MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 220

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Xiao Wu opened the iron door bolt from the inside, and at the same time opened his body sideways, wanting to let the reincarnations enter.

Xiao Li pulled the iron gate before Ye Lingshi. He raised his volume a little bit, at a level that was neither noisy but not as mild as before: "If you really wake up your parents, what will happen? "

Xiao Wu narrowed his smile: "They will be angry, don't make them angry."

Xiao Li: "They are angry, will they drive us out?"

Xiao Wu turned around noncommittal and pushed open the wooden door that was hidden.

The lamp ghost hid in Xiao Li’s pocket long before Ye Lingshi sent a message to Xiao Wu, and replaced it with mobile phone lighting. At this moment, the light from the mobile phone screen shines into the room behind the girl, and the old-fashioned floor in the room can be seen above. There are many scratches, but there is no dust. It is obvious that there are people living inside.

Ye Lingshi used his eyes to communicate with the two big men, and then decided to go in.

The interior of this old dilapidated little house is very small, with two bedrooms and one living room. The living room is very small. With a sofa and a dining table, it is almost crowded with no place to stand.

The door of the master bedroom was closed tightly, and the door of the side door was ajar, and the dim light was shining inside, and you could vaguely see the appearance of the girl’s room. A laptop was placed on the desk, and quilts were scattered randomly on the bed. Carpeted.

There were five people in the crowd, among them Xiao Li did not sit, the other four just packed the entire sofa, and Wang Huai was sitting on the outside.

Xiao Wu Shun turned on the night light in the living room. This night light was very dim and could only serve as a decent illuminator, not as bright as the light from the mobile phone screen.

She went to the kitchen, and within a few minutes she came over with a plate with six glasses of water on it.

Xiao Wu handed the cups to the reincarnations one by one. Wang Huai took it first. When the last cup was reached, she did not leave it to herself, but placed it on the other side of the table.

The table was leaning against Xiao Li. He turned his head to look, and the water in the transparent glass rippled and quickly returned to calm.

Wang Huai was holding his own water, and the skull ring on his finger flashed a dim light. He pointed to the glass of water and asked, "Miss Wu, that glass of water is not for you?"

"No," Xiao Wu said, "for another person."

Ye Lingshi asked tentatively, "Will anyone come to your house?"

Xiao Wu said: "No more."

She also didn't intend to explain. She glanced at the master bedroom, still lowered her voice and asked, "What else do you want to ask?"

Neither Wang Huai nor Xiao Li spoke, and Ye Lingshi was the first to say, "Do you know the author?"

"I added the reader group," Xiao Wu said, "but although Sintian will reply to comments, he basically doesn't speak in the group, and there is no other contact method. We haven't talked about it, and he never replied after he was updated. Over my comment."

Ye Lingshi: "Have you ever touched it in reality?"

Xiao Wu: "No."

Ye Lingshi: "Then after you read that novel, have you encountered any strange things?"

Xiao Wu really thought about it, then shook his head and denied: "No."

The place where Wang Huai was sitting was facing the door of the master bedroom, he suddenly interrupted: "Now let us in, aren't you afraid to wake up your parents?"

Xiao Wu said: "As long as you don't quarrel them on purpose, it doesn't matter."

This is reality, unlike the copy that can use some special methods, not to mention the dust at the door and the so-called parents, everything here looks normal, and Ye Lingshi couldn’t find a topic to ask for a while. .

It seems that the only gain tonight is the author's name.

At this moment, Xiao Li once again looked at the glass full of water before, but this time, the water in the glass disappeared without a trace.

The water is gone and the cup is still there.

It's like an invisible "person" just drank this glass of water.

He lowered his head, took a sip of the water in his glass, then placed it beside the empty glass leisurely, picked up the empty glass, and handed it to Xiao Wu: "That glass of water was drunk."

Xiao Wu didn't know whether she was acting stupid or really stupid. She stood up and took the empty glass: "Then I will pour some water."

It was almost an instant when the girl entered the kitchen that Wang Huai understood what he meant.

The skull on his ring opened half of his eyes, and the dark green vertical pupils cast a gray and dim light on the light in the living room, and it was fleeting.

