MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 207

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The back of the peeper was visibly curved to stiff with the naked eye, and this action caused his half of his head to emerge from the trash can.

He first hesitated whether to turn his head to the left or to the right, and finally chose the left side that felt like a human palm.

However, when the peeper looked to the side of Xiao Li's palm, the hair belonging to the doll was bent and knocked behind his right shoulder in dissatisfaction.

The peeper was taken aback, recalling the fear of being dominated by the hair, and subconsciously stopped the action and turned to look to the right.

But Xiao Li laughed, and squeezed his shoulder lazily.

Both the left and the right put pressure at the same time, and the peeper did not know what to do. After a difficult decision, he chose the direction of the human palm.

What caught his eyes was a strange and familiar face. The boy lifted his chin at him and asked casually, "What are you doing here?"

What he said was an interrogative sentence, but there was no emotion like curiosity in his eyes.

The peeper squatting in the trash can has messy hair and short stature, so he can forcibly squeeze into the trash can. He is wearing a school uniform without a zipper, and his feet are on the trash. It is Xu Jiaheng.

Xu Jiaheng looked at Xiao Li, followed the hair on his right shoulder, and positioned the end point in Xiao Li's pocket all the way.

The impact from this strand of hair made him forget what he wanted to say at the beginning, and he stammered: "This, is your hair?"

Xu Jiaheng tried to stand up while talking, but his forehead hit the cantilever beam above the trash can, making a muffled noise.

Xiao Li's eyes didn't blink, his heart didn't beat: "...oh, this is my assistant."

"The time at my window, it was actually—" Xu Jiaheng clutched his forehead, twisting his limbs out of the trash can.

Xiao Li interrupted him: "——What are you doing in the trash can?"

Xu Jiaheng: "..."

Xiao Li patiently led the topic back, and repeated his question again.

Until Xu Jiaheng replied in a daze: "Pick up trash?"

Xiao Li: "Then hide by the way and look across the street? What about you when you play hide and seek?"

He paused for a while before continuing: "Also, even if you pick up trash, didn't your mother teach you not to squat in the trash can to pick up trash?"

A strange confusion appeared on Xu Jiaheng's face: "...I just want to see if you have been attacked and what is your means to resist the attack."

Xiao Li: "Why not take the initiative to pass?"

Xu Jiaheng lowered his head. This time he slowly raised his head after a while, turning his eyes upwards: "Because I like this...look at you."

Xiao Li exclaimed in surprise: "Do you like trash cans? Children like it very special and dangerous!"

Xu Jiaheng: "..."

You **** can't get through with the trash can? !

After Xiao Li said that, he glanced at the samsara across the street and walked towards them.

He walked two steps, and seeing Xu Jiaheng hadn't kept up, and even tended to run out, Xiao Li turned his head: "Let's see if they were attacked from close range?"

He put the accent on the three words "close distance".

Xu Jiaheng shook his head like a rattle: "I'm going back."

"Where to go back?" Xiao Li asked with interest, "In your mother's arms?"

"You know I won't go back, she's terrible," Xu Jiaheng shuddered when he said of his mother, a piece of chewing gum fell from his rolled up trouser tube, "I live at the same table as me."

The doll rolled it up with her hair and threw it back into the trash can.

Xiao Li: "Then have you realized that you are like your mother now?"

Xu Jiaheng didn't seem to understand Xiao Li's words: "How could it be, no."

He started to step back, keeping his eyes on Xiao Li's posture, and disappeared at the end of the road in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Li didn't stop him.

At the same time, on the opposite side of the road, perhaps because Xu Jiaheng retracted the gaze of the opposite side, those who were leaning against the wall no longer had the sense of gaze like a thorny back.

"That feeling disappeared." Jin Handong spoke first.

As soon as she finished speaking, Bruce subconsciously wanted to open his eyes, but before the impulse turned into action, he restrained himself: "I feel the same way."

"Wait a minute to prevent the trap." Wen Wenwen still closed his eyes tightly, and finally asked in puzzlement, "Did you hear anything?"

"The wind?"

"No, it seems that something hits a wall or a tree branch, that kind of muffled noise." Jin Handong also heard it, and she tried to guess the source of the sound, "Maybe the wind hit something with it. The wall."

A familiar voice with a bit of mockery intervened at this moment: "It's the sound of a human head hitting a trash can."

Jin Handong: "..."

Bruce: "..."

Seeing Sherlock coming, Wen Wenwen could finally open his eyes with confidence. He adjusted to the light, and then said: "What did you just say, the wind is too big, I didn't hear it clearly."

The combination of "head" and "bump" is not uncommon. What is strange is the "trash can" at the back. How can a person's head hit the trash can?

