MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 4

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After killing the chicken to show the monkey, Chenos kept muttering in a low voice.

"Nima, this force is so hard to control!"

Chapter 7 Slave Jobs

Chenos originally planned to explode energy on his feet, then stopped in front of the man, and gave the opponent a heavy punch to KO him, but he didn't expect the explosive force to be too great, and it passed through the man's body in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, the deterrent effect is good.

Chenos tore off the torn clothes, wiped the blood on his body, and came to the three Hancock sisters again.

"I'll sleep in front of you tonight, and if anyone dares to do anything to you, call me!"

After Chenos finished speaking, he lay down about a meter away from the three of them, and protected the three of them in the corner. This way, no matter where someone tried to approach the three of them, he could hear the movement.

At this time, the three of them looked at Chenos with some moving. In such a harsh environment, there was such a person protecting them, which filled their hearts with a sense of security.

Hancock glanced at Chenos from time to time, his face was red, he didn't know what he was thinking, and finally bit his lower lip. After making up his mind, he took off his cloak and walked towards Chenos.

"Chenos,'ll catch a cold if you sleep naked like this, put this on!"

Chenos looked at Hancock, who was only wearing a red shorts and shorts, and shook his head.

"I'm fine, I'm stronger than you, I'll be fine, you can wear it."

"I... Our three sisters can hug and sleep, and they won't catch a cold. Don't be brave. When you catch a cold, no one will be able to protect us!"

Chenos glanced at Hancock's two younger sisters, and then at Hancock, who had a firm look, he did not refuse, and took the cape and put it on his body.

After watching Chenos take over the cape, Hancock showed a bright smile. This was the first time she felt genuinely happy since she came here.

After returning to the sister's side, the three of them hugged each other tightly, sticking to each other, making this icy cage a little warm.

Although there was a corpse not far from them that had not yet cooled down, although the ground was covered with icy rocks, and although there were terrifying slaves around, they all fell into a deep sleep.

Just because they had a figure standing in front of them, making them feel an unprecedented sense of security.

Everyone also experienced a crisis of extreme stimulation and could die at any time. After returning to the cage and relaxing, they all felt extremely tired, and they all fell into a deep sleep, and no one else did anything.

The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, someone came and knocked on the door, waking everyone up.

After seeing the corpse in Chenos' cage, CP0, who was in charge of it, didn't say anything. He opened the gate of the cage generously, and let people go in and clean up the corpse.

At this time, Chenos, who woke up, came to the side of the three Hancock sisters and said to them: "In the daytime, all women will arrange to clean up, remember, you can slow down when cleaning, be careful not to Just smash anything, and keep a smiley face when you meet a dragon.

No matter what happens, don't cry or shout, you'll just die faster! "

Hancock looked worriedly at the male slaves around him, looking very uneasy.

After seeing Hancock's appearance, Chenos touched Hancock's head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, male slaves and female slaves work in different places. They generally need to be escalator workers. They will be with you, and outside, they don't dare to do anything, they dare to move, they are definitely the ones who die!"

Hancock asked in confusion, "Escalator?"

A trace of anger flashed in Chenos' eyes, and he explained: "The escalator, as the name suggests, is a stairway that can move by itself, and the Tianlong people can automatically reach the end of the stairway without having to walk hard.

And the reason why the stairs move is because we male slaves are pushing the stairs underground! "

Having said that, Chenos remembered the not-so-good memory in the original owner's memory.

In a dark, extremely narrow, and suffocating space, countless male slaves pushed the levers so heavy that they could only be pushed by tilting their bodies, and kept pushing forward. They didn't even know when they would stop. Just keep pushing.

After each stop, everyone seems to return to the world from hell.

Of course, every time a lot of people die under the escalator, and every time the people cleaned out can pile up into a hill.

The escalator was built and used at the expense of countless money and the lives of countless people, just to avoid the fatigue of walking.

Those **** dragons!

In his previous life, Chenos had also watched countless animations, and hardly any species as bad as the Tianlong people had appeared.

If such garbage is not removed from this world, it will only continue to harm more people and create more tragedies.

At this time, CP0 at the door pointed at the cage, pointed at the two people standing at the door, and said, "The man will follow him, the woman will follow him, and Chenos will follow me!"

After hearing that Chenos was asked to follow that CP0, everyone looked at Chenos with envious eyes, because they knew that Chenos was following that CP0 to practice and did not need to work!

