MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 202

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Xiao Li was awakened from a dream.

Last night, he returned to the room after he came out of Shen Mirage’s room. The effect of the original coffee was also dissipated because of the tingling sensation spreading on the muscles and skin behind the neck. He lay down. In bed, I just felt sleepy, and I fell asleep directly without thinking about other things too much.

He had a long dream.

The dream is a sea, the sea is blue, the sun is spreading on the sea into fine rhinestones, following the undulations of the sea, it looks sparkling.

From time to time, marine fish jumped out, splashing out a splash of water, and the sea and the sky in the distance are magnificent.

In the dream, Xiao Li can clearly know that he is dreaming, and he can even control his actions.

He stood on the shore, looked at the sea in the distance for a while, then turned around and found a group of islands behind him.

With the largest island as the center, the rest of the small land is regularly arranged around and concentric with the middle. There are many buildings on the island in the middle, among which the tallest is a temple. It stands tall on a tall mountain, stands tall, very conspicuous, and forms a triangle with the two small temples on the left and right.

On both sides of the temple, there are two magic soldiers. They wear helmets and hold a weapon in their hands, as if they are guarding the things inside the temple. Both the magic soldiers and the temple are exquisitely constructed and have an exceptionally harmonious beauty. It can be seen at a glance even from a distance.

Except for the temple in the middle, there is a sphinx statue guarding each of the other two small temples.

Xiao Li stood at the westernmost part of this island group.

Xiao Li was silent for a moment at the building in front of him, and the name mentioned in the mission description came to mind: "Atlantis?"

He turned around and wanted to walk to the central island, but at this moment, the sound of a quick knock on the door from outside awakened him.

The person who knocked on the door should be very anxious. He knocked more than a dozen times in a row. At the same time, there was the sound of people walking outside the door: "Sherlock, Sherlock?"

The eyes that Xiao Li had just opened were absent for a moment, but with the knock at the door, he quickly returned to soberness. After getting up from the bed, he opened the door: "What's the matter?"

Wen Wenwen knocked on his door.

Wen Wenwen lost a smile on his face, with solemnity. When he saw Xiao Li safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief before saying, "Hetian is dead."

He told Xiao Li what had just happened.

In the morning, Bruce was the first to get up. When he came to the living room halfway, he found Xu Jiaheng was asleep, with the quilt scattered on the ground and his belly exposed.

Bruce chose to wake Xu Jiaheng, and in the little boy's confused eyes, chatted with him for a while about the situation in this mysterious town, hoping to get more information.

After that, as time went by, Kesia, Wen Wenwen and others also woke up, and in the end only Xiao Li and Hetian's room remained.

Wen Wenwen knocked on Hetian's door first, but no one answered.

He immediately became nervous. He didn't have much contact with Tsuruta, but he also knew roughly what kind of person the other party was, and he definitely wouldn't take an unusual path like Sherlock.

After calling no one for a long time, he chose to break in directly and found that Tsuruta was already dead on the bed.

Xiao Li followed Wen Wenwen upstairs, Hetian's room was surrounded by a circle of people, Xu Jiaheng was among them, his face was pale, and Hetian's face on the bed kept shaking.

Hetian's body was covered with a white cloth by Jin Handong. After his death, he looked shocked, as if he saw something that he couldn't believe.

Wen Wenwen said: "Maybe it was a figure that came out of the movie, maybe it was a creature peeping at us, but this is not what worries me the most, but when Tsuruta died, he was still holding his life. Props."

He pointed his finger at a net-like object placed on the table.

"This is a very expensive life-saving item in the mall. It is limited to purchase every month. As long as it is taken out, the user's life can be guaranteed within a limited time." Jin Handong explained, "It will automatically disappear into the air when it is used up. "

But now this item is placed brightly on the table, which shows that it is useless at all for the thing that killed Tsuruta. This makes the reincarnations think of their own items.

Sometimes, veterans dare to take risks, but besides knowing the truth of "seeking a life in danger", it is also because most of them have saved a few life-saving items, and suddenly they lose their usefulness, and they can't help but panic.

"Assuming that it was a cut-throated figure who killed Tsuruta, does it mean that as a ghost from the movie, our props are useless for it?" Wen Wenwen tried to stabilize himself and told himself not to panic. To calmly analyze, "If this is the case..."

When he said this, he could not continue.

Xiao Li stood at the door, his eyes flashed when he heard the words, watching Xu Jiaheng lower his head and biting his fingers with his teeth, Kesia inside checked the things in Tsuruta's room.

The task this time is really complicated. It doesn't stipulate a specific time. For example, the most routine survival time is seven days, just let the samsaras go in and find a way out.

This implies to some extent that they cannot find a way to survive and will die soon.

Also, why is Tsuruta the first to die?

Was it randomness, or did he do something that triggered the ghost to kill him first?

There is currently no answer.


The sudden death of Tsuruta made all the remaining people extra vigilant.