"The person who spied on you just now stood in the trash can opposite." Wen Wenwen reminded him a little bit of Zheng Yi. Xiao Li was very patient with this type of companion, and really explained it to him, "I happened to be from Come over there and see that you are all here with your eyes closed, so I looked for it and found it."

Wen Wenwen simulated the scene of the incident in his mind and suffocated a sentence: "...This is really true. People who look at it will always look at it."

"The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind?" This is Kesia's words in awkward Chinese after Wen Wenwen.

Wen Wenwen gave her a look of "using the right place".

Chinese culture really has a long history.

"Sherlock, did you see, who is the one who peeped at us?" Jin Handong caught the key point, "Do we know?"

Xiao Li: "Xu Jiaheng."

"It's him..." Bruce blurted out.

"How should I say, I have the feeling of'it really is him' and'it turned out to be him'." Wen Wenwen recalled the bit by bit after meeting Xu Jiaheng, and couldn't help regretting it, "I knew it before. You should stick to it safe and not bring him back."

Compared to him, Kesiah is more free and easy. She fluently said in her mother tongue: "We agreed together at the beginning. In the dungeon world, there is no need to regret any decision. I thought of this when I agreed. Possibility, just want to find a way of life in him is stronger, making me willing to take risks."

Even the dead Tsuruta thought this way, he believed too much in his props.

She mentioned her life, and Xiao Li was reminded: "Is your screenwriter's name coming?"

The others looked at each other, and finally Wen Wenwen stood up and said: "This, you have to ask Lao Wang."

Wang Huai leaned against the wall, looking as though he was not awake. He opened his mouth and yawned before saying: "When I went out that day, I looked for it. The answer is that there is no screenwriter. The movies here are like nothing. There was no script, no director, and the staff refused to tell me."

Wen Wenwen: "How do you know that the person you asked is telling the truth?"

Wang Huai: "I used Veritaserum."

Xiao Li raised his hand and asked, "...Veritaserum?"

Wang Huai glanced at him more and remembered the Sherlock in Qingshui's mouth when he was partnering with Qingshui: "I didn't expect you to really use props..."

Lao Wang and Sherlock are basically two extremes. Wang Huai doesn't have much, but has the most props, just like Doraemon, after all, he is the man who ransacked the treasure island.

"It's a kind of prop that can make people or little ghosts tell the truth after using it." Wang Huai Popular Science, "I call it Veritaserum."

Maybe sleepiness is really contagious. Xiao Li also felt a little sleepy for a while. He shook his head, feeling a little awake.

At this time, the door of the shop next to the reincarnations opened again. The young men held a basketball and a pack of cigarettes in their hands. The leader was dyed red hair. He drew a cigarette and lit it, and lied the rest. The cigarette case was thrown into the little brother's arms: "Go, play."

"Boss, the stadium is occupied, today it is the first turn to play." The younger brother caught the pack of cigarettes and said with a smile.

"Damn, I forgot," the red-haired boss exhaled a puff of smoke, "then just find an open space and put up a stand, where you can't fight."

"Then the land in front, no one will come."

They passed by the reincarnation, probably because they had never seen so many faces. The red-haired boss stared at Xiao Li and the others for half a minute. It seemed that considering the large number of each other, he didn't talk about anything, but turned around. Go far.

Strange to say, as they left, the fog in the town of Stellan became thicker.

Wen Wenwen was keenly aware of this: "We went back immediately, something was wrong."

It is strange that he thought about it. There is no set time limit for this mission. If they can keep their eyes closed to avoid peepers, they can easily survive for too long. Now it is obvious that once a certain period of time is exceeded, the difficulty of the dungeon will increase. In the end, it is possible that even oneself cannot see clearly in the mist.

Everyone walked in the direction they were going back, but the thick fog was too thick, and the fog even carried a strong smell. The smell of blood mixed with the smell of mud, and it was particularly unpleasant.

This time, during the daytime, dark shadows were also moving in the fog. I don't know what was mixed in it. It was obvious that the situation had escalated further.

The humidity of the air increased, coupled with the visibility, Wen Wenwen walked in the first place, stepped on his left foot and fell on the ground. He threw himself on the ground and fell in the direction of Xiao Li behind.

Xiao Li was caught off guard, Shen Mirage stretched out his hand to pull him away, Wen Wenwen did not fall on him, and fell directly to the ground, grinning in pain.

With tears in his eyes, Wen Wenwen complained to Xiao Li of his unsympathetic behavior in the scandal palace. Xiao Li thought for a while: "...Do you want me to hold you?"

He numbly got up to himself: "No need, no need."

Single dogs still have to feel good about themselves. When you look back, I will post the forum and talk about the love and hatred of the big guys with the majority of single dogs.

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.

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