Wang Huai loosened the ring: "The power here is a bit strange, it's not like a pure ghost, it's like a mixture of something..."

He didn't finish, he seemed to be a little confused.

Wang Huai said it was strange, and that was really strange.

Ye Lingshi suddenly became alert, and Xiao Li took advantage of the moment Xiao Wu Gang turned around, moving lightly to the door of the master bedroom, pushed open the door of the master bedroom, looked inside, and immediately closed the door.

"How?" Sun Jiaming asked impatiently, "What did you see?"

Xiao Li: "Two people, lying on the bed side by side."

"There are people..." Ye Lingshi sighed, not knowing whether it was joy or sorrow.

Xiao Li added: "However, their sheets are pulled to the end, completely covering the top of their heads, and they don't move."

His late half-sent immediately tightened Ye Lingshi's emotions that had just relaxed.

In the completely dark master bedroom, a couple will pull the sheets over their heads when they sleep—

What's this kidding? Only in the morgue can the dead "sleep" like this.

Xiao Wu's parents are dead? And Xiao Wu hid them in the bedroom. In order to conceal the truth, Xiao Wu might not go out for a long time...

Ye Lingshi speculated.

Xiao Li recalled the scene she had just glimpsed, and exclaimed: "They are quite interesting."

Ye Lingshi: "..."

What's the fun? Is that a post-mortem tradition?

He was about to open the mouth to correct Sherlock's three views, but Xiao Wu in the kitchen had already walked over with the cup of hot water: "Sorry, there is no cold water. It just burned. It took a while."

Xiao Wu remained the same, put the glass on the table, looked up at the clock hung on the wall: "It's late, do you have anything else to ask?"

Ye Lingshi was hesitant to ask about Xiao Wu's parents. At the very least, he would have to knock aside, but when he was pondering his words, he heard Xiao Li say: "Yes."

Xiao Wu awaited his question.

Xiao Li went on to say, "This Sintian you have been talking about, is it yourself?"

Ye Lingshi: "..."

Too blunt!

Sherlock, you are too direct! How can you ask such a thing? It should be played side by side, thousands of times!

He has decided that if he can live until the New Year, he will give a copy of "On the Art of Speaking" as a gift to the other party during the New Year.

Xiao Wu's actions paused, her original thoughts seemed to be interrupted by these words, and she did not immediately answer.

Tick, tick, tick.

For a while, there was only a second rotating sound in the living room, and the pointer pointed to one o'clock in the morning.

Xiao Wu suddenly pressed the phone and said excitedly: "It's time, he has updated!"

In this way, in front of everyone, she clicked on the novel website and started to follow the update of the day.

What is the magic of this update?

The others also took out their phones, searched the novel website and the author, and opened today's update. This chapter is written by the horror novel following the previous chapter.

[This person who wrote Kou Tian's novel has completely surpassed Kou Tian. Not only has he been recommended by the website, but even the editor of Kou Tian told him that he has made great progress recently, so he can keep it well.

Kou Tian originally wanted to ask the editor to help find out who logged in to his account, but he couldn't say it now.

As time went on, Kou Tian was still worried at first. He felt that this sudden continuation was very strange. He could not find the existence of this person at all. He did not know who hacked his account and helped him post, but soon The praise of the article surpassed everything, and he became complacent, and even became a fan of the sequel.

It can be seen that the worldview of this sequel is very grand. He not only limited the story to what happened in Kou Tian’s room, but also extended it to another world where there are ghosts and even gods. There are many strange creatures.

The sequeler wrote in the update:

Outside the well, there was a vast and chaotic world. One day, this world was shattered, and a part of the world fell into the well. This was the source of everything.

What followed was a large number of worldviews, which surpassed Kou Tian's knowledge blind zone, and he himself would become a fan of the author.

Today, Kou Tian is also waiting for the sequel to update. After the other party updates, he can’t wait to go in and watch——


The following is a story written by Kou Tian’s sequel, and the protagonist in Kou Tian’s works is named Xiao Wu and Kou Tian Wu.

This is the first time that Kou Tian's protagonist's name has been written in detail in Sintian's update.

Xiao Wu hasn't gone out for a long time. She doesn't want to go out, but can't go out, because outside the door is another world she is completely unfamiliar with.

