MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 8

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"You are?"

"I'm Gild Tezzolo, I've been imprisoned here for three years, and I know how to get out of this hell!"

Gilder Tezzolo?

At this moment, Chenos' pupils shrank slightly, remembering who the man in front of him was.

Isn't this the golden emperor Tezzolo who will be known as the richest man in the world in the future, with golden fruit?

This guy will control 20% of the world's Bailey in the future, and has a wealth of 500 billion Bailey, which is a hundred white beards.

Only then did Chenos remember that the richest man in the future, who was once a slave of the Dragons, would also leave the Holy Land Mary Joa together in Fisher Tiger's liberation of slaves.

If Tezzolo can be brought under his command while he is still in desperation, then Tezzolo can not only become his source of funds in the future, but will also be a very powerful subordinate.

To be honest, in the theatrical version, if Tezzolo can appear as the villain big BOSS, it will be able to meet his strength, and if it is not for Wang Luffy to hang up, it will not be the opponent of Tezzolo who has awakened the ability of the fruit.

Thinking of this, Chenos' eyes lit up, and in his heart he planned to bring Tezolo under his command.

"Since you know how to get out of this hell, why are you still here?"

Facing Chenos' question, Tezzolo lowered his head.

"I... I'm not strong enough, although I know the way, but I don't have the strength to leave by this way. I also looked for murlocs and planned to leave with them, but I was beaten away by them before I got close. now..."

The corners of Chenos' mouth twitched, "So you found me who can get close to the murlocs?"

Tezzolo didn't hide it, but nodded candidly.

However, Chenos asked him: "You said that you are not strong enough. If this is the case, why should I take you away?"

Facing Chenos' questioning, Tezzolo said calmly: "I can use the method of going out as a deal, and let you take me out. In Mary Joa, I am the only one who has discovered this method. You want to Leave, you must know my way!"

Chenos asked Tezzolo with great interest: "Aren't you afraid that I will force you to say it?"

At this moment, Tezzolo raised his head and looked at Chenos with his eyes full of hatred and a hint of remorse.

"My heart is dead, even if you torture me to death now, I'm not afraid, if it wasn't for the hatred in my heart that I couldn't die safely, I would have committed suicide long ago!

So please, I have a reason to leave here! "

Chenos asked, "You want revenge on the Dragons?"

"Yes, I want to be the richest person in the world, I want to use the money to trample the Tianlong people under my feet!"

Chenos laughed, and then said to Tezzolo in a murderous tone: "Our goals are similar, I intend to kill all the Tianlong people.

Although our purposes are not the same, regardless of the general is the same, or so, you become my crew, and I deal with the dragon people, I will take you out of this hell. "

"Okay, I'll join you!"

Without hesitation, Tezzolo nodded and agreed to Chenos' invitation.

In fact, Tezzolo also knows that it is impossible for him to leave this **** on his own. Chenos, as a powerful fruit ability, has the opportunity to allow him to get close to the murloc and let him He has a chance to get out of this **** hell.

As long as he can leave this hell, as long as he can take revenge on the Tianlong people, even if he sells his soul, he is willing.

Moreover, if he can really escape outside, he also needs a person with strong strength as a backer, and the strong Chenos is the right person for this.

"Can you trust me now?"

Tezzolo knew that Chenos was asking about the way to escape. After hesitating for a while, he decided to choose to trust Chenos, because he had no choice but to believe.

Without Chenos, he could not get close to the murlocs who hated humans, let alone leave, so he could only choose to gamble, believing that Chenos would take him away.

"In the place where we take a bath, there is a huge sewer pipe, and there is a sewage outlet that can directly lead to the outside world. I have verified this in the water outlet on the cliff outside. I use the things I put in the water to listen to flowed out here.

And I have also gone down to the sewer pipe. The sewer pipe is more than three meters wide. It can easily let a murloc go out along the water pipe, but where the water flow is too fast, it is almost straight down. With my strength, no , it should be said that judging from the strength of everyone in the Holy Land Mariejoa, only the murlocs who can breathe in the water and have a strong physique can go out from here.

And most murlocs are not that strong, only the powerful murloc named Fisher should be able to escape from here alive. "

After pondering for a while, Chenos said to Tezzolo: "We take a bath every three days, and we just took a bath yesterday, so we need to wait two days before we can go to the bathhouse.

Two days later, you will wait for us at the entrance of the bathhouse. Then we will take Fisher to see the sewer together. I believe that Fisher will not give up as long as he has the opportunity to escape! "

"it is good!"

"Where do you live? If there is a chance to escape, how will I find you?"

