MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 229

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"The welcome party is about to begin. All prisoners leave the room. Please come to the lifting platform within ten minutes."

"Repeat it again. The welcome party is about to begin. All prisoners leave the room. Please come to the lifting platform within ten minutes."

The sudden night broadcast interrupted all the actions of everyone in the prison.

This voice wanders everywhere in the ruling prison, not like an ordinary broadcast in reality, but more like an echo with some kind of spiritual power, leaving no corner of the prison until everyone receives the news , And go up the lifting platform through the passage.

The man who committed suicide and fell to death on the lifting platform has disappeared.

No one has ever cleaned it up. In the last second, the reincarnations saw the corpse above. The next second, the corpse disappeared on the platform as if it melted, and was cleaned by some force.

The lifting platform is large enough to accommodate several times the number of people standing on it.

Xiao Li stood in the middle. He had changed his clothes and wore a coat given by Shen Mirage. He raised his neckline and covered it tightly.

Wang Huai walked up to him and looked at him: "Have a bath? It's quite leisurely."

Xiao Li ignored him, shrank into Shen Mirage's jacket, waiting for the next step from the broadcast.

I didn’t think I was wearing it before, but now that I wear it, Xiao Li finds that Shen Mirage’s whole person is much taller than him, and his fingertips have just touched the sleeves, and...

He exhaled, this coat was full of the smell of a mirage.

In addition to Xiao Li and his party, Moss and the others, including the three old prisoners on the same floor as them, also came to the platform, plus Lian Susu, all three waves of newcomers were present.

The broadcast sounded again: "All the prisoners have arrived, and the welcome party has officially begun."

"Welcome to the judgement prison, prisoners, please each of you defend yourself against the crimes you have committed. A certain amount of artistic processing can be done, but everything you say will become evidence in court."

"During the narration process, the most popular in the live broadcast room will receive a pass to enter the library for an hour."

During the time the broadcast was describing, the lifting platform that was originally looking up at the major passages at the bottom layer suddenly rose slowly, like a hand at the bottom holding it up, and finally stopped in mid-air.

Such a height allows people on the lifting platform to more intuitively bathe under the "gaze" of each room. They can perceive the jailer's gaze, but cannot see them.

This is the so-called welcome party?

It is a little different from what I imagined, but it is reasonable.

Xiao Li thought.

The first person to stand up was Yu You. He opened his hand to the sky and his eyes were inexplicably excited: "I will come first, I know, I am not guilty!"

The black smoke floated out of his mouth, almost turning into a substance to envelop Yu You's whole person.

This was already the fourth day he came in. He could feel the internal organs burning, black smoke crawling along his stomach, to the esophagus, and coming out along his throat. Under such endless torture, his Emotions are on the verge of collapse.

"This is not a defense, this is just a statement." Yu You said loudly, as if venting his emotions, "Listen carefully. I was not born well. I come from the country. My mother gave birth to seven daughters before giving birth to me. It can be seen how hard-won I am. It took me so much energy to come to the city. I studied hard and finally became the class monitor. I caught up with the school flower of our class and got married. They don't know how much I envy me. "

Yu Yousen said: "How inspirational this sounds, right?"

The corners of Xiao Li's mouth twitched: "...No one thinks it's inspirational."

After Yu lobbying, he would be even more excited, impassioned as if he had suffered much wrong: "But what you don't know is that my wife looks good on the surface, but how exaggerated she is to spend money behind her back. She bought one in half a year. Brand-name bags are not enough. When you go shopping, you see good-looking bags and you have to buy them back. How can her salary be enough for her to spend? Haven't she been asking her parents for money? I feel sorry for her parents’ pension money, and wait for her parents to die. Now, aren’t they all half of me? Doesn’t this mean spending my money."

"My mother can't see it. She asked her to be frugal when she came to the house. She also said that she would spend it if she had money, and she didn't spend my mother's money. Isn't it obvious that she looked down on me?" It's so funny to complain that I am not self-motivated and stingy. Is it wrong for me to make her save?"

"My mother has been suffering for a whole life and wanted to live in the city. I asked her for money to buy a house, but she couldn't afford it, so she would pretend to me over there and what to pretend to be!"

"I'm going to sell her bags to buy a house for investment. She still doesn't listen. Every day I get home, and I don't wash and cook for me. I really don't know what to do with her."

This is the first time that Zheng Yi heard this kind of story.