She had to hide on the bed alone, put the quilt over her head, listening to the sound of footsteps coming from the bedroom door.

But there should be no other people in her family!

Footsteps stopped at the door of her room, Xiao Wu covered his face, shaking nervously, waiting for the person at the door to enter.

The sound of the door handle being twisted came in her ears, and she locked the door, but the people outside did not open it and let go.

Xiao Wu gasped for two breaths. She put down the cup and wiped away the sweat stains on her forehead with her arm. In this cold autumn weather, she was sweating all over.

According to past experience, as long as the person is showing up, she can go out for a while without worrying about bumping into that person.

Xiao Wu opened the locked door and took a careful look at the living room. After making sure that there was no one, he walked to the kitchen and decided to get himself some food first.

She glanced in the trash can and found that the trash can, which was empty before, had been covered with a plastic bag and a lunch box had been thrown inside.

Xiao Wu hasn't thrown anything inside, it must be the second person in her family.

The food is definitely not available, and the time to order a takeaway is not enough. She can only think about instant noodles and instant food like instant hot pot. She took out instant noodles and ham from the cabinet and boiled a pot of water. , After soaking, gobbled it up.

Xiao Wu eats quickly. After five minutes, everything is resolved. She threw the instant noodle box into the trash can, went to the toilet, and ran all the way back to the bedroom.

After the door was locked, Xiao Wu felt safe. She breathed a sigh of relief and waited for the soup level to return to the bed before going to the bed.

After two steps, she was stunned.

Because before she left, the quilt that had been opened was unexpectedly closed!

Not only that, it seems that there is a long column object hidden in this quilt, which looks like a person wrapped in it, and the quilt has been pulled to the top of the head.

Is... the one who has been invisible?

It hides in its own quilt?

And he just locked the door unexpectedly.

Xiao Wu was frightened for a while, she immediately held her breath, turned and unlocked the door of the room, without any thoughts of finding out who was in the quilt, she ran outside, found the key, and locked the door from the outside. .

Phew, it should be all right now, she locked the other party.

Xiao Wu breathed a sigh of relief. She felt that her life had returned to its original state, except that she could no longer enter the master bedroom, but she still had a second bedroom.

Xiao Wu threw the key of the master bedroom into the trash can. She smiled happily. After ordering a takeaway and chasing the update she wanted to watch, she covered her mouth, stretched tiredly, and walked in. Lie down, get ready to sleep.

Due to fatigue these days, Xiao Wu fell asleep quickly.

Just half awake and half dream, Xiao Wu thought, why is the quilt so dull today? As if to smother her...

Before she went to bed, she was lying on her side with the quilt in her arms, but now she seemed to be on top of her head.

At the end of her consciousness, she heard a loud locking sound from outside the door. 】

Xiao Wu——

Almost at the moment when he saw the name, Ye Lingshi looked up to find the trace of Xiao Wu in front of him, but she disappeared.

Just after this chapter was updated, in the blink of an eye, Xiao Wu disappeared like the world evaporated!

"She is a ghost? The protagonist of a piece of text in Chinese?" Suddenly, Ye Lingshi didn't care about what not to wake up Xiao Wu's parents. He jumped up from the sofa, turned around in the room, and turned around. Just ran to the gate, "Leave here first."

However, when he opened the wooden door, he found that the stairs had disappeared beyond the iron door.

The stairs they went upstairs were originally facing the iron gate, but now the original location of the stairs has become a wall.

"I'm trapped here." Wang Huai was standing behind him. He was very tall and gave people a strong sense of oppression. He did not panic about thinking, "The world in the novel? The field?"

"Domain?" Ye Ling turned his head, and the presence of the other party and Sherlock made him less flustered.

Wang Huai: "A certain powerful ghost or special force can pollute a corner and make it act according to a certain rule, just like the familiar copy. It can only be said that this is a kind of weakened countless times. The prototype of the copy."

"It's easy to want to go out. In addition to destroying with powerful external forces, find the corresponding law and way of life."

"This kind of field has appeared in reality... We have to speed up the progress, time is running out."

Wang Huai took a few steps back, and there was a rare worry in his voice.