"I'm being held in cell 125 in District E. You can find me there!"

Chenos just finished his meal and said to Tezzolo: "Let's go, let's talk to Fisher!"

The two came to Fisher's side again. After talking to Fisher about the passage to escape, they agreed to go to see the situation together two days later.

Then the three of them left separately, preparing to gather again three days later.

The smooth progress of things also made Chenos feel very happy, and walked back to the cage while humming a song.

It's just that he couldn't be happy for long, because the Tianlong people called them again and went to the Tianlong people's room to prepare to 'play games'.

Chenos narrowed his eyes slightly, this time playing the game, maybe the Tianlong man who was defeated by him last time as a slave will come to trouble him again, but now he is not very worried about fighting. Seeing and seeing, coupled with the fruit ability, he is confident to survive the battle with other slaves.

The only thing that worries Chenos is that the Tianlong people are too rich, maybe they will spend money to buy devil fruit for slaves to eat, and the ability of devil fruit is all kinds of strange, he does not know if he will encounter Wang Luffy restraint. Anilu's situation has arisen, so you still have to be careful.

Chapter 16 The Game Begins Again

Chenos followed the other slaves towards the Dragon Man's house. At this time, the three Hancock sisters carefully followed behind Chenos to gain a sense of security.

After all, every time you go to Tianlongren's room to play games, it's like going to the battlefield. Only God knows if you can survive.

Seeing Hancock's unease, Chenos reached out and held Hancock's little hand, hoping to give him some comfort.

In fact, Chenos feels very strange about Hancock now. With this period of time, Chenos gradually lost the idea that the other party was a paper person, but treated the other party as a living person, while Hanku K's somewhat arrogant personality also made Chenos begin to really like each other, instead of taking each other as an object of fantasy.

"Che... Chenos..."

Hancock, who was suddenly held by Chenos, turned into a steam girl again, blushing so red that he was about to faint.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine!"


In fact, Hancock didn't hear what Chenos was saying at all, and he was led away by Chenos in a daze.

After coming to Tianlongren's room, Chenos let go of Hancock's hand. He didn't want to cause trouble for the two of them because of holding hands. After Hancock felt the residual warmth in his palm, he became Somewhat disappointed.

She secretly said in her heart: "I really want to be held by Chenos for the rest of my life... Ah, what am I thinking about!"

Afterwards, Hancock peeked at Chenos' handsome face from time to time, and he didn't know what was going on, showing a shy but happy smile on his face.

It's just that Chenos didn't pay attention to Hancock at this time, and his face became heavy.

Because there are five Heavenly Dragons in the room today!

There were dozens of slaves kneeling behind these Tianlong people, which made Chenos feel a little uneasy.

So Chenos hid in the crowd, hoping that he would not be looking for him to fight today, otherwise so many people would exhaust him even if he was tired.

"Hey, the one who can't be beaten to death, come out quickly, and teach me a lesson today to my ignorant brothers, let them know that you are invincible!"


I'm really afraid of what to do!

Chenos pulled out a smiling face and slowly walked towards Saint Charles.

After the other Celestial Dragons saw Chenos, they all showed disdain. One of the female Celestial Dragons mocked Charles Rose: "With this small body, you dare to say that you can't kill yourself? Charles Ross, Are you alone, do you want me to lend you a few to play with?"

"Xia Lulia, you bastard, dare to talk to your brother like this, believe it or not, I will let me, an undead slave, kill all the slaves under your command, so that you have no slaves to use!"

Chenos had a dark face on the side, and complained in his heart: "Hey, hey, if you talk ruthlessly, don't take me with you, bastard!"

At this time, Charmak Saint, who was beaten in the face last time, stood up, "Xia Lulia, don't be fooled by that slave's small body, last time my slave was killed because of his small body. , why don't you just send the captain's slave you borrowed from your father, and blow up this little body!"

Chenos bowed his head on the side, cursing Saint Charmak constantly in his heart, this **** is too vengeful, and even encouraged others to send the captain slave.

The captain slave, as the name suggests, is the captain of the pirate group who became the slave of the Tianlong people after being caught. In the world of pirates, generally speaking, the captain is the strongest existence on a pirate ship. Stubble!

But it also depends on where the captain is. If it is the captain of the East China Sea, Chenos can relax a little, but if it is the captain of the new world, Chenos has to think about how to save his life.

A green-haired Tianlong man said impatiently: "Charles, let's start directly, and end this boring game early!"

Charles Rose said with a hint of greed: "The bet?"