Wen Wenwen pulled Kexia and the others secretly, and again in a low voice suggested isolating Xu Jiaheng. He meant that since the props are not available, it needs to be safer. What if the ghost lives on the plot characters? If you can stay away, it's better to rent a house and settle the other party.

No one immediately objected this time, which was considered tacit.

Once the reincarnation decides something, the efficiency will be very high. They are ready to go out together to inquire about the news and rent a house by the way. At the intersection in the middle, Xiao Li separates from them.

Wen Wenwen stopped him in surprise: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Li: "Go and meet Xu Jiaheng's mother."

The rest: "..."

Fortunately, Xu Jiaheng himself is not here, otherwise there might be some moths.

Wen Wenwen: "But if Xu Jiaheng's mother has been possessed..."

Xiao Li thought for a while: "But it's possible to hear another version of a different story. I like to listen to stories."

He didn't intend to act with the team, and raised his hand in a warm and gentle manner.

When Xiao Li arrived at Xu Jiaheng's house, his car repair shop had already opened. His mother was wearing a floral plaid shirt and cotton trousers with her trousers rolled up, squatting in front of a bicycle, tinkering with the parts on it.

Xiao Li tried to say hello: "Xu...Auntie?"

Xu's mother raised her head and glanced at him, her hands kept moving, and she mumbled: "Outsiders."

Xiao Li directly admitted: "Yes, I just came in from outside."

"Are you looking for me?" Xu Mu asked coldly.

Seeing that Xu's mother didn't seem to be able to communicate well, Xiao Li tried to start with Xu Jiaheng, and he went straight in: "Aunt Xu, have you found that your son is a bit strange recently?"

Speaking of Xu Jiaheng, Xu's mother finally stood up and threw the screwdriver in her hand on the stool next to her.

"Do you know Aheng?"

"I don't know him." Xiao Li said, "I just reluctantly helped him."

Mother Xu: "Help him? What can you help him?"

Xiao Li pondered for a moment: " survive?"

Mother Xu immediately looked at him with neurotic eyes, as if she would take out the broom and drive him away in the next second.

In order to prevent this premonition from coming true, Xiao Li speeded up his speech: "Your son said something to me. He said that you have become different from before, which made him feel terrified."

As he talked, he kept observing the other person's expression. He thought that Xu's mother would be surprised at least, but he didn't expect Xu's mother to have a whole body, and then the whole person changed like a person, and raised his eyes quietly: "He told you that?"

Xiao Li: "Well, Aunt Xu, do you have another version of the story you want to tell me?"

Xu's mother slid back and pointed to the house behind the car repair shop: "Why don't you come in and say?"

"No, I don't like to enter other people's homes casually." Xiao Li said, looking around inadvertently, only to find something--

The two houses on the left and right of the Xu family had windows facing the road. At this time, there were half faces in the two windows, peeping at him through the glass.

This half of the face belongs to the upper half of the human head, and it can be seen that they look different, but they all stare at him.

As for the window at the back, there was a faint movement, because the distance was too far to be clear to the naked eye.

"Are you sure?"

Xu's mother stood there, as if waiting for Xiao Li to change his mind.

Xiao Li retracted his gaze and did not think for too long: "Well, just say that."

Mother Xu didn't seem to expect this answer, she looked at Xiao Li twice, and then she spoke.

When she spoke, her voice was hollow and not the slightest anger, but there was a faint light in her eyes: "He broke the rules, I have to look at him, keep looking at him."

Xiao Li paused for a while and gave her time to continue.

Mother Xu's eyes turned sideways to look at the teenager in front of her. Her muddled eyes looked very unkind, with layers of wrinkles attached, like a circle of tattoos, and her whole person seemed to swell a lot: "You also broke the rules, you outsiders, we also have to..."

"Look at you."

"Watching you run away, struggle, and die."

"Peeping is everywhere."

"You can't escape."


There was a long silence.

Mother Xu stood in front of Xiao Li, turning her head, her body was moving, but her eyes remained motionless, firmly nailed to her eye sockets.

Xiao Li listened for a while, bathed in the opponent's sight, and responded: "That's it?"

"Saturated with weak threats, over and over again, I thought I could hear a different story."

He raised his volume a little: "The script is written for you. Listen, from your perspective, Xu Jiaheng is a bad boy. He skips class every day and often mischievous and asks the teacher to call you to complain. Can't go down."

"However, recently, he has become more vigorous. He has been clamoring about ghosts in the house, and you have not seen anything, but he has been saying you have a problem."

"He said that you are a ghost, and you are very strange. At the same time, Xu Jiaheng's behavior has become even more weird. He often stares at the window at night, saying that there is hair outside, and he curls up in the quilt in fear and refuses to come out. Refused to be with you."

"In desperation, you can only look at him secretly at night, for fear that he will do something, but he grabs you and keeps saying that you are watching him at night."

"I think this story is a little more dramatic, what do you think?"

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.

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