MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 209

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However, the two are actually the same person, and the energy they use is the same, which is most suitable for rebound fruit absorption. This means that Chenos releases energy to attack the personality. After the personality absorbs the energy of Chenos, it bounces back to Chenos. , Chenos reabsorbs the energy of the personality...

As a result, a closed loop is formed, one side enters and one side exits, so that the fight will never be finished, and no one can do anything about it.

So after the battle for a long time, the two of them used all the moves that could be used, and even used the time pause, but they still couldn't help each other.

Because two people can use it, when one person is using it, the other one also uses the time pause, and the final result is that both of them enter the time world, and no one can pause the other.

In the end, both of them stopped fighting very tacitly, and stood there watching each other fall into contemplation, thinking about how to defeat each other.

All the personalities watching the battle also frowned. Chenos and the personalities have the same combat experience and the same ability, and even the energy they use is the same source, and no one can do anything about it.

They didn't expect such a scene. Although they all felt that it was very difficult to defeat the main body or other personalities, they didn't expect it to be so difficult.

"Damn it, why didn't I think that the Rebound Fruit had such a disgusting ability before, it's really hard to find a way to defeat it for a while!"

"Yeah, when we were developing before, we were desperate to strengthen our development capabilities, but now when it's our turn to face these self-developed capabilities, we really can't find any solution for a while!"

"Speed, defense, attack, skills, moves, and ultimate moves are all the same. When hitting the main body, the attack and energy are absorbed by the main body. When attacking the main body, the energy is absorbed by the main body. This... This is endless!"

"How on earth can I beat myself?"

Chenos is also distressed. Everything about these personalities is the same as him, which can't defeat each other at all!

He just stood there and pondered for a long time, but after thinking about it, he still couldn't find a way to defeat himself.

At the beginning, in order to develop the ability, of course, he was striving for perfection. He also developed the rebound fruit to have almost no shortcomings. No, it should be almost removed, because he has really failed to find his shortcomings.

"Gan, why am I so perfect, I knew it would be like this, so I left a flaw for myself!"

In the end, Chenos and Personality looked at each other, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, trying to find faults in each other, but the result was the same, that is, there was no result.

"Or... let's do this today, and then continue?"

Chapter 436 I haven't eaten reindeer meat yet. I don't know how it tastes?

Chopper was looking at Chenos on the ground at the gate of the castle, exclaiming from time to time.

"Wow, this Chenos is so powerful. From time to time, flames will emerge from his body, and vortices will appear from time to time. The most powerful thing is that the surrounding snow is so big, but there is no one in the sky above Chenos. Even the dark clouds in the sky are bypassing the sky above Chenos."

Looking at the various visions caused by Chenos, Chopper felt very magical.

However, this also made Chopper very worried about the situation of Chenos. After all, when Chenos first came, he wanted to be cured. Chopper had never seen such a strange disease as Chenos. There is no record even in the medical books, which makes Chopper unable to help Chenos if he wants to help, so he can only secretly worry in his heart.

At this time, Kureha walked out of the castle with a plate and a bottle of wine, and instructed Chopper: "Silly son, go get the table and chairs, and hurry up!"

Chopper thought that Kureha was going to treat Chenos, and hurried into the castle, moved out of the seat in less than ten seconds, and placed it beside Chenos.

Seeing Chopper's speed so fast, Kureha nodded with satisfaction.

"Doctor Dorie, are you going to start treating Chenos?"

"No, I didn't say that, only he can cure this disease!"

Chopper looked at the plate in Kureha's hand in surprise. Just now, he thought that the contents of Kureha's plate should be medicine or medical tools. Since it wasn't these, what did Doctor Dorier bring?

Looking at Chopper's curious eyes, Kureha smiled and put the plate in his hand on the table. The plate was loaded with... kebabs!

And it's still alive!

After seeing the contents on the plate, Joe Ba suddenly showed a stunned expression.

"Duo... Doctor Duo Li'er, you don't want to..."

Chopper looked at the flames emerging from Chenos, and then looked at the skewers on the plate, and the whole deer was stunned.

Cleiha nodded as a matter of course, and looked at Chopper in surprise.

"Yo, I finally learned to be smart this time. Now that I understand, why don't you hurry up and bake!"

"But... this... Chenos is still a patient, isn't that good?"

Chopper looked at Kureha with some embarrassment, then looked at Chenos, not knowing what to do for a while.