His entire five senses were twisted together and turned into an embarrassing character: "No, if I can see your wife, I just want to say two words to her: Quickly leave."

Their voices were too weak, and Yu You, who was talking about Xingtou, selectively ignored these ironies. His tone fell from peak to trough and became almost whispered: "So I can't bear it. Killing her is forgivable. Ah, this is not my fault at all, I am fully qualified to inherit her family's inheritance."

Yu You coughed loudly. This time he coughed up not only black smoke, but blood.

If someone carefully distinguished the black blood stains he spit on the platform, he would find that it was even mixed with internal organ fragments.

He deserved to die a long time ago, but he never died. It was ruled that the prison did not allow him to die easily, fishing for his life, and letting him live through the pain of watching himself rot and melt.

Hearing this, Ye Zeqing looked at Yu You's broadcast room on the communicator screen, and saw that the ghosts in the broadcast room were full of malicious intent:

[Yes, it's not your fault. Kill a little bit more. It's boring to kill, you should eat her! 】

[You are more "vicious" than us, and if you die, you will definitely become a demon. 】

[But you can't die, you can't die if you want to die, sometimes death is a luxury. 】



Yu You left the field and sat on the side to rest, hoping to reduce his pain. It was Lian Susu who took over his great.

She had just taken a step, and the pain in her eyes increased again, as if someone was sewing her eyes with a needle.

Lian Susu covered his eyes, bent his body, avoided the blood that Yu You vomited, walked to the other side, and said in a panic: "I haven't done anything, jealous, how can I be sentenced to jealousy?"

"I'm just... I'm just, I know I was wrong, I'm just a difference in thought!" Lian Susu now completely believes in the ghosts and gods, she confessed sincerely, "I...I entered this circle with my best friend, she looks It's a type that the public likes, and the resources have always been better than me. On the surface, I congratulate her, but I don't like it in my heart."

"Once, I desperately wanted to win the opportunity of a TV drama heroine. I did so much, but she, she even only needs to try the mirror once during the time when she is busy in love. She is so talented. The director actually finalized her."

"But why? Why do I recite the script every day, the director doesn't even look at me, but when she shows up, the director likes her?"

"I know that she is in a private relationship, not even her agent knows, she trusts me, so she doesn't keep any information from me."

"But I knew that after she got the role, she became jealous and crazy. I lost my mind. I think about it now. I don't know how to do it. I hired a reporter and made an appointment in the parking lot where she was secretly dating her amateur boyfriend. Stabbed her secretly in love with an amateur boyfriend, and told her boyfriend that she often messed around behind him in circles."

"She has always appeared in the eyes of the audience with pure characteristics. At that time, she was exposed to love and alcoholism, which directly destroyed her acting career. She broke up with her boyfriend and never appeared in front of me again. Later, I heard that she also committed suicide."

"I...I got that role later, and since then opened the star road and became a popular artist, but, but I still think of her, I am not happy, I should not be jealous of her..."

"I was wrong, can you let me go?"

[Poor little girl, she looks more delicious when she cries. 】

[The delicacy of sin. 】

[But what use are you crying for us? We are not her. 】

[Next next, boring, hypocritical. 】


Lian Susu cried for a long time before leaving, and then she came up with the woman with a stiff back.

She was very dignified, she looked like a lady in every move, and she couldn't see how she was tortured.

"I'm just a bystander," the woman said in an ordinary voice. She neither complained nor hated, as if she was telling someone else's story. "I am not guilty. All I do is look at my husband. He and his mistress, and also my good friend, fell to the ground and struggled together."

"We have known each other for twenty years, and they have chosen to join hands and betray me."

"I work outside. My daughter has asthma. She didn’t feel well after attending gym class. She went home to rest early and fell ill in bed. They worked in the next room but ignored the sound of my daughter’s illness and indirectly killed me. The only daughter."

"On the seventh day after my daughter was buried, I invited them to eat at home. I gave them medicine and watched them ask for help, but I didn't save them. That's it." The woman raised her chin high.

Compared with the first two, her speech was also very short, just a few sentences, which painted a thrilling picture.

[Short and firm. 】

[There is grudge and revenge, and there is grudge and grievance. 】

[Human stories are really interesting...]

[I like this broadcast room. 】


The next few people told their stories one by one, and even some crooked questions later, becoming more and more mysterious.

For example, Ye Zeqing, he maintained that his second-degree person was not collapsed, and said coldly: "It is nonsense to judge me as lazy. Is it just because I have high talent and don't want to practice, I become lazy?"