Ye Lingshi gave up the idea of ​​leaving and returned to this house: "Get out of here first, and then think about other things."

Xiao Li opened the incandescent lamp in the living room. Its power was countless times stronger than that of a night lamp. Everyone's eyes hurt suddenly.

"We are now in the world of a novel, a novel?" Ye Ziye walked back and forth. He checked the trash can in the kitchen, and finally stopped at the door of the master bedroom where the door was closed. "It's suffocated inside. Xiao Wu?"

It was like a closed Mobius ring, Xiao Wu suffocated herself, forgetting this memory, and after locking the door, going back to the room to sleep, she would turn into a suffocated self again, without end.

Sun Jiaming walked out of the side bedroom. He took out the laptop in Xiao Wu's room and put it on the table in the living room: "Look at this computer, is it Sintian's computer?"

The computer is in the standby interface and has a password.

Sun Jiaming looked up at other people eagerly: "There is a password."

Wang Huai took the computer and tapped a few lines of code on it. Without entering the password, the computer turned on automatically. Before the others asked, he absently said, "My university is a computer science department."

"But if I can get it so simple, it shouldn't be an important clue."

As Wang Huai said, he looked at the files, documents and web pages on the computer and found nothing. There were only some ordinary pages that Xiao Wu liked to read, and there was no clue about the novel.

The laptop was randomly set aside.


Wall clock time, half past one.

Xiao Li suddenly raised his head and said, "The author has double-updated."

Several other people stood up. Instead, he sat down and kept reading this Sintian novel. When he turned to the last page, he suddenly discovered that Sintian had published another chapter a few minutes ago. Today He is double watch.

[In recent days, Xiao Wu has become more and more frightened, because she discovered that the person with her head covered in bed is no longer one arched, but two.

She did not dare to lift the sheets on the faces of the two men, so she could only desperately press the quilt on them and lock the door.

After these days of understanding, she also knew that the two people lying on the master bed would not wake up and act. Therefore, she did not think of a way to remove these two people, but locked them in the master first. Lying down.

And the appearance of this second person meant that another person appeared in her family when she didn't know it. Does this mean that there will be a third and a fourth?

In the end, her home will be full of such "people".

Xiao Wu was crazy about her imagination. She was helpless, but she couldn't go out. Her door was blocked by some kind of force. Only outsiders could come in. She couldn't get out at all.

After spotting the movement in the master bedroom again, Xiao Wu hid under the bed of the second bedroom. She turned on the phone, searched a supernatural forum on the Internet, and sent out her own help post.

Soon, the administrator of the forum replied to her and asked her about her specific situation.

Xiao Wu didn't dare to say more, for fear that the other party would not come if she knew about it. She could only say vaguely before meeting, and lead people over first, it's better to be today or as many nights as possible.

With an idea, she set a twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, saying that she only had time at this time.

Soon, the administrator of the forum came in with someone. Xiao Wu couldn't wait to stand at the door and waited for a long time. She couldn't wait to bring the administrator in and tell them what happened to them.

The administrators who came in didn't know what kind of house they had entered, and naturally they didn't know their future fate. They were about to be trapped here, replacing Xiao Wu and becoming a new group of residents.

The story here will never stop.

——Kou Tian looked at his automatic rewriting, he tapped the keyboard with satisfaction, swiped down, and clicked on the comment section of this article to reply. 】

After everyone had read Sintian's double watch, Ye Ling said: "Except for some small details that are not correct, aren't these administrators talking about us? This article implies that we will be the next Xiao Wu? "

Xiao Li thought for a while: "I think one bed may not fit five of us."

Wang Huai: "Isn't there still a floor? Say it in advance, I don't want to sleep on the floor."

Xiao Li agreed: "Neither do I."

Ye Lingshi: "..."

"I sleep, I sleep, okay," he compromised for these two, and said collapsed, "but let's solve the immediate problem first, so that no one needs to sleep on the floor?"

"That's right." Xiao Li said, "I think the focus here should not be Xiao Wu, but novels."

As he talked, he was in the comment area of ​​Fanxintian novels. In order to make things easier, Xiao Li registered an account.