The green-haired Tianlong man said indifferently: "Just as you said, the heavenly gold turned over by an allied country!"

For others, gold in the sky is a huge amount of wealth that others can't get in their entire lives. It is a fund that can be raised by a country that is a member of the world government trying its best to squeeze the people every year.

But for the Tianlong people, the gold in the sky is just the pocket money they can get every year. Even if they lose their pocket money for a year, it will have no effect on them, but they will just feel uncomfortable.

When Saint Charles heard the other party's answer, he laughed loudly, and slammed Chenos with the cane in his hand: "Hey, if you can't beat him to death, give me a good job today, and beat all their slaves to my face. Come on, give me all the gold in the sky in their hands, and I'll give you extra food at that time!"

Facing Charles Ross' "rich" reward, Chenos squeezed out a smile and said, "Yes, I will definitely help you beat them all down..."

At this time, a figure walked out of the back of the five people and walked towards Chenos.

One looks like a boxer, one holds a long knife, two burly men and an old one-eyed pirate wearing a pirate captain's hat.

Except for the two strong men, all three of these five people gave Chenos a strong sense of threat, especially the old one-eyed pirate, who was staring at him as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake. , giving a very gloomy feeling.

After watching several of them play, Charles Rose said aggressively: "In order not to waste time, let's play together!"

Chenos widened his eyes and looked at St. Charles Rose, gritted his teeth in his heart and greeted: "I thank you and your family!"

But no matter how Chenos greeted the other party, he still had to face the reality, and he had to find a way to get through this difficulty first.

Originally, Chenos was very satisfied with the progress of his own strength, and believed that no matter what opponent he faced, he could have a fight, but what he didn't expect was that the scumbag Saint Charles directly arranged five opponents for him.

If he were to deal with one of them, Chenos would still be able to win, but facing five opponents at once, and three of them gave him a dangerous atmosphere, it really gave Chenos some headaches.

Chenos secretly said in his heart: "For today's plan, first find a way to kill those two strong men first, and then reduce the number of opponents."

After looking at the height of the two strong men up to three meters, Chenos couldn't help but light up.

Generally speaking, the taller the person, the slower the speed. Since this is the case, then he can use his flexible skills to shuttle between the two strong men, so that others will have scruples in attacking, and then use the two The body of the strong man acts as an obstacle and fights guerrilla warfare with the opponent.

In this way, no matter if the enemy attacks, he will hurt his teammates, and if he doesn't attack, he will be counterattacked by Chenos, and he can only fall into a dilemma, and he can take the opportunity to deal with the enemy.

plan pass,


Chapter 17

After the five people surrounded Chenos, they began to slowly approach Chenos.

Facing the siege, Chenos did not retreat but advanced, acting according to the previously envisaged plan, and quickly rushed towards the two strong men.

Seeing that Chenos was so brave, Saint Charles couldn't help shouting to the other Tianlong people proudly: "Hahaha, see, this is my slave, much better than your slaves!"

Xia Luliya Palace rolled her eyes at Saint Charles, "Oh, my father's captain slave, I hope you can laugh later!"

Charles Rose said indifferently: "Look, even if it is Dad's captain slave, my undead slave can kill him!"

As soon as Saint Charles finished speaking, Chenos was kicked out and slammed into the wall.

The other Tianlong people laughed at Saint Charles.

"Your unbeatable toy doesn't look that good!"

"Damn, what's going on?"

Chenos rushed towards the two strong men according to the previous plan, but before he could reach the strong man, the boxer appeared in front of Chenos and knocked Chenos out with a punch.

The boxer's punch was also very terrifying. Even though Chenos was able to absorb damage with his fruit ability, he was still knocked out.

Chenos had just landed, and when he was about to get up and continue to attack, the knife-wielding slave also appeared beside Chenos and slashed towards Chenos, forcing Chenos to roll with a donkey, barely avoiding it. Knife slave attack.

It was just after he avoided the attack that a huge snake tail pulled towards Chenos and slammed it on Chenos' body, sending Chenos flying out again.

Chenos hit the wall again and stopped.


After landing again, Chenos spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the five people with vigilance.

This attack also let Chenos know the limitation of the fruit's ability, that is, the attack that exceeds the absorption limit will affect him and cause him to be injured.

It's just that with the ability to rebound as a buffer, Chenos was only slightly injured in the wave of attacks that ordinary people would die in just one hit.

This also gave Chenos a sigh of relief, at least he would not be killed all at once.

As long as he doesn't die, give him a chance and let him explode the damage accumulated in his body, he is sure to knock down a person with one blow!

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