Chenos is a sick person, and now they are completely disregarding Chenos' injury and using the fire...

This is not a good idea!

And Chenos is the strongest player in the world. If he wakes up and finds that they are grilling the flames on him, he will definitely be angry, right?

Will Chenos kill them by then?

"Why do you think so much? With this skill, you have already baked it. The big deal is that when Chenos wakes up, divide him into two skewers!"

Chopper: "…"

Is this something that can be solved by splitting two strings?

Although Chopper didn't want to do this, but looking at Kureha's determined look, he could only take the skewers and go to Chenos for barbecue.

During the barbecue, Chopper's movements were very gentle, but the speed was not slow at all. He wanted to finish the barbecue quickly. As long as he could cook the barbecue before Chenos woke up, nothing would happen. .

Here, Chopper was frantically grilling, while Kureha, who was sitting on a chair and looking at the scenery, was drinking wine with a leisurely face, admiring the surrounding scenery.

The temperature of the flame on Chenos' body was extremely high, and the skewers were far apart. Before they touched the flame, they were already scorched by the scorching heat on Chenos' body.

This also made the speed of Chopper's barbecue very fast. Chopper happily looked at the few skewers left, and his face began to show a smile about to succeed.

It's just that the more people worry about what will happen, the more likely it will happen.

Just as Chopper was grilling the last few skewers, Chenos' voice suddenly rang out.

"Um~ what's this smell? Are you grilling?"

Chopper's whole body was instantly petrified, and he was frozen in place and didn't dare to move.

Dead! !

You must know that Chenos is the number one powerhouse in the world. He didn't use any abilities. Just lying on the ground, the flames emanating from his body could melt the ground.

Such a terrifying powerhouse wants to kill a deer that is only a few years old.

"That...that...we are indeed grilling skewers. Doctor Doli'er asked me to bring you a few skewers. I plan to let you eat them after you wake up!"

Chopper sweated like rain, holding the freshly grilled skewer in his hand, shaking it and handing it to Chenos!

"Oh, thank you!"

Chenos took the skewer and ate it in big gulps.

Seeing that Chenos didn't notice, Chopper breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was about to escape back to Kureha, he heard Chenos say again: "Chopper, you didn't light a fire, are you grilling?"

Chopper petrified again, and the whole person froze in place, not knowing how to answer Chenos.

At this time, Chenos looked at the ground under him that had been burned into magma, and then looked at the skewer in his hand, and suddenly understood how Chopper grilled.

He walked behind Chopper and said coldly, "Chopper, didn't you grill the flames on me?"

Chopper's sweat flowed down his head like a waterfall, and looked at Kureha with a look of help, but at this moment Kleiha was eating a kebab, drinking a sip of wine, and enjoying it, without seeing him at all. A look for help.

"That... Chenos, I..."

"By the way, I haven't eaten reindeer meat yet. I don't know how it tastes. Judging from the tenderness of your body, I think it should taste very good!"

Chopper's eyes widened and he looked at the demon-like Chenos in disbelief, flashed behind Kureha with a wow, and was so frightened that he burst into tears.

"Woooooo~ reindeer meat is not delicious, don't eat reindeer meat, bastard!!"

Kleiha put her palm on Chopper's head to reassure Chopper, rolled her eyes at Chenos and said, "He's still young, don't frighten him!

Judging from your appearance, you should have gained something, tell me? "

Chenos sat beside Kureha with a wry smile, picked up the skewer on the table and ate it.

"It can be considered a gain. I have found a way to break through the test of Ouranos, but I am also trapped. It is estimated that there is no way to crack it in a short time, hey!"

Afterwards, Chenos told Kureha about his experience in the inner world, and at the same time wanted to ask Kleiha to see if this mysterious Kureha could help him.

After Kureha heard Chenos' words, she laughed out loud.

"Of course you can't defeat these personalities with the fruit ability you have developed now. Their abilities are exactly the same as yours. To defeat them, you need to develop new abilities.

Think about it again, why the test of Uranus can help people break through to the realm of integration! "

Chapter 437 Spatial Ability Developed by Personality

Kureha's words also made Chenos' eyes light up.

That's right, since Uranus is helping people to enter the realm of integration, then it is impossible to set up an unsolvable level, and it is impossible for people to be stuck in the battle with personality.

There must be a way to break through, but I haven't noticed it yet.

Personality and I have exactly the same ability, and even the big move like time pause also has the same ability. If you want to defeat the personality, you must use a different move and ability than before. Only in this way can you attack it by surprise. Defeated the character!

