocket, as if thinking about what props he could use. "Moreover, ruling the court is not looking at a certain crime. He will scan your life."

"For example, even if it is not picking up rubbish, an accidental laziness, gluttony, or a small mistake, the accumulation of several decades will be enough for you to go to prison for a year."

"If the judgment is successful, I can affirm that reality does not need to wait for the supernatural event to completely erupt, it is equivalent to the end."

After Wang Huai finished speaking, he turned the skull ring of his finger and called out a needle from the task book. It was a black needle, and he used that needle to stab the skull. Two lines of blood and tears flowed down his eyes.

"Master Nykes." Wang Huai murmured.

The remaining light bulbs behind everyone burst instantly, and the night fell, and the darkness spread like a tide, and the whole world was left with the phantom of the adjudication court and the night chamber.

The communication between the goddess of the night and the ruling court only took a moment. Soon, the darkness faded, the light bulbs sparsely lit up again, but the ruling court still stood in place.

Xiao Li looked at the scene that was happening before him, and suddenly remembered a sentence that both Fraud and Xiao Huang had said:

The gods cannot interfere with the rules of the ruling.

After the night left, the man hung his head and put his fingers back again, as if thinking about any possible way.

Zheng Yi only felt that his bladder was squeezed, and he was fishing heavy in his heart. He felt that he should do something, but he couldn't think of any way to do it. He stood almost sluggishly.

Pu Xishun couldn't help cursing: "Damn it!"

The remaining light bulbs behind everyone burst instantly, and the night fell, and the darkness spread like a tide, with the magic of the night, and the whole world only left the phantom of the adjudication court and the night chamber.

The communication between the goddess of the night and the ruling court only took a moment. Soon, the darkness faded, the light bulbs sparsely lit up again, but the ruling court still stood in place.

Xiao Li looked at the scene that was happening before him, and suddenly remembered a sentence that both Fraud and Xiao Huang had said:

The gods cannot interfere with the rules of the ruling.

Once the ruling begins, the night cannot reverse the future on its own.

So actually...

After Dark Night left, Wang Huai lowered his head and put his fingers back, as if thinking about any possible way.

Zheng Yi only felt that his bladder was squeezed, and he was fishing heavy in his heart. He felt that he should do something, but he couldn't think of any way to do it. He stood almost sluggishly.

Pu Xishun couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it! Fuck his ancestor!"

Xiao Li didn't ask Wang Huai Heiye if he had any messages. He touched the wall and turned around, thinking of something, and suddenly ran to the other side of the passage.


Wang Huai called him twice. He didn't believe that Xiao Li was such a person who only wanted to leave. He looked back at the ruling court where the facts were being recorded and followed Xiao Li with his teeth.

Xiao Li went down the half-collapsed stairs, stepped on the broken stones, and was beaten a few times before walking to the path leading to the platform.

The path was like a lifeboat. Although it was cratered on the edge, it still stood upright, leading straight to the island where Moss and the others were.

Xiao Li looked at the rising platform: "God has no way to interfere, but humans can, as long as they are willing to bear the cost of destruction."

"The easiest way is to end the testimony of these two tainted witnesses, stop scanning, and terminate this additional ruling."

In other words, whether it is killing or fainting the two on stage, they lose their language ability and can no longer scan through themselves for crimes.

Wang Huai was silent for a moment, he clenched his fist in an instant and made a decision: "I—"

"No." Xiao Li shook his head, "Didn't you say you couldn't beat them?"

Wang Huai: "..."

The solemn doomsday atmosphere seemed to vanish because of this sentence.

Xiao Li looked very sad and sighed, "Although I don't want to admit it, let me go."

Wang Huai: "...I do not refute this, but you have to understand that obstructing the court and hurting witnesses is a felony, and severe punishment **** is not an ordinary place."

"It is a combination of all the punishments of sins. You will suffer the sum of the punishments of the seven sins. You will run wildly hungry and want to run. It is not as simple as one plus one equals two. It will leave you dead."

"Even if it is a god, he will peel off before he comes out."

Xiao Li's movements paused, and he said, "Yeah."

He took a step forward, touching the light film with his hand, and an invisible message flooded his mind:

"The area ahead has been requisitioned by the ruling court, please stop."

"The area ahead has been requisitioned by the ruling court, please stop."


Xiao Li suddenly wanted to look back at Shen Mirage. He thought, but fortunately he hasn't answered—

Shen Mirchi did not give him a chance to continue thinking. The young man moved faster than his actions. He had already guessed what Xiao Li would do. He pulled him away without giving him any chance, and took the lead in that one. Channel, walk to the platform.

Xiao Li turned around and wanted to hold Shen Mirage, but some kind of power hindered him. Clouds and mist coming out from nowhere wrapped around his legs and fixed him firmly in front of the light film.

Shen Mirage stepped onto the platform.

He doesn't like reality, and has nothing to do with reality. He looks at reality like he sees any copy world.

But he still chose to do so.

Between himself and Xiao Li's safety, he always chooses each other.

Moss is very strong. In addition to the props, he has the divine power bestowed by Stalbach to protect him from premature death before the underworld can get reality.

Therefore, with this layer of security, he almost calmly watched the youth in the distance walking towards him with expressionless expression.

When the youth was one meter away from Moss, he sensed a threat, and the divine power belonging to the underworld **** Stelbach gushed out. It turned into a swamp above Moss and quickly swallowed the platform in front of——

From this muddy swamp, countless pairs of bones were suddenly stretched out, with wailing, rushing to the sinking mirage, and wanting to drown him alive!

Moss looked at all this with a smile.

However, what made him dumbfounded was that the moment these white bones touched the strange young man in front of him, they seemed to be sucked in by a deeper darkness. The white skeleton was cut into pieces, crushed into white powder and fell into the swamp. It all melted and disappeared.

Shen Mirage approached him without seeing any special movements of him, which made the props of the other party useless and knocked on the back of Moss neck.

A black dagger slipped out of his cuffs, and also penetrated the magic flute's body protection props, causing him to fall to the ground with an incredulous face and close his eyes.

The ruling court's scan came to an abrupt end.

Shen Mirage didn't even look at the dagger. He didn't even look at the court. He only said, "Stop the additional ruling."

"While the witnesses were scanned, the witnesses died and the application was cancelled."

The ruling court seemed to have no idea what to say, paused for a moment, and then said: "...The suppression is meritorious, and he is imprisoned in a **** of severe punishment for three days."

The first few words were deliberately blurred, and no one present could hear them clearly.


The gavel on the judge's table flew up automatically, with a bang.

With this "adjournment", the shadow of the court in the dome began to dissipate.

Before being bound by the invisible shackles and sinking into the **** of severe punishment, Shen Mirchi gave Xiao Li a deep look.

I will not jump into the abyss with you after you, because before you jump down, I must have been covered with mud, waiting for you under the abyss.

Catch you.

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