MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 204

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"Run away!!!" in the Mirror of Uropoulos was shining with a very eye-catching light, and even with the old man's eye hints, it entered the rest of the eyes.

Xiao Li with a puzzled look:? ? ?

Isn't he making a peaceful transaction with the other party? What to escape? !

The fortune-teller who thought he would see some shocking prophecy: "..."

The corners of her red lips were twitching violently.

Run away?

The Mirror of Uropoulos is an artifact that all fortune-tellers dream of, and now, it doesn't even have a prophetic picture, just blatantly reminding her to run away?

At this time, the fortune-teller looked at Xiao Li again, only to feel that the other person’s figure suddenly became mysterious and unpredictable. Even the old man sitting in the coffin beside him became a kind elder held by evil humans. Expose to yourself at great risk.

Prophecy is the direction of divination. To a certain extent, they are from the same source. Although she had never met the old man, at this moment, the fortuneteller chose to trust each other.

She swiftly put the crystal ball in front of her into her pocket. She was covered with old bones but possessed agility that was incompatible with her body. She smashed the edge of the chair that blocked her and fled outside.

However, before she was about to step out of the threshold, the hair stretched out of Xiao Li's pocket hovered on the ground for a long time.

The doll was prepared in advance. The dark hair took advantage of the fortuneteller’s attention on the coffin and mirror in front of him. It had already quietly sneaked into the darkness. At this moment, it was directly wrapped around the fortuneteller’s ankle. A twitch made her fall directly into a big horse.

"Ouch, oops—"

The fortuneteller only felt that the bones of her whole body were torn apart. Fortunately, she protected her face in time when she fell. She didn't cause any damage to that face, except that her shoulders were miserable. She grinned from the ground. Reluctantly get up.

The escape failed.

Before heartache his body, the fortuneteller looked back at Xiao Li in panic.

Xiao Li: "...Although I don't know why it wants you to escape, the escape is considered a failure by default."

The fortune-teller sat back on the chair half-abandonedly. The wicker chair, which is usually comfortable, now makes her feel not soft enough. She muttered, "You still need clues?"

The other party can use the Mirror of Prophecy, still need her to give clues?

Xiao Li knew what she was thinking when she looked at the coffin ghost in her eyes. He simply said, "There are restrictions."

The sentence he engraved on it only made a little connection between him and the Coffin of Uropoulos, but it was not enough for it to break through the restrictions of the dungeon rules to predict those important clues. The dungeon clues can only be from Get in this world.

The fortuneteller was nervous, and she didn't plan to go wrong, so she took out the crystal ball from her arms.

After experiencing that fall, this crystal ball is considered to be of good quality, without any broken place, it is still so round and shiny.

The fortuneteller stroked the crystal ball with both hands, his eyes gradually became misty and he entered the state of psychic.

"When the first rays of light dissipated the darkness, the Sphinx's crown fell on the ground, and the shadows were dissipated to the Promised Land, which is the coordinates of the Temple of Record."

When she spoke, her voice was somewhat ethereal, echoing in the room.

Xiao Li wrote down these words, and the doll retracted her hair and leaned back to the bottom of her pocket.

Upon seeing this, the fortune-teller withdrew his hand. For some reason, he still nervously asked, "May I go now?"

After Xiao Li nodded, she grabbed the crystal ball without looking back and ran out in a hurry.

Only the coffin ghost next to Xiao Li was left with mixed feelings in its heart. In addition to a little gratification for the younger generation's escape in those old eyes, there was more aggrieved--

Why do you think Sherlock was so rude to him, and he really just made a deal with this junior? !

It couldn't think about the difference in treatment, and it didn't plan to ask Xiao Li, and when it lay in the coffin, it planned to go back.

But before closing the coffin board, Xiao Li held it down with one hand, and the black eyes looking at the coffin ghost rarely hesitated: "You..."

Coffin ghost horrified:? ? ?

It grabbed its own little mirror.

Xiao Li seemed to be caught in a certain entangled mood. He asked softly, "Can you see eternity in the mirror of prophecy?"

The coffin ghost didn't seem to understand this question, holding the mirror and looking at each other.

Xiao Li: "You can see..."

Having said that, he raised his head and pressed his forehead, and laughed like he had said something ridiculous.

"It's okay, you can go back."

The coffin ghost shook his head, closed the coffin board suspiciously, and disappeared into the room.

Xiao Li was left standing alone in the room.

He doesn't believe in prophecies, but just now he had an urge to use the mirror of Uroboros to see eternity. If there is a mirage, then...

Gee, forget it.

There is no if.


Without the power of the diviner, the wall at the end of the path has disappeared, returning to the way it was when Xiao Li came.

The clue she left refers to the time when the sun rises, the current time has already passed, and can only wait for tomorrow, so Xiao Li is not hurriedly preparing to continue traveling around the town.

Except for time, what does the sphinx crown refer to?

The first thing Xiao Li thought of was the temple in his dream, but it belonged to the sea and the dreamland.

He stopped for a moment at the end of the road, turned and went to the other side.


Towards the afternoon, Xiao Li returned to the small bungalow.