Listening to what he said, Xiao Li thought of the famous saying inexplicably: rich and talented, is it my fault?

Ye Zeqing: "Even if it is, it is definitely not so serious."

He was about to leave the scene dashingly, but he suddenly thought of something stunned: "Could it be that when I was a child, I had an appointment with classmates to go out to play, but when it rained, I was too lazy to get out of the door. She waited for me outside and got a high fever. It is said that he was still sick for a while?"

"But during that time, I was in trouble, and my mother led me to apologize many times..."

[The crime is minor, I want to be more aggressive. 】

[Who wants to watch this kind of kid play? End quickly, I want to watch the next one. 】

[Then what, I asked for a friend of mine, does anyone know when Moriarty will come? 】


Behind Ye Zeqing, was the young prisoner who was in the same way as the Samsara. He looked sluggish, his hair was like straw, and his face was greasy.

Speaking is also vague: "They hurt people, but I didn't. After all, I am the most innocent one among them."

"I don't need to go into details, because I just killed hundreds of cats and dogs and made the process into a video. It's really nothing, right?"

"...But why, now, I keep seeing them biting me by my side? Not only are they there, there are more, strangely, fire burning me..."

The young man looked in a trance, his spirit was completely abnormal, he kept rubbing the ground with his feet back and forth, and even deliberately touched the blood spit out by Yuyou with his toes, crushed the internal organs, and made a hoarse sound of "hehe" .

[Bullying an animal weaker than myself, even if I am a ghost, I want to be the first to take you. 】

[Life seems to be the same in the ruling prison, just wait for the bottom of the prison to get through. 】

[This kind of filthy soul, I don't want to eat it, because I am afraid of vomiting. 】

The young man walked away on the dirt, and then it was Wang Huai's turn.

But Wang Huai has clearly made a decision-the fact is very simple. With Sherlock in the broadcast room, the popularity of the broadcast room will not be able to surpass the other party. Therefore, although the library also has a certain attraction to him, he still chose to protect himself. Disclosure of his story, but randomly selected a point with a slight plot, such as a time when I slept for 3 days and almost passed out of hunger.


Soon, I arrived at Xiao Li.

Xiao Li didn't stand in the middle of the platform like they did. He stood there, thinking about himself for a moment, and then said briefly with a hint of doubt: "Frankly speaking, I don't know why I was convicted of being arrogant. Its opposite is quite Suitable for me, if I must choose among the seven deadly sins, I can at least choose two more suitable for me."

"So there is nothing to defend. I will tell you why I am more suitable for antonyms of arrogance, um, humble and enthusiastic."

Xiao Li gave an example: "In short, for example, some time ago, I met an old grandfather at an art exhibition. His lifelong dream was to get a painting of mine. For this reason, he did not hesitate to exchange clues with me. In desperation, I can only satisfy it."

The painter ghost watching the live broadcast:? ? ?

The **** doesn't make sense, upside down black and white, gibberish!

Xiao Li: "Also, when I met a woman who haunted the studio late at night, I was looking for supper. I could just take the dessert and leave, but I still chose to stick to my three views and chose to paint her portrait. , Leave after trading."

"I also helped a little girl recognize her identity and return home. In return, she gave me the key to her house so that she could be found at any time."

"Also, I rescued a pirate ship from an evil force, saved the captain, and left him with a fragrance of helping others."

Captain Stewart, who struggled to watch the live broadcast: "..."

Yes, there is not only a lingering fragrance, but also tons of psychological shadows left behind.

At the same time, live barrage of the underworld:

[One said one, this is too much to believe in yourself, there is only one in the world, which is another kind of lonely arrogance. 】

【? ? Suddenly cue, shut up Sherlock! 】

[A beautiful story, a meaningful behavior (rose)]

[This was supposed to be the time for us to ridicule, but I don't know why. Listening to the story of Sherlock and his other two vests, I heard a little sadness. 】

[The rabbit died and the fox was sad, at this time a ghost walked out of the live broadcast room cursingly. 】

[Every time he moves, the victim of Benmin's feelings is thinking about whether this **** Sherlock is going to make trouble again. 】

[Ghost lovers strongly condemn it. 】

[You all say so, but why are there more and more ghosts watching live broadcasts and their popularity is getting higher and higher? 】

[Oh, you may not believe it. There are not only ghosts but also gods who watch the live broadcast. 】

【Ok? As the evil force in his mouth, it seems that I should not speak. 】

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.

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