[NO.1 Netizen Sherlock's message: Author, are you human? 】

The comment section of this article is very active, and soon some readers will reply in Xiao Li downstairs: [? ? Sin is great, he sprays you not a human? 】

[This should be a boast, boasting that Sin Tian is updated today, what does the code word machine mean? 】

Xiao Li brushed it a few times, but did not wait for Xintian's reply.

He stood up and opened the door of the master bedroom again—

This time, the bed in the master bedroom was empty, and the quilt on the bed was neatly folded, and there was no trace of anyone slept.

"Xiao Wu disappeared?" Wang Huai's voice came from behind him, "I guess it's our turn now."

Sun Jiaming, Ye Ziye and others were looking for possible clues in their side sleeping room. They turned the room of the second sleeping room upside down, and didn't let anything go.

This may waste time in the past, but there is only this little space here, so their progress is also very fast.

Xiao Li closed the door of the master bedroom, and at this moment, there was a sound of typing on the keyboard from the living room:

"Da da da da da da -"

Xiao Li immediately turned around, and saw that the laptop that they had placed at random was already upright, and the computer screen interface had become the author's web background login interface.

From both sides of the laptop, two arms stretched out, these two arms stretched out, and they were quickly tapping the keyboard.

Others were also moved by the sound, and they were all taken aback when they saw this scene.

Xiao Li subconsciously lowered his head to open the comment area of ​​Sin Tian, ​​and the other party was enthusiastically replying to readers' comments.

[NO.2 Netizens love sin and love life, comment: Sin Tian Da is very diligent today, turned into a code machine, and eat Viagra? 】

[Author's reply: It's a duck. I have my hands all over my body now, and the codeword speed is fast. 】

Xiao Li raised his head from the mobile comment interface and confirmed the "writer" in front of him. Well, he was indeed full of hands.

[Netizen replied: Hey, I love such a codeword machine so much, come on, I will see the double watch tomorrow. 】

Sintian replied to many people below this comment, but Xiao Li's comment was never replied.

Ye Lingshi was afraid of disturbing the "writer". He whispered, "Isn't it the author? How could it suddenly appear?"

"This is a reminder, a sole reminder..." Xiao Li lowered his head and thought for three seconds.

Ye Lingshi: "Hint? That is to say, we are not completely drawn into the world of novels, the world of writers?"

Xiao Li did not reply to him. He did not intend to let the "writer" continue to reply. He came to the computer and tapped on the computer screen: "Sin Tian, ​​is it you?"

The "writer" who was busy with codewords didn't have time to talk to him.

Xiao Li continued: "The computer, can you borrow me to use it?"

The "writing hand" vacated the hand closest to Xiao Li. It bends the other four fingers, leaving only the middle finger, and arrogantly compared the **** to Xiao Li.

For fear that Xiao Li would not be able to see it, he was shaking a pillar of Optimus's **** back and forth.

Ye Lingshi: "..."

Xiao Li: "..."

He took out the small yellow notebook, wrote a sentence on it, then put it away, waiting for the other party's arrival.

In the next second, a pair of giant scissors was greatly opened, just stuck on the fingers of the writer ghost.

The hand of the writer ghost flying and typing immediately stagnated in mid-air, motionless against the sharp blade of the scissors.

The sharp scissors shone dazzlingly under the incandescent lamp in the living room.

The owner of the scissors, the slit girl is wearing a scarf, holding scissors in one hand, and pulling her scarf down with the other hand, revealing her split mouth: "Look, am I beautiful?"

Ghost writer:? ? ?

What does it look at, it has no eyes? !

Seeing that it did not answer, the cleavage demonstratively pressed the scissors a little further: "Am I beautiful?"

The writer ghost immediately used his right hand to swing back and forth at the same amplitude.

Shook his head.

Rift Girl:?

The writer ghost immediately made a head with one hand and nodded up and down.

Meimeimei, you are so beautiful.

Xiao Li pressed down on the scissors of the slit woman, the tip of the knife rushed forward, facing the writer's long nails, he said kindly: "If you borrow my computer, this scissors will cut your nails for you. of."

Writer ghost: "..."

What the **** is this human suffering.


Hey, today is also the occasion of the double more unity. I originally wanted to disassemble it, think about it and finish writing OVO together, so today’s update is a little late (loudly

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.

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