The reincarnations inside had rented a house for a quarter of an hour to walk, and told Xu Jiaheng, of course, they made up an excuse.

However, Xu Jiaheng had already developed a sense of distrust towards them and insisted on staying at the same table home. Wen Wenwen stopped several times to no avail. He insisted very much, and finally had to agree after several discussions.

So when Xiao Li returned, Xu Jiaheng was no longer in the house.

Shen Mirage leaned against the door frame: "Are you back?"

Xiao Li: "Yeah."

For some reason, he always feels that such conversations happen more often, a bit like a couple squatting at home, waiting for the other party to return home, he is even a little accustomed to this kind of existence.

The others gathered around the table. Wen Wenwen waved his hand when he saw him: "Sherlock, come and look at this."

Xiao Li walked in and found that it was a short clip of video.

"Lao Wang gave it." Wen Wenwen said, "It's a prop left by Hetian before. Look at this."

It was in the early hours of the morning, facing the picture in the living room, he clicked to play, and the picture began to change.

......Although there was no movement in the first ten seconds.

In the video, Xu Jiaheng was lying on the sofa. He didn't move for more than ten seconds, only his chest fell slightly together. Then he rolled over and the quilt fell to the ground.

After an unknown period of time, he suddenly frowned, clutching his stomach and stood up. It seemed that his stomach hurts and he was going to the toilet, but the direction he was walking was not the toilet on the first floor, but upstairs on the second floor.

He disappeared around the corner, and the picture in the living room became still again. Two minutes later, Xu Jiaheng rubbed his stomach, came downstairs, fell back to the sofa, and fell asleep again before he had time to pick up the quilt.

The recording stops.

Jin Handong said: "Although Hetian's death time cannot be confirmed, we all think it has something to do with Xu Jiaheng."

"There is obviously a toilet on the first floor, but he has to go to the second floor. Secondly, he is the only one who has gone upstairs. The time he met the cut-throat figure was also very strange." She added in one breath.

Xiao Li stared at the screen, stretched out his hand and rewinded it to look at it again, then pointed his finger on Xu Jiaheng's face: "Could it be... sleepwalking?"

"Sleepwalking?" Kethia asked, "Why is it sleepwalking?"

Xiao Li: "I simply feel like it, did you dream of anything last night?"

Jin Handong: "Yes, I dreamt that we were in the movie theater that day, engulfed by fire."

Wen Wenwen: "No, I slept quite deep."

"I dreamed of a cut throat figure, it was very close to me, looking at me, palms sideways, and gestured to me to cut my throat." Kesia said, "but I think it was I’m so impressed, I think day by day and dream at night."


Everyone's dreams are different. Xiao Li listened to everyone carefully and at the same time said his own.

Upon seeing this, Wen Wenwen asked Xiao Li: "What progress is there on your side? What did Xu Ma say?"

He rubbed his hands and looked forward to the newly discovered Sherlock in the forum.

Xiao Li pondered for a moment: "She confessed her weirdness and said that Xu Jiaheng had to look at him and us at the same time when she broke the rules."

Wen Wenwen was surprised: "She admits it?!"

This was an unfolding that he didn't expect. He thought that Xu's mother would never admit it to outsiders.

Xiao Li: "Yeah."

"and then?"

Xiao Li: "She seems to be not very good at expression. I laughed at her vocabulary and the director's script."

Wen Wenwen:? ? ?

Don't normal people hurry up when they ask for something?

And... ghosts don't need professional knowledge, right? ! Does Sherlock want a ghost to go to the director department or the Chinese department? !

Ghosts can cry! I will cry at the pile of homework at the end of the term!

Xiao Li: "Later, I just wandered around and saw a fortune-telling shop. I was invited to be a guest. I made a deal with her and got some clues. I will verify it tomorrow."

Wen Wenwen knew this would make him regret, but he couldn't help but want to know the specific transaction details...

Xiao Li didn't intend to say it at first, but Wen Wenwen asked again before he said it and got a complicated look from the other party.

Then Wen Wenwen glanced at other people left and right, lowered his voice, and said in Xiao Li's ear: "One news for another news, tell you, when you were away, we just watched the complete video, in order to prevent There are omissions, they are all taken seriously."

Xiao Li didn't know how to be Li: "So?"

Wen Wenwen looked at him with gossip: "So we saw that you went upstairs in the middle of the night, and combined with the knock on the door last night, I know you went to find Lao Wang, who is next to the night club."

Xiao Li: "..."

He just asked Wang Huai a question, why is such a pure matter being said by Wen Wenwen, but it has a strange meaning.

"Furthermore, after you stayed for a while, you covered Xu Jiaheng with a quilt, and then you were dragged into his room by Shen Mirage, and then came out after a while. When you came out, you covered the back of your neck, your hair was messy, and your clothes were not neat. It really deserves to be the palace."

"We guessed what you were doing in the room for a while, guessing everything."

The smile on his face brought a bit of urgency that could finally be relieved from fear temporarily, and sighed: "Your circle is really messy."

Xiao Li: "………………"

Mess with you!


Sherlock was killed in a wind critic.

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.

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