But then Chenos frowned. It is not so easy to develop a new fruit ability, and it is even more difficult to develop a more powerful ability than the previous one.

When he developed the fruit ability, it can be said that he spent countless efforts and fully devoted himself to the development. After it was developed, it went through countless improvements. After testing the advantages and disadvantages in battle, the ability was finally developed. .

It can be imagined that it takes time to develop stronger capabilities than these.

And there is another point that Chenos is also very worried about, that is, the ability he has worked so hard to develop, will those personalities also know about it, will they learn it?

Even if he didn't know the characters he developed, other characters who watched the battle would definitely see the abilities he used. Their abilities were all the same. It was difficult to develop an ability, but one had to learn a ready-made one. ability is simple.

What he has to deal with now is not one personality, but a total of fifteen!

You can't develop fifteen abilities in order to deal with these personalities, right?

Even if Chenos is willing to spend time developing fifteen abilities, how can Rebound Fruit have so many abilities for him to develop now!

In other words, when the Devil Fruit is in the stage of awakening to fusion, one is difficult to develop, but once it is successfully developed, it is difficult for the remaining personalities to develop the ability to succeed in a short period of time. Only in this way can we defeat fifteen personalities in one fell swoop and achieve The realm of unity!

Thinking of this, Chenos began to think about what other abilities could be developed by the Rebound Fruit, and after it was developed, other personalities could not be successfully developed in a short period of time.

In the eyes of Kureha and Chopper, Chenos didn't eat the skewer in his hand, and just stood there in a daze.

Chopper hid behind Kleiha and secretly looked at Chenos. After observing for a while, he found that Chenos was still not moving, so he could not help asking Kleiha: "Doctor Doril, why isn't Chenos not moving? Move, are you sick again?"

Craig looked at Chenos with a relieved smile and said, "Chenos is not sick, he is just thinking, once he figured it out, then he should be invincible in this world!"

"No... invincible??"

Chopper looked at Kureha in shock, but then he felt something was wrong.

"Isn't Chenos number one in the world? Isn't world number one invincible? Why does Chenos still need to think about it before he can become invincible?"

"Hahaha, his world number one was sealed by outsiders, it's not real, but his strength is almost able to become the world number one, just a little bit, he can change the world.

I just don't know how he is different from the current invincible, and I hope he is a different person, otherwise the world will be too boring! "

After Kureha finished speaking, she looked in the direction of the sea with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Seeing Kleiha showing a rare sad look, Chopper hugged Kleiha and rubbed her head gently to soothe Kleiha's sadness.

In this way, Chenos sat on the spot and kept thinking for three days and three nights, but after thinking about countless plans, he still found nothing.

Originally, if no one bothered, Chenos would continue to think, but the personality in his body wouldn't let him think like this, dragging him into his inner world again.

After entering the inner world, Chenos looked at the personality, and asked curiously, "Did you think of a way to deal with me so quickly?"

The personality nodded with a grim smile, and attacked Chenos directly.

The personality stepped on the space with great strides, each step was very heavy, as if the space was going to be crushed.

Although I couldn't smash the space, there were ripples in the space, and as the ripples spread, the space of the entire inner world began to vibrate.

Chenos did not interrupt the attacking rhythm of the personality, nor attacked the opponent, but stood in place and carefully observed the attack of the personality. The attack launched by the personality this time is completely different from the previous one, which has not been used before. ability!

Space Capability!

Chenos laughed. The idea of ​​this personality should be the same as his previous one, that is, to develop more abilities to deal with his body.

It's just that the personality should not have heard Kureha's prompt, otherwise, the personality will not develop new abilities, but will be lost in contemplation with him.

Of course, Chenos wouldn't tell these personalities about Kureha's hint, this was the key to his victory, and even Chenos wanted to mislead these personalities to develop new fruit abilities.

After these personalities have developed their abilities, he will unceremoniously absorb them into himself, making himself stronger, and at the same time, he will have more time to think about the way to crack, and be with these people. distance.

Perhaps by the time these personalities found out that they were wrong, he had already accepted many of the abilities they developed and solved the mystery of Uranus!

At this time, the personality seemed to be ready, and he gave Chenos a wicked smile, then disappeared in the next second, and appeared on the back of Chenos in the next instant, and punched Chenos heavily. body.

Its speed was so fast that Chenos didn't react at all, and was smashed and flew out by this punch.

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