"Be careful!"

After leaving a sentence, Chenos walked towards the CP0 with the knife.

The three of Hancock looked at each other, and followed the CP0 outside the door who was responsible for leading the female slaves and left the cage.

After the knife CP0 brought Chenos to an open space, he began to teach Chenos.

"Chenos, since you know domineering, you should understand that there are three types of domineering, armed with domineering, knowledgeable with domineering, and overlord with domineering.

The domineering arrogance of the overlord is possessed by only one person in a million people, and it is extremely rare.

Armed arrogance, as the name suggests, is to arm the qi contained in the human body on your body, so that you can pick up a white blade with your bare hands, or you can turn your fists and even your fingers into the most dangerous weapons.

Domineering, as the name suggests, is to use domineering to sense everything around you, just like seeing it with the naked eye. In this way, if you want to attack you from behind, you will also be 'seen' by you, and your self-protection ability will be greatly improved.

Now I'll teach you the simplest armed color domineering! "

Chenos began to look forward to it. He read manga and anime in his previous life and was very curious about the power system of pirates.

The knife-wielding CP0 stretched out his hand and showed it to Chenos, only to see that the hand of the knife-wielding CP0 was instantly covered with a layer of black, and then he punched the ground with little force, which easily blew the ground up.


Chenos raised his arms to cover his head, and when the smoke cleared, a hole more than half a meter deep appeared.

He stared at the knife-wielding CP0 in a stunned manner. He didn't expect that a punch that didn't seem to be very hard would actually have such a powerful force. If this punch hits his head, even if he has a devil fruit, it is estimated that his head will still be strong. Was it blown up?

Immediately, Chenos had a deeper fear of CP0 in his heart. Such a character that he had never heard of in his previous life actually had such a strong strength.

"The demonstration is over, the teaching begins!"

Chapter 8 CP0 of Pantothenic Acid

"Armed arrogance is something that everyone, even every creature, has. It is something that creatures are born with, but most people or creatures don't know how to use this energy.

You can try to open your palm and focus your attention on it. You will obviously find that your palm is starting to heat up, and this is the domineering aura that is gathering towards your palm.

And what we need to do is to feel this energy, and when you can feel more and more energy, you can start to control it to travel around you, gather and spread out! "

Chenos looked at the knife-wielding CP0 in disbelief, because this cultivation method was too rough and common, right?

It's not like what Chenos imagined, just like the internal power in the previous life, it is necessary to learn something like the eight meridians and the like, and control the internal power to travel in the body according to a specific cultivation method, in order to exert great power.

People in this world actually only control it to wander and gather after feeling the energy.

The reason is also very simple. When the energy of the armed color is aggregated in a certain part, such as the fist, when the aggregated energy is enough and dense enough, it can protect the fist from being hurt, and also allow the fist to play a bigger role. The reason for the power.

"How to make the armed color more powerful?"

"It's very simple, that is to use it constantly, as the so-called practice makes perfect, only by using it continuously can you become familiar with it, understand it, and mobilize more armed domineering in the future.

After you can mobilize the domineering of the whole body, if you want to continue to strengthen it, you need to exercise your physique. The stronger a person's physique, the stronger his domineering will be.

Your current physique is really too weak, and you still need a lot of exercise.

Well, today's teaching is over. You are practicing here. I will go to rest under the tree. If there is anything you don't understand, you can come and ask me! "

Chenos: "???"

After the knife-wielding CP0 finished speaking, he really went to rest under the tree, completely ignoring Chenos' training.

Sure enough, the person who was ordered to teach, how could he seriously teach him to learn domineering!

Chenos originally had a bit of fantasy about holding a knife CP0, hoping that the other party could teach him seriously and help him quickly master domineering. Now it seems that he still thinks too beautifully.

However, the attitude of holding the knife CP0 also made Chenos sober. Although he is a traveler, he is not the protagonist of a novel, and no one will line up to teach him martial arts and give him benefits.

Everything is up to you!

Thinking of this, Chenos began to practice seriously.

Chenos opened his palm and stared at it, but within a few seconds, he felt his palm start to heat up, it felt like someone had put a hot egg in his palm. .

This magical feeling suddenly shocked Chenos, and he focused more on his palm.

As Chenos' attention became more and more concentrated, he felt the warmth on his palms slowly spread upward from the palms, and the palms also began to change, and a small black dot began to slowly appear in the palms.

The knife-wielding CP0 who was resting with his eyes closed under the tree suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Chenos in surprise.

"So fast?"

Ordinary people begin to sense the domineering of the armed color. It will take at least ten days and a half months to enter the highly concentrated state of Chenos, and there are signs of gathering the armed color. However, Chenos has just come into contact with the armed color. The time used It only took less than half an hour, and he was still explaining twenty minutes of it.

In other words, it took Chenos only ten minutes to complete the collection of armament and domineering that others only learned in half a month.

The knife-wielding CP0 looked at Chenos with some excitement, but when the knife-wielding CP0 saw the flying dragon's hoof on Chenos' chest, he instantly seemed to have been splashed with cold water, and shook his head helplessly.

"It would be great if this child wasn't a slave of the Tianlong people. With his qualifications, he can completely enter the special training class organized by CP and become a special training member. It's a pity!"

The CP organization will not accept the entry of people with flying dragon hooves, because most people with flying dragon hooves are very hostile to Tianlong people, and their organization is to serve Tianlong people. The people of the Dragon's Hoof enter the CP organization, and they have every opportunity to kill many Tianlong people.

Therefore, no matter how talented that person is, the CP organization will not accept it.

The knife-wielding CP0 closed his eyes again and stopped paying attention to Chenos.

After a day of training, Chenos has initially mastered how to use and cultivate the domineering armament, and can cover the palm of his hand with the domineering armament.

It's just that it will take some time to apply the domineering armament color to the battle.

This also makes Chenos feel a little anxious. The environment he is in now may be arranged by Charles Rose to fight with others at any time. If he does not master some abilities, he is likely to die in battle.

"The progress is still too slow!"

The knife-wielding CP0 who was walking to the cage with Chenos rolled his eyes with sourness after hearing what Chenos said.

He has not heard of the fact that he can gather armed and domineering people in the palm of his hand in one day. He thinks that he is also a genius, otherwise he will not become the guardian of the Tianlong people, but wants to be the guardian of the Tianlong people. All of them need at least the strength of a lieutenant general.

But even he took a full month to achieve Chenos' current level.

As a result, Chenos is still too slow now?

However, jealousy did not make him change his face, but made him more interested in Chenos. He wanted to know how far Chenos could achieve, and he also wanted to know what was the difference between him and a real genius. !

So the knife-wielding CP0 basically answered all the questions he had about Chenos, and he knew everything, and he used his experience in cultivating the domineering of armed **** to make Chenos take a lot less detours.

As soon as the two asked and answered, they soon came to the cage.

After returning to the cage, Chenos immediately noticed a few whip marks on Hancock's body, and he hurriedly came to Hancock's side to inquire about the situation.

"what happened?"

Hancock covered the wound with a cloak so Chenos wouldn't see it.

"I've never worked, I'm clumsy, I accidentally smashed a plate, but fortunately I just got whipped a few times, it's not in the way!"

Chenos clenched his fists angrily, but now he can't do anything, because he is still too weak, there is no way to fight against the Dragons, and he can't even protect Hancock.

Gotta get stronger as soon as possible!

Chenos couldn't help frowning, thinking to himself, how come that murloc hasn't climbed to the Holy Land Mary Joa, when will he be able to leave this ghost place?

Chapter 9 Develop Fruit Ability

Chenos frowned as he looked at the welts on Hancock's body.

Although it is only a trauma, it is easier to recover, but the place where they are now is a cage. Here, the wound is easily infected, and once infected, it is almost equivalent to a death sentence.

Don't expect the Tianlong people to treat you, treat your wounds and the like, this is impossible, even if Hancock is the owner of the devil fruit, in the eyes of the Tianlong people, he is still a low-class person, and other people slaves make no difference.

Had to figure out a way to deal with Hancock's wound.

It's just that in the cage, there is nothing to clean up the wound at all, and even if you want to bandage it, it is difficult to find clean cloth.

How is this good?

"Chenos, I'm fine, just rest for two days, don't worry!"

It's just that Chenos ignored Hancock's words and fell into contemplation.

At this time, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he remembered the ability of one of the pirates. When he saw this scene, he was extremely shocked, and was shocked by the magic of the fruit's ability.

That man is Tyrant